Father Xmas

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    In a crowd shot like that you wouldn't be able to see the names in the 3 point font either.

    Case in point (from above):
    Welcome to image size limits in Photobucket, the original is more readable.
  2. Ironic how it's available just before the game's apocalypse.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    So NCsoft is punishing us because we aren't raging misogynists?

    Lesson learned.
    No, just an example of radical cultural differences. Or it might just have been him.

    Except it wasn't that unusual according to our product's marketing/training point person. She told us that when she still gave sales demos in the Asian region, she would have to bring a male underling along because while the customer would accept a presentation from a woman, they would only ask questions to and listen to answers from a man. They assume a woman is just a pretty face that's only able to operate a scripted PowerPoint presentation and actually not knowledgeable about enough about the product to answer questions.

    Again this was in the mid to late 90s, 15 odd years ago. Maybe the general culture in a gaming company in Korea today is different.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Little known fact: the images have the character names embedded in the image tags. This is automatically generated by the game.
    True but in a crowd shot like that, matching characters to names can be a little difficult.
  5. Well it may be a valid point from a Korean's POV.

    Worked with a visiting Korean back in the 90s and he absoluted detested, and made no attempt to hide the fact, that he had to report to a woman and follow her instructions here (he was doing a language and interface port of our product). He also wasn't overly fond of any of the female developers either. Or how the male developers seemingly accepted working with women who were considered their equals or superiors.

    Again this goes back the the culture clash mentioned at that glassdoor site. A strick one directional hierarchy may be the norm, where the orders come down from above (Korea), there is no discussion and any feedback is looked at (by Korea) as openly challenging your superiors.
  6. Here's a few pictures

    First Black Pebble

    Dog with a jet pack on it's bum. That's so wrong. This is when he wasn't being unconventional.

    Don't really have any pictures of the event itself, it was a tad chaotic but I did take a few pictures after the event.

    I tried to take a few pics with the UI on to get everyone's names

    But someone ... granted everyone all the badges which stuck me with a seemingly endless series of dialog boxes and reward notifications just when I was trying to take these pictures. Nice idea, just bad timing

    I think sometime during this, between clearing all those dialogs and trying a demorecord and doing screenshots, I ended up charging right at Michelle/Samuraiko/Dark_Respite. Sorry lass.
  7. Ask Titan nicely to make a Culture board.
  8. Sorry I charged at you Michelle, was trying to turn on the demorecord and slipped out of chat mode and well R is run ... plus I had the camera all turned about to look at the group so left was right, right was left ... and so I Leroy Jenkins at you.
  9. Someone released a Pony patch for World of Tanks that replaces the random battle dialog with MLP ones. Video of it during play is found here
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
    Yeah, for most of my time with this game, the Comic Culture forum was my home. I may have had disagreements with many of you -- and by 'you', I mean posters here, posters elsewhere, devs and passersby -- but it was a privilege to be included in your conversations.
    And I enjoy the story concept behind your web comic. I bet some would question your artistic talent but it's better than mine and I've always found a good story trumps art or production values when it comes to TV and movies.
  11. Father Xmas

    Access to Beta

    They opened the Beta to all shortly after the closing announcement. There's a guide on how to quickly install the beta (scroll down to the Installing Beta section) and you can copy characters to it with the Character Copy Tool.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Scorpion View Post
    Black Pebble asked me what your shirt meant - and I realized I went to the same university. Small world.

    I'm going to miss it too.
    Cool. Bet the ratio was better when you went then when I did.

    Fortunately I was able to get a single room in BARH for my last 3 years which at the time was one of the few coed dorms. And as the enrollment of women improved, it was always stock with an every increasing supply of Freshmen women to the point that they had to triple them up to make them all fit in my Junior and more so my Senior year.

    It was a lot further away than most of the dorms to the main campus but it was also one of the few places where the ratio was almost normal. Plus the integrated dining hall meant that PJ's and bathrobes quickly became standard breakfast dress and this was decades before pajama pants became acceptable casual day wear.

    Nothing breaks the social ice quicker than frumpy bathrobes and a bad case of bed head. Unless you were a prude. Of course MASH was still on and was insanely popular so the "Hawkeye" look wasn't all that groundbreaking.
  13. I was hoping for even a little Doctor Who in-joke like her other aliases. Oh well.
  14. Well I/O shows reflect hard drive requests and it's ilk like having your AV program scanning the data as it's being read. Also since the gauges auto scale having the gauge max out isn't all that informative. Is the overall system I/O chart or did you do a properties on the cityofheroes.exe file and look at it's graphs on I/O?

