Fan-made Star Wars anime is a must-see




Saw this on Kotaku, the original post had no sound and for some reason got taken down by animator. Now I see the reason why, so he could add music and SFX to it, takes it from awesome to kick-[censored] awesome.

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Actually, that's an impressive application for a job with Lucas. Might wind up working on something completely new. Instead of ignoring the expanded universe Lucas has been steadily embracing it with Clone Wars, an up coming second series with Seth Green, and a live televsion show. Whenever someone pays Lucas Respect (and escpecially when they don't try to make money off it) it becomes an avenue to work with the very person to which you paid homage.



That guy has some serious talent.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Holy crap...that was made by one guy? That's an impressive piece of work.

Lucas is pretty good about the fan made stuff as long as they don't profit from it, should let this one slide.

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The page said that one artist did the animation, and a fan of the work added the sounds and music. Cool stuff. I'd watch a Star-Wars Anime series or movie.




Not to downplay it, it's a lot of work regardless, I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the ships, the bridge of the Star Destroyer, etc. are rotoscope from the original movies. Still it looks fantastic.

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