Devs moving on

Adeon Hawkwood



Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann confirmed today he is working on Star Trek Online over at Cryptic, at least according to his Twitter account.

Andy "Zwillinger" Belford is now at Electronic Arts.

Fire Man (aka Bass Ackwards) is now at Trion Worlds.

Phil "Synapse" Zeleski is working for Cryptic Studios.

Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee is working for Epic Games.

Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz is working for Z2Live.

Jeff "Arbiter Hawk" Hamilton is also at Cryptic Studios.

Leo "Honey Badger" Braz de Cunha is at Gazillion Entertainment.

Destin Bales is a Senior Producer at Riot Games.

Neal Kettler is a Software Architect at Riot Games.

Jason Lee is a UI Engineer at Storm8.

Andy Maurer is Online Engineer at Sledgehammer Games.

Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney is at Capcom.

Keetsie "Tunnel Rat" Braz da Cunha is at Toys for Bob.

Who else has said what they are doing?

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



And it looks like Zwillinger landed at EA, aka the dark side.

Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!



Fire Man (aka Bass Ackwards) is now at Trion.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
I'm glad they're landing on their feet. That's not something that's a given these days.
Years of successfully providing the implementation of thousands of catgirls has served them well.

Hehe, seriously though, I agree.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Fire Man (aka Bass Ackwards) is now at Trion.

Updated the OP.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



I keep sporadically checking Hosun Lee's, Melissa Bianco's and Matt Miller's twitters, but nothing yet.

I suspect they're trying to pull something together for a new project although who knows....but if they are, it may take them months longer, even into next year sometime, to fork over an announcement of any sort....

You know, after all this time, I still want to stab the NCSoft powers that be in their collective eye.... My anger over this situation has not resided in the least.

I can't wait until Blade & Soul is ready to launch: I'm going to continually spam-bomb every article and forum post about it that I can possibly get my hands on so that every potential player knows what NCSoft is really like to deal with.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
I suspect they're trying to pull something together for a new project although who knows....but if they are, it may take them months longer, even into next year sometime, to fork over an announcement of any sort....
If this is true, and I hope it is, there is a lot to be gained (especially if crowd-funding is part of the process) by announcing it soon, while everyone is still paying attention. That said, there are hurdles even to crowd source, so I could imagine them being tangled in some kickstarter red tape.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Glad they are making it. Now about them other 50-70 employees...?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Glad they are making it. Now about them other 50-70 employees...?
Let me know and I will update it.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



searching for as many as I can.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
If this is true, and I hope it is, there is a lot to be gained (especially if crowd-funding is part of the process) by announcing it soon, while everyone is still paying attention. That said, there are hurdles even to crowd source, so I could imagine them being tangled in some kickstarter red tape.
Even if they started on September 1, they're probably nowhere near ready to make a crowdfunding pitch yet.

Assuming it's anything more substantial than an smartphone app.

Anyway, based on the history of the biggest Kickstarters, time isn't a barrier. In fact a little nostalgia might actually help their fundraising...



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Even if they started on September 1, they're probably nowhere near ready to make a crowdfunding pitch yet.

Assuming it's anything more substantial than an smartphone app.

Anyway, based on the history of the biggest Kickstarters, time isn't a barrier. In fact a little nostalgia might actually help their fundraising...
I don't think any of the Devs who might be contemplating forming their own studio would have started anything at all before the 60 days ran out.

I have to admit that I'm curious as to what they might come up with though if they DO form their own studio. I assume they'd have to license or build a whole new game engine. (I wouldn't expect Cryptic to license their engine to a competitor if they didn't have a legal obligation to do so.)

I would hope they would come out with SOME product ASAP. Not a full fledged game, necessarily, but something like a stand alone costume creator or even a web or phone based game. Something to show they're working towards a long term goal that would be profitable enough to attract investors.

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Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
I have to admit that I'm curious as to what they might come up with though if they DO form their own studio. I assume they'd have to license or build a whole new game engine. (I wouldn't expect Cryptic to license their engine to a competitor if they didn't have a legal obligation to do so.)
I had heard, around the time of the closing announcement, that there was some in-house development that was looking at using the Unity engine for a new project. The unity engine is being used for many big name kickstarters (Wasteland 2, Project Eternity) and some other hot games (Endless space). I think this would be an obvious choice. I would not expect them to develop and engine or license from cryptic. I imagine licensing an engine would be good for a design and art heavy team as well, but I am not speaking from any direct knowledge.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann confirmed today he is working on Star Trek Online over at Cryptic, at least according to his Twitter account.
Yes he is. Here's the link to his Introductory Post on the STO forums


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



I'd love to see the devs do a superhero MMO with the Cryengine 3. Though doing a quick search seems to have a license cost of around 1.2 mil. Still it would be awesome to see that engine being used for a superhero MMO.

I hope that the devs can do something together with a small studio even if its just smaller games for now so that they fund larger games in the future. Perhaps jump on the turn based strategy influx that xcom reintroduced many players too and do something with that game genre that hasn't been done before or done lately theme wise.



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
I'd love to see the devs do a superhero MMO with the Cryengine 3. Though doing a quick search seems to have a license cost of around 1.2 mil. Still it would be awesome to see that engine being used for a superhero MMO.

