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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    Especially, since NcSoft has stated, publically, they want out of the American market.
    I don't think so. I think at best we have some anonymous rumours.

    Please keep to the facts. Provide a link or document if you think I'm wrong.

    Also, latter is spelled letter last time I looked.

    Myself, I see no point in going after Wildstar or GW2, this is not their fault, and I don't think it's helping if we behave like a bunch of cry babies.

    Try to keep to the facts and act mature.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alpha Wolf View Post
    I sent an e-mail to Skippy Sidekick that the Beta server is down.

    -Alpha Wolf
    Thank you for keeping the lights on. The Beta server is the only place where I have access to my characters right now.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    While I can't imagine (ok so I Can...) they'd put forth the effort to shutdown code upgrades that don't directly affect billing, it would be nice that if they did decide to cut off that avenue to atleast post to that effect.

    The shipment's being delayed due to the other item in the order (apparantly P!nk's new DLX album wasn't simul release from wherever this is coming from), but I should see my AE box next week. That part of the order was only $8 and I know that it's not one I've purchased so we'll see. If I'm disappointed, then atleast I'll have good music/videos to balance it out! ^.^
    Yeah, I was unpleasantly surprised when they closed this loophole. It would have been much nicer had they left it.

    CoH is rather pointless at the moment for me, as basically all my characters use something VIP and are locked even if I would unlock the slot. Rogues, Vigilantes, MasterMinds, Widows, VIP powersets, etc...

    I haven't heard anything on my support request, except an acknowledgement that they received it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    I'd actually agree if I was talking base salary. That was employee cost. Everything you need to have someone working in an office doing that kind of job. For tech companies that includes things like employers contribution to taxes, continuing education benefits, health plan, etc, etc, etc.
    I don't know the US numbers, but I know my previous employer needed 1 million euros to run a 22 person company in 2005. That makes it probably a little over 1.5 million dollar or about $70k per person, maybe $85k in 2012?

    What the employees would see of that on their pay check is about half of that, somewhere in the $35-45k ballpark.

    Those are Dutch numbers for a company in a rural area. I would not be surprised if the numbers in Silicon Valley are significantly higher.

    I think that employing 80 people would run somewhere in the 8-12 million dollar range, if only half of those people were working on City of Heroes, then the game was making a profit, but Paragon Studios was only barely breaking even.

    Given the roughly 2.5 million dollar revenue per quarter from the official NCsoft SEC filings, the number of $800k/month profit can just not be true, it is clear the revenue per month was around that number. This is the only number that is publicly out there as far as I know and the only thing verified by accountants. Any discussion about the profitability of CoH has to start from this number. Only if the entire PS staff was working for free could you get the number of $800k/month profit. The much more likely explanation is that someone mixed up revenue and income.
  5. WoW can be fun, there are a lot of quests and other content.

    I've played WoW for 5 years, led a top end raiding guild for a year and I'm not going back. I only found CoH after leaving WoW and having tasted the amount of control you have over your character, I can't go back to being a Tauren Druid.
  6. Sounds very close to the model that the MineCraft community uses.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CannonballJack View Post
    TLDR: Zone events good! Mob-pastures bad!
    I actually liked what they did in Praetoria with this. It might still have to many mob-pastures (I like that word), but large parts are free of it. Instead there are these events you can trigger. Kill the two guards in front of the Mob building and they come out of the woodwork in swarms. Interact with the protest and all hell breaks loose.

    I liked how Praetoria was designed, the multiple factions in one zone, the events, no tunnels/trams/ferries to go from one zone to the other. I think it would have made a much better starting zone design than Atlas Park or Mercy Island, especially Mercy Island. I also liked that you had interaction with the big names from the start, not just after level 40 or so.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    What bothers me the most is the story seems to assume my character was a regular Earth human up until magic dust mites from the future gave him or her powers and changed him. It's not the origin of the powers that bugs me, it's the implied backstory that is severely limiting. It's the same problem I hav with the Secret World and its magic bees that people seem to keep swallowing in their sleep.

    Almost none of the characters I have in City of Heroes right now started out human for any length of time in their lives, and the ones that do didn't spend their lives before gaining powers in this timeline or on this planet. Force my hand in this and I simply walk away.
    Yeah. One of the things that made CoH great is that it allows the player to chose the origin and background of the character. DCUO could have done that as well, but seems to have lost track somewhere. I haven't played the game, but apparently you can't make a Kryptionian.
  9. I made a more lengthy post over at the titan network forum, but in general I think it boils down to:

    Personal Expression. This game allows you to invest a lot in "owning" your character and it's story. When invested in the character, people will invest more in the connections to other characters as well.

