LucasFilm now in the hands of Disney...
I honestly never thought Lucas would sell, I thought he'd hand it down to his family. Still the money he is going to get for it is hard to refuse......
Yeah, I give up.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Tbh my initial thought was one of abject terror at their power, but then I remember they bought Marvel and look how well Avengers turned out.
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

George Lucas... sold... LucasFilm?
I honestly never, ever imagined that being possible! And with that frightened look in his eyes in the promo photo of the contract being signed, I'm wondering if he woke up one morning to find a tauntaun head on his pillow...
"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."
4... billion... dollars.
4...... BILLION...... dollars.
Cautiously optimistic. Disney has been a good owner for Pixar, Marvel, and to some extent Jim Henson Productions, mostly leaving them a free hand.
Lucas announced he was transitioning LFL over to Kathleen Kennedy over the course of this year as well, and it looks like Kennedy will still be the main decision-maker there.
I'm not a raging anti-Lucas guy (I mean, the guy gave us Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and ILM... I can forgive a lot of sins with that track record), but it's clear that Star Wars needed a fresh hand. Disney provides a lot of cash that can back big ideas.
Global name: @k26dp
You know what, good for George.
I can't argue with there not being a better place to trust the Star Wars legacy and future (in so much as that it will continue this way).
Really, it's better to place it into the trust of a gigantic production company with the history and future that Disney has than to leave it up for grabs of the unqualified (and the potential hectic lawsuit-ridden chaos that such a scenario could have been).
It was either this or let it be. Star Wars is certainly worthy of being an ongoing experience.
Just count me as one who loved all 6 movies and is an enormous fan of what George Lucas, himself, contributed to our world. And no other work will ever be the same as those.
However, that is fine. It doesn't need to stop others from carrying on the exploration of that world, I suppose.
As an artist myself, I've just never been much of a fan of leaching off of other's works (video games I play aside, of course, haha).
Still... I have to respect setting his franchise's legacy up well, as well as his family.
Let's face it... even Jedis need sleep. Twilight is upon him. And, soon, night must fall.
(Of course, I hope he still has a lot more years left... and really hope he makes some experimental film and documentaries, as I've seen him talk about doing)
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
So found out that George Lucas has ok'ed the sell of Lucasfilms and all of its IP to Disney for a nice tidy sum of 4.5 billion dollars. I guess I could nerdrage here, and maybe call for the heads of someone on a pike or turned into a chalice of some kind, but I'll be honest here. After thinking it over, I have to wonder if this is truly a bad thing. Honestly has Lucas done anything innovative, respectful, or even something close to decent with the Star Wars franchise, and my answer is no. It's been one overt, blatent cash grab after another, while slapping the faces of fans over and over. Quite honestly this news gives me a glimmer of hope, not a lot, but a glimmer that SW fans will no longer have to endure ham-fisted CGI edits over and over, thinly veiled aliens that are nothing more than horribly bad racist caricatures, and the piss-poor back-peddling retcons to the original material. So lets see what the House of Mouse will do, because quite honestly Lucas has driven the franchise so far into the ground that it really can't get any worse than it already is.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Well with ILM and Skywalker Sound Disney, will also have a lot of contract business from other studios as well.
And with four billion dollars, George can go off and retire in style.
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Tempus unum hominem manet
More Star Wars?
Yes, please.
Some of the best (and some of the worst) stories have been told by those who use Lucas' world and vision as a setting. While I can only hope that the 'good' outweighs the 'bad', at least the potential is there.
Disney does have a little experience with family oriented action-adventures with goofy sidekicks and fantastic magical powers, after all.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
I have to be honest, I truly never saw this coming. This can be a change for good, or for the worse. Lucas will be "Creative consultant" but Disney will of course have the option of rejecting his input which could in turn be bad also. Despite the success of Avengers and Marvel's movies, I honestly can't calculate how this will go in terms of future Star Wars movies.
Now comes the question: is the 2015 movie going to be the long await episode 7, OR....will Disney risk potential Star Wars blasphemy in the eyes of some fans by remaking all six movies from scratch with new cast and crew and THEN moving forward with new films? If the do remake the classics, Nathan Fillion of Firefly/Serenity/Castle MUST be Han Solo. Also if they do remake the originals ALL scenes with Darth Vader need not be remade, just use the stock footage. James Earl Jones still has some years left but would he want to return to voice Vader again, and could they get anyone that would sound close enough to be the new Vader voice?
Also, there is another film franchise of Lucas' to think about that could be affected by this: INDIANA JONES. As I recall, Ford and Shia were contracted for two movies and despite the feed back of Crystal Skull they were still planing a 5th Indy now what happens with Indiana Jones? Reboot with new actor as Indy? Continue with new actor as Indy same as the Bond movies? or stick with the plan of passing to his son?
The link I posted I was updated. Said basically that there's not going to be any further Indy movies. Or at least that's how I read it.
They're calling it Episode 7, so I imagine it's going to be a continuation rather than remaking Ep 4-6.
The thing that I worry about is the state of fan films and fan art. I can't exactly see Disney being very liberal about allowing such fan works with the property, now that they've spent over $4 billion on it. Would hate to see it all disappear due to the same company that pretty much extended copyright to the point of ridiculousness (Star Wars won't be in the Public Domain for another 60 years, presuming no further extensions, of which I am extremely skeptical).
The link I posted I was updated. Said basically that there's not going to be any further Indy movies. Or at least that's how I read it.
They're calling it Episode 7, so I imagine it's going to be a continuation rather than remaking Ep 4-6. The thing that I worry about is the state of fan films and fan art. I can't exactly see Disney being very liberal about allowing such fan works with the property, now that they've spent over $4 billion on it. Would hate to see it all disappear due to the same company that pretty much extended copyright to the point of ridiculousness (Star Wars won't be in the Public Domain for another 60 years, presuming no further extensions, of which I am extremely skeptical). |
So....they did obtain it but are shelving it? Or it wasn't part of the deal? I can't recall of Lucas solely owns Indy or if Spielberg and he were co-owners.
Pixar started out as a division of Lucasfilm. A spin-off from ILM I think?
The circuit is now complete.
Y'know...I actually think this will be great for the franchise, some of the best Star wars stories are the ones Lucas had no involvment in, and with talks of another trilogy starting in 2015 I think they could pull it off quite well.
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Personally, I think this will be great for Star Wars fans and the Star Wars universe. Lucas is fine if he simply outlines the story and then lets others do the writing and directing. The Empire Strikes Back! shows how good that combination can be. Going past Episode 6, there are no real limits on where the story can go, and so many ideas have already been expressed in the tons of books based upon the SW universe. I see this as possibly being like the James Bond films . . . a series that just keeps going and going, reinventing itself to adjust to the times. Disney has the ability to keep the IP in all aspects of entertainment - movies, books, comics, theme parks, TV, etc.
In the Orlando Theme Park market, Universal Studios really grabbed some glory from Disney by making the Harry Potter areas in the Islands of Adventure theme park, and a new Harry Potter part is planned for Universal Studios. Disney can now expand the single "Star Tours" ride into an entire section devoted to Star Wars.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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First thought...holy <bleep>!
Second daughter and her classmates will now have their 'own' trilogy. I never, ever even considered that as a possibility.
I need to look into this more to see how this will impact Dark Horse and their Star Wars comics. Initial thought is I can not imagine Marvel Comics not pulling Star Wars back into its stable.
Edit....wonder if the mighty Joss has any interest or ideas for Star Wars stuff.....
Go Team Venture!

