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  1. Sermon

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
    I have to admit that I'm curious as to what they might come up with though if they DO form their own studio. I assume they'd have to license or build a whole new game engine. (I wouldn't expect Cryptic to license their engine to a competitor if they didn't have a legal obligation to do so.)
    I had heard, around the time of the closing announcement, that there was some in-house development that was looking at using the Unity engine for a new project. The unity engine is being used for many big name kickstarters (Wasteland 2, Project Eternity) and some other hot games (Endless space). I think this would be an obvious choice. I would not expect them to develop and engine or license from cryptic. I imagine licensing an engine would be good for a design and art heavy team as well, but I am not speaking from any direct knowledge.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Just so you know, GG sometimes presents conjecture as truth,

    Instead of saying "I think we'll be hearing something" or "I hope", it's instead presented as a fact.
    I am fairly aware of that in my time here. I suppose my sentiment comes from the fact that I share her conjecture as do some other players here and on the titan forums. I do think it could be from misreading statements, etc. Only time will tell.
  3. Sermon

    Devs moving on

    Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
    I suspect they're trying to pull something together for a new project although who knows....but if they are, it may take them months longer, even into next year sometime, to fork over an announcement of any sort....
    If this is true, and I hope it is, there is a lot to be gained (especially if crowd-funding is part of the process) by announcing it soon, while everyone is still paying attention. That said, there are hurdles even to crowd source, so I could imagine them being tangled in some kickstarter red tape.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    We'll be hearing about their "next great adventure" very soon, probably tomorrow.
    Thanks GG! The thought gives me hope of something down the road with at least some of the design and spirit of CoH. I am sure they would find great success in any crowd funding effort.
  5. So, do we have the impression that some portion of the studio is going to remain together for a new project? I have had that feeling because of how the gangnam video was presented by Hosun. Also, it sounds like if we are supposed to follow Hosun Lee on twitter for news, that they might be up to something. Obviously they have the following for a crowdfunding endeavor of some sort.
  6. As long as Arenanet produces successful products, I suspect that they will keep GW2 and GW1 around. Unfortunately, Paragon never got deep into development on a second title that NCsoft was keen on, so Paragon isn't being given the luxury to continue CoH under the aegis of NCsoft. Hopefully it will continue in some fashion though!
  7. I am not going to post in the poll.

    I think 500 or 1000 is too much for a lifetime sub alone.

    If they come back, I think 200 for the equivalent of a lifetime sub would be a good idea, perhap minus ongoing point rewards (maybe it could come with a smaller sum (~$50) of points right away instead).

    I think larger purchases could be possible. It would be cool if larger sums (500, 1000) came with bonuses like you see in Kickstarter programs. Maybe they could get a costume featured in icon, for example. Or have a custom advertisement on a billboard.

    Anyways, this is all speculation at the moment. I definitely think they could get a massive influx of money immediately if they get the rights to the game. I will pay even for promises God speed.
  8. Sermon

    Good news all..

    I really suspect that NCsoft isn't malicious in this process, but they do have risks in transferring accounts to a separate entity. It is possible that they will shy away or ask for too much compensation (or maybe there are lingering issues with the engine and IP from cryptic). Anyways, if all goes well, I am ready and waiting to throw some money at any CoH entity.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BenRGamer View Post
    And they did, it was their secret project
    Right, but were they still working on it? I got the impression that it fell through awhile ago (or at least one did). That may have just been a rumor around the time BaBs was laid off.
  10. Honestly, if Paragon Studios had another game coming out, I doubt CoH would have been cut (people seem to think they tried, but maybe something which didn't get picked up by NCsoft). There is more to the situation than meets the eye. CoH was profitable with a full studio behind it, but for how long? We just don't know. Even if CoH gets revived somehow, somewhere, I doubt they will return to full staff.
  11. I would love beyond love any revival of Paragon Studio w/ CoH and I would put money behind it according to my means.
  12. The closure of PS could have a lot to do with factors. PS never managed to get a side project greenlighted, so far as we know, so the studio and the game were really an all or nothing proposition. They may have even incurred losses trying to get another project going. If they had managed to have multiple products on the market, NCsoft might have had more reason to sustain the game.

