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  1. Is choosing to believe I remained a "0" because I successfully remained under the radar.

    Although I do remember one TF when he chastised me for not playing my stalker up to his standards.
  2. Batallion EB was tough even for my incarnate scrapper. Got a lucky shot in past my SR defenses. Even though it wasn't necessary I cleared that last room.

    Final mission set at lvl 13 made me plan out an optimal route to get the help I needed to win. Nicely done. Tom Anderson is now retired on Victory.

    I will retire the heroes closest to my heart this way, then fight Rikti in the final week with my young heroes inspired to fight on by what past heroes have done. Then when it all goes black, I can believe they are still fighting the good fight in Paragon.

    Heroes I will retire with this arc: Tom Anderson, Vilka Patri, The Human Swarm, Ludic Fallacy, Cayble, Jacob Deyer, and finally Phrendon Largo.
  3. I want to thank Floyd Grubb for fixing War Mace. Thank you Castle.
  4. Pretty much everyone knows by now that Carnies were weak against lethal damage. But they had beaucoup resistance to mind control. My Mind/Rad/Earth controller was effective at soloing most content, until it came to the carnies, it was an extreme exercise in futility.
  5. Rogue Vanguard could chew you a new one pretty darn fast.

    DE crystals only thing to make my SR scrapper kite.

    Master Illusionists Bosses when mixed with Dark Ring Mistress Bosses would be lethal to my Invul tank.

    Pretty much every one of my 50s had a ranged hold or stun to eliminate the Sapper threat.

    Overseers, hated em most. Next was those cheating Sky Raiders. Not because they could kill me, but because they were so annoying.
  6. Traveling to the mission was the perfect time to read your mission objective though, in regular content. You didn't have that in AE. You knew what level you'd be as well as the level and faction of the enemies, too.

    IN AE, you couldnt find that out until you entered the mission. After you read the mission objective, after the leader already entered. I always felt like it took half a mission for me to catch up with the team.

    The SSA's were really very well done with cut scenes explaining all that stuff, even if you didnt read everything from the contact, you kinda knew what was going on. But player created content, I do not believe, ever allowed us to do cut scenes, or even pop up dialog boxes. Just the chat bubbles, which never displayed when you wanted them to. I think if players had access to some of the options that the devs had to tell a story, we could have told better stories, for teams to enjoy.
  7. AE was great for the soloist, 2 boxer, or PLer crowd. FOr those who wanted to do a legitimate team and get into the missions it was nearly impossible to understand what was going on, except for the mission leader. I think it was implemented poorly for legitimate teams and non leading team mates to even know what the missions objectives were. I suppose if the team used a teamspeak it could be pulled off. If the leader would read the dialog to you. I mean, sure, non leading teammates would get the bullet points (click 3 glowies, killed named boss and lackeys, etc) but the story, MAN, the story was what this was supposed to be about, and only the leader gets the window to pop up? C'mon!
  8. Largo

    Refund Day

    My refund looks to have posted, but I received no email.

    Thanks for letting me play NCSoft, was a fun game. I hope it continues in some way shape or form. It is too good to kill completely.
  9. No. Realistically no.

    NCSoft will bury it.
    I hope not, but believe they will.

    Before CoX, I was part of another community for the game Motor City Online.
    EA owned it and they killed that game and buried it too.

    They now have Need for Speed World, 10 years later, but it looks to be no where near as immersive and fun as MCO was. It was made for a new generation of race enthusiast. Those who race with a joystick. Not interested in that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
    The Coralax make a faint but constant tinkly musical noise when you get close to them
    This also worked during halloween event when you win the Coralax costume.

    I also liked the Jingle Jet sound effects at Christmas.
  11. These aren't new to me, but some new player might read this and not know they existed.

    The Cryptic Lounge secret room in Faultline.

    The Matrix Room underneath PI.

    The dev. office under Grandville tower.

    Ask any old pro, they'll show you how to get there.
  12. I was taken aback by the announced closing, it was too sudden. I think I will really miss it, an the OP will too when that day comes where you cant actually log in. Thats when it will hurt worse. But hopefully we all will have something else by that time to ease the pain.

    For me it wont be a new MMO. I am looking at a new bicycle. I was in a crash 2 months ago and broke my collarbone and had to have surgery to repair it. I am nearly ready to return to riding, and hopefully the new bike will give me some joy.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    The OP likely meant the link where questions were being organized into a Google doc.

    As others said, there's no answers yet. That's a good thing. It means there's still a reason for them to not release the answers.
    This is what I meant yes.

