Dear Devs, can you PLEASE throw us a bone here?

Agent White



Not too sound to negative, but if the thread titles for the past week are anything to judge by, we're losing momentum. You asked us to make noise, and we did. You said that there are negotiations with NCsoft about the fate of CoH, but that has been weeks ago and nothing since, and the radio silence is quickly taking its toll on the morale.

I guess what I'm asking for is to show us that what we did, what we're doing, and what we can do is making a difference. While no news may be good news, some news, no matter how vague, would do wonders for the morale.



i think most of the news talk has moved to the titan forums since this forum is inevitably gonna be shut down at some point



I get my updates from Mercedes Lackey on the Titan Network forum.

-Alpha Wolf



what name does Mercedes Lackey go by in the Titan Network?

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Victoria Victrix.

And her last post (check out 'news?' page 18) has her saying negotiations are still ongoing.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Dear Devs, can you PLEASE throw us a bone here?
Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
I get my updates from Mercedes Lackey on the Titan Network forum.
Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Victoria Victrix: negotiations are still ongoing.
I'd say this thread qualifies as a bone with some meat on it.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
You asked us to make noise, and we did.
I think what Zwillinger said was more to the effect of, "it can't really *hurt* to make noise.*

You said that there are negotiations with NCsoft about the fate of CoH
And I think that was kind of an accident. Besides, NCSoft has shut down Paragon Studios. It is almost certainly not going to change that decision; the window for "oops, our bad" was basically Sept 1st. The best we can hope for is for it to be cut free.



Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
And I think that was kind of an accident. Besides, NCSoft has shut down Paragon Studios. It is almost certainly not going to change that decision; the window for "oops, our bad" was basically Sept 1st. The best we can hope for is for it to be cut free.
And everyone should be emotionally prepared for if the game IS cut free, THERE WILL IN ALMOST ALL LIKELIHOOD be a period where all the servers are switched off. Beyond that, they may even need to be re-established and consolidated. If the game survives this gambit, things will change. So be ready for that. (And use the Sentinel tool to back up what you love as much as you can!)



Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
I get my updates from Mercedes Lackey on the Titan Network forum.

-Alpha Wolf

Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.

To the OP: there are no more "Devs" left; officially, nobody is developing anything CoH related anymore.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.

To the OP: there are no more "Devs" left; officially, nobody is developing anything CoH related anymore.


Give this a little more time guys. I know it's hard as hell waiting right now. But this isn't a done deal until the former Paragon devs come back and tell you "Yeah. We tried. Didn't happen. Sorry."

Negotiations are still ongoing. The situation only LOOK bleak because they aren't in a position to talk with the community about anything yet. We still have a couple months here.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Negotiations are still ongoing. The situation only LOOK bleak because they aren't in a position to talk with the community about anything yet. We still have a couple months here.
Heh. This community as a whole has never done well with dev silence!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.
When a respected author drops her own name publicly and starts name-dropping Paragon's head honcho publicly, some of us might tend to give her a lot more credence than your usual internet rumor-mongering chucklehead.

As it is, she says they're 'negotiating'. Negotiating for what exactly, we don't know, but it can't hurt to keep a hopeful thought or two that way.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best

Uhm...didn't you just describe the entirety of coh population....including the devs? O.o



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.
You just love pissing in the Cheerios, don't you?



Originally Posted by LadyPhoenix View Post
Uhm...didn't you just describe the entirety of coh population....including the devs? O.o



Is -that- what happened to my breakfast!? O.o



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post



Do not despair, fair Heroes of the Good Team!

Just because one sees an imaginary world in full detail doesn't mean reality has been lost sight of! Or maybe you've just been swayed to the evil side of life, and if so then I have just the friends for you to meet..

Negotiations are like peace talks between the Good Team and the Evil Doers. It takes a little giving on both sides and sometimes can take forever because of the bad guy's always being stubborn but in the end the Good Guys always come out victorious!

Cheer up! We'll see this through together!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
You just love pissing in the Cheerios, don't you?
I take no joy in the game having been ripped away from all of us. I would like nothing more than for someone to press the 'undo' button.

But I'm not going to put my faith in information that's coming second hand about vague negotiations that may or may not have anything to do with saving the game, let alone with no word on how they're going and if they'll turn out to be fruitful or not.

Especially since, given the track record, NCSoft would rather let their IP rot than let someone else at it.

