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  1. make a military costume - General Ledger!!
  2. His regular name should be Cliff..

    so Obvious name is Obvious

  3. The empire will chase down Leia through a wormhole that goes back in time to the start of III, Leia will be stuck on an ice planet where she meets a young Han Solo - they blow up the empire ship from the future but now they can retell the whole franchise - Zachary Quinto will be Darth.
  4. He will fight Freddy Krueger in Hell for the chance to return to life and exact revenge. Star Wars VII Freddy vs Darth
  5. They seem to really be running far ahead in some story aspects and totally blowing or merging others from the comic. Lori did not die in childbirth but was killed with the baby on the assault on the Prison by Woodbury. With the birth they are in the precarious position of (possibly) killing an infant...but then there are huge chunks of the comics stories missing from the show - Rick does not do the telephone thing until way later in the books, Carl killed Shayne not Rick, The old man in the RV did not die so early....I like that they do that, but I have to sit there with my mouth shut or my GF will scream at me.."what do you mean he is not supposed to die yet..." lol.
  6. Jaso

    Wreck It Ralph

    Alan was the best psychopath Alpha on Dollhouse by Josh Whedon. If you never watched it it is on hulu and netflix. PS if you go to Disneyworld, there is a actual Wreck it Ralph game at Disney Quest.
  7. Jaso


    I spwaned Kronos in Atlas park.
    I used to come out of RV confused and nuke under atlas.
    I used to run aound Atlast with my Force Bubble on following level 1's
  8. I hated what they did with the movies - they killed cyclops, Famke was no jean grey (she was supposed to be a teenager when she met prof x).. Halle Berry was terrible as storm (she was born and raised in africa not fresno)..not to mention all the continuity they just rolled over in first class. In the wolverine movie they resuce a young cyclops and emma frost, yet she is in her 30s in the 60s? Right. Mystique was Xavier's adpoted sister?? wtf? Havok was never in the x-men before cyclops, who is now dead so..(oh and Sebastian Shaw was not a nazi and not killed by magneto) Beast did not transform before joining the x-men it was after he left the first time and not using Mystique's blood.

    Fassbender made a great magneto - that was about it.
  9. and I invite you to look at this as far as taxed under Romney or Obama


    for the TLDR crowd basically the author realized he would be paying a little more under Obama, but the huge gap between what the uber rich pay in taxes and the author would be removed versus paying a little less under Romney but having the gap between what the uber rich pay and himself widen even more.

    the author goes as far as to say it's up to the reader what they think is fair.

    Odd that you would call Carter the worst president in us history - He deregulated the airline industry as well as the beer industry (making it legal for people to home brew beer- yes you can thank Jimmay for that!) Brokered peace between Isreal and Egypt, worked to downsize government...all the hallmarks of a conservative.
  10. swtor had a huge issue with initial patches that allowed the imps to get amazing gear in level 50 pvp dailys - so much so that when it was finally fixed the reps were so behind the curve it made for zero fun. It was awesome to try to do dailies and get crushed by equal level imps geared out - or to have 6 level 50s camp out the lower level bases and not let anyone out to even do missions. They lost a lot of subs because they were slow to even acknowledge it, as well as the large differences in imps vs rep in powers. So fun being perma stunned with an escape power that does not linger and recharges on a 10 min timer.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Please tell me more about how Mitt Romney is detached and yet Obama believes in a fixed pie myth. Then feel free to explain why you think an effective cap on earnings is any different from taxing job creators out of the country. Finally, please tell me how our economy will be sustainable as entitled idealists use social rhetoric to morph us into a welfare state during record high deficits.

    Spoiler alert: Keynesian economics is irresponsible and destructive and Ronald Reagan is probably rolling over in his grave right now. I guess he won the Cold War and created the most economic growth in recent history (by decreasing regulations, cutting taxes and shrinking the government I might add) so that people like you could hand the reigns of our country over to the very socialist fallacies Reagan and the rest of our nation fought against and triumphed over.

