Dear Devs, can you PLEASE throw us a bone here?

Agent White



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Sure, Im sure TonyV thinks it's nice to be surrounded by people that would agree to everything he says or do and basically wordship him, and yes they might create another game. But how far can a game go on a community only about 10-20% of the size of this community, and in the log run how long will it last if it's a game only made for and by TonyV and his inner circle?
The thing is, it's not TonyV doing and saying this stuff at all. If anything, things are getting away from him while his attention and efforts are elsewhere. To be sure, if there are people 'infiltrating' Titan Network to co-opt its efforts who will ultimately result in undermining efforts to save the game, they're the ones ranting that anyone who doesn't drink the kool-aid are part of a secret plot by NCSoft or their PR firm.




First Mercedes Lackey is accused of being a liar on the basis that she writes fiction for a living. Then she's called a liar because she made a mistake and confused revenue with profit.

Really, I don't expect anyone to accept a 2nd hand source as gospel. Until we have something more concrete, we should take everything with a grain of salt. But I don't understand the need to make personal attacks on someone who's gone out of her way to support our cause--and I don't care if it's a famous author or just someone ordinary Joe who wants to try to help. If it were me and I saw some of the things said in this thread, I'd say "screw you guys, I'm out of here."



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The thing is, it's not TonyV doing and saying this stuff at all. If anything, things are getting away from him while his attention and efforts are elsewhere. To be sure, if there are people 'infiltrating' Titan Network to co-opt its efforts who will ultimately result in undermining efforts to save the game, they're the ones ranting that anyone who doesn't drink the kool-aid are part of a secret plot by NCSoft or their PR firm.
I ... I agree 100% with a Johnny_Butane post.

It truly is the apocalypse.

Edit: And I laughed out loud at actual steam valve. You're a pretty funny guy when you're not worried about Tankers. :P



First Mercedes Lackey is probably the most "famous" member of our community who has outed herself. And as much work TonyV has done I'm pretty sure that even with the proper introductions, NCSoft would only politely listen to Tony and then promptly forget about him. Retweets are cheap, sorry Felicia Day, Neil Gammon, Sean Astin, thank you for spreading the word but ML actually offered her name to NCSoft to get their attention.

I'm willing to give Ms Lackey my full support in this endeavor. I want someone to step up and buy the game. Yes her posts may contain inaccuracies but she's an author who decided to take up this challenge and we are a bunch of people who are willing to dig through quarterly reports and several year old game closing announcements to point them out, which does nothing to move "the talks" forward.

The reason I post about the financials and projected subscription numbers is solely keep the exaggerated rumors about the success of this game grounded in some semblance of reality. Even if those rumors started or is repeated from one of Ms Lackey's posts.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
3. Someone else entirely develops a new superhero MMO, all the devs find great new jobs, some of them with this studio. Valve swindles NCSoft in a buyout deal and NCSoft finds themselves having paid billions for an actual steam valve. NCSoft upper management take the honorable exit. The end!

....I would be alright with that option happening. I would be very okay with it.

My circle is more like an egg. . .a handicapped egg. - A math professor



It's pretty simple. Some people feel like other people are behaving like jerks. Everyone has different definitions, preferences, tolerances and expectations of what exactly being and/or acting-like a jerk is.

I really don't know how I come off on these forums or where people on any side of a debate want to place me, but yeah, I do look at the situation and prefer the spreading of positivity. Not blind optimism or anything like that. However, I also feel like a lot of the negativity I see some people nearly constantly posting is rather lousy, uncalled for and, in most cases, unhelpful and/or detrimental.
Detrimental to the chances of the game being saved (this is the lesser possibility in my opinion, but it still can impact it, no doubt), detrimental to the community overall (who wants to hear someone constantly spewing negativity? And who is the negativity directed at? Is it just to make yourself feel better? So is passing gas, but it's preferred if you move away first, please!) and detrimental to other people trying to deal with their own feelings and issues regarding losing this pastime, game and the community (we know some people have an enormous personal investment in all of this. I'm not going to judge them harshly for it... normal people work every day and then sit in front of the tv before passing out... People all over the place are heavily dependent on silly pastimes... and some people are in far worse situations, through no fault of their own, where their pastimes become much more meaningful and important and I'll gladly try and help them keep this game).

