Teenage Mutant Nickelodeon Turtles
Awesome! Thanks for the info.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 7. Mostly because at Comic-Con it was stated that this was more of an homage to the 80's Wolfman TMNT series vs the comic series. Heck they even have one of the 80s TMNT voice actors playing one of the Turtle's Voice. Donatello's VA did the voice to Raphael in the 80s series. If any it could do without the anime cliche's. The Teen Titan series did the same thing when it first started, and eventually it was either reduced or dropped and I'm hoping for the same thing with this series. So far the vibe I get with this one is a 'Year One' approach to the TMNT mythos. Past TMNT series had each Turtle already established in their roles. With this one you get to how they grow into that role vs. it being established from the get go. Will probably give it a few more episodes just to see how it goes.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Yeah Donatello & April got a great big Ew from me.
So I caught this premier.
Walked away feeling better about it than I did when the 2003 series first showed up.
The tone of it is lighter than the 2003 series, but darker than the cheesiest episodes of the '87 series. The show is semi-self aware and the writers already play with people's expectations; there's a lot of trope being played with and plenty of lampshade hanging.
These are a younger acting, less experienced incarnation of the turtles. The first episode is their first time going top-side. They're aren't perfect fighters or a well-oiled machine yet.
Personality-wise, the turtles are pretty much how you'd expect with some slight variations.
Leo is less experienced as a leader and takes his cues from an animated Captain Kirk look-alike on a TV show he's a fan of. Right down to the corny speeches because that's what he thinks a leader does.
Raphael still has anger issues, but will a lot less angst so far. It's more he enjoys fighting a little too much and is very much the impulsive one. His rivalry with Leo is there and seems more friendly than adversarial compared to other incarnations.
Donatello still 'does machines' but he's got a little bit of a swelled head about it. He's poised to be the breakout character, IMO.
Michelangelo is the team's Pinky Pie. That is all.
Splinter, like the '87 series, started off as human. Personality wise, he still about the same if not a little less uptight. He treats the turtles less as students/soldiers he's training and more as his kids.
April is 16, seems sufficiently spunky but doesn't get a heck of a lot of character development in the first couple episodes. They're already ship-teasing her with Donatello.
Shredder appears to be human this time, still leading an organized crime operation called the Foot and so far looks to be completely unassociated with aliens or science fiction elements.
A nice mix of classic turtles and some new twists in a lighter setting. As a fan since the '87 series, I give this series a thumbs up so far.