There's also the fact that the game shutting down is inevitable. It was getting long in the tooth. Given my druthers, I'd rather CoH end on a semi-high point with some dignity than be driven into the ground or have it bleed dry. Honestly if the choice was down to getting this game a reprieve of a few years just for it to be shut down again or clearing the decks to allow a proper successor, spiritual or otherwise, I'd be leaning towards the latter option.

So to me, it really depends on what they're negotiating for and why. Do they plan to just leave the servers on and prop the game up 'Weekend at Bernie's' style? That would be a horrible fate for the game IMO. Some may want to return to the status quo, no matter how fleeting. That's just not sensible. We need to think long term.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I take no joy in the game having been ripped away from all of us. I would like nothing more than for someone to press the 'undo' button.

But I'm not going to put my faith in information that's coming second hand about vague negotiations that may or may not have anything to do with saving the game, let alone with no word on how they're going and if they'll turn out to be fruitful or not.
That's nice you have an opinion and all, but coming in on threads about stirring hope and happiness and being a general Debbie Downer just makes people dislike and ignore you.

Social skills, brother. You don't have them.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That's nice you have an opinion and all, but coming in on threads about stirring hope and happiness and being a general Debbie Downer just makes people dislike and ignore you.

Social skills, brother. You don't have them.
Well, when you can't complain about mythological tanks that never existed, what else are you going to do?

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
That's nice you have an opinion and all, but coming in on threads about stirring hope and happiness and being a general Debbie Downer just makes people dislike and ignore you.
There's plenty of reason to be happy and to have hope. We should be happy CoH had such a good run. Eight years for a MMO is amazing. It knocked down two younger potential competitors effortlessly and the developers maintained an enviable level of support and commitment even in the bad times. We should have hope because no matter what, life after CoH goes on. One chapter ending just means another begins. Maybe the former CoH developers will reform to give the super hero MMO another shot. Maybe members of the community will. Maybe someone else entirely.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Having your news depend on someone who's job it is to imagine fantastical stories doesn't strike me as the best idea.
I understand not wanting to rely on a 2nd hand source for info, but I don't see how her profession should be an issue. Authors are inherently untrustworthy? Really?



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I take no joy in the game having been ripped away from all of us. I would like nothing more than for someone to press the 'undo' button.

But I'm not going to put my faith in information that's coming second hand about vague negotiations that may or may not have anything to do with saving the game, let alone with no word on how they're going and if they'll turn out to be fruitful or not.

Especially since, given the track record, NCSoft would rather let their IP rot than let someone else at it.

There's also the fact that the game shutting down is inevitable. It was getting long in the tooth. Given my druthers, I'd rather CoH end on a semi-high point with some dignity than be driven into the ground or have it bleed dry. Honestly if the choice was down to getting this game a reprieve of a few years just for it to be shut down again or clearing the decks to allow a proper successor, spiritual or otherwise, I'd be leaning towards the latter option.

So to me, it really depends on what they're negotiating for and why. Do they plan to just leave the servers on and prop the game up 'Weekend at Bernie's' style? That would be a horrible fate for the game IMO. Some may want to return to the status quo, no matter how fleeting. That's just not sensible. We need to think long term.

Johnny, I've backed you on a lot of stuff. Now I'm going to advise you as a fellow tank.

As a tank, nothing has every stopped you from running into a mob, holding a team of unlikely heroes together, or pulling that one last victory out when the fit hits the shan. As a tank, you never say to your team "I don't think we can do this." As a tank, you do not stop, you do not lay down, and you do not die. You continue on because that is what's right. As a tank you are looked up to as inspiration, as hope, and as that bit of childlike wonder we all lose at some point or another. And finally, as a tank, you know there are times where you don't voice your opinion, you simply roll up your sleeves and get back to work doing whatever will help the team succeed in whatever endeavor is being attempted.

This is one of those times, figure out how to help the team, aggro more (more letters and capes and masks), give words of encouragement (your posts on the board), or invite more to the team (bang the doors on news sites). But do not forget that you are a tank and you are not allowed to fall into a state of doom, gloom, or giving up. You have to be a leader and you have to be an example. You have to be the one that when you join the team for the battle it echoes across chat from teammates, "It's ok, we got a tank."



Originally Posted by Profit View Post
But do not forget that you are a tank and you are not allowed to fall into a state of doom, gloom, or giving up. You have to be a leader and you have to be an example. You have to be the one that when you join the team for the battle it echoes across chat from teammates, "It's ok, we got a tank."
As team leader, I'm saying this mission is bugged and not completable. We all filed bug reports, so let's go see about putting a group together to run the new TF.
