Monkey v. the GM
weren't you in freaks?
Freaks rock!
They were shockingly professional for the amount of wankitude you were throwing at them.
Well, been there, done that, still waiting on the t-shirt.
GM support...I've had mixed experiences with them.
I'm saddened that poor Monkey couldn't get that GM to listen to reason.
There is the possibility that the GM simply could not make it happen, even if the Meanie wanted to.
But, with a name like GM_MeanieFace...well, draw your own conclusions.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
For the love of God is there any reason to be such a bunch of tools when there's about 38 days left? All I want is 80 points transferred to my 4th acct so it will still be usable for the last 12 days of coh. After 8 years, this is how you treat a customer? I can see where GM MeanieFace is going to get a job RIGHT AWAY.
GM_MeanieFace: Hello, I am GM MeanieFace. Is your character still stuck? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: hi [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i emailed you about my inventions ios not workingh [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so yep still stuck ![]() [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i do not want to craft with this toon so I shouldn't need one [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: What tier is your account at in th eParagon Reward Tree? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: 7 [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That would be why. [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: Seriously? cut me a break, I can't upgrade to vip, i have 240 points left, if i spend 160 nowq [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: A Premium account would need to be at Tier 8 to have access to the Invention System [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: now* i will be screwed from 11/18 on [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have 4 accts - i paid you good money for EIGHT years [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: and you can't offer me any customer service? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I do understand. [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that is horrible and mean [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then fix it [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: please [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: However, I cannot grant you extra perks on this account, because it is not fair to those accounts that unlocked the feature legitimately [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: with sugar [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i was vip for the longest time and i'd love to upgrade but I CAN'T [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz you wont' let us [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then float me 80 points? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I can't do that. [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so i can have service for the actual 60 days - i already have 240 left [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: phone number [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or supervisor [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: there's no reason you can't either fix it or float me 80 points [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am the only one you are able to contact. [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: take it off my other accts! [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have plenty on [1] and [2] [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: It's not broken and we can't give out free points because that's not fair to those that have legitimate points [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: can you transfer 80 from me to me? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Is there anything else I can assist you with today? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: those are MY points and I should be able to send them ingame or you should be able to do that [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: yes send 80 points from my other accts to me [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That feature is not available [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so? i am assuming you can do that? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or are you just here to be not very helpful and nice for the next 48 days? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Your best option may be to play on those accounts that already have the features your looking for [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz yeah that is going to make me want to run right out and support your company NOT [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I am playing them - and i plan on playing all 4 at once til the end [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so why can't you transfer points from one acct to the other? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: my other accts are [2] and [1] - either one is fine [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: [2] has 1130 on it right now [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Transferring points between accounts is just not possible. There are no tools that allow it [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that your accounts have not all reached the same level of access [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: let me kind of make myself clear. i am a pain in the butt and i will not stop until this is fixed. Google, chat, email, eventually i will find a person who answers the phone and well.....i am a not pleased girl [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so if you WON'T help me, get me your supervisor [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I am sorry about your account, but there is noone else and no way to transfer points [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Threatening us is not going to get us to change the way the game works [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: okay then give me the # i asked for - i want a number where someone answers the phone [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: what is the extension to get help for the 512 number? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: This is an emotional time for all of us [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I'm not emo, I'm pissed [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: you are offering poor customer service [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: The best we can do is make the best of things while the game is available [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: EIGHT YEARS [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That's great. I thank you for your support [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that's awesome, amazing service [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to make sure to send you an email on my last day ![]() [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I understand that you are upset because I cannot give you special consideration [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i didn't ask for special consideration, i asked for my own points THAT i paid for to be transferred over [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i am sure a supervisor could do that [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Have you been able to transfer points between accounts before? [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: have you been this snarky to customers before? [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am only trying to help you understand [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i understand completely [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I know you are upset, but that is not going to change the tools we have [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh i see exactly who er what the tools are ![]() [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: thanks for the great support [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that this feature was not working the way you wanted but I hope you are able to enjoy the time we have left. [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to send you an email with my emotional thoughts on my last day. [Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I have no doubt [Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh be sure to look for it ![]() I'm already drafting it in my head. Think it will be 2 words and the last one will most definitely be you. The first one won't be Thank. Idiots. |
I dont think they ever had a feature to transfer points to another account even before the announcement was made. With the changes, I doubt the GM could have done that service even if he wanted to.
I think you were trying to get him to do something that he probably wasnt actually able to do. They cut out the upgrades a while ago, I think the points stopped accumulating and asking to be spotted/transfer, a feature that probably wasnt even created for 80 points is pretty unrealistic. He's just a GM, probably hired to work out bugs and probably not many of them hanging around anymore. I think he handled the situation well and dealing with a pretty rude customer.
-Female Player-
In-game GMs could never do that anyway, that would be a billing support thing.
If they can't transfer my own points....he could probably have spotted me 80 points. My point is - I have 4 accts and I've been paying for the first one for 8 years....the rest not much less time. So for the amount of money I've spent - 80 points isn't much to ask for.
And believe me that wasn't rude. I've pvp'd. I've seen rude
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
Well, been there, done that, still waiting on the t-shirt.
GM support...I've had mixed experiences with them. I'm saddened that poor Monkey couldn't get that GM to listen to reason. There is the possibility that the GM simply could not make it happen, even if the Meanie wanted to. But, with a name like GM_MeanieFace...well, draw your own conclusions. |
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
I changed his name to protect him......oh wait apparently he needs protection from me.
I remember reading Dale Carnegie's book called "How to Win Friends and Influence People", and he covered a topic about getting a refund from a retailer whose policy was to not give refunds.
