Player Summit Summary?
Haven't seen a list.
The videos are up on UStream though, if you want to find out for yourself.
Put me in the curmudgeon camp but I hate having to watch videos when the medium, in this case the internet, is fully capable of supporting text.
They don't need a professional stenographer but at least have someone official-like make a go at transcribing these things.
I too vastly prefer a simple bulleted list to watching a video.
Put me in the curmudgeon camp but I hate having to watch videos when the medium, in this case the internet, is fully capable of supporting text.
They don't need a professional stenographer but at least have someone official-like make a go at transcribing these things. |
I'm afraid that livestream transcription rests pretty far down on the priority list.
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
As much as I understand your request, there is no feasible way for us to devote someone to transcribing our webcasts. Between forums moderation, social media, know...interacting with players, events, meetings, documentation, feedback, the list goes on and on...
I'm afraid that livestream transcription rests pretty far down on the priority list. |
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Well, I was just hoping to cajole someone in the community to do it for us with this thread... I didn't expect you guys to do it...
EDIT: Bah, too slow!
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

As much as I understand your request, there is no feasible way for us to devote someone to transcribing our webcasts. Between forums moderation, social media, know...interacting with players, events, meetings, documentation, feedback, the list goes on and on...
I'm afraid that livestream transcription rests pretty far down on the priority list. |
Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider
RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run
Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios
I'm afraid that livestream transcription rests pretty far down on the priority list.

Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
Can you stick the slides up for us to look at. I attended the whole thing via ustream (even paid for an account to avoid commercials) I would REALLY like to see the pictures I missed.
Just a side note but I've seen the comment about ads in/from Ustream.
"Easy" way to solve this:
Install Firefox and then install the NoScript add-on. I've never had ads when watching Ustream; just enable/allow the main site ( I think it is) and you'll get the stream but no ads

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991
Next pummit should have a new session:
Design a Transcriber
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Zwill, I got your back on this.
I have a transcription...
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation

To be honest, I just wanted a Summary, not a transcription. A full transcription would be the opposite of useful.
That picture just makes me sad I can never attend these events.
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Did I just see Betty White wielding a flaming chainsaw while mounted on centaur John Ritter?
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Did I just see Betty White wielding a flaming chainsaw while mounted on centaur John Ritter?
There was nothing to see... *shudder*
Sorry for the mental scars, but I thought that was the most epic image ever made, and the perfect way to describe the Pummit.
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation

