Agent White

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  1. Agent White

    Wreck It Ralph

    I thought it was a lot of fun, very sweet and endearing. I wasn't expecting so many candy jokes, I think they outnumbered the gamer jokes by the last half of the movie, but it didn't really detract from it. Was kind of hoping it'd be a lil gamery-er, but still loved it to pieces.

    And Paperman was <3 <3 <3
  2. Or just go to Recluse's Victory and run to the ruins of the Atlas Statue. Should ping you an exploration badge and give you the secret. -any- of the exploration badges in zone will give you the Ouro badge.

    Or just have someone drop a portal for you and either do one of the missions or hit up the exploration badge at the tip top of Ouroboros to get it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    I wouldn't exactly say the story was great, but I thought the characters and dialogue were quite amusing. I found Handsome Jack to be a hilarious jerk who I looked forward to smiting throughout the game.
    It turned out much better than I expected, honestly. The first one had basically a framework of a story just to give you an excuse to shoot things and get loot. This one actually gives a narrative and gives you some characters you actually care about. Fleshing out the first game's vault hunters was a big treat.

    And yes, it was extremely satisfying at the end.
  4. I liked it. It was like Pushing Daisies meets Addams Family. Maybe not the right direction for fans of the old show? But I felt it was a nice update and yah, I'll add it is kind of a shame it didn't get picked up, I think it would've been at least a season or two.
  5. I thought the story for Borderlands 2 was fantastic >> Loved Handsome Jack as a villain
  6. Are you seriously wasting our time arguing about this? Even if they're wrong about the whole Garriot thing, there are still plenty of other credible, and on record, mistakes and two faced deals on NCSoft's part that have already been mentioned. Who cares if the Garriott thing isn't entirely correct.
  7. Hmmm yeah, could be good, could be a flop.
  8. Yeah. That's what was missing.

    Damnit now I'm crying again.
  9. I thought they were 'The Dimensionless'
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    The Khalisti Wharf content would be Cimerora taken to the next level and then some. From what I'd seen, it was some of the most compelling alignment content ever.
    Quite a shame then. Looks like it would've been a very good zone.

    Any idea what the level range would've been? Seems like a sub-50 zone.

    What did the content involve? like, villain groups. That usually gives a small clue into level range.
  11. Really nice looking zone. Props to the design team as usual. Total shame it won't see the light of day. Curious what would've gone on there.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    The more I think about it, the more likely I find that might be the case; that NCSoft probably shopped the game around for quite a long time before they announced the shutdown decision. It just makes sense.
    If it makes sense, it likely is not what happened.
  13. Agent White

    It's Over

    It's been over. It was over in August. We were just hoping something might come through in the end, which it still can. This really doesn't change anything, people are still going to try what they can and the game is still shutting down Nov 30, just like it was Sept 1.

    Just have to wait and see and enjoy the time we have left.
  14. No they're really just taking the time to rig up the nuke and the timer so when Nov 30 hits no one has to press 'the button', the colo facility is just wiped from the planet disguised as a gas line explosion and NCSoft collects all the insurance on their tech, which will be used to fund their next plot.
  15. From my experience a lot of the SFs are pretty decent, not a ton of pain in the *** filler missions (though, some -can- drag a lil bit) with a good variety in missions and the story isn't bad.

    That's pretty much the only reason to 'go grey' though. The alignment power isn't worth it and reward merits don't equate, at all, to Alignment merits. It's a crying shame that the I24 'grey arcs' never made it into the game.
  16. pretty much as big as sharkhead itself if the lore is to be believed
  17. What did the Battalion look like?! They can't show us art but even a description would be nice.
  18. Yyyyeah, I can really see some NCSoft PR employee whose sole job is to keep tabs on any franchise the company owns/owned seeing the strip and running in to tell the president


    "Oh thank gods." *flips the switch to nuke the servers from orbit*

  19. While people did nitpick Kurtz, he got his panties twisted up waaay too much over it and drama bombed when a lot of people were being pretty reasonable. And who takes a few trolls to comprise a whole community?

    Still, exposure! Good stuff.
  20. Actually the angels send you back as far as you would have left to live. They 'eat' the potential of your life. So if you're 56 and you would've lived to 59 they would only send you back 3 years. But if you're like 5 and would've lived to 55, you get shot back 50 years. The eat up what would have been the rest of your life.

    So, given Amy and Rory were already 20 something, maybe closer to/past 30 at this point? They got sent backward only about 50-60 years and not the full 80 some years, meaning they dropped past the world wars.

    There are ways to justify it, sure, but it still just boils down to 'it happened because I said so'. I mean if we want an actual reason for it we pretty much have to come up with our own.

    Plus even if they managed to make it that far back, Amy knows Winston Churchill and knows he can call the Doctor directly. Like there's just way too many holes in the whole "They're lost to the Doctor forever" idea. It just shouldn't have been compressed into the last 5 minutes of the episode :P
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Who said they never left New York after they were sent back?
    The headstones in the New York graveyard were a good tip off. It's feasible they wandered, but they came back to New York to die. But given how he's written the angels, when they send you back people just.. stay there for no good reason other than plot convenience. Because they 'can't change the timeline once it's written'.

    It's just unfortunate, moffat has shown he's capable of writing better time travel fiction.

    Frankly, I'm curious what he did to the angel >>
  22. Yeah Donatello & April got a great big Ew from me.
  23. What I want to know is: Why would they stay in new york? They're time travelers and used to being displaced and adventuring. What's this fatalism with "Well the Angels sent me back. I guess I'll just sit down and live myself to death".

    As I said, just sloppy. It was too sudden and there's like a million caveats that most people could probably figure a way around. instead, it's the actors are leaving so we get a slapshod "This happened. We just have to accept it, be sad, and move on. Look, shiny new companion!"

    It really made me think of the X-mas episode with a similar dark depressing ending.