2071 -
Quote:I don't doubt you, but could you post a link to this public statement?If I were Carbine and Arenanet I'd be looking at the "Corporate" sabotage clauses in their contracts. Especially, since NcSoft has stated, publically, they want out of the American market. That can at least give them breach and a way to force NcSoft to sell them or provide revenue to allow them to exist on their own.
This makes it all seem more real.
Zwill have fun with the family. Thanks for being such a great community manager. -
The Dimensionless would have been exciting. It was the one thing I really wanted an answer to.
I have more questions, but all of them are costume related. I really want to know if we were ver going to get that awesome Black Knight armor. -
I subed for 1 year on May 3rd of 2012. What does that mean for me?
I am not going to lie, this still creates no good will towards NCSoft for me. -
Quote:Humm, I get the impression his idea of women comes from looking at the internet too much.Speaking of Hyung Tae Kim...
Quote:I get where you are coming from, however as consumers we should voice out displeasure. I attempt to do so in a mature manner in most cases. With my friends in person I am not so... diplomatic.I'm sorry that you find pointing out efforts that are 100% wasteful is a bad thing. I would much rather the community be focusing on saving the game (and if we're especially lucky, Paragon) rather than temporary feel-goodery that actively hurts many of the efforts to save the game. The "I stopped the first 9/11" guy and the boycott!!! crowd being prime examples.
If a group is trying to use some story of stopping a terrorist plot as an example of whatever-the-hell, and then it's provided obviously false (or even just completely incapable of providing any proof), it'll be an absurdly large PR blow to something that's 100% PR. But people didn't want to ask the important questions, they wanted to just belieeeeeeve so much so they attacked someone trying to ask.
Likewise, the boycott crowd (the ones screaming it, specifically) is toxic to any player-lead efforts to talk to NCSoft, because they risk coloring the entire group. Fortunately, people seem to have backed off screaming for blood while ignoring the efforts to save CoH.
Regardless of the closing, ALL of this has been handled poorly on their part. The message, the lack of communication over remaining paints and time. It is just all so unprofessional. -
I have been in love with Martial Arts since I was 6, which has been over 30 years. When I first say this game a year or so ago it excited me, and I would have bought and played it w/o a second though. Now however NCSoft can bite me, I will NEVER buy another one of their products. It is just a bad investment into a company I don't trust.
Quote:Oddly I have never seen any of those as trolls.It's not everyone. I have Forbin Project, TwoHeadedBoy and EvilGeko on Ignore, and all I see in this topic is people either agreeing, having a relatively polite conversation or arguing with invisible people.
Draw your own conclusions - EG is a light troll at best, but FB and THB have a history of posting pointless garbage and turning civil discussions into a reenactment of the first World War. Ignoring FB in particular is easily the best move I ever made for forum readability, he's 100% toxic and only joins topics to insult people or spew xenophobic rants, to the point quite often he's the sole source of antagonism.
Anyway. I really don't want to give anymore money to NCSoft. If I am given a game credit for time I have left and points unspent, I will drop it at goodwill or salvation army.
NCSoft can take all of their other games, turn them sideways, and sh.... well you get the point.
I really hope the rest of the gaming community realizes what a scummy company NCSoft it. -
Quote:Funny, I am starting to think the same thing about some of the people on these boards.God, that was annoying. As were the "why are you even doing this, you bunch of whiny children, the game is closing and you cant do anything, so why don't you sit down and STFU LOL" trolls.
If we don't do what we can, ain't ANYBODY going to be playing this game. You [general you] can start up an ITF any old time, heaven forfend people be using global channels to actually help the game and all. *disgust* -
I don't think they expected this much of a PR disaster. I know people from other games that are boycotting NCSoft because this is such a crappy move.
Quote:It was really only 2 or 3 posters who were acting bad. One looked like he registered just to cause problems. I was glad to see it was take care of.You're probably right. For the most part, this community is fairly well self-regulated. But at the same time, other posters are correct. The game is still running, and there is a certain responsibility, at least on some of our parts, to maintain the forum rules.
That being said, quite aside from any technical or moral responsibility, I think we feel an ethical responsibility to keep things relatively sane. We care about you guys, and stuff like the kinds of things that have been posted recently just aren't acceptable. You guys deserve a better environment, and if we can do something, albeit in a limited (due to time) fashion, then we will.
~Freitag -
Quote:This is put perfectly. I will wait to invest in NCSoft till the outcome.It's a reasonably persuasive argument you're making, and I don't doubt that if NCsoft decided that they'd get a better return on money invested in GW2 rather than in CoH that's what they'd do. Business is business, and all that.
I'm not quite ready to burn NCSoft in effigy (or GW2, by association.) For me it will all come down to one thing: if a serious offer is made for CoH by another investor and NCsoft come to an agreement all (perhaps almost all) will be forgiven. If a serious offer is made and NCsoft decide they'd rather just sit on the IP and let it rot then I will never touch them, or anything to do with them, ever again. -
Quote:Perhaps, but what do you gain by stating it? Serously, I thought I may have been just taking it out of context, then I looked at your post history. Under normal circumstances you would have been banned by this point.Every time I have something to say thats slightly realistic and not as delusional as all of you I get called a 'troll' be serious with yourself. You guys have COMPLETELY lost it, NCSoft is a business they are never ever going to care about a 10k customer base when they have millions in other areas. They're not going to save this game themselves or do anything to help anyone else in doing that because it serves NO interest to their business. Get a grip, all of you.