Heh, I imagine that some of the more negative-minded people would think me some follower-sheep or some sheltered, self-appointed adjudicator of morality... And that is rather humorous to me and to those who know me, but... Hey, it's worth the laugh. And, yeah, I've never been one to hold my tongue and it's not always pretty or positive, but I damn well have respect for overall situations and other people's concerns and I can't simply coldly look at this current situation and say, "Nyah... I'll post every day about my negative feelings regarding x, y or z... deal with it, forum fops!".
Nah, I'm just doing what I generally have always done around here... I crack jokes, I speak positively about what I believe is good and I try and confront untruths, rudeness and help anyone in the many small ways that people sometimes are looking for.

What does all this mean?
Carry on. Pat me on the back, kick me in the ***, ignore me, disagree with me... whatever.
Just don't misplace my speaking out against your negativity as anything more than this guy disagreeing with your approach.
And, as others have said... it's not the dissenting message or simple disagreement! Please! We'd all be completely ####'d (and I'd be bored out of my mind) if everyone happily agreed with everyone, hehe.
Most often, it's the manner in which it is expressed. Unfortunately (and I say this with zero maliciousness), most often, the people who express themselves in those ways, truly don't realize that the way they express themselves is seen as negatively as it is by most people.
So, what the hell can ya do about that?

So, yeah... let's all disagree where we disagree... But let's all just have some ####ing fun, eh? Sound good?

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Guys, I'm right here...
'Sup Tony?
Greatest rock bands ever? Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors

By the way, anyone who disagrees is totally a troll.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
'Sup Tony?
Greatest rock bands ever? Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors

By the way, anyone who disagrees is totally a troll.
Damn... where's the Jimi Hendrix Experience in there?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

'Sup Tony?
Greatest rock bands ever? Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors

By the way, anyone who disagrees is totally a troll.
Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Damn... where's the Jimi Hendrix Experience in there?
Triple Posting Troll!!!!!!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Kind of sound like what Titan Network is trying to do. Like they are trying to create an image that they are god's given savior to this community and only hope while anyone else that dont agree with their methods, opinions, rumors, theories, and etc. in every detail is against them in every manner and should not be considered a valid part of this community. ...Only under the thinly guise of "they are here for the effort of everyone." when actually it seems he only doing it for himself and his close friends. Yet I might just be totally off, but that is the way it seems thus far.
Yeah, you are totally off.

Delusional with a persecution complex comes to mind, too.

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Originally Posted by Black Zot View Post
"Surely THIS must be the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!"

*checks watch*
So I guess "three weeks" is the point where the caged rats go psychotic and start chewing on each other, for lack of updates or food or anything else to distract or direct them.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
"Surely THIS must be the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!"

*checks watch*
So I guess "three weeks" is the point where the caged rats go psychotic and start chewing on each other, for lack of updates or food or anything else to distract or direct them.
I'm just here to do two things...
Chew bubble gum and help keep things nice...

No, three things...

Chew bubble gum, help keep things nice and crack jokes...

No, two things...
I'm all out of bubble gum.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



*throws E-K a new pack of gum*




Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
*checks watch*
So I guess "three weeks" is the point where the caged rats go psychotic and start chewing on each other, for lack of updates or food or anything else to distract or direct them.
You know, this makes the whole agent provocateur thing make more sense now....



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
It's pretty simple. Some people feel like other people are behaving like jerks. Everyone has different definitions, preferences, tolerances and expectations of what exactly being and/or acting-like a jerk is.