    Fellowship. The sidekick mechanics and relatively low level of "skill" involved, make it easy to group with a wide range of players. Next to this the global channels make it easy to be a part of not just on group, focussed on one aspect of the game, but multiple groups at the same time.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I thought box codes still worked. It could be that the box you got was already used :/
    Definitely not. It was shrinkwrapped and the game card first needed to be scratched to reveal the code.

    There was also a code for "invite a friend" in a separate envelope, I had to tear the paper as it was glued shut.

    Neither code worked.

    I'm afraid that the time it took from ordering at Amazon to having the box arrive on my doorstep was just too long and I got pre-empted on the 19th.

    I have put in a support ticket.
  11. It's one of the things I really liked about CoH: I could play it on my Macbook while travelling.

    And it would run fine on 1680x1050 on maxxed out Ultra.

    Oh and the store - it was buggy on Windows as well.

    I currently only play games that work on the Mac, even if I do have a Windows PC at home for gaming as well.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    and i take it returns are out of the question? In case support can't/won't help?
    Most of that money was what it took to get the box to me, the box itself was much less.

    I knew I took a risk when ordering it. I still have a nice map now.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Yeah. I spent nearly $50 to get this box. It arrived in the mail today from, doesn't deliver games outside USA/Canada.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by eryq2 View Post
    IF everyone that is crying about Free VIP until the end had been VIP from the beginning then we may still have a game to play. No sense in wanting everything free now for a month. Whats the point? Ive been VIP since 2004, and a 2nd account VIP since about 2006. After paying for the whole time, i really don't think anyone deserves a "free pass". It don't make sense to me. Maybe i'm wrong but it's my opinion.
    I've played this game since December 17 last year. I went VIP on December 20. My VIP originally ran out on July 20. I got a friend to also subscribe, so my VIP was extended to August 20. I was on holidays last week of August and could not renew my VIP before hand (only paypal).

    Next to this I've spent enough on the Paragon Market to have the full Fire and Ice costume set. 37 Reward tokens in 8 months, you do the math.

    I have since spent the equivalent of nearly 50 dollars to get a boxed game shipped to my country. It arrived today in the mail but it seems the boxed codes no longer work.

    I was late to this game. I wish I had found it sooner, but it was never really sold in The Netherlands nor advertised. I enjoyed it a lot while it lasted.

    I would really have liked to get my level 47 toon to level 50, but she's a Rogue.

    I don't want a "free pass", I just want to play a game I really like while I can. Given that now even boxed codes no longer seem to work, I'm really out of options.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
    Ugh. I don't like the sound of these. It seems as if NCSoft has put a stop to the use of all CoX codes (which makes some sense given their refund policy).

    If you guys would open support tickets and report back that would be a big help to others hoping to restore VIP status.
    I submitted a support ticket.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
    I just recieved a copy of Going Rogue Complete Edition that I ordered from Amazon. Whenever I try redeeming the code it tells me "This serial code has expired." I can't use it to upgrade any account or to start a new one.

    I believe the response for an already claimed serial is "This code has already been used."
    I have the same problem. I just got Good vs. Evil Combined Edition from today, and it says that "This serial code has expired."

    It was a new game nicely shrinkwrapped, with a fresh "Game activation card", I had to scratch the black paint to reveal the code.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    The revenge I want to see is all the fired members of the Paragon Studio to get their own game development studio, get some serious funding, kickstarter maybe, and role out a new MMO that blows everything out the water. NCSoft can only watch and feel shame as they realize what they let go.
    I like this scenario.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CatAstrophy View Post
    Game needed better marketing. Although there are more and more people that are shopping online now, there are still people that like to have CD (DVD), and there were no box editions in Europe since GvE.
    If I haven't found try out CD for CoH by accident, I wouldn't be playing it at all.
    I can still find WoW CDs in every game shop (8 years old), I can still find Guild Wars CDs in every game shop (7 years old), but I couldn't find CoH CDs in any store 4 years ago, when game was just 4 years old.

    There are lot of reasons people quit playing, but without good marketing new people can't find game and there is not enough fresh blood to cover for loses.
    This. I had never heard of the game until a year ago. And that was because I specifically started looking for a SuperHero MMO, partially because SmallVille ended.