Just because someone says something you don't like doesn't instantly mean they are trolling, you just see it as trolling as its uncomfortable for you to face a lil bit of truth every once in a while.
Also Arcana is a female, not a male. -
Quote:That was a Troll post if I have ever seen one. People like this are the ones inciting so much anger on these boards.This has to be the dumbest thing i've read in this entire thread. No offence but being a number cruncher on an MMO doesn't translate to anything in the real world. I don't think a millionaire korean business owner is going to give two ***** what the person who invented 'arcanatime' on a stupid game has to say anyway. peace out *****
I really hope you posted from home.
Quote:I don't disagree at all Sam. I am just saying I understand it.Look at it this way - we are a community that has frowned on trolls, hatemongering and personal insults for eight years and counting. We prided ourselves on that, after all. I firmly believe that even in our darkest hour, these are the virtues we should shoot for, because this is a large part of what made City of Heroes the experience people remember.
All I've ever preached is moderation and the presence of mind to direct our energy towards productive outlets, instead of sniping at each other. -
Quote:We can agree to disagree Stars, we have done it in the past. You should come back to the FL/HUB boards though.Possible but their calculations are going to be way more accurate than ours. They have actual subscriber numbers. They did also for previously canceled games. By now, with at least 4 titles canceled (Tabula Rasa, Auto Assault, Exsteel, Dungeon Runners) they likely know how many just move on to a different title within the company and how many never return (percentage wise.)
Numbers will perhaps be larger, but likely the percentage will be about the same. They also know how many already subscribe to multiple of their games and are extremely unlikely to give up on their other games just because this one is being removed.
I don't want to be gloomy, I just want to be realistic on the expectation of any efforts. Aquisition efforts are likely if anyone in the company thinks it's worth their time to even sit down to discuss it. Chances for NCSoft to change their mind due to backlash are next to zero.
What really got me is the support I have seen from those who do not play CoX. Also when people who do not play this game state they are done with NCSoft. That carries even more weight to me than those of us within the community. -
Quote:See, this is where emotion really clouds perception. No I have also not seen where anyone has directly said "You are stupid, that is how business works." I can see how a bunch of people who are grieving would take some of the statements as that though.I haven't seen any of that.
I've seen people say it's not PRODUCTIVE to be angry, but everyone I've seen has fully acknowledge that folks have a right to "feel their feels." I'm angry too. I'm so angry I can't even sleep at night. But I'm not using that anger to lash out against people in this community, or against people we still need favors from.
There has been some of the "look, this is how business works," posting, but I haven't personally seen anyone say "are you stupid?" though it's been implied in some posts, yes. Regardless, this IS how business works. The media campaign is trying to CHANGE how business feels it's ok to treat customers. The media campaign is the thing that's going to change minds, if anything is. Once you join a boycott - you're no longer a customer, and they can safely write you off.
NO ONE has said anyone is a traitor for NOT playing GW2. Not that I've seen. I've seen people ask folks please NOT to take out your rage on NCsoft on Anet, which needs support as much as PS did, but I've not seen ANYONE saying "EVERYONE GO PLAY GW2 OR YOU ARE BAD!" Seriously.
And you're very wrong if you think those of us who ARE playing GW2 aren't worried about it happening again. NCSoft does this. That's why it's SO IMPORTANT to change in their minds how acceptable it is to shutter a game with no notice. RIGHT NOW we need to be in the position of customers who are being treated poorly, because we are. And if we can actually get them to notice us, if we actually become too big to ignore, we can stop NCsoft from doing this to anyone else, too.
Do you think if SWG had kicked up THIS much fuss, that NCsoft might have had second thoughts about doing this to us? The more players are willing to stand up en masse and say DON'T DO THIS, the most gaming companies have to respect us and take us into account. We don't get respect by acting like spoiled children who can do nothing but call names and hurl invectives.
Really I think most of us are upset, and dealing with it in various ways. Most of us are struggling. I do think some people are just trolling though, or work for NCSoft.
Feycat, you are not one of the people doing this. However there are people that come off as defending NCSoft. However Brillig in particular does come off as defending NCSoft in several threads. I am not the only one who has noticed it.
I agree being openly inflammatory doesn't help the situation, but being condescending doesn't help either. Personally I would ratehr someone say "F YOU!" than for them to just talk down to me. I can reason with someone who I know is being hostile, I just want to punch people who are being condescending in the face.
@Billz, I am drinking cheep beer.Going for the Champagne of Beers this week.
If I am not mistaken CoX is the oldest, and largest MMO NCSoft has closed. I could be wrong, but it is possible that they miscalculated.
Quote:Never really is, but that doesn't stop it from happening. Not all people have the same level of control over there emotions. Which is why there is therapy.I don't think "I'm emotional right now" is a good excuse to be a dick to people
When I graduate I will be even more glad that there is a need for therapy. It will mean that I am employed.
Quote:Not really what I meant. Sure go for it, just don't be surprised when they get angry. You can ask all you like, but that doesn't mean it is going to happen. Emotional people are not always rational. YMMV.Wait, so... seriously?
In your opinion, asking people to be reasonable and look at the facts is in poor taste, and attacking people who do so is fine?
I am also not condoning attacking people, but I do understand that it is going to happen. In most cases anger is a lot easier to deal with than grief.
My question (since you asked me one) is; What is to be gained by asking people you know are upset to be reasonable on the internet where there is already very little self control?