Why was COH killed by NCSoft?
It's Nemesis' final plot.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
If you want insight into the brilliant minds of NCSoft, take a look at STEAM right now and see how many players are logged into DCUO and Champions online.
1,369 and 416 respectively. Accounts logged into CoH forums? 2652 Members 12K guests.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Because NCsoft are massive dillholes who kill everything you love.
Note that Champions Online is losing money. Its parent company is keeping it afloat as a loss leader so as to get a toehold in the MMO market in North America.
On a purely financial evaluation, it should have been put down two years ago.
Maybe its parent company can buy CoH and have a profitable toehold instead?
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We can only hope, we can only hope.
Not everyone uses Steam (I assume the numbers only track Steam users logged in and not the entire logged-in playerbase), and the CoH forums are currently garnering quite a bit of attention for a very good reason.
If you'd rather have another biased number, taking the 5000 sigs of interested players who'd like to see CoH go on vs. peak numbers of the top 100 games on steam. CoH would rank around 16th out of 100.
Reasons I've heard:
The company that owns cryptic (which owns CoH's game engine) did not allow NCSoft to lease its property any longer.
While CoH does make money, it doesn't make -enough-, at least, not enough to justify spending heaps of cash on re-licensing the engine for whatever huge fee "Perfect World" came up with. Paragon Studios only supplied 1-2% of NCSoft's earnings. If it would have cost NCSoft more to re-lease the game engine than what CoH makes for them, discontinuing it is a no-brainer.
Still, the very SUDDEN nature of this all makes me wonder if there wasn't something else at play.
What really gets me is that the game and its underlying engine have both been updated, improved, and changed so much, that I bet NCSoft would have a decent chance of being able to claim rights to it. Or heck, why not just keep the dev team on and have them make a NEW engine? Why not bide for time or something?
This all seems very suspect to me...

Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
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A long time ago I worked at a company that had a number of wholly own subsidiaries. The subsidiary that I worked for, even though it didn't earn the most revenue in dollars, did produce the most profits dollars. So much so that if we had a bad year, the company had a bad year. Of course this meant we were the ones that suffered the staff cuts when the company's profits were down since we were their only profit center.
It doesn't have to make sense. Tax laws don't help it. We once destroyed a whole lot of consumables that customers used in our products (and we were the sole source) because we made more money on paper that way than by having a sale to flush the excess and perhaps garner some customer goodwill.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Because NCsoft are massive dillholes who kill everything you love.
Disclaimer: I do not actually blame Dr. Aeon. I have nothing but positive feelings and wishes for all the devs at this point.
NCSoft is hereby LIFETIME BANNED from *EVER* receiving any money or compensation from me ever again in *MY* lifetime.
NCSoft killed Tabula Rasa (which I loved playing) and LIED to do it.
NCSoft has now killed City of Heroes and given the flimsiest of reasons for doing so.
That's it, NCSoft ... you're done. No more Benefit Of The Doubt ... EVER.
And I hope that there is an entire segment of the gaming population at large that feels the same way I do.

I've always enjoyed talking down about SOE because of how they handled MxO's closure, SWG and the network haxoring. But for the record, for both games, they announced a cutoff date for players. For The Matrx Online, anyone who'd had an account in good standing was allowed back into the game for free the last three months. Star Wars Galaxies; anyone subscribed by the cutoff date in any capacity would be allowed to play the last three months. They also removed all instance timers and lvl restrictions during the last months, so lvling characters took hours, not days, heck the MxO devs made everyone level 99, then 100, then 101 and gave them dev abilities and powers Neo had. Granted the lvl cap there was only 50.
NCSoft gave people no prep time, at all. Unless they want to go down as worse than SOE at handling an MMO, they owe it to the players to give us all VIP status before the end. That or make us all fully leveled Incarnates.
NCSoft gave people no prep time, at all. Unless they want to go down as worse than SOE at handling an MMO, they owe it to the players to give us all VIP status before the end. That or make us all fully leveled Incarnates.
That's three months. So, we got prep time.
You want VIP status? Non-VIP were too cheap or broke to support the game with a subscription and you think they're entitled to free VIP? Seriously?
If they gave them free VIP, then they'd have to refund every VIP that's paid for it - or it wouldn't be in the least bit fair. Of course, no one said life was fair.
I just wish NCSoft had a paid subscription from everyone who's stated that they should give free VIP to everyone, then maybe the game would have been profitable enough to keep.
I don't care to read/hear how free and premium players supported the game by spending money in the paragon market. If those same folks had been subbed, CoH might not have needed to switch to the hybrid model ( a desperation move) in the first place.
I have zero sympathy for free and premium players who whine about not having vip access -- (except those that just found the game in the past month. For those newer players, I have sympathy.)
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
NCSoft is hereby LIFETIME BANNED from *EVER* receiving any money or compensation from me ever again in *MY* lifetime.
NCSoft killed Tabula Rasa (which I loved playing) and LIED to do it. NCSoft has now killed City of Heroes and given the flimsiest of reasons for doing so. That's it, NCSoft ... you're done. No more Benefit Of The Doubt ... EVER. And I hope that there is an entire segment of the gaming population at large that feels the same way I do. |
And now, CoH is closing, and all we get is corporate doublespeak as the reason (strategic vision moving forward, blah blah blah). Bollocks I say.
Like many around here, I'll never look at another NC title again.
Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
NCSoft gave people no prep time, at all. Unless they want to go down as worse than SOE at handling an MMO, they owe it to the players to give us all VIP status before the end. That or make us all fully leveled Incarnates.
All that said, your sense of entitlement astounds me. We (players) lost a creative outlet, a social venue, a home away from reality. The people at Paragon Studios lost their jobs. Which of us do you think got the bigger shaft?
It really sucks that we're losing City of Heroes, I will miss it and many of the people here greatly. It sucks even more that the majority of Paragon Studios is now looking for work.
By prep time I meant this; when SWG was going to close, players were told 6 months ahead of time, and were given until a certain date to resubscribe if they wanted to play the final months of the game. They had the option. With City of Heroes...nothing. If i'd known this was going to be the end i'd have found the money somehow.
And I DID support the game when it was subscription only. When Freedom launched I had nearly enough Veteran Rewards to get free access to the Invention System. That's alot of paid subscription time over the game's 8 years, not to mention buying the game's retail box, the CoV collector's edition, the Good vs Evil edition, the Going Rogue complete collection...I gave this game more money than I've given to any other over the years.
I know that the folks at Paragon Studios are in a horrible spot now. And i'm angry for them, unless they were told ahead of time, they came in to work one morning to work on future content for the game and were told that the studio was closing that day. That sucks. No way around that. No way to justify that.
What I meant by the free VIP time thing is that if these are the last months of the game they (NCSoft) should at least let us enjoy the game fully with what little time is left. That's all I meant. Just a chance to play the Apex TF or the Incarnate trials one more time. That content is locked now and i'll never get to play it again. I gave this game years and alot of my money. Not getting to fully enjoy it one last time feels like being cheated.
im sorry but NCSoft is also BANNED from my wallet FOREVER.
NEVER will i touch any product from the again.
i have to agree with an earlier poster on this.
@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Dungeon Runners, Exsteel, and now City of Heroes*, if I were an uninvolved third party, I'd be pretty cautious about buying any NCSoft game. Shutting down this many games does not speak well of NCSoft's financial stability, or their commitment to their customers and games.
Has any other major MMO company shut down that many games?
*Was that all of them? I think I missed one...
An MMO closure is definitely not a joke, and I have no intention of making light of it. And it can be a tough and emotional thing for players to go through, speaking from personal experience. And I know that it's often much harder on the developers than on the publisher. However, I also know that it doesn't necessarily turn you into a sad, depressed sack of tears for the rest of your life. People can move past it, and heal.
Yeah, I was a beta-through-sunset player of Tabula Rasa, absolutely loved that game. The way NC went about that closure was dodgy, to say the least.
Part of me, just from the speed and surprise of the announcement, tends to think someone had a personal beef against PS/COH. I just can't shake that feeling, though I have no proof of it.
However, what I think likely happened is that, yes, there was an issue with having spent (and lost) money on Aion and the GW2 launch. There's probably a report or other financial meeting coming up - or, as mentioned elsewhere, the new buyer insisted on "reorganizing." COH, while making a steady amount of money, was the most vulnerable property.
1. If you look at the reports, we made the same amount of money, roughly - 2-3% of NC's income in sales, etc. Which is good, sure, and we sure benefitted from the hybrid model (look at all the new powersets, etc.) but they expected more.
2. We *did* make only 2-3% of the money. Yes, it was steady - but that's small potatoes.
3. We don't have a global presence - we're pretty much NA with a little EU (especially after trimming French and German localization.) Aion isn't doing well here... but it's strong in Korea. Us? We had City of Hero for... what, a few months before it crashed and burned? We're essentially a Western-only property.
4. They were working on a new project, a new IP (not COH 2.) Which is investment without an immediate payback, of course... which, given their own loss and the current economy, probably felt risky.
I think all of the above made COH exceptionally vulnerable during any "reorganization."
Yes, the question still comes up, well then, why not trim *some* staff, or drop/postpone the "secret project," or try to find a buyer? I *suspect* there's some sort of deadline involved that had to be met, and a sale would take too long for them to meet that deadline without showing more of a loss than they want to report.
That's all my suspicion, anyway.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
It's plenty fair. They chose to drop their accounts. Something else was more important. I'm sure it's not pleasant to realize that the option to wait a week before you resub leaves you high and dry - just be glad you had the option instead of being locked into paying it every month.
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One of the theories I've seen floated is the loss of sales in CoH, which then links to NCSoft financial records. Well, here's a look at their sales since 2010:
Yes, CoH sales have dropped, but nothing compared to Aion. Any news of them axing Aion? Anybody? Bueller?
I would like to compile a list of the reasons people heard either through the forums, in game, from friends, from enemies, or from spectral voices as to the contributing reasons why NCSoft killed CoH. You could also include any other depraved acts that NCSoft may have committed in the past. Really I don't give a ****. Just make something up. We could all use a laugh at someone's expense at this point. And that someone is NC Soft.
Remember that the boards may or may not be monitored. Assume they are not.
CoH has been unique in the sea of cloned MMOs.There are years of possibilities still
in such a well designed, well supported and well loved game.Shutting it down now doesn't
make sense on any level except, perhaps, on some spreadsheet�s bottom line. I do not
consider this an act of a company that has the interests of its customers at heart.This
calls into question why I would want to be part of any further ventures involving NCSoft.