    But it's alright, I get you. Some guy from Star Trek or something made a funny zombie joke on Youtube. Better vote Democrat.
    You do realize that since 1961 the Democrats have added 41 million private sector jobs while Relpublicans have added 24 million. Even if you shift a year after presidents took office to count for new policies, it is 38 million Dems, 27 million Reps. That is just private sector, if you count all jobs (government) it is 48 Million dems, 31 million Reps. GDP, Stock Prices and Corporate Earnings have all increased more under Democrats than Republicans.

    The S&P has risen 12.1% per year under Dems since 1900 and just 5.4% under Reps. Since 1949 the GDP has grown 4.2 % under Dems and just 2.6 under Reps. Corporate profits? 10.5 under Dems, 8.9 under Reps. From 1983 to 2001 the economy added nearly 44 million jobs..that streak ended in 2001. Gee who took office then? GW! He cut taxes, increased spending and grew the national debt and left with the greatest financial crisis since the great depression.

    Since Obama took office stocks have returned to 12.4 % returns annually in line with S&P performance. Under Bush corporate earnings grew 14.2%, under Obama, 51.8 %. For a Socialist Muslim Godless baby killer he seems to do well at making money.
  12. I would argue that the Pixar deal ... Jobs and Lassiter ended up really owning Disney. Lassiter is CCO and #1 Imagineer now, Jobs ended up with 7% of Disney, more than Eisner or Disney and a seat on the board. Lucas will end up with 2.2% of Disney and a seat on the board as well in addition to 2 billion in cash.
  13. I wish the us would just get back to stealing brittish shows and give us misfits and a us dr. who
  14. Here is what I don't get - these pendants they allow electric devices to work - we saw the english woman's iphone turn on (hmm it held a charge for 10 years?) but...the people who fire up computers and communicate via modem. If there is some field that stops electrical energy - how is it traveling across the phone lines outside of the area of the pendant?? How are the phone lines even still intact after 10 years of neglect (anyone who watches life after people would know what happens with just a few years of non maint).

    Also - lets face it if the power went off and never came back on, the people best suited to live would be the amish! I would expect they would rise to power!!
  15. Jaso


    the well is a nemisis plot.
  16. What I think would be perfect is - something similar to secret world for a superhero mmo.

    There is no leveling you pick your powers from a list of the type you picked. Empty of enhancements - those you find and get through missions, leveling, buying or pvping. (yes the perfect mmo would have pvp day one.) I would add in a dash of SWTOR where you had pvp and pve servers and on certain places heroes and villz would run into each other going to missions. It always struck me as dumb that I an in the middle of grandville fighting Recluse and there are no villz around?

    While we are at it - I would put in place natural resistance. If I am an ice blaster you would think I would be resistant to ice dmg. Same for fire or psi. I mean there is ice coming out of my hands, you would think that a ice blast to me would mean nothing. That would be where secondaries come in. ICE/EM vs ICE/EM would never work but ICE/MM VS ICE/EM would because each would be vulnerable to the secondary.

    I think the sg/vg concept could be taken much farther as well. Ranking systems could be in place with the most points being awarded for conflicts. Fights between groups sg/sg vg/sg vg/vg etc. There could be missions for SGs that allow them to collect pieces of a rare relic, that once gathered and combined would boost stats for every member of that sg, which they would then have to defend in a raid type situation. Imagine one SG had an item that gave a 20% increase in res or max hp to every member of the sg. People would want to be in that sg, other SGs would want to raid them to get that item.
  17. Jaso

    Monkey v. the GM

    weren't you in freaks?
  18. Jaso

    YOUR Dream Team.

    holy necro post batman.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    He was 12.5, between the Doctor's 12th and "final" incarnations. Of course, now you have the Doctor claiming that there's no limit on regenerations in The Sarah Jane Adventures, and the Time Lords were the ones who put that restriction in place originally and they're long gone. So really who knows what the hell's gonna happen.
    That was actaully established in the old series when the Time Lords recruited the Master to help the Doctor (i think it was the 5 doctors special) where they offered him "more rengenerations" in exchange for his help..it would suggest it is something controlled and with no time lords left, no longer limited I guess.