I really don't know how I come off on these forums or where people on any side of a debate want to place me, but yeah, I do look at the situation and prefer the spreading of positivity. Not blind optimism or anything like that. However, I also feel like a lot of the negativity I see some people nearly constantly posting is rather lousy, uncalled for and, in most cases, unhelpful and/or detrimental.
Detrimental to the chances of the game being saved (this is the lesser possibility in my opinion, but it still can impact it, no doubt), detrimental to the community overall (who wants to hear someone constantly spewing negativity? And who is the negativity directed at? Is it just to make yourself feel better? So is passing gas, but it's preferred if you move away first, please!) and detrimental to other people trying to deal with their own feelings and issues regarding losing this pastime, game and the community (we know some people have an enormous personal investment in all of this. I'm not going to judge them harshly for it... normal people work every day and then sit in front of the tv before passing out... People all over the place are heavily dependent on silly pastimes... and some people are in far worse situations, through no fault of their own, where their pastimes become much more meaningful and important and I'll gladly try and help them keep this game).

Heh, I imagine that some of the more negative-minded people would think me some follower-sheep or some sheltered, self-appointed adjudicator of morality... And that is rather humorous to me and to those who know me, but... Hey, it's worth the laugh. And, yeah, I've never been one to hold my tongue and it's not always pretty or positive, but I damn well have respect for overall situations and other people's concerns and I can't simply coldly look at this current situation and say, "Nyah... I'll post every day about my negative feelings regarding x, y or z... deal with it, forum fops!".
Nah, I'm just doing what I generally have always done around here... I crack jokes, I speak positively about what I believe is good and I try and confront untruths, rudeness and help anyone in the many small ways that people sometimes are looking for.

What does all this mean?
Carry on. Pat me on the back, kick me in the ***, ignore me, disagree with me... whatever.
Just don't misplace my speaking out against your negativity as anything more than this guy disagreeing with your approach.
And, as others have said... it's not the dissenting message or simple disagreement! Please! We'd all be completely ####'d (and I'd be bored out of my mind) if everyone happily agreed with everyone, hehe.
Most often, it's the manner in which it is expressed. Unfortunately (and I say this with zero maliciousness), most often, the people who express themselves in those ways, truly don't realize that the way they express themselves is seen as negatively as it is by most people.
So, what the hell can ya do about that?

So, yeah... let's all disagree where we disagree... But let's all just have some ####ing fun, eh? Sound good?

'Sup Tony?
Greatest rock bands ever? Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Doors

By the way, anyone who disagrees is totally a troll.
Nah I think you just speak your own mind and what's on it and what you see. Nothing wrong with that in my view.

I would love to just agree to disagree and get it done and have some fun.

And I think this is why I prefer face to face talk. When online, there is too much guessing. one negative makes the whole thing seem overly negative, even though if spoken face to face, it would only seem like, "Hm ok, this guy didnt have a good time." Here its "ZOMG!!! YOU TROLLL!!!" even with the same words.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yeah, you are totally off.

Delusional with a persecution complex comes to mind, too.
Ok, if that is what you think.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Guys, I'm right here...
And any minute now you're going to start oppressing everyone who doesn't agree with you. . .



two kinds of people in this thread.

the first is like myself and johnny...once the game shuts down we'll both be sad its gone but be able to move on with no issues

the 2nd is the rest of you....completely f*cked



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
I still like the fact that Captain Electric hasn't been able to refute my statements concerning ML and that she has been incorrect in the past (or unable to back up her statements), which is why I am unable to believe her in general.
OMG! We don't *CARE* if you believe her.
I don't care if you plan to vote for Romney or Obama, either.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
OMG! We don't *CARE* if you believe her.
I don't care if you plan to vote for Romney or Obama, either.
*points at his own user name*


Yeah... right.

What makes you think I follow your politics?



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Well, NCSoft's mods are gone, Zwill's rode off into the sunset, and the rest of the rednames are poking in when they can. So its pretty much open season on the forums now.
Well then, I think it's time to start comparing people to Hitler.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project






Why do I suddenly have the feeling that City of Heroes was never actually a game, but a carefully orchestrated, long-term social experiment, to see what happens if you foster a community for several years, then suddenly shut off the unifying factor, and remove all moderation from the forum?

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
Why do I suddenly have the feeling that City of Heroes was never actually a game, but a carefully orchestrated, long-term social experiment, to see what happens if you foster a community for several years, then suddenly shut off the unifying factor, and remove all moderation from the forum?
Indeed... it would explain a lot of things (Golden Girl for one )

*edit* And what are you doing up so late Shadowe? Surely you have work tomorrow...