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  1. Ukaserex

    Time and Again

    Super glad to see that rumors of your death are incorrect. :P

    God bless you and keep you.
  2. Well, it appears the cupboard is bare. I've pretty much sold or slotted everything I had.

    But, the prices are comparatively cheap now. You should be able to get what you want for about 650-700 million. Less if you use converters, buying the cheaper ones and converting.
  3. Ok, after the msr, since I've gone through pretty much all the trials, I'll let the first 16 players vote on which trial - or the first 24, depending on our numbers.

    In the absence of a clear favorite, I'll just pick whichever one I think the league is best suited for.

    (Most leagues are suited for a ugt, hint, hint, wink, wink)

    Approximately 10:15pm eastern, be in Dark Astoria for an invite.
  4. Will check things out Tuesday evening. If I have them, I'll send them. Almost positive I still have a shield wall proc laying around.
  5. Ukaserex

    /Em Salute

    Originally Posted by Geronimo_69 View Post
    If anyone is looking for me after the lights have gone out, I'll be fighting my way out of "Imperial entanglements" as Link'oln on the Red Eclipse server, but in my heart, I will always be Geronimo 69, and I will always be a citizen of the only City of Heroes! game would that be?
  6. In case you missed it in the other thread ( or I forgot to post it), I'll host an MoM immediately following the MSR tomorrow night, November 2.

    MSR scheduled for 9:30pm Eastern
    MoM approx. 10:15pm Eastern. in Dark Astoria

    I will host the msr if the raid leader hasn't made an appearance by 9:20pm Eastern, and pass the star if/when they show up.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
    We were all proof that there was no excuse to have a name like Iron_dUDe_138.
    QFT! I lol'd at this part.
  8. You're welcome.

    First, my apologies to those on the MoDD trial - we satisfied the criteria for Master of - but for whatever reason, the Spinebreaker badge did not award.

    This was petitioned by @tenebrous, and I was told just now that the badge is now awarded and his character now has the Master of Dilemma Diabolique Accolade.

    So, if you were on that trial, and you don't have that badge, please submit a petition, apparently a GM is still around (on the weekend, no less) to assist with this matter.

    As for the MoM trial - my profuse apologies. The failure was totally my fault for not assigning a couple damage dealers to the instanced room where Aurora Borealis is. I just spaced out on it - and to make matters worse, I never even noticed the trial UI showing Aurora's Health declining. There seemed to be more red and blue patches to avoid, or maybe I was just out of practice.

    In any event, we'll be doing a MoM next Friday, and possibly another iTrial after, depending on what the league would like to do.

    To make my start times for these consistent, I will either join the msr at 930pm Eastern on Friday evening, or form it myself if the usual leaders are not present, and hand the star over if they turn up late.

    So, MSR at 930pm Eastern, followed by MoM at approximately 10:15pm Eastern.
  9. Ukaserex

    Monkey v. the GM

    Originally Posted by MonkeyB View Post
    I changed his name to protect him......oh wait apparently he needs protection from me.
    Hey, if there's anyone I know that can just get so frustrated with customer disservice that you want to slide sharp object underneath their fingernails until they MAKE a way to solve the problem, it's me.

    I remember reading Dale Carnegie's book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People", and he covered a topic about getting a refund from a retailer whose policy was to not give refunds.

    1. Don't swear.
    2. Be courteous yet firm in your own policy.
    3. Simply agree with everything the clerk says: "Yes, I understand what you're saying, but I still want my money back."

    In retail, they will almost always finally acquiesce, simply because it becomes cheaper to pay off the customer than to maintain adherence to the policy.

    In this context, it's a different animal entirely.
    It's a Monkey.

    Monkey is 4 times the VIP I am. Well, she was. Now she's only 3 times the VIP I am. Regardless, in addition to the reward tokens, the customer disservice rep should be able to hook her up, just because. It's not like anybody would know, or care.

    It doesn't matter that the cs rep *Can't* help because they simply lack the access or mechanism to do this small thing for Monkey. What does matter is that the CS rep didn't even so much as try to get access or talk to someone higher up -- and I'm sure, somewhere in that building, there's someone higher up.

    Yes, they would have still said no, most likely. But, they should have tried.

    Now, it's a complete rip-off, but from what I understand, they will still accept game time cards to be vip. (I could be wrong, though)
  10. I had a few saying that they've never done MoM successfully before.

    First up is MoDD immediately after the MSR, in DA, like always. (about 10:20pm Eastern, approximately)

    For Diabolique, it's pretty much a given that you need to bring your level shifted toons, as the avs are tough. +3's if I recall.

    If interest is still there, we'll likely do MoM afterwards.
    We can try for MoMoM - but there is one badge that requires 16 nightmares, all different ones. They appear 3 per run, and they're random. Odds are, after about 10 runs, you could get it - but it might take 20 runs. I just don't have the inclination to farm it or run it that many times back to back.

    So, if/when you folks get your Nightmare badge, then ask me about the other badges - most you'll likely have already if you've run the trial at all.
    The storm voids may be a little elusive for some, so we'll see what we can do, if we have the league set up for it.
  11. Ukaserex

    TPN after MSR

    Because of smaller league size, we broke our MoTPN effort into two different runs - the first one was for the News Flash. (public opinion to 500 twice, within 8 minutes each time)

    A lot of people needed that one, and now have MoTPN.

    Then, we ran again for the Fair and Balanced (telepathists) and now, a lot more people have MoTPN.

    Well done all!
  12. Ukaserex

    Monkey v. the GM

    Well, been there, done that, still waiting on the t-shirt.

    GM support...I've had mixed experiences with them.

