Lore answers where?

Bill Z Bubba



I cannot seem to access the google docs page that Positron linked to in his 2nd post in the starter thread.

Can I have some linkage to where the answers are being posted?


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Originally Posted by Largo View Post
I cannot seem to access the google docs page that Positron linked to in his 2nd post in the starter thread.

Can I have some linkage to where the answers are being posted?
No answers have been posted so far, so there's no link to give you.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



The OP likely meant the link where questions were being organized into a Google doc.

As others said, there's no answers yet. That's a good thing. It means there's still a reason for them to not release the answers.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
The OP likely meant the link where questions were being organized into a Google doc.

As others said, there's no answers yet. That's a good thing. It means there's still a reason for them to not release the answers.
This is what I meant yes.

OK. No answers yet. I guess that's good. This thread can die now.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



I asked Matt on Twitter when we'd be getting our answers (at least from the first round). His response today:

"Soon (TM) (Answers are written, waiting for sign off from execs.)"


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I asked Matt on Twitter when we'd be getting our answers (at least from the first round). His response today:

"Soon (TM) (Answers are written, waiting for sign off from execs.)"
Right on, thanks for the update.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I asked Matt on Twitter when we'd be getting our answers (at least from the first round). His response today:

"Soon (TM) (Answers are written, waiting for sign off from execs.)"

I hope they are holding them due to potentially positive news.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I hope they are holding them due to potentially positive news.
I agree that could be the case, but I don't know what that news could be.

Best case scenario is that another studio picks up CoH. Odds are they will take it in an entirely different direction. At best they finish up i24, but anything past that will be all them. Meaning anything the Paragon team says is mostly irrelevant.

Second best case scenario, they decide to leave the server(s) on, but no more development is made to CoH. Even then, there's nothing for the questions to really spoil as they are still irrelevant.

Now that I think about it, the likely answer is that nobody is going to say anything until they find out if it endangers they severance package or not. That's probably the real reason, sadly.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I agree that could be the case, but I don't know what that news could be.
I am crossing my fingers for "hey, we may be able to save the game!!! Lets not spoil anything yet!"

If the game is saved, i doubt it will be under NCSoft umbrella's.

Either Paragon Studios will manage to reform with the help of some investors and buy the IP, or the game will be lost. I don't expect anyone but Paragon Studios will be interested in acquiring the IP, and am 100% sure NCSoft wont decide to keep it running.

The team likely wont be the same, some may already have been lucky enough to find a job and may opt to stay there instead of returning to a risky venture.

I'm not holding my breath for anything saving us, but should saving happen, I think it will look the way I just described.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Either Paragon Studios will manage to reform with the help of some investors and buy the IP, or the game will be lost. I don't expect anyone but Paragon Studios will be interested in acquiring the IP, and am 100% sure NCSoft wont decide to keep it running.

The team likely wont be the same, some may already have been lucky enough to find a job and may opt to stay there instead of returning to a risky venture.
This is just as an aside.

Not to argue semantics, but any team that may form will not be Paragon Studios in my opinion. Some of the devs, at least I hear, have already found other jobs. And as Zwill pointed out, a community manager would be the last person a new/reformed studio would need so he'd still be out. A reformed/new studio, even with the same name, will never be Paragon Studios without those people. Not in my book at least.
I wouldn't mind one bit if something like you said happened, though it's incredibly unlikely in my opinion. But even if it did, it doesn't mean things go back to what they were. What we once had is gone forever.




That is semantics. People were coming and going from Paragon all the time. Many (not all, of course, but many) of the people who were working there when the announcement hit on August 31st had been there less than two years, Zwillinger included.

Was the company somehow not Paragon Studios when Castle was in charge of powers? Was it not Paragon when EMPulse or Beastyle were community manager? Was it not Paragon Studios when BAB was lead animator? Was it not Paragon when Sexy Jay was making costumes?

Of course it still was. And of course it still would be again if the new lineup wasn't 100% the same as the old lineup.

Only Positron and War Witch have really been there for the game's entire existence, and even they had many different roles up and down the entire design hierarchy. (WW started as an office manager, doing data entry and filing, for goodness sake!)

Getting 100% of them back would be ideal (for them as well as us), but as far as I'm concerned, even most of Paragon is still Paragon (even under another name).



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
This is just as an aside.

Not to argue semantics, but any team that may form will not be Paragon Studios in my opinion. Some of the devs, at least I hear, have already found other jobs. And as Zwill pointed out, a community manager would be the last person a new/reformed studio would need so he'd still be out. A reformed/new studio, even with the same name, will never be Paragon Studios without those people. Not in my book at least.
I wouldn't mind one bit if something like you said happened, though it's incredibly unlikely in my opinion. But even if it did, it doesn't mean things go back to what they were. What we once had is gone forever.

Although I see your point, the key figure is Matt Miller. We got to keep in mind, team changes have happened in the past, as long as the Matt manages to stick around, the core vision may stay. Obviously i would love for Arbiter Hawk, Synapse and Dr Aeon to stay, though!



The key to this community was always the exchange of ideas between the developers and the players, which is not as prevelent in other MMO's. No matter what happens, the continuation of that collaboration will be necessary for any new studios success.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
This is just as an aside.

Not to argue semantics, but any team that may form will not be Paragon Studios in my opinion. Some of the devs, at least I hear, have already found other jobs. And as Zwill pointed out, a community manager would be the last person a new/reformed studio would need so he'd still be out. A reformed/new studio, even with the same name, will never be Paragon Studios without those people. Not in my book at least.
I wouldn't mind one bit if something like you said happened, though it's incredibly unlikely in my opinion. But even if it did, it doesn't mean things go back to what they were. What we once had is gone forever.

