Once the forums are shut down..
The Titan Network and Facebook wil be the best places for keeping up with the situation as it develops after December 1st.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
There's also the SaveCoH radio stuff here. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theelf
I don't know yet if Pogoman plans to continue the weekly broadcasts after shutdown, but I hope he does.

When the game is gone, I'll check the normal media spots, ABC, NBC, CNN, Buisness week and the likes for news about NCSoft and the sales but then, I wont be looking for rumors. Rumors will be treated about as factual as the the Sunday's paper comics are.
If stuff dont hit major stations, then it's below radar for me and I wont be interested then.
Already got a place lined up for Dec 1st, so when that time hits all of this will be another history section for the memories.
But as I said before, I hope Plan Z works out or IP thing or emulation or what ever other direction they may be going that day works out so that they have a place to stay.
-Female Player-
I gues facebook and titan it is. Something tells me most of the major news media won't give to much coverage to NCSoft, or any other gaming company really.
Something tells me most of the major news media won't give to much coverage to NCSoft, or any other gaming company really.
(facetious) But I can hope right?
What are you telling me I cant hope? You're against hope! You're a hope hater!" (end facetious)
-Female Player-
I probably won't be glued to the screen for news but I'll be periodically checking out stuff in places I have bookmarked.
When the game is gone, I'll check the normal media spots, ABC, NBC, CNN, Buisness week and the likes for news about NCSoft and the sales but then, I wont be looking for rumors. Rumors will be treated about as factual as the the Sunday's paper comics are.
If stuff dont hit major stations, then it's below radar for me and I wont be interested then. |
If you're done with CoH forever as of December 1st, then that's your prerogative and it's fine too. Despite our differences, I do wish you the best.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
If you are interested in a potential future for CoH at all, you might want to add a semi-regular check to one of the larger MMO review sites... something like once every couple of weeks or once a month.
If you're done with CoH forever as of December 1st, then that's your prerogative and it's fine too. Despite our differences, I do wish you the best. |
-Female Player-
Alternatively just go to Google News or your search engine of choice, after Dec 1, set the date range to the past week, and see what comes up. If anything genuinely interesting happens post-apocalypse, it'll show up there. And if anything REALLY interesting happens, you probably won't even have to go looking for it. It'll find you.

The Titan Network is where I'll be for CoH continuation in some form or another (even just for forum chatting/community).
I know, that is unless something happens that is news worthy. ANd that is all I will be looking for. It happens, good. It dont happens, good.
(facetious) But I can hope right? What are you telling me I cant hope? You're against hope! You're a hope hater!" (end facetious) |

Do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands.

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Alternatively just go to Google News or your search engine of choice, after Dec 1, set the date range to the past week, and see what comes up. If anything genuinely interesting happens post-apocalypse, it'll show up there. And if anything REALLY interesting happens, you probably won't even have to go looking for it. It'll find you.
The bolded part is what I'm counting on over all.
-Female Player-
Right now there is no MMO out there that remotely interests me. Unless a true CoH2 ever comes out I guess my CoH times is done. I have no interest in a spiritual successor or an emulation. Right now all of my friends are in GW2, but I didn't really like it much. ChO, DCUO, and SWTOR do not interest me as I doubt they will be around much longer. I MAY check out Marvel Universe Online...note MAY.
Regarding the forums; I have no plans. I'll check out a few MMO sites every now and then and that's about it.
I'm a longtime member on a couple of general gaming forums, and an old EQ forum that also discusses other MMOs. If anything noteworthy happens, at least one of them should pick up on it. I won't visit the Titan Network forums, but if I think about it I may occasionally check the main page on Paragonwiki since it seems to be the closest thing they have to a news page.
In order of frequency:
1. http://cityofheroes.deviantart.com/
Fan art, OC pictures, screenshots, and short stories are still being posted every day.
I've been posting a few screenshots..
--> http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d5i8s41 <--
Hopefully a commission involving the ultimate fate of one of my longtime OC's will be done.
2. http://wootlabs.thewebcomic.com/news/
Webcomic starring Square Woot, a character I first met in Virtue. The comic is enjoyable.
3. Titan Network on their progress towards making City of Heroes: Golden Age a reality.
(Yes, I actually want this.)
4. Paragon Wiki - as source material for a story I still intend to write after the closure.
5.. https://twitter.com/mmodesigner
Love to see what Positron is up to these days.

yeah. probably my choice is Yahoo search engine. Me and Google dont get along very well (long story) and will be looking for news in the above post of mine news outlet. If it's important, it should hit there. And if you have any other sources that will call it down the middle or at leats make an attempt to appear to and not blatant propaganda for either side that would be fine to.
The bolded part is what I'm counting on over all. |
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

Just them Google folks.
-Female Player-
Stopped using Titan as a source of info a while ago. It seems to be to absorbed in anti NCSoft sentiment (which while some may feel is justified, is not something I really think is healthy nor do I want to be part of) and also with Plan Z, which whilst is a fine idea in theory, I've seen similar projects fall flat on their face after 6 months once the people involved really get a feel for the enormity of the project they're undertaking. Not bashing the efforts, just not pinning any hopes on it at this stage.
My source for info is, and will continue to be largely Twitter. I follow Massively, MMORPG.com and (ironically) The Titan Network as well as a few avid CoHers who will likely post such info when it becomes available. I tend to find it easier to distance myself on Twitter from the petty squabbles on forums, and I know I've been as guilty for getting drawn in to them as much as anyone else.
I stopped tweeting on #savecoh for the reasons I mentioned above, but I do still have it as a column on TweetDeck so I can keep tabs on any developments. (I'm @Volkanik70 on Twitter, in case anyone's interested :P )
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Cheers fella.. don't really use Steam (only installed it to play Skyrim), but will return the twitter followage
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Where is everyone going for any news on...anything City of? Future projects from the devs, rumors of NCSoft selling the IP, etc?
Going to other games. Really 8 years of undelivered promises is quite enough, this time around, I think I'll try finding devs who can walk the walk as well as talk the talk.
Probably better just to play a game you like and base it on what there IS rather than what you're told as a player by the people that make it want you to believe there might be? Some may call me a pessimist; I just prefer to think I've got realistic expectations.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Going to other games. Really 8 years of undelivered promises is quite enough, this time around, I think I'll try finding devs who can walk the walk as well as talk the talk.
BTW, if you care, you are the first person I've made that suggestion to (that I can recall).
My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout
Then go now. Leave. Get the bleep outta here. It's bad enough you're trolling the discussions that talk about the future, but spreading your crap to the wishlist thread was over the top.
BTW, if you care, you are the first person I've made that suggestion to (that I can recall). |
I honestly dunno where I'll go for information. I doubt I'll go to Titan Network (at least not the forums). I guess I'll just stick with SEGS.
The Titan Network and Facebook wil be the best places for keeping up with the situation as it develops after December 1st.
![]() |
I'll be looking in on the Titan network, as it's probably the best location for any news after this is shut down, as as they have a conglomeration list of other sites there too (it's in the threads.)
I also will be doing the occasional google searches for keywords to see what goes on, but other than that... family or motorcycles or, I gotta say it, the J.O.B. will take up mah time.
Which is fine. A little melancholy, but fine.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Where is everyone going for any news on...anything City of? Future projects from the devs, rumors of NCSoft selling the IP, etc?