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  1. This really seems like an idea that's not going to work, even a little.
  2. jfp2004

    Offline version?

    I'd kill for offline access to the game. Yeah, wouldn't be nearly as fun and a lot of content couldn't be played or even started, but still, it would be nice to have. Even just the costume creator would be nice to have.
  3. It has potential. I'll be keeping my eye on it.
  4. jfp2004


    1. Looking back, considering everything, which was your favorite archetype in the game?

    Probably Brutes, since I played those the most often. Once you were able to create Brutes in Praetoria and bring them blue side (and then later, just create them in blue side without side-switching), I ended up making quite a bit. It was ideal for me because they were good in damage and able to survive while dealing it. However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy corruptors a lot as well...but Brutes get the edge!

    2. In possible contrast, when it comes to your favorite character, what kind was it? List AT and the two main sets.

    My favorite character was a brute, Kinetic Melee/Willpower. Not the highest in damage, but I specced it the hell out and was able to make it a toon capable of surviving quite a bit.

    3. What AT did you evolve to enjoy over the years that you disliked initially?

    Hmm...I played back before CoV came out. When CoV did eventually come out, I tried playing Corruptors and could never really get into them, at least, not on villain side. However, once you were able to make gold-side and bring them blue, and then later make red-side AT's on blue-side, I grew to like them. My beam rifle/time manip corruptor was a force to be reckoned with. I duo'ed the ITF with a friend of mine who was playing his specced out Dominator. That was fun.
  5. I'll likely be heading to TOR at some point. Perhaps when it goes F2P, perhaps sooner. Either way, I need to finish my Jedi Knight story, and I wouldn't mind rolling some new toons.

    I'll look you up when that happens. I wouldn't mind playing with some former CoH'ers. Part of the problem last time was not really knowing a lot of people and not really being willing to seek out people on (what was at the time) a dying server.
  6. Don't mind me, I just have some dust in my eye.
  7. Damn. That looks beautiful.

    I really hate that we'll never see it live.
  8. Agreed. CO just isn't for me. I'm too used to City of Heroes. I don't even like the character models. It looks too....potatoey to me. If that's a valid way to describe them. Lol.
  9. I actively avoided Malta. Sappers weren't too much of a danger but they were fairly time consuming in large numbers.

    I avoided Knives of Artemis because the constant barrage of caltrops got very annoying. Especially in large numbers.

    I avoided Circle of Thorns in the early levels because of the ghosts and the lack of ability to overcome their -tohit.

    Everything else was pretty much fair game.
  10. My original 50 is now in the Matrix room and will be there through the sunsetting process. A guy on my server had a taxi bot that was left there over the years and was showing it to anyone who was interested. Can't believe I never knew about it.
  11. The fact that there's no other game out there that "feels" like City of Heroes. CoH was pretty unique in how it played. I'm going to miss the hell out of that. The game, your character, they all felt sturdy. Other online games, the character I've played always seems weaker in comparison.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knightward View Post
    Look, I'm sorry OK!?!
    Well, try to do better!!

  13. I log on and occasionally do things but I find it hard to actually play in earnest. It just depresses me.
  14. I'm not going to miss mobs that, after getting hit once, decide it's time to run randomly across the entire map (seriously, where are they going to go?!)

    I'm not going to miss trying to use superspeed in the Rogue Isles or anywhere that has landmasses that are hard to jump to, even with combat jumping and hurdle.

    I'm not going to miss Night Ward. (Okay, I don't have anything against the zone really, but the first toon I took through there was ill-equipped for the mobs and the missions were brutal.)

    I'm not really going to miss the shadow shard, because despite looking cool, it didn't really serve much of a purpose.

    Oh, and I'm not going to miss the time-limited loyalty rewards. I hate missing out on stuff just because I can't afford a month here and there. Like the aura and costume options that came with the Statesman loyalty reward thing. Or the Pocket D costume pack (which I eventually did get when it reappeared). I would have preferred for things to just remain available always.
  15. Yeah.

    Saving the game as it is now is likely just not going to happen. NCSoft isn't going to reverse their decision, and the developer team has to move on - I can't blame them there. They have their own futures to worry about and if they had the chance for employment elsewhere, then I'm glad they took it.

    There's always hope, of course. I'll continue to support Tony's ideas and hope that he can get something done. Even if it's trying to lead a spiritual successor to the game.
  16. I can't say I'll never get into another MMO again, because who knows what will come in the future? If people that worked on CoH ever make another game in the future, even if it's not the ENTIRE team, well, I'd be interested.

    I was big into E&B, and that suffered a premature death. CoH had a strong run for 8 years and that's going to weigh on me for awhile, but I can't say I'll never play another online game again.

    That said, the market seems to be changing, so what's available in the future is likely going to be impacted by it.
  17. I'd love for this to happen, but I too think it's unlikely.
  18. Good luck with the job hunt Zwill!

    I'm going to miss your videos. It was always fun watching you and the devs and other staff members banter back and forth.
  19. jfp2004


    A very interesting read. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
  20. I sent an e-mail, but I share the pessimism of others.
  21. To be honest, at this point, I don't really want another superhero MMO. Not right away, at least. I was talking about this with my cousin last night.

    In the best case scenario, I'd like for CoH to remain alive and well.

    But if that doesn't happen, what I'd want in the future is for someone to develop a singleplayer sandbox game - something along the lines of the Elder Scrolls games, but set in a modern city, where you get to design a character and roam around in a city, maybe similar to GTA IV or Saints Row 3 in regards as to how the city would look like.

    Unlike GTA or SR3 though, you'd have various options of how you could play - either doing heroic things like stopping criminals/gangs/costumed villains on the street, protecting areas like banks and government buildings, etc, building your reputation, maybe have a few superhero groups you can join if you get your reputation high enough.

    And have a vigilante/rogue path as well - be the violent hero that doesn't always go with the law, or the opportunistic one that's just in it to get paid, whether it's good or evil.

    And then have the option of doing villainous things, robbing banks, helping other criminals (or fighting them as well and just creating chaos), fighting other heroes, etc. Perhaps have factions here as well, with some kind of 'honor among thieves' type thing, maybe similar to the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild of Elder Scrolls (but not the same thing of course).

    For me, that would be an ideal game. A game with a variety of powers and a variety of costume options, with the ability to be modded to add more. The story here probably wouldn't be exceptionally strong.

    Multiplayer would be a must, of course, with various options - co-op for the main world, teams fighting, or one on one, etc. Or have competitive objectives, like cause the most destruction within a certain amount of time, or prevent the most destruction, etc, depending on the faction.

    I doubt a game like this would exist anytime soon, but man, I would LOVE to have a good superhero sandbox game.

    And mostly the reason I say I don't want another MMO is because in the future, I'd like to keep playing it, even if the company that made it decides to move on or is unable to work on it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    If there is one thing I am dissatisfied with, it's that your sense of power doesn't really ever grow in GW2. You never solo 16 enemies at the same time like you can in CoH.
    That's something I've always loved about CoH, and will sorely miss when it's gone. I like being able to take on missions meant for a full team by myself!
  23. The devs haven't answered any questions yet, but I think the OP was referring to this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BypR...N2M/edit?pli=1

    There's multiple PDF's with some lore on CoH.
  24. Why turn it off? That seems weird.