I hope that the devs can do something together with a small studio even if its just smaller games for now so that they fund larger games in the future. Perhaps jump on the turn based strategy influx that xcom reintroduced many players too and do something with that game genre that hasn't been done before or done lately theme wise.
PS's "super secret project" was actually a strategy war game. I'm not sure if it was turn-based or real-time, but it showed up on Tim's LinkedIn Profile. So apparently you and they were already thinking along the same lines. I was disappointed at first when I saw that, but really, that genre isn't oversaturated the way the MMORPG market has been for years now, so I can understand the change in direction. And it was probably much less expensive to produce than a full-boar MMORPG would be, too.

Personally, I'd rather see a new superhero game from the PS dev team (under a new name of course) that was real-time like Tera, with some version of that gorgeous Unreal Engine 3 that Bluehole used. Granted, that engine is old by FPS standards and I think direct X 9-limited, but still, Tera is breathtaking graphically. And Tera's FPS-type interface with third person real-time combat in a massively multiplayer setting with little mirroring really hasn't been done much before. There's room for a high quality superhero game like that. And of course it would have to have CoH's level of customizability.... But the money it would take.... Eesh.




who is left over, meaning that havent found another job already, that is able to do this new studio thing if they wanted to?

I'm curious of what kind of ideas they could come up with for a new game without any restraints of the company that they work for.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
who is left over, meaning that havent found another job already, that is able to do this new studio thing if they wanted to?

I'm curious of what kind of ideas they could come up with for a new game without any restraints of the company that they work for.
Many many devs have yet to land a job, I would imagine...

Mat Miller for one, so far as I know.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
who is left over, meaning that havent found another job already, that is able to do this new studio thing if they wanted to?

I'm curious of what kind of ideas they could come up with for a new game without any restraints of the company that they work for.
That actually is the subject of a lot of player's hopes. If we can get a good portion of them back together to make a new game, superhero or not, I'd have to say that my patronage is assured. the question of course is how they would secure cash, but given their track record, maybe some venture capitalists might see them as a good investment. given posi's affection for traditional D&D it could even go fantasy, but so long as I can have a monk, im cool with the setting shift, though the fact that there isnt a great offline single player superhero game with customizable characters and powers and with an expansive world like fallout 3 or skyrim is something i'd love to see rectified. apparently todd howard wanted to do one, but he wanted it with, I want customization.

and yes, i know about infamous, but the character is already set for you, and powers are only lightning and ice/fire. close, but customization is a requirement for me.



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
who is left over, meaning that havent found another job already, that is able to do this new studio thing if they wanted to?
Matt Miller is the key figure. I think he is the only one in the team (unless there are some non-public faces) that has been part of the team since launch until cancelation. He did not have his fingers on every bit of the game, but he has the closest thing to a "game vision" that you can get.

Every other relevant position in the game has changed hands at least twice over the years, yet the game has always "felt" like home.

Mind you: any new game, even if done by the entire same team, will not be liked the same way by the same people. My only hope is for a team lead by Matt to make a super hero mmo that is superior to DCUO and Champions. I don't expect a replacement, sequel or clone, just a better super hero MMO than the other two (even if it borrows ideas from the other two.)



Originally Posted by Montaugh View Post
I'd love to see the devs do a superhero MMO with the Cryengine 3. Though doing a quick search seems to have a license cost of around 1.2 mil. Still it would be awesome to see that engine being used for a superhero MMO.

I hope that the devs can do something together with a small studio even if its just smaller games for now so that they fund larger games in the future. Perhaps jump on the turn based strategy influx that xcom reintroduced many players too and do something with that game genre that hasn't been done before or done lately theme wise.
Everyone keeps saying they would love an MMO built around some high end FPS engine. The problem with that is it significantly reduces the number of machines that could possibly run it which in turn means you will need a fairly large percentage of owners of those machines to buy the game. And those who don't have the hardware will complain that the game looks ugly when they are forced to crank all the settings to minimum simply to get a playable frame rate at a non-native resolution. One of the reasons for WoW's success was that it played well on the integrated Intel, nVidia and AMD/ATI graphic solutions at the time, that you didn't need an expensive gaming desktop or laptop to play the game.

Couple that with the fact we have total freedom of movement in all 3 dimensions as oppose to the "run on rails" style that many FPS games with modern engines use to hide the fact that many of the buildings are nothing but a facade, a Potemkin village that only looks good from the angles you are allowed to view it from.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Everyone keeps saying they would love an MMO built around some high end FPS engine. The problem with that is it significantly reduces the number of machines that could possibly run it which in turn means you will need a fairly large percentage of owners of those machines to buy the game. And those who don't have the hardware will complain that the game looks ugly when they are forced to crank all the settings to minimum simply to get a playable frame rate at a non-native resolution. One of the reasons for WoW's success was that it played well on the integrated Intel, nVidia and AMD/ATI graphic solutions at the time, that you didn't need an expensive gaming desktop or laptop to play the game.

Couple that with the fact we have total freedom of movement in all 3 dimensions as oppose to the "run on rails" style that many FPS games with modern engines use to hide the fact that many of the buildings are nothing but a facade, a Potemkin village that only looks good from the angles you are allowed to view it from.
Ehhhh maybe that's why some opt for the Unreal engine incarnations, because it is highly scalable yet can look fantastic.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Matt Miller is the key figure.
I completely disagree with that. Sure, he may have been around the longest, but that doesn't mean he always made smart decisions. He actually became pretty close minded as the years went by. I really feel like a new CoH could easily survive without him, and maybe even do better with fresh blood. We could get an actual endgame that doesn't punish small team/solo players, or force the player to grind as badly as ours did. Not to mention implementing a better PvP system and getting a lead designer that's actually familiar with the lore.