1. Don't swear.
2. Be courteous yet firm in your own policy.
3. Simply agree with everything the clerk says: "Yes, I understand what you're saying, but I still want my money back."
In retail, they will almost always finally acquiesce, simply because it becomes cheaper to pay off the customer than to maintain adherence to the policy.
In this context, it's a different animal entirely.
It's a Monkey.
Monkey is 4 times the VIP I am. Well, she was. Now she's only 3 times the VIP I am. Regardless, in addition to the reward tokens, the customer disservice rep should be able to hook her up, just because. It's not like anybody would know, or care.
It doesn't matter that the cs rep *Can't* help because they simply lack the access or mechanism to do this small thing for Monkey. What does matter is that the CS rep didn't even so much as try to get access or talk to someone higher up -- and I'm sure, somewhere in that building, there's someone higher up.
Yes, they would have still said no, most likely. But, they should have tried.
Now, it's a complete rip-off, but from what I understand, they will still accept game time cards to be vip. (I could be wrong, though)
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
If they can't transfer my own points....he could probably have spotted me 80 points. My point is - I have 4 accts and I've been paying for the first one for 8 years....the rest not much less time. So for the amount of money I've spent - 80 points isn't much to ask for.
And believe me that wasn't rude. I've pvp'd. I've seen rude ![]() |
So you didn't tell the gm you were going to skull **** his mentally handicapped sisters puppy, great. You aren't a totally belligerent and ignorant ******.
You were still rude, and I wouldn't have remained as composed as he did.
You can ask. I ask for free **** all the time. I am surprised how often I get what I ask for. That said, I don't **** on anyone when they say no.
So you didn't tell the gm you were going to skull **** his mentally handicapped sisters puppy, great. You aren't a totally belligerent and ignorant ******. You were still rude, and I wouldn't have remained as composed as he did. |
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox
For the love of God is there any reason to be such a bunch of tools when there's about 38 days left? All I want is 80 points transferred to my 4th acct so it will still be usable for the last 12 days of coh. After 8 years, this is how you treat a customer? I can see where GM MeanieFace is going to get a job RIGHT AWAY.
why are they grayed out?
wouldn't want it to be missed amongst all the goodbyes
GM_MeanieFace: Hello, I am GM MeanieFace. Is your character still stuck?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: hi
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i emailed you about my inventions ios not workingh
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so yep still stuck
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i do not want to craft with this toon so I shouldn't need one
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: What tier is your account at in th eParagon Reward Tree?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: 7
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That would be why.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: Seriously? cut me a break, I can't upgrade to vip, i have 240 points left, if i spend 160 nowq
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: A Premium account would need to be at Tier 8 to have access to the Invention System
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: now* i will be screwed from 11/18 on
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have 4 accts - i paid you good money for EIGHT years
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: and you can't offer me any customer service?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I do understand.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that is horrible and mean
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then fix it
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: please
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: However, I cannot grant you extra perks on this account, because it is not fair to those accounts that unlocked the feature legitimately
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: with sugar
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i was vip for the longest time and i'd love to upgrade but I CAN'T
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz you wont' let us
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then float me 80 points?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I can't do that.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so i can have service for the actual 60 days - i already have 240 left
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: phone number
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or supervisor
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: there's no reason you can't either fix it or float me 80 points
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am the only one you are able to contact.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: take it off my other accts!
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have plenty on [1] and [2]
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: It's not broken and we can't give out free points because that's not fair to those that have legitimate points
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: can you transfer 80 from me to me?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: those are MY points and I should be able to send them ingame or you should be able to do that
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: yes send 80 points from my other accts to me
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That feature is not available
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so? i am assuming you can do that?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or are you just here to be not very helpful and nice for the next 48 days?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Your best option may be to play on those accounts that already have the features your looking for
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz yeah that is going to make me want to run right out and support your company NOT
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I am playing them - and i plan on playing all 4 at once til the end
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so why can't you transfer points from one acct to the other?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: my other accts are [2] and [1] - either one is fine
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: [2] has 1130 on it right now
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Transferring points between accounts is just not possible. There are no tools that allow it
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that your accounts have not all reached the same level of access
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: let me kind of make myself clear. i am a pain in the butt and i will not stop until this is fixed. Google, chat, email, eventually i will find a person who answers the phone and well.....i am a not pleased girl
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so if you WON'T help me, get me your supervisor
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I am sorry about your account, but there is noone else and no way to transfer points
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Threatening us is not going to get us to change the way the game works
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: okay then give me the # i asked for - i want a number where someone answers the phone
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: what is the extension to get help for the 512 number?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: This is an emotional time for all of us
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I'm not emo, I'm pissed
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: you are offering poor customer service
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: The best we can do is make the best of things while the game is available
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: EIGHT YEARS
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That's great. I thank you for your support
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that's awesome, amazing service
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to make sure to send you an email on my last day
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I understand that you are upset because I cannot give you special consideration
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i didn't ask for special consideration, i asked for my own points THAT i paid for to be transferred over
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i am sure a supervisor could do that
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Have you been able to transfer points between accounts before?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: have you been this snarky to customers before?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am only trying to help you understand
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i understand completely
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I know you are upset, but that is not going to change the tools we have
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh i see exactly who er what the tools are
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: thanks for the great support
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that this feature was not working the way you wanted but I hope you are able to enjoy the time we have left.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to send you an email with my emotional thoughts on my last day.
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I have no doubt
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh be sure to look for it
I'm already drafting it in my head. Think it will be 2 words and the last one will most definitely be you. The first one won't be Thank.
Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company. Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me. ~ PsyFox