Fool Me Six Times!
Poor Wildstar. At this point I wouldn't give better than 50/50 on it even making it to launch. Carbine must know that if NCsoft have another quarter like this one they'll be next on the chopping block.
If I were Carbine and Arenanet I'd be looking at the "Corporate" sabotage clauses in their contracts. Especially, since NcSoft has stated, publically, they want out of the American market. That can at least give them breach and a way to force NcSoft to sell them or provide revenue to allow them to exist on their own.
If I were Carbine and Arenanet I'd be looking at the "Corporate" sabotage clauses in their contracts. Especially, since NcSoft has stated, publically, they want out of the American market. That can at least give them breach and a way to force NcSoft to sell them or provide revenue to allow them to exist on their own.
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Especially, since NcSoft has stated, publically, they want out of the American market.
Please keep to the facts. Provide a link or document if you think I'm wrong.
Also, latter is spelled letter last time I looked.
Myself, I see no point in going after Wildstar or GW2, this is not their fault, and I don't think it's helping if we behave like a bunch of cry babies.
Try to keep to the facts and act mature.
I'm not even putting Wildstar on my radar thanks to the douchebaggery surrounding NCSoft right now. Neither am I interested in Guild Wars and they can take a flying leap into the Sun if they think I am touching Aion again. Hell I'd trust EA more then NCSoft. :/
Frankie says it best.
Please keep to the facts. Provide a link or document if you think I'm wrong. Also, latter is spelled letter last time I looked. Myself, I see no point in going after Wildstar or GW2, this is not their fault, and I don't think it's helping if we behave like a bunch of cry babies. Try to keep to the facts and act mature. |
Frankly, I thought the post was mature, and don't get the what sounded to me a little petulant nature of your post, given the last two lines. 'cry babies' and 'act mature'? And the spelling thing. Nice.
So... if the people who supply you your electricity just up and say "you got 3 months, then we cut it off", you're going to act mature and take it like a man/woman/not-cry-baby?
I think not. Kinda like that. Yes it's a game, but there was no indication this was even a thought on the table. Just... a lightning bolt from the blue, shocking us all.
Nope. Not immature at all to react how we're reacting. *Adults* explain themselves. NCSoft is acting childish and immature if anything.
Thanks, and have a great day anyway.
/Give ya a 6/10 outta the troll ranking on that, by the way, if that was your angle. You did get a response, so you win. Pat on the back for ya.
//NCSoft and it's affiliates won't see another dime from me. Just can't do that again. 7 years of creativity and work... gone, possibly. Thanks so much.
///If the game is saved? I can reconsider that. Won't help the devs, per se, but their legacy will live on. That's why it shouldn't die, it's that epic a thing.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Atlantea, I don't see your post on Wildstar's fb page. And right now I can see back to Aug 2. I'm thinking they deleted it.
Folks should pick their friends and business partners with more care. I won't touch anything published by ncsoft. Fark 'em.
Be well, people of CoH.

Atlantea, I don't see your post on Wildstar's fb page. And right now I can see back to Aug 2. I'm thinking they deleted it.
"View All 11 Comments"
That will expand them all and mine is at the top. ( I posted as "Logan Darklighter" if that helps.)

If CoH dies I am more then happy to spend a bit of my free time letting people know what to expect with each new NCsoft release and if NCSoft rebrands itself following that entity as well.
Check this out - http://gamespeopleplay.smackjeeves.c...-me-six-times/

Related to this - although I posted the following BEFORE I had seen the above cartoon - is the following post that I made to the Wildstar Facebook page (Under their "Wildstar Weekly Roundup, September 24th, 2012" Post:
(So far my post has gained 34 likes on Facebook as opposed to 12 likes for the original post. If you've got Facebook, consider dropping me another like on the comment?)
Perhaps you've heard of the situation with City of Heroes recently? How NCSoft has closed the still profitable Paragon Studios with absolutely no warning, blindsiding 80 employees and leaving them jobless? In the process, they've also devastated an entire dedicated community of players who were in no way ready to quit playing City of Heroes.
It's apparent from studying NCSoft's recent business practices that they have little to no interest in remaining in the Western market over the long term and that Guild Wars 2 and Wildstar will be NCWest's final outings here.
Guild Wars 2 is out and so far a success. But City of Heroes was still profitable. So for how long is GW2 safe from the axe? Being profitable apparently was not enough.
Wildstar is still in development at Carbine. Does the situation with NCSoft concern you as to the future of the game and Carbine Studios and it's employees?
It concerns me. Out of 15 MMOs that have ever been shuttered, NCSoft is now responsible for no less than 1/3 the total. Dungeon Runners, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, EXteel, and now City of Heroes. NCsoft now has the reputation among gamers as "The MMO Killer". How can we trust the products of our imagination to such a publisher? How can we trust them with our money?
I've really liked what I've seen of Wildstar so far. But what kind of future does it really have under NCSoft?
Does Carbine Studios have any options for changing publishers to a different company than NCSoft? You probably can't say publicly, I understand. But I hope privately that you are considering all options.
I'd love nothing better than to support Carbine and Wildstar. But as a City of Heroes player who has been heartbroken at what NCSoft has done, I can't afford to invest either emotionally or financially in another product that has their stamp on it. If your game comes out and it's still under NCSoft then I deeply apologize, but I won't be able to play it, no matter how good it is. I don't want my money going to a publisher that does not have the best interests of jobs and creative energies here in North America at heart.
Let me be clear - this is in no way a slam at Carbine Studios. My ire is directed solely at NCSoft. I wish only the best for Carbine and Wildstar.
I just hope you'll consider the option, if possible, to "Pop the escape hatch" and get Wildstar and Carbine out from under a publisher that clearly has little interest in remaining profitable in the western market.
With the greatest respect, I wish you the best of luck and profitability in your future endeavors.
Personally, if nothing else comes of this, I want NCSoft to become known far and wide among the gaming community as "The MMO Killer". That is the meme I want spread.
NCSOft is silent for 3 weeks running. They have a gameplan to wait us out.
If they want to "turtle" then it's time to hit the flanks and show them there's NO PLACE where we can't make things uncomfortable for them.
*Poke* Yo NCSoft... no talky after a week? RALLY!! Atlas 33!!!!
*Poke* Yo NCSoft... no talky after two weeks? Tony releases the email addresses.
*Poke Poke* Yo NCSoft... no talky after three weeks? Time to do something new. Like point out to Carbine they could be losing sales EVEN BEFORE THEIR GAME OPENS. All because of "NCSoft, the MMO Killer".
And in the process, maybe make some OTHER studio that we haven't heard of - reconsider working for NCSoft.
Speaking of which - any ears on the ground about those kinds of potential business deals we could throw a metaphorical monkey wrench into?
Next week... Yo NCSoft... still no talky?