I've retreated back to an older game...
It'll be Sims 3 for me, but right now, my gaming focus is absolutely positively City
My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)
I was running Heroclix tourneys and pretty much playing Heroclix exclusively when I started playing this. As much as my husband would LOVE me to go back to that I think I'll be headed towards more playtime for Catan, Plants vs. Zombies (OMG why can I not stop playing this?!), Race for the Galaxy, and catching up my stack of un-opened Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and various other DS and Xbox 360 games (embarrassingly enough I have at least 20some games I've bought and not played waiting for me from over the past few years). COH really does just dominate my freetime after my family goes to bed. I'd be okay not playing any of them still if the game stays open though, just sayin'. =D
Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion
You know I wouldn't mind a Sim City of Heroes. Haha.
One of the surviving eight could adopt my city and be its sworn protector!
I've been thinking about breaking out Pharaoh/Cleopatra/Zeus again.
You know I wouldn't mind a Sim City of Heroes. Haha.
One of the surviving eight could adopt my city and be its sworn protector! |
Alas, wish I could get my old copy of Sim City 2000 working on my current machine... don't get me wrong, Sim City 4 is good and all, but 2000 was better IMO.
Sim City, and all the llamas within, are already under the protection of Maxis Man!
Alas, wish I could get my old copy of Sim City 2000 working on my current machine... don't get me wrong, Sim City 4 is good and all, but 2000 was better IMO. |
I found the music for Sim City 3000 Unlimited in mp3 format and I put those in the same folder for the music that plays in mayor mode for SC4. It all plays. Yay!
I also put in that rock song from the first Sims game. "Yay Yah Yo!" EDIT: This song!
Yeah, strangely enough The Sims 3 will probably be my go-to game if CoH dies. It's fine... but not like CoH was...

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
TS3 Supernatural was worth it. But I find myself playing Pokemon roms on Visual Boy Advance.
I had a crazy dream last night... I mentioned this before but I created my account here with a login name that reminds me to return to the MMO I was playing when I picked this up "just to check it out": Final Fantasy XI.
Last night, I dreamt I went back to FFXI. In my dream, my old linkshell was still alive, an the entire game had been revamped to allow for soloing even as a bard.
That dream got me thinking... Maybe I should look back into FFXI and see if it was some sort of premoniton or something, and the game indeed turns out to be revitalized. Heck, my linkshell may go crazy if they still around...
It'd probably be a challenge to try and recreate Paragon City in SimCity 4...hmm.

I've had Diablo 1 installed in my rig for a while now. Gotten back to playing that again. Might install the Hellfire expansion again for that one of these days too.
Thank you for the time...

I've ended up going back to Vana'Diel (Final Fantasy XI). It is older than CoX, although not by much.

Civ and Alpha Centauri over here. Oh, and Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom.
Of course, my real main time-sink for the foreseeable future will be tabletop and (quite possibly) PbP RPGs.
It's incredibly unlikely that any other MMO will capture my fancy, to be honest.
TS3 Supernatural was worth it. But I find myself playing Pokemon roms on Visual Boy Advance.
Obvious statement is obvious

In Sims, I'm watching for a sale again to get TS3 Supernatural. I missed out on the sale last week at Target, and I only do box copies of Sims 3. Content, I'll do download. Game, no.
I do intend to try to recreate some aspects of Paragon in Sims 3, though. Like the Midnighter Mansion. Though I need screenies from inside... hmm...
My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)
I get too depressed when I log in there, now. I can't deal with feeling so sad about CoH being shuttered. I need more positive things in my life. So... yeah. My fantasy metropolis needs to be completed!
Also, it takes a couple dips back into the pool to shake that post-funeral feeling. But if you can do it, brave it. I'm back in on days that I have time and having a blast. Deliberately PuGing when I can. TFs. Trials. The lot. The camaraderie (at least on who is still around on Triumph) is pretty good. Lots of positive attitude, kind of like at a luncheon following a funeral.

Anyways, to all those with severe CoH blues, do it--get in game--have a few last rolls in the hay. You'll be glad you did in the long run.
Well I have Civ 4 and just picked up the SimCity 4 box set ($20). Almost picked up the Warcraft 3 Battlechest ($22) and Assassins Creed 1+2 (only $10). Actually I was thinking about Total War: Shogun II but it requires Steam which I can't really do on dial-up.
That doesn't mean I'm not still playing this, planning a nice evening session right after Lost Girl.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Heh I remember Sim City.
We used to "work" on it as part of computer class in middle school. Best class of the day :]

Someone once noted they liked the idea of hanging out in a university subway station. Part of why I put subway stops there. Haha.
This was my obsession in 2004, up until the point where I got introduced to City of Heroes. Now I find myself going back there.