Except CoH is not a new game and Zwill will be needed more than ever not only to keep the players we have but to give a boost into gaining some new players as well. IMO Zwill/Community manager will definitely be needed for when CoH is saved.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
That is semantics. People were coming and going from Paragon all the time. Many (not all, of course, but many) of the people who were working there when the announcement hit on August 31st had been there less than two years, Zwillinger included.

Was the company somehow not Paragon Studios when Castle was in charge of powers? Was it not Paragon when EMPulse or Beastyle were community manager? Was it not Paragon Studios when BAB was lead animator? Was it not Paragon when Sexy Jay was making costumes?

Of course it still was. And of course it still would be again if the new lineup wasn't 100% the same as the old lineup.

I am not getting into a grandfather's axe argument over this.

Paragon Studios is no more and will never again be; that is how I feel.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I am not getting into a grandfather's axe argument over this.

Paragon Studios is no more and will never again be; that is how I feel.
Ah, I see. So you feel that when BABs and Beastyle (for example) left, the studio was completely unchanged, but if Tunnel Rat or Zwillinger (for example) don't come back, then it's a completely different studio unrelated to anything that has come before. And you don't see any contradiction there, and refuse to even discuss it. Just "The studio must have exactly the same employees that it had on August 31, 2012 - not 50%, not 80%, not 99%, 100% the same - otherwise it's a completely different studio", and that's that.

Okay, then. But refusing to discuss it doesn't make you right.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Ah, I see. So you feel that when BABs and Beastyle (for example) left, the studio was completely unchanged, but if Tunnel Rat or Zwillinger (for example) don't come back, then it's a completely different studio unrelated to anything that has come before. And you don't see any contradiction there, and refuse to even discuss it. Just "The studio must have exactly the same employees that it had on August 31, 2012 - not 50%, not 80%, not 99%, 100% the same - otherwise it's a completely different studio", and that's that.

Okay, then. But refusing to discuss it doesn't make you right.
That, and Tankers still need a damage buff

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Now that I think about it, the likely answer is that nobody is going to say anything until they find out if it endangers they severance package or not. That's probably the real reason, sadly.
Yeah, if I put on my Doom and Gloom hat for a second, it's not entirely unlikely that NCSoft doesn't want a big reveal, because it's their IP and they don't want anyone to spill the beans on it. Even if they don't plan on doing anything with them, it's still their beans.

Now wouldn't that be great. A cease and desist letter from NCSoft. One last good kick to the gut.

Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Ah, I see. So you feel that when BABs and Beastyle (for example) left, the studio was completely unchanged
I'm not sure what you mean. I'm pretty sure Paragon Studios hasn't existed since BABs left.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Although I see your point, the key figure is Matt Miller. We got to keep in mind, team changes have happened in the past, as long as the Matt manages to stick around, the core vision may stay. Obviously i would love for Arbiter Hawk, Synapse and Dr Aeon to stay, though!
Honestly, if Paragon Studios did reform, I wouldn't mind seeing two or three specific people replaced instead of coming back onto this game. Not gonna name names here but the person who managed our end game and made DA so punishingly grind-tacular can go, and a certain member of the writing team can take a year or two break to practice his skills.

Everyone else, though, particularly folks like Dink and Synapse, are amazing and I'd love to see come back.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Honestly, if Paragon Studios did reform, I wouldn't mind seeing two or three specific people replaced instead of coming back onto this game. Not gonna name names here but the person who managed our end game and made DA so punishingly grind-tacular can go, and a certain member of the writing team can take a year or two break to practice his skills.
Honestly: even without names this is not the time nor place to bash anyone over your tastes.

In my opinion, the last 3 years have seen the best writting CoH has ever tossed our ways.

Plus, DA was no more grinding than repeating the same handful of TFs every single day.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Plus, DA was no more grinding than repeating the same handful of TFs every single day.
True. Except for the part where you have to grind 40 times as long for the same advancement.

Granted, I didn't want anyone to be let go over this decision. I just wanted them to fix it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Honestly, if Paragon Studios did reform, I wouldn't mind seeing two or three specific people replaced instead of coming back onto this game. Not gonna name names here but the person who managed our end game and made DA so punishingly grind-tacular can go, and a certain member of the writing team can take a year or two break to practice his skills.

Everyone else, though, particularly folks like Dink and Synapse, are amazing and I'd love to see come back.
Okay now, look: We're on the brinks of losing this game altogether, and things aren't looking too hot for ANY sort of CoH to be up and running after November 30th, if we even make it that far. Quit the nitpickin' there, buddy, and just hope we have *something, anything.*



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
True. Except for the part where you have to grind 40 times as long for the same advancement.

Granted, I didn't want anyone to be let go over this decision. I just wanted them to fix it.
You are overlooking a VERY KEY POINT. Even now there are players who's computers struggle to keep up with an 10 YEAR OLD game engine. For these players, such as I was until six months ago; the incarnate trials simply were not an option.

For all that you look in disdain at the DA arcs and their alleged 'grindy-ness' it is a thousand percent better than what people who's hardware cannot handle the trial based method of end game stuffz had before.

I can speak from experiance about this. I was one of those players. And one of the things that drove me up the wall was the assumption by well meaning players who would "Zomg! buy a new machine" as there are people for whom this is simply NOT an option.