Veterans Day




Hail Soldiers!

Thank you for everything you have done for not just your Country but the World at hand. I wish to say to any and every soldier both past and present from the halls of America's Great to London's Prime, into Asia's Pride, Russia's Heart, Germany's crest and promise to rebuild, and to every Hero who has struggled in some service away from their friends and family.

Today is a day we salute you, a day that Heroes, Villains, Neuts all come together to give our special heartfelt gratitude for keeping us safe. Answering the call of duty in face of peril or hardship that you do gives least of all me the smile I need to continue on.

Again, thank you for all who have served.
Like my Grandpa.

Fancifully yours,
Fansy the Famous Bard



Nicely said.

I'd also like to raise a glass to salute all my brothers and sisters the world over that chose to stand in harm's way to protect the people and things they loved most.

And another glass in honor of the fallen. Tho it saddens me that we cannot share a drink with them on this day, I know one day we will be reunited and stand together once more against the darkness.



I'm very thankful for all the service members, current and former, in the US. I am especially appreciative of my friends and family who have served or currently serving, some of them I've met here. So thank you all.



Hubby, roommate, and fellow SG member are all vets. Military jokes abound in our group.


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