The player summit thread gives a pretty good summary in points.
Keynote: (I didn't watch this, so this is the sketchiest)
Reveals for Water Blast, Bio Armor, and Nature Affinity. We're expected to act surprised.
Discussion on VIP stuff, like asking if we want VIP exclusive items on the market.
Talk of the super packs, like if we want them to be tradeable in game via Auction house (unopened).
Reveals of stuff that's on beta like Night Ward, the panther travel power, the group transport power.
Create a power set:
Radiation armor wins and is sketched out as a debuff armor set. Runners up included Air Control and Thrown Weapons as a blast set. Though Rad Armor was picked, the devs kept the list of other ideas for future use.
Create a costume panel:
I didn't watch this either, but post-apoc won out.
Revise a Zone:
Nothing was 'picked' exactly, it was just a string of presenters pitching their ideas while the devs asked them questions that included:
Would you keep the level range?
What would be the central component of the zone? (Think Moth graveyard in Dark Astoria)
What would be the story/theme of the zone arc?
6 arcs for singular side/co-op, or co-op but each side gets 3 separate?
Which 3 enemy groups would feature in the zone? (a 4th could be added but had to be made a special case).
Zones presented included: (not in order)
Striga Isle - Hyping up the Council/5th Column war, robots exploding out of volcanoes, etc. Devs pitched on maybe making it a villain (or villain accessible) zone.
Perez Park - Pitch involved revamping it to center the zone around the amphitheater, explaining the Kraken, etc. Dev hints kind of imply they were thinking about a revamp totally changing the level range
Independence Port - Making it not such a pain to travel, devs talk about hyping the tsoo vs family drug battle, pitcher described making it about Crey & Lusca, and a zone event involving 5th column trying to conquer the bridge Atlas repelled them off of years ago
Shadow shard - since it's 4 zones talk of reducing it down, at least 3, no less than 2. Lot of story ideas tossed around, Nemesis and a zepelin taking a particular stage in the enemy group discussion.
Eden - Pitcher suggests merging Eden and the Hive, keeping the level range the same, making the story focused on the Devouring Earth, potentially making it co-op for villains to try to cash in on secrets or the like. Talk of what would happen with the abyss if blueside raids were now co-op.
Kings Row - The details honestly escape me atm. Sorry. it's in the other thread somewhere.
Boomtown - Revamping into a clockwork palace, some story about a rogue praetorian clockwork? I didn't catch it all, someone else summed it up, though it sounded like it was outside the scope of what the panel was suggesting.
At the end the Devs brought the discussion back around to Independence port to toss out some ideas, though they made it clear that IP was not their 'pick'. They didn't choose any particular idea, just that one or more of them might see the light of day in the future.
Endgame panel: Honestly, I zoned out (and had to break for dinner). But there were no big reveals. It was purely Q&A and centered around what our expectations were for Battalion and what makes us feel epic. That was the entire discussion, if there were any important tidbits they were hidden deep and were just dev responses, the devs presented nothing in this panel.
That's pretty much it.
Here's my summary beginning with my arrival at airport.
Found @artphobia and dragged him along with me.
Found @dramen and dragged him along with me.
Rental car counter for paperwork, then to garage for car.
Attendant: "I have two full size cars available. I have a Dodge Charger and "
Me: "I'll take it."
Attendant: "But I also have a "
Me: "I'll take the Charger"
Caught up with @Red_Gren @Red Valkyrja and @Bourke for lunch, happy TJ, met Rangle and Impish Kat, happier TJ, Fred's Steak Sandwich in mah belly, happiest TJ.
Wonderful weather, women in skimpy outfits walking past, very happy D.O.M. TJ.
Wandered Stanford Shopping Center, found Chocolate shop with Austrian chocolate (or something like that), happy Impish Kat.
Game Night. Wandering room, chatting with players and devs alike, good times. Early registration announced, I'm ecstatic. Good cigars on patio with Zwifflepuffenstuff and Dramen (thanks again Dramen).
Bacon Waffles at Holder's Country Inn with a lot of friends and a side order of bacon. Heavenly.
More players, more devs, panels. Good times.
Drinks. Mmmmm.
Meal. Mmmmm. Black Pebble, Freitag and Arbiter Warrant at our table. Better.
Karaoke. Players great. KJ ... can't say without a ban. I don't want to click Report Post on one of my own posts today. But c'mon, he had NO Johnny Cash in his collection and had to download Ring of Fire (at least he got one without lyrics unlike some of his other downloads).
Sitting on patio chatting with players, TheNet and another Paragon QA person. Zwillyoubelieveitwasonlythreemaitais joined us and chatted candidly for a long time after bar closed. Thanks man, you guys rock.
Sunday more Bacon Waffles with a side of bacon at Holder's and more friends. Some were new friends. Always good to make new friends.
Dropped artphobia off at airport and drove around with Dramen for a bit, disappointed in lack of "scenery" downtown or in parks we found. AKA no women in skimpy clothing walking and enjoying the nice weather or tanning in the park.
Back to airport, couldn't do bag check since I was too early. Waited in lobby with Dramen. Checked bag and then walked Dramen to his gate. Looking and places to eat and Dramen's flight was delayed so he joined me. Cute bartender and waitress in The Brit where we ate. Dramen left, waited for my flight. Landed after midnight with still a long drive to get home. Home around 4:30 or so and getting dressed at 6:00 for work. Totally exhausted but very relaxed and full of good cheer from the weekend. Easy to tell I haven't had to talk to many teacher's today since I haven't run into Major Buzzkill.
Getting ready to go home now and will probably crash immediately.
Good Friends old and new.
Great food and weather.
Fantastic devs.
Wonderful time.
Ready to do it all again.
Need to win lottery so more friends can come.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Let it be known, TJ is awesome.
COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation

Is there any place where we can get a bullet listed summary of what went down at the Summit? I got most of it from the Player Summit thread (new power sets (Water Blast (but no yellow water?), Symbiotic Armor, and something else) and the Create A Costume panel (Post-Apocalyptic, w00t!), but I don't know much beyond that, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Does such a list exist, or can it be created?
Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster
"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."