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  1. So much wrong with this.

    It's decided. I'm limiting my time reading stuff like this and actually play the game.
  2. I'll miss almost everything.

    Thanks for staying with us up until the end.
  3. Kyuuen

    The times we had

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post

    ..too many people who think the whole point of a discussion is to "win".

  4. (Amazing write up.

    I remember when Comrade Smersh met Captain Orbit in the parking lot of City Hall.

    It was one of the first of many adventures, for a then 17 year old girl would would later become a hero.

    I wanted to say that Yevgeny inspired Belle, then - but all I remember is him about to beat up a time traveling astronaut.

    The inspiration came later when she witnessed him fighting high level RIKTI.

    To the people she admired, like Positron, Smersh, and so many other heroes. She often saluted, and she would do so again if she saw him.
  5. My regret is not being able to share in these stories more often.
  6. From sunrise to sunset. My hats are off to you, sir (or ma'am).

    If you got any old screenshots of stuff WAY back in the day, I'd love to see them.

    I've been posting a few of my favorites on DeviantArt.
  7. Hats off to Tiny Speck for trying to do this in a better way.

    I wonder if they have played COH, too.
  8. Never started an LRSF.
    Never got Hybrid on my main.
    Should have taken screenshots of EVERYONE.

    Crafted more AE arcs.
  9. In order of frequency:


    Fan art, OC pictures, screenshots, and short stories are still being posted every day.

    I've been posting a few screenshots..

    --> <--

    Hopefully a commission involving the ultimate fate of one of my longtime OC's will be done.


    Webcomic starring Square Woot, a character I first met in Virtue. The comic is enjoyable.

    3. Titan Network on their progress towards making City of Heroes: Golden Age a reality.

    (Yes, I actually want this.)

    4. Paragon Wiki - as source material for a story I still intend to write after the closure.


    Love to see what Positron is up to these days.
  10. Kyuuen

    coXso finale


    Taken: 13, 24, 28, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 68, 75, 82, 83, 95, 57
  11. I would love to see some. I really would.

    Preferably with the crowds.
  12. The Going Rogue Soundtrack is available on Amazon somewhere.
  13. Hearing about the power and numbers being thrown back and forth between Korean entities make me feel better about sending my former COH money to Valve.
  14. I believe that City of Heroes is the prototype for the perfect superhero MMO.

    It's going to take a massive effort, and a better (American?) publisher, as a distant hand like NCSoft wouldn't be able to nuture it.

    I loved, LOVED that in City, you could make something you could call your own, that you weren't forced to change your appearance with the loot, and you could team with anyone.

    I invited newbies on level 50 paper missions, super-sidekicking made it no problem (aside from the inherent weakness of the newbies).

    I joined DFB's and regular sewer runs with my 50 when they needed that last person to fill the team. Super-sidekicking made it no problem.

    The costume creator was a groundbreaker in the genre, and remains one of the best.

    Even after everything else, I'd purchase the costume creator for offline use for a decent amount of money.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post

    I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.

    I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.
    No thanks.
  16. Which I respect him greatly for. He could have given it the response of silence.
  17. Zwill was a class act. I'll miss him.
  18. Explored the roleplay scene on other servers.

    Made more meaningful stories.

    Somehow get my main character in the comic book.

    (But I did get her in an official promotion video! See the chick in yellow @1:09 and 1:13?)

  19. Made an alt named:

    'Last Man on Earth'.

    Was quickly told that I wouldn't be dated even if I was the Last Man on Earth.

  20. In the beginning, I was angry to the point of writing some scathing posts on NC's facebook, and even telling Guild Wars 2 developers that they were walking on ice with NCSoft, that "hopefully you have your resumes tucked under your arms once the numbers drop."

    Filch put it most aptly:


    I still think the game could have been honestly put to bed instead of thrown into the cellar, that NCSoft's handling of the closure does not suit a situation of this nature, but after reading a deluge of counterarguments from posters who I thought to be unfeeling, cold robots, I'd hate to say this - but they are probably right.

    NCSoft doesn't have to do a thing. Even if they could make some moves to smooth things over, legally - it's their product and they can't be touched for pulling the plug.

    It is sobering, and bitter to be directly on the end of the sword of business.

    I still think that the way that an MMO closing is handled needs to change, with more responsiveness from the core decisionmakers to their paying customers, and not statements from anonymous reps 'thanking us' for our 'suggestions'.

    Jack Emmert himself, was nice enough to answer an important concern - and that has earned enormous respect with me. He didn't have to say a word, but he wasn't afraid to say something, even if it was indirectly through BAB.

    It's the way things should work, but reality is a foul tasting medicine, and once again - NCSoft, legally doesn't owe us or TonyV a meaningful response.

    I'm not telling anyone to give up. Maybe something will result from noise continuing to be made, and I honestly hope future efforts crush the currently accepted methods of silence, and secrecy when it comes to closing down a community.

    Yet, if we devolve into a rioting mob, outsiders at large won't see this as a righteous campaign, but a rioting mob - and (wrongfully IMHO, but inevitably) dismiss the efforts as a whole.

    If the comment section on Massively was any indication, we've failed to convince at least a few members of the jury - who made enough noise to pull a lot of the energy out of that article, once they deemed the effort to be founded on negative intentions.

    I wish everyone continuing the fight luck. A lot of luck.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
    Don't waste your time. Remember: reading that kind of stuff gains you nothing, responding to it gains you even less. Faceless names on the internet that are trying to give someone's opinion a 180, failing to realize that the satisfaction they will gain from doing so will last less time than it took for them to type their post/response. And that goes for both sides. *shrug*
    Well, I did seem to survive a round of debate with someone who constantly dismissed any notions of trust or appreciation, and all without condescending insults or looking dumb.

    I usually don't dive deep into these fights, but this guy really is some kind of unfeeling robot.

    I had to say something, I did - and I feel like I managed to open up the clam for a few moments without getting my fingers bitten off.

    It is exhausting, though.