    I'm saddened that poor Monkey couldn't get that GM to listen to reason.

    There is the possibility that the GM simply could not make it happen, even if the Meanie wanted to.

    But, with a name like GM_MeanieFace...well, draw your own conclusions.
  13. Ukaserex

    TPN after MSR

    Well, it was a fine run, all things considered.

    We only got a couple of badges - but the main one that had eluded most was the telepathist badge - so several people got the Mo they were missing.

    A few more needed the 8 minute public opinion badge, and we can try for that next Friday, same time, same place.

    That may give FCM and Brightfires an extra chance to FRAPs.

    So, MoTPN next Friday after the MSR.
  14. Ukaserex

    TPN after MSR

    Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
    I feel kinda bad for bein' somewhat selfish of late and not playing or helping out with raids or trials, but I swear it's for a good cause - I'm gearing up to get a job by the end of the month. Kind of a goal of mine, tired of bein' a slacker artist type who's always broke and eating ramen and ******** about ramen.
    Don't feel bad at all - those who don't work, don't eat. At least, not very much and not very well.

    Some of us spent entirely too much time making progress on our characters, and not enough time progressing in the real world. Well, November 30 is almost here; that's when it will be time to find something productive to fill in the gaps - like more trips to the gym, the beach, family, etc. (if not sooner)
  15. Ukaserex

    TPN after MSR

    For those that are still inclined to get the incarnate groove on:

    Friday, 10/12/12, 9:30 pm Eastern is the MSR, followed by TPN at 10:30 pm Eastern, in Dark Astoria.

    If folks are still wanting to run, we can do a magi afterwards.
  16. Following the MSR this next Friday....
    10/5/12 at 9:20 pm Central (approximate msr completion time)
    I will host a non-MoUGT and a MAGI run, in that order.

    If we have the numbers to do so, we can try for a Triple Threat on the MAGI trial. (This means 21-24 players)
    Trying to keep three teams healthy seperately and time the damage of the three AVs can be problematic under the best of conditions.

    Procedurally, it's simple.

    Each team will tackle a specific AV - stopping at 20% hp, then 15%, then 10%, then 5%, then 3%, then 2%, then 1% then zero.

    Damage Auras and pets are off/dismissed at 5%.
    The hard part is for all three teams to survive the controlled beating on the AVs, as they hit back.

    Typically, Chimera likes to tp around when he gets to like 2%.
    Invariably, someone forgets to dismiss their pets, or server latency (or some graphic/computer issue) makes it seem like there's still 7-8% hp left, but that frame that shows 7 or 8% hp remaining was from 10 seconds ago, and now there's 3 hp left. Be sure to watch your chat screens.

    Lore pets are not used in this part, but saved for the finale against Tyrant. The Badge doesn't count unless we beat Tyrant.
  17. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    Work left me pretty tired, too. Fortunately, that's why they have caffiene in cola.
  18. Ukaserex


    I got my refund on the 28th. Wasn't expecting one; my sub lapses before November 30th.

    For whatever reason, the refund is greater than a one month sub, a touch over 18 bucks. <shrug>
  19. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    I would say something like "ya should've met my ex-wife", but I'm guessing ya probably already did.

    Only joking of course.
  20. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    Well done Magi! (regular run)
  21. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    Speaking of money's worth....I just got credited more than a month's worth of game time...oh well, I won't look that gift horse in the mouth.

    Well, I hope that maybe we might try twice -- once tonight at the posted time, and if need be, tomorrow, since at least three of you can make tomorrow.

    I don't see traffic being that much of a problem for you today, FCM. I think your bus will catch all the lights when they're green.

    On second thought - we'll just have to try two runs - but it seems that I've forgotten all about the msr...I thought those had stopped, but if not, it wouldn't be right to form something during an MSR.
    We'll just have to play it by ear.
  22. Ukaserex

    please read.

    This just in! Paying 2.50 to 3 bucks for a cupcake is a scam!

    Cupcakes can be mass produced for pennies a piece, and yet they always charge easily ten times the price! Less costs more!

    Wow. so silly.
  23. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
    Saturday Magi? Count me in.

    @Raven Lord
    Silly Raven Lord! Thought you knew me well enough! Literacy has always been a pre-requisite on my iTrials!

    Friday, my good sir, Friday.

    Now, if you're telling me that you can't make Friday, but can only make Saturday, that's a different box of goodies.

    I pick Fridays because generally, folks are more available then. On Saturdays, I never had much luck even when there wasn't impending DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

    Sadly, @Cinder Frost cannot attend, as he has lost his vip status.
  24. It's cheap and dirty, but Amplifiers are useful and team inspirations (Precise Imbuements and protection imbuements) are greatly helpful. They work for 5 minutes - and still work if you get defeated.

    In each of my 3 successful runs, we never had more than 4 corruptors. But, we never had less than a +3 with tier 4 in all (to my knowledge)

    People switching out to help is fine, but for something like this, I like for folks to play toons they are well accustomed to. Just because you have a kin - if you haven't played it in years, that may not be a good idea.

    Critical areas - backing away from tyrant asap so you can re-engage asap.
    And don't get defeated! (easy to say, not so easy to do)
  25. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    Hey, I did say maybe!

    Perhaps the West Coast contingent, if they are still around could chime in.

    @FCM(abbreviated)? @Brightfires?

    @Guardian Pixie?

    I might be able to get a hold of a couple of folks via e-mail. Just need to pin down a specific time to let them know what time to show.

    I will try for 8:30pm Central, 9:30pm Eastern, this coming Friday 9/28

    And fear not - I will not wait an hour to form a trial. It goes in 15-20 or we do something else, like give wedgies to QP.