10/26 MoDD and MoM (not a master of effort)




I had a few saying that they've never done MoM successfully before.

First up is MoDD immediately after the MSR, in DA, like always. (about 10:20pm Eastern, approximately)

For Diabolique, it's pretty much a given that you need to bring your level shifted toons, as the avs are tough. +3's if I recall.

If interest is still there, we'll likely do MoM afterwards.
We can try for MoMoM - but there is one badge that requires 16 nightmares, all different ones. They appear 3 per run, and they're random. Odds are, after about 10 runs, you could get it - but it might take 20 runs. I just don't have the inclination to farm it or run it that many times back to back.

So, if/when you folks get your Nightmare badge, then ask me about the other badges - most you'll likely have already if you've run the trial at all.
The storm voids may be a little elusive for some, so we'll see what we can do, if we have the league set up for it.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




If I can get myself up that early on a Saturday, I'd like to get in on one, if not both, of these Ukase. Just a few more badges to stack up on Geronimo before the axe falls. Been having a hard enough time coming back to play when I know the end is in sight, but it's nice to see that there are still some iTrials that are still being run by some of the folks here. Even better to see that someone's willing to run a trial that I haven't done at all. Missed out on quite a few of the "newer" trials so I think I need to set my alarm for this one, as long as you don't mind a semi-coherent player. (What am I saying? Most people become semi-coherent on these things at this time of night anyway. )

A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America' for an amount of 'up to, and including, my life'.
Visit Amarillo
Check out my arcs: MA# 494947, "Operation: RISING STORM", MA# 407176, "I Got Your Mothership Right Here!"



Thanks for running those last night Ukase! Had fun. Never had the chance to run them before.


Primaries: Doctor Roboto - 50(+3) MM (BOT/FF/MU)
Johnny Liberty - 50(+3) Tank (EM/INV/EM)
Lvl 50 Archetypes: MM, TNK, BRT, SCR, PB, CNT, DOM
Still working on: NONE! NCSoft won't let me. =(



You're welcome.

First, my apologies to those on the MoDD trial - we satisfied the criteria for Master of - but for whatever reason, the Spinebreaker badge did not award.

This was petitioned by @tenebrous, and I was told just now that the badge is now awarded and his character now has the Master of Dilemma Diabolique Accolade.

So, if you were on that trial, and you don't have that badge, please submit a petition, apparently a GM is still around (on the weekend, no less) to assist with this matter.

As for the MoM trial - my profuse apologies. The failure was totally my fault for not assigning a couple damage dealers to the instanced room where Aurora Borealis is. I just spaced out on it - and to make matters worse, I never even noticed the trial UI showing Aurora's Health declining. There seemed to be more red and blue patches to avoid, or maybe I was just out of practice.

In any event, we'll be doing a MoM next Friday, and possibly another iTrial after, depending on what the league would like to do.

To make my start times for these consistent, I will either join the msr at 930pm Eastern on Friday evening, or form it myself if the usual leaders are not present, and hand the star over if they turn up late.

So, MSR at 930pm Eastern, followed by MoM at approximately 10:15pm Eastern.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
