Internet Troll blames CoH closure on PS arrogance to NCSoft




Saw this post on the SW:TOR forums and the absurdity of it made me laugh.



So much wrong with this.

It's decided. I'm limiting my time reading stuff like this and actually play the game.





but hey that is their opinion and way of looking at it.

Kind of find it funny the person in the quote talk about doomies but exhibit the same behavir towards that forum and game it seems. And the way it looks, it wasnt on topic. I wonder who was actually trolling who in that situation.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Well it may be a valid point from a Korean's POV.

Worked with a visiting Korean back in the 90s and he absoluted detested, and made no attempt to hide the fact, that he had to report to a woman and follow her instructions here (he was doing a language and interface port of our product). He also wasn't overly fond of any of the female developers either. Or how the male developers seemingly accepted working with women who were considered their equals or superiors.

Again this goes back the the culture clash mentioned at that glassdoor site. A strick one directional hierarchy may be the norm, where the orders come down from above (Korea), there is no discussion and any feedback is looked at (by Korea) as openly challenging your superiors.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



While that is plausible I don't believe it would take them 8 years to do something about it.



While that post is quite amusing it does make me wonder why people bother paying any attention at all to internet trolls any more.

Like the trolls who started posting in September: "Ha ha! I was right! CoH WAS doomed." Ah... yeah, no.

These people spent years posting everywhere that every video game was doomed. Now that CoH is shutting down it doesn't mean that they were right, it just means that everything ends eventually and their "prediction" has no more meaning than the stopped clock that's right twice a day simply by default.

Most of this stuff on the internet is essentially the rambling of millions of psychotic internet children. It still amazes me that anyone spends a second reading or believing any of it.



Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
It still amazes me that anyone spends a second reading or believing any of it.
Gee, I read your post. What does that make me? Can I get a guide on who are the truth tellers versus who is a troll?

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by Fire_Away View Post
Gee, I read your post. What does that make me? Can I get a guide on who are the truth tellers are versus who is a troll?
Telltall signs people are likely to be trolls:
- extremely large or extremely low amount of posts.
- replying more than once to a particular individual within the same topic
- starting a reply with "Actually,", "Okay,", "Sorry but" or "This is why".
- typing with proper spelling and grammar yet purposefully forgoing capitalization or punctuation.
- breaking previous replies into small quotes.
- acting like an expert.
- having a furry, a young anime girl or a crudely drawn Internet fad as an avatar.
- linking to their blog, facebook, twitter.



Oh sweet! I've been counter quoted on their forums. I'm cool now.

And to add to the humor some of the people responding are making assumptions without bothering to confirm anything that this thread is a TORtanic thread bashing and doomcrying their game.

It also seems (from statements in that thread) that there's a possibility that the person whose post I took a screenshot of is a BW employee. Tho I have no evidence if that is true or not.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well it may be a valid point from a Korean's POV.

Worked with a visiting Korean back in the 90s and he absoluted detested, and made no attempt to hide the fact, that he had to report to a woman and follow her instructions here (he was doing a language and interface port of our product). He also wasn't overly fond of any of the female developers either. Or how the male developers seemingly accepted working with women who were considered their equals or superiors.

Again this goes back the the culture clash mentioned at that glassdoor site. A strick one directional hierarchy may be the norm, where the orders come down from above (Korea), there is no discussion and any feedback is looked at (by Korea) as openly challenging your superiors.

So NCsoft is punishing us because we aren't raging misogynists?

Lesson learned.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Oh sweet! I've been counter quoted on their forums. I'm cool now.

And to add to the humor some of the people responding are making assumptions without bothering to confirm anything that this thread is a TORtanic thread bashing and doomcrying their game.

It also seems (from statements in that thread) that there's a possibility that the person whose post I took a screenshot of is a BW employee. Tho I have no evidence if that is true or not.
Wow, it only took them an hour to delete that thread. I guess that this Andryah person really is a BW employee and doesn't like being laughed at.



It also seems (from statements in that thread) that there's a possibility that the person whose post I took a screenshot of is a BW employee. Tho I have no evidence if that is true or not.
Been playing SWTOR since beta, and Andryah has always been there, white-knighting for the game.
I don't believe s/he is actually employed by Bioware, (it's a favourite tactic on the SWTOR forums to try and discredit positive posters by accusing them of being employed by Bioware as paid shills) just a raging fanboy/girl who refuses to acknowledge any flaws and will try to twist even the most ridiculous situations so they can be viewed in a positive light, even going so far (as demonstrated here) to completely make stuff up.

And the thread was most probably deleted because after that point, I can pretty much guarantee it devolved in to an all-out flame war. Common occurrence over on SWTOR, I'm afraid. To quote from the movies, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious."



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow, it only took them an hour to delete that thread. I guess that this Andryah person really is a BW employee and doesn't like being laughed at.
Wow, there were accusations of astroturfing too? Sheesh.

I guess that $400mil-something budget doesn't help their forum feel any different from this one. 8)



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Wow, it only took them an hour to delete that thread. I guess that this Andryah person really is a BW employee and doesn't like being laughed at.
Most MMOs have extremely strict rules against talking about other games.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Most MMOs have extremely strict rules against talking about other games.
U talkin' 'bout SWTOR in grorious NCsoft foruums? Ding Dong Bannu!!



Originally Posted by TwistedDM View Post
Been playing SWTOR since beta, and Andryah has always been there, white-knighting for the game.
I don't believe s/he is actually employed by Bioware, (it's a favourite tactic on the SWTOR forums to try and discredit positive posters by accusing them of being employed by Bioware as paid shills) just a raging fanboy/girl who refuses to acknowledge any flaws and will try to twist even the most ridiculous situations so they can be viewed in a positive light, even going so far (as demonstrated here) to completely make stuff up.
Has happened here too plenty of times. Heck I had a poster personally wish I got cancer (via PM) when I attempted to explain the true balance repercusions of the Energy Melee Energy Transfer animation nerf.



Person got infracted for posting it. If you look at the person in question posting history, it could be true of that poster being an undercover BW employee more than anyone else. I'm not saying she is but if anyone was that would be the person. lol



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
U talkin' 'bout SWTOR in grorious NCsoft foruums? Ding Dong Bannu!!
I meant about TOR forums deleting a thread that linked to CoH forums.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Most MMOs have extremely strict rules against talking about other games.
But the thread was talking about their game over here. And since this place is shutting down tomorrow, I guess we can talk about stuff here.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I meant about TOR forums deleting a thread that linked to CoH forums.
Yeah I know.

I guess you're not well-versed in the lore of the Tortanic tragedy. Allow me to enlighten you.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
No youtube at work... googling just brings up youtube links... whats the gist of it?
A parody of a Bioware forums moderator who banned people for... pretty much everything.



Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
Yeah I know.

I guess you're not well-versed in the lore of the Tortanic tragedy. Allow me to enlighten you.
While funny (and accurate) it's still an odd video, because Stanley Woo has only ever moderated the Bioware Social forums and has absolutely nothing at all to do with TOR.