    I think bringing back Romanna would be a great story. There is no assumption she would fall into his arms. She could hate him for destorying all the time lords. The face of Bo (if I spelled that wrong too sorry) did tell the doctor he was not alone, he may not have meant just the master. There are a handfull of other time lord villians that they could pull from , Omega for one as well as the Order of the Black Sun created by Alan Moore, who were the first to engage in a time war with the Time Lords.
  20. Jaso

    your thoughts?

    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Bud if I had seen this before u stopped making them I'd would have taken 1 large of the very top one. Also Keep posting threads bro its cool, and most ppl actually care about this game and WANT to see what ur posting.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    Honestly, I've always been under the impression that arena PvP has been playable. Its different than it was, arguably less complex, but playable. (Alpha only / pre incarnate days).

    Really it wasn't "Broken" per say, not perfect, but also not broken/unplayable.

    That being said, I think they realized that the people who enjoyed PvP would be there in some form or another. Those that didn't usually were not avoiding PvP because the system was less than perfect. They were avoiding it because they weren't into PvP in the first place. CoH is a game that caters to letting players feel very powerful. PvP does pretty much the exact opposite.

    There were of course some people in the middle, who stopped PvP'ing because they didn't like it but stuck with the game anyway. I imagine it was a pretty small % but they were still there.

    Realistically, we see 10-30 people in freedom RV at any given time. For the past few leagues you see 50-100 people signing up usually. Last estimates for the game pop were between 60k and 100k subs. Even if you increase those numbers 5 times over, it still ends up being a pretty insignificant number to justify spending resources that were already spread thin.
    honestly though before "the change" we had a league that supported 12-15 teams of 8 (having more than 8 in the sg) The first test pvp leauge we spent over 2 hours picking teams we had so many sign ups. There was never the level talent playing the game as before that change. There has never been a league where the winner was in question, even with points, the d6 system etc. There was just not enough of a talent base.
    In the intial ladder - Jal beat OS, OS beat Freaks, Freaks beat Jal. First second and third ranking came down to technicalities. There was at one point anyone of 4 full teams that could compete on even levels. The VR/Team V/JAL fights were epic. The talent pool was such that adding two great players to a team could change them from mid pack to fighting for top spot.

    That just never happened again after the pvp changes.

    I don't buy that insignificant thing, they spent a lot of time on pvp ios - full sets that give dual bonuses in pve and pvp...that's not something simple. If pvp was never anything but an afterthought why put all that time into it?
  22. the shrink option on the sonic blaster on gadet was awesome, I leveled that up to hit 100% and doing 1v1's would spam shrinking lol.
  23. last month they should auto level everyone to 50 and flood the market with free purples, pvp, aios everything -- let us go nuts.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you completely missed what Dark was talking about. If you look closely at what he bolded in your post you'll see he is referring to your constant mispelling the name of the Doctor's greatest enemy.

    There is no such thing as a "Darlek" anywhere in the Doctor Who franchise. It's spelled D - A - L - E - K.

    There is no "r" in their name. Oh and you aren't being picked on for your typos, you consistently spell the "Dalek" name wrong the exact same way each time you use it.


    that was how I thought it was spelled..considered me sued. GG
  25. f2p can be very successful look at fifa. This game could be a potential gold mine for some company just by charging for things - new issues - new power sets - io sets - costumes - They could even position the game for pve and pvp - selling two different things - want a 50 with acollades and incarnates? 49.99 - want to respec that? 14.99 - MMOs have long been making off shore gold farmers money for PLs and Infamy (or gold in other mmos) - why not sell it themselves. Sure you can grind for everything and if pve is your thing then pay for new missions and arcs, new pve content and issues..same model.