    It's possible that the game's files are on a spot of the drive that is temperamental and requires retries or the AV program is getting choked up and the game crashes because the whatever it's trying to get isn't available in a reasonable period of time and it doesn't know how to handle it. If you were only looking at the system chart then maybe some other task is tying up I/O and again the game doesn't know how to handle it well.
  15. And you are still under the misnomer that the games population was 150,000. Before Freedom the subscription base couldn't be higher than about half that number. Since Freedom didn't do much of anything beyond the first quarter after it was implemented in the terms of revenue, it didn't really matter if the population was 150,000 if half of them weren't spending any money at all on a regular basis.
  16. Warning, sappy nostalgia ahead. The first of several goodbye posts.

    Over the years I found myself spending more and more of my time on the forum here, this particular board, chatting about anything from movies to TV to anime to novels from science fiction to fantasy to zombies and everything in between. Oh and comics.

    I hadn't had such a place to immerse myself in since I graduated from college back in the mid 1980s. I went to a college that was primarily science and engineering with a smattering of architects and hockey players. It was nerd/geek central. For instance, this is considered to be a clever school T-shirt.

    Go Engineers! (Emulsify them! Emulsify them! Spread them into a thin film over the playing surface!)

    Still you could find a spectrum of nerd/geekness from passable normal to what would be called a Sheldon today. I tended to echo locate others of my ilk by shouting NEE! loudly into the dorm hall and listen for the replies. I knew a girl two years below me who kept all her clothes in a footlocker because she used her closet to hold all the Science Fiction and graphic novels. She was an old old school Batman fan, hated the 60s TV show for ruining Batman. She also introduced me to Camelot 3000, A Distant Soil, Elf Quest and graphic novels in general. She also introduced me to Dune. There was another girl who was in my class that was a big Heinlein fan, I never read Heinlein before then. And another girl, this one from Hawaii, introduced me to Johnny Soko and his Flying Robot and some cartoon show called Starblazers. Other people introduced me to Doctor Who and Blake 7. I found still others that love Kaiju and Tokusatsu films of the 70s as much as I did. Gerry Anderson fans, Trekies, video gamers were all present in enough numbers to strike up a conversation at any time in any room full of people. Name that Star Trek episode in 5 seconds or less was a popular past time when it was projected on the big screen down at our student union. We only had the original series to worry about so it wasn't that hard. Yea, we were a school of serious geeks and nerds.

    As I find myself getting older and older, I also find myself increasingly surrounded by people who are the polar opposite in likes and taste to those I knew in college. While I still keep in contact with a few college friends, it's not the same as seeing them daily 9 months out of the year. It's tough to talk about all the new stuff in an hour phone call every month or three. But here, here it felt like being back there again. A simpler time of AD&D and Starfleet Battles. Of Atari 800s, TI 99/4A, CoCos and Sinclares. Of Tempest, Battlezone and SubRock 3D.

    If anyone knows of another place where I can go and chat about such an eclectic list of off topics please chime in. I know I going to go into withdrawal Saturday.

    And for those who might have wondered where the quote in my sig, Tempus unum hominem manet, Time waits for one man, is from? It's from the 1962 Science Fiction novel and 1980 TV movie, The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything. Sadly Google now points that phrase to my forum posts, well at least until Saturday morning my time.
  17. You so need to post pics over on Titan if it ever snows there before Christmas and you build some snowmen around them.
  18. Thanks, I should be there in my Father Xmas persona.
  19. Father Xmas

    Lessons from CoH

    Yet another gaming site I hadn't heard of before, I think Australia based, has a parting article about CoH. It showed they hadn't played much or in a while or blue side.

    Ten lessons that other MMO developers must learn from the death of City of Heroes
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
    Looks like some former and current employees has left some real steamers


    The to be a reoccurring theme here.
    Not that many comments after the announcement and most of those are Austin or Seattle based and center around two themes; too much control and bureaucracy from Korea and a lack of cultural understanding about the western game market and play style.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    Already posted Here
    I thought that was just wishful thinking and not a serious Titan effort. I still think that with their one, soon to be two, Marvel MMO(s) that they would want ours seems somewhat doubtful. But I enjoy a good Hail Mary play, I'm in.
  22. Is your event Wednesday for Incarnate only?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I don't recall this knee-jerk panic reaction in the pre-WoW era.
    There were a lot fewer places to switch to back then. You are going to switch from Evercrack to what? UO? Runequest?
  24. The previews of next week shows she has a very soft side. Sadly you might just lose that next week as well.