    I think only WoW and GW have managed any kind of presence on store shelves here, or even online shops. I tried finding a shop selling boxes to get VIP again (sub ran out 20/8) but none of them even seem to have carried it, only and, no, free record shop, computer collective.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vaelynn View Post
    While I don't have my finger on the pulse of the game. I believe this to be the truth. From my personal experience, I have observed or have friends / SG Mates telling me that the reason for them taking a long absence is mainly because of burnt out.

    And I don't think this happens only for COH, it happens for WoW as well. I know many guildmates and players who were top notch raiders who simply disappeared after a several months of playing, only to re-appear at the next expansion pack or next game content update.
    I stopped playing WoW and started playing CoH a year ago. Partially for the same reason: I got burned out on WoW and started looking around for another game I'd like.
    I had played WoW for 5 years and three expansions. I even bought the collectors edition for Cataclysm, but my character only got 2 levels before I got bored.

    I'm happy to have at least played CoH for almost a year, although I never got to level 50.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Hey everyone, please note the update in the top post. I have voluntarily removed the e-mail addresses. I think this project has been successful in its goal, and at this point, I don't think any further e-mails will get read. Also, I want to minimize the possibility of trolls getting the addresses at some future point and using the addresses to grind an ax.
    I was planning to send emails this evening, but I will now refrain from doing so and wait further news from you.

    I ask everyone to try and have TonyV coordinate things, if we can show we speak with one voice and support and follow him, it gives him more power.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
    The very first thing that made City of Heroes unique for me was the fact that they had an extensive skin tone palette, which allowed me to make heroes that looked like me. That palette actually represented the skin tones of the world. There are 3 rows of 10 shades each having undertones of red, yellow and I believe green...30 different shades for skin colors. I do not know of any other MMO that has that many or would even take the time to make that many. I know this seems like a very tiny thing, but it really is not.

    Skin tone palettes are extremely important because it says to me that the makers of the game actually have a good world view and understand that people come in a variety of colors and not all from a eurocentric palette. I'm an African American woman and a large portion of my characters are African American women. I probably have more black female superheroes than there are in the entire comic universe. Sure that could be exaggeration but the sad part is, it probably is not.

    City of Heroes allowed me to create the characters I wanted to play and to have characters look the way I wanted them to look.
    Very true. I might be European white male, but in this game I could be anyone. I had characters with all kinds of backgrounds and colours. I agree that it's a problem of a lot of MMOs that the humans/elves often can only look european.

    Because of the way I grew up, I've been on the wrong end of discrimination a few times in a way that few white males would experience. Nothing like a real black person, woman or other minority might experience, but enough to know how it tastes. It's subtle things like this, not just the clearly visible, that make the difference.

    Oh, and Storm is my personal favourite SuperHero, especially the time she lost her powers but still was tough as nails.
  22. RogerWilco

    Still Trying

    I'll be there on Saturday.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    From what I see in the graph CoX was probably in red ever since the 09-10 drop. Then GR gave it a spike it revenue, before going back down into red. The Devs probably promised the same spike in revenue with Freedom, which didn't happen according to that graph, and with a continuing down trend the Korea overlords decided to full the plug.

    But, like you said that's all guesswork since no one knows what goes on in ncsoft.
    The only number I can compare the revenues with, is that I know that my previous employer needed 1 million euros in 2005 to run a 20-25 man software company. My guess would be that you can run 20 people for a year on 2 million US dollars in 2012, so extrapolating to the 80 people at Paragon Studios would mean about 8 million dollars a year.

    So my guess is that with 10 million revenue, City of Heroes would have been in the break even to slightly profitable range. With revenues slowly decreasing you would need to downsize at some point or find new ways to make money.

    How it looked in NCsofts internal bookkeeping I don't know. I think that as an indie studio PS could have been run with a small profit but would have run into problems if revenue dropped below 8 million/year without downsizing.

    I would have preferred a scenario where either CoH 2 would have been developed, or PS would have gone into a maintenance mode and they would have milked the player base until it would no longer cover running the servers.

    I think the bean counters made a decision, probably because of the declining trend in CoH, but the way it was executed doesn't seem like a good PR move to me.

    Maybe it's indeed true that what they had hoped for with F2P didn't work out. Personally I think they could have done a better job selling Freedom. With that I mean advertising, and the first experience of new users trying it out. If you want to hook your players, you need a few wow moments in the first 5-10 levels. I found the starting missions and areas in Paragon City and certainly the Rogue Isles very bland. I found Praetoria a much better starting experience and also much better looking.