    That said, I can't really speak ill of NCsoft. I really think they have let their developers try some innovative things, and we see that with Arenanet as well.
  13. Great game guys. Best wishes on everything.
  14. Sermon

    Starter package

    Originally Posted by Ura Hero View Post
    This will not award any points. I tried this a few weeks back. I got all of the items that were included in each release, but no points which was ok because it was still cheaper than buying a VIP subscription.
    I definitely think the free months do/should include points. Maybe it is an issue with when the points are delivered, as others have mentioned. Odd that they choose to give them at the end. I never noticed since i have been subbed since Freedom.
  15. Sermon

    Starter package

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    You make it sound like 30 days of VIP gets you nothing. Since it's a discounted price from the normal subscription it's a bit of a bargain. Add the free New Player Pack to that and they've got a pretty nice package going for 30 days for less than the normal monthly subscription rate.
    I know what a month VIP includes. I was wondering if there was something with more enduring bonuses, things which last into premium time. For example, the Going Rogue box (less than 10 dollars on amazon) already includes a month of VIP in addition to a lot things which last into premium.
  16. Sermon

    Starter package

    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Hmm.. not sure how it works now but... On Amazon you can get Going Rogue: Complete, CoV: Collectors and Architect Edition for $25.35 (so free shipping). I assume all the old stuff from that is still valid, in which case thats $25 for 3 months worth of subscription (and so 4 reward tokens, I think). Combine that with the refer a friend program, to give them another 500 points (and a free month for you).

    Anyone know if that would work?
    That's some creative thinking right there.

    I wonder if you get the referral bonus on the "free" time from boxes.
  17. Sermon

    Starter package

    Originally Posted by Kangstor View Post
    There are many free costumes and other things for VIP's so just including VIP itself is a big bonus.
    I understand that, but I am pretty sure Going Rogue box includes a month VIP and a lot of other bonuses for less than $10. I was trying to figure out if there were any comparable packs available or in the works.
  18. Sermon

    Starter package

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post

    Also, GameStop's website is currently selling the VIP Starter Kit for $9.99. Just do a search for "City of Heroes" and it's the only thing tht comes up. That same VIP Starter Kit is currently $14.99 on the NCSoft site.
    Does that include anything other than 1 month VIP? It doesn't seem to . . .
  19. Sermon

    Starter package

    I thought they only had the VIP starter which has occasionally been very cheap, but I don't think it includes any extras.
  20. Sermon

    Starter package

    Hi all,

    Are there any good start-up purchase options for CoH? I have a friend who might be interested in playing, but a sub is not an option at this point.

    The best I can think of is the Going Rogue box in terms of value.

    It would be nice if there was an option in the 20-30 dollar range with a bundle of things like costumes / points / reward tokens / ect. I know steam sells these for other free2play mmo games.

    Any word that something like this might be on the horizon?
  21. Great overview. I have kept my sub but haven't had the desire to play lately. This is the stuff I like to see though.

    Sad to say, the Incarnate grind is keeping me away right now still. Would like to see ITF's and 50 TFs give incarnate rewards which work at all tiers. Also, real solo and small tema advancement. 90% of the time, I am not interested in doing a trial.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    The whole purpose of T9 VIP rewards is to reward VIP subscribers with something unique that can't be obtained any other way, in game or via the market. Making a T9 VIP reward freely available the market makes the T9 Reward row meaningless.
    VIPs would have at least 6 month exclusive access to these costume pieces. That's pretty meaningful. Plus, if people want to pay cash for them and fund development, they can be my guest.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    That's pretty much it.
    Thanks for typing that out, much appreciated.