229 -
They're beautiful.......*tears up* -
I will miss you all...and thank you Devs for making me feel super.
Quote:This, I'll also bet good money her death will be what turns Daryl against Merle.I think the set up for finding Carol was just a ploy to see her get torn apart next week.
I also just realized we'll never get a chance to discuss the next episode on these forums... -
This...so many times this, no other MMO has even come close to giving me that Superhero feeling of taking down a large group of 10+ mobs on my own and still not making it overpowered (kinda...by incarnate level normal content was a joke) I despise struggling against 2-3 mobs in every other freakin MMO out there.
Trust me, we feel your pain.
I've been here since wave 3 Beta or so, I started playing as a young man living in a basement apartment, in the 8+ years since then I've met my love, gotten married & begun raising a family. This game has always been a part of that new life and now it's going away, I'm pretty sure it's the only time I've cried since my two girls were born. -
Quote:So apparently T-Dogg really was a fill-in throwaway character... they just cast Tyreese!
Well damn...I have no idea what they'll do with him story-wise...in the comics he was already just about dead by this point. -
Quote:I was waiting for someone to figure out that trick again, they haven't used it since early season 1...never mind the logic on how does a zombie smell with a rotting nose etc..It's probably a combination of the fact the body is still warm and that it doesn't smell like them, which is a pretty strong indicator given Michonne's discovery.
. As for the flesh IIRC as far as the comic was concerned it just had to be "Fresh" not necessarily alive
They also seem to be setting up all the players for the mid-season finale, should be fun, love this season sofar
Also...Andrea is just bugging the hell out of me, I hate comparing her to the comic version but there she was so strong of a character(she had shacked up with dale by this point, not the Govenor, she was the teams sharpshooter etc...) the TV version of her just seems so weak & whiny in comparison. -
Yeah...to get the originals in it would probably take more CGI than they'd be able to budget for
Sounds like a tabloid just stirring up some ****.
On a side note I'm glad they've finally started showing the darker side of woodbury with the Zombie daughter & the gladiator battlesAnd yay...we ge to meet Crazy Rick sooner than I'd thought.
Yeah...I'm trying to wipe any connection in my head between that movie & the book, This to me looks more like 2012 meets 28 days later with Zombie swarms.
Still might be worth a watch but it is definetley not a faithful adaptation of the book. -
Quote:I heard they were wanting to go to a more "GQ" type feel and talk fashion as well as tech.
Yeah......I know.
Because you know what guys can't get freakin' enough of? Men's FASHION that's what....
We care what we look like just long enough to get a partner and maybe at the wedding, not a minute longer -
Agreed, did not see Lori going down this early, thought they would save that to the end of the season (also though thsi season was 16 eps? taking a break after 8 then the next 8)
...But (puts the tinfoil hat on) we never did actually see Carl shoot Lori did we? Maybe he never could actually go through with it and she pulls through somehow etc...
Either way it's a nice split from the comics, Also love how they're slowly building the underlying tension with the Governor. -
Y'know...I actually think this will be great for the franchise, some of the best Star wars stories are the ones Lucas had no involvment in, and with talks of another trilogy starting in 2015 I think they could pull it off quite well.
Quote:*SPOILERS* If you're not familiar with the comic and don't wan't the season spoiled please scroll past.I never read the comic, but I think I remember someone saying she does die.
If this season follows the comics general arc for the Prison she should be dead at the end of the season. -
I'm just pissed that it's a complete shutdown, I see no reason why this game couldn't have entered its sunset in maintenace mode with plenty of loyal customers still paying.
I get that active development would have to cease and the staff trimmed back but a total shutdown during what many saw as a resurgance is just insulting. There was enough current content to keep me playing for years. -
Been playing Torchlight 2 lately, lots of fun and alot of improvments over the first one.
/Salute Z
All the best wherever you land -
Holy crap...that was made by one guy? That's an impressive piece of work.
Lucas is pretty good about the fan made stuff as long as they don't profit from it, should let this one slide. -
Have a massive backlog of games bought on Steam sales that I have yet to even install that I'll probably start working on.
Dragon Age Orgins to begin with -
So I'm shopping for a new game & decide to give the free trial of SWOTR a try...I've gotten a couple classes up a few levels (Commando & Smuggler...I'm avoiding the Jedi/Sith classes to start).
Does this game get any better? As of right now it's pretty much the same old run & click or shoot quests with random drop loot. Also maybe its my comp but I just find the animations so clunky & jerky that they're annoying. I'm a huge SW fanboy along with the KOTOR games and was hoping for something a little more awe-inspiring I guess....ah well, the trial is unlimited access to lev 15 so maybe the Force classes will be better.
Very spoiled by CoH I think, in terms of animation/Powers & UI there is nothing else quite like it.