Second daughter and her classmates will now have their 'own' trilogy. I never, ever even considered that as a possibility.
Just for some historical perspective I first heard of Lucas proposing a post-Empire "Episode 7, 8 and 9" Star Wars trilogy as far back as the late 1970s even before Empire Strikes Back had made it to the big screen. So what's fascinating to me about all this is not that a third SW trilogy is happening but the fact that will have taken Lucas almost 40 years to accomplish. For me it's pretty much always been a matter of when, not if.

Now obviously 35+ years ago I'm sure Lucas never had a clue that he'd be selling a movie company he founded to Disney for $4+ billion so I'll admit that detail was surprising to me too. But the key idea that Star Wars was always meant to be (at the very least) a trio of trilogies has been Lucas' grand scheme for decades. I just hope for his sake he'll live long enough to see it come to fruition.
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--{=====> Virtue ♀
I would argue that the Pixar deal ... Jobs and Lassiter ended up really owning Disney. Lassiter is CCO and #1 Imagineer now, Jobs ended up with 7% of Disney, more than Eisner or Disney and a seat on the board. Lucas will end up with 2.2% of Disney and a seat on the board as well in addition to 2 billion in cash.
From the article: "We didn't ascribe any value to the Indiana Jones franchise as part of this acquisition," Iger said later on in the call, suggesting no further installments of that franchise is on the horizon.
So....they did obtain it but are shelving it? Or it wasn't part of the deal? I can't recall of Lucas solely owns Indy or if Spielberg and he were co-owners. |
I'm guessing it was part of the deal, but that they have no further plans to do anything with the property. But that's just my take on it.
I'm sure Indiana Jones makes money in terms of residuals and minor merchandising, but probably not enough for it to be anything but a round-off error in a four billion dollar deal. My guess was that the value of the deal was based on placing a dollar value on Skywalker sound, ILM, Lucasarts, the Star Wars franchise explicitly, and the rest is pencils. I believe that's why they said no value was ascribed to the Indy franchise.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I...honestly don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, it's Disney. OTOH, the property is now out of Lucas' hands. Some bad, some good. Cautiously balanced? I don't know.