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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The CO dev can't be everywhere at once.
    I know, it's still minorly bothersome since it was working when I started playing in September.

    On topic, though-- I dunno what I'm not going to miss about this game. Redside, since I never really played there?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
    Not being able to pick things up and throw them...and not being able to knock people back with Super Strength were two main reasons why I ever even gave CO a try.
    It sucks that right now the pickup in CO is broken, since objects disappear when you grab them. It's been two months unfixed, too.
  3. There can't be truer words than this. We need to go and be respectful in the communities we choose to integrate ourselves with. It's not something that has to be specifically a CoH thing, it's just good common social sense.

    It's not to say that we have to tell others how to act, but if people react well, we could end up making the MMO community better as a whole.
  4. Thank you for making this. Really had a ton of impact at the end, that kind of emotion you feel when you "beat the game" on an RPG.

    Just... wow.
  5. QuarriosSoul


    I had missed a lot of it due to being distracted with laundry, but the two big points that I can remember are "no swag, sorry" and that there are still mods on the forums: on that latter point, it's really only HS and Pebble working on it and they've apparently taken off the kiddie gloves... so play nice.

    The special guest was Ms. Hit Streak, whose ninja skills are apparently lacking. Good looking, though.
  6. I probably won't be glued to the screen for news but I'll be periodically checking out stuff in places I have bookmarked.
  7. If I play any other music while playing this or CO, it's Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts soundtrack music.
  8. Final stage, indeed.

    I think I can admit I really came to this particular point a little while earlier. It's at the point now where it's difficult to log into City now, even though there's still things I want to do: whether it be take last screenshots or do the Sentinel+ thing or hopefully get a last 50 with a mastermind. (I'll be trying again tonight, though.) My life situation and the fact that I'm somewhat enjoying a competition game doesn't help, really, but people have to do whatever they find fun and the fact is that the NCsoft bomb sucked all the enjoyment out of things here: friends have essentially moved on and set up their shops elsewhere, RP feels pointless, trying to be responsible for a group is difficult.

    The campaign to save or avenge the game from whatever parties that want to do so aside, right now the situation is what it is for me: there's going to be a formal finality and that isn't changing. What happens beyond that is... well, we'll see when we get there.
  9. QuarriosSoul

    Devs moving on

    Welcome to my country, Scorpion. I might want to come visit.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    DING! We have a winner!
    Congratulations to Usershadow7989! You are the first *and only* person to correctly solve both puzzles.
    Though the answer for number two is not in frame everything needed to solve it was.

    1. Shadow Ravenwolf (forumite)

    2. DD is pointing at "The 5th Column"

    Let me know the name of the character you want drawn by Lexi and I'll get you a prize verification number.
    Aww, and I thought my answer was a stroke of genius. Nice one, CR.
  11. QuarriosSoul


    I'm going to be 24 on the 24th.

    And the OP was posted 24 days before shutdown.

    ...Carry on.
  12. QuarriosSoul

    coXso GTNwA


    The List:
    1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 19, 24, 27, 33, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 53, 57, 69, 75, 79, 83, 87, 88, 92
  13. Definitely me. I want in on this, too.
  14. QuarriosSoul

    SSA 2 pt 5 when?

    There's that Admiral guy by Posi in Steel Canyon that does... nothing right now. It's not him?

    I'd be more excited for the SSA if I was actually subbed come announcement. I'm sure that it's a good one, though!
  15. I'm not going to post all of the details here, but rantz over on deviantArt is giving a special offer to CoH players who want to get their characters (or their friends' toons!) drawn up.


    Just in case you might like to know!
  16. I would have really looked forward to this. Really really really.

    This dog still had the tricks.
  17. If you're going to go for it, can someone get me the ding that plays when you AFK for too long?

    If not... I'm gonna miss it.
  18. And I missed it because of sleeping in to noon (again). *sigh*
  19. Disappointing news, but I'm inclined to believe that NC didn't try hard enough either.
  20. QuarriosSoul

    AP33 Forever!!

    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    So in the spirit of others' images to represent this... I made a coin:

    If you are actually making any of these coins... I want one.
  21. Thank you and good luck, Zwill. Really.
  22. Also, Patron Power Pools for both sides after finishing the theoretical Scirocco arc. That was probably the news I liked the most out of the entire thing.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Sorry, Bus Control and Bus Blasting were not on the list. That's definitely a rumor that I've been trying to squash for months.
    My younger self would love this. /Road Map Control.
  24. I want one but they don't take paypal for merchandise.