    OK. No answers yet. I guess that's good. This thread can die now.
  14. I cannot seem to access the google docs page that Positron linked to in his 2nd post in the starter thread.

    Can I have some linkage to where the answers are being posted?
  15. Largo

    Blade and Soul

    Blade and Soul?

    No thanks.

    Lemme know when you come out with War Mace, Guts and Glory.

    Thats the game I want.

    Thats the game I have now.
  16. Largo


    I couldn't get Mids working on my machine. Well lets just say it used to work, then it stopped working for me probably around issue 12 or so, I removed it from my machine and from that point on I was a pencil and paper builder of my characters. For that reason, I hated hated hated respecs. I still have characters with Fitness pool because I just did not want to respec them, and then have to remember how my powers were setup in the trays.

    I still have an AR/Dev blaster that didn't take targeting drone or snipe. Even the blaster changes that would have come with i24 would not make me take targeting drone or sniper rifle. Hows that for stubborn? I was however, looking forward to the changes to cloaking device that would have made him even more dominant. I took and used every devices power. It was just a different way to play the blaster archtype, and I don't regret one minute of time I spent playing him that way.

    I used to add range to my TP foe for the purpose of trying to tp NPC's into areas like AE, or inside ICON or Facemaker.

    I never once pvp'd. But I did enjoy going into PvP zones to do those instanced missions. Im going to have to go do that again before the game ends.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    "Hey, Doctor Leo."

    "What's up? Why the long face?"

    "Well, you see, I have some rather bad news. You know how Rularuu devours entire dimensions? Something like that is going to happen to Paragon City in November 30th."

    "Crap! Okay, I've punched aspects of Rularuu in the face before, just let me get a team ready and we'll get right on it. TURG!"

    "No, Doc, sit down. This is worse than Rularuu. It's not a villain or a god doing it. The universe itself will... run out of energy, to put it some way."

    "Energy? What are you talking about?"

    "Well, imagine the whole universe is a program, okay, running on a computer. Then, on November 30th, they shut off the computer. What can a program inside the computer do about it?"

    "Punch whoever is shutting down the computer in the face!"

    "Yeah, a program inside the computer can't do that. They don't have physical form where the computer is. Their entire world is inside that computer."

    "So... the thing that is going to suck the energy out of our universe... it exists in a higher dimension, and we can't reach it?"

    "Basically, yes. They live in a dimension above Paragon City, above the Origin Point that created all the realities that Portal Corp has catalogued. All our realities are feed by energy that emanates from their dimension, and on November 30th, that energy will dissipate. All our realities will... well, not cease to exist. But time will freeze."

    "Okay, so how do we kick time back into starting again?"

    "We don't know yet. We have broadcasted a message to the entities in the higher dimension, but it's unlikely they acknowledge it. After all, we don't exist in their reality. It'd be like noticing that a bunch of ants, inside their ant colony underground, are waving protest signs. "

    "Well this bites. Is there anything I can do?"

    "I'm afraid not. We have a backup plan, though..."


    "There's some Omega level incarnates that have the power to shape new worlds. Codewalker, Guy Perfect, and others."

    "Never heard of 'em."

    "They don't operate at full power in Paragon City, and in fact they use multiple alter egos. Their level of power is so immense that they can't exercise it fully. But since they learned about this, they've been working on shaping a new Origin Point, with its own set of realities."

    "That is... dang. That's more power than Rularuu ever had. They'll just recreate our entire multiverse?"

    "Not quite... they can create the new Origin Point, with its set of realities, with all its worlds and cities... but they can't create life. Those worlds would be empty of people."

    "Well, that... would totally suck. I assume the plan is to move us to that new reality, and populate it?"

    "Right. They have created a giant quantum scanner, the Sentinel Extractor. It's already scanned many heroes, including you. Their essence has been stored in a higher plane, safe from the energy drain. When the new reality is ready, you'll reappear in it. You might not even notice anything changed."

    "Except for a whole lot of people missing."

    "Yes. They'll place us in the new reality as soon as its ready, and they'll deal with the details later."

    "The details of creating a new Origin Point for a Multiverse with all its realities and worlds. Promise me I won't wake up with my eyes on my butt."

    "Don't worry; the people themselves will be fine. There'll be a lot less of them, but you'll be fine. The supergroup bases, though... most of them are located in secret places, and so they will not be recreated."

    "All that damn rent paid for nothing. But I guess Power of Illusion can rebuild."

    "You might find there's no crime on the streets at all and the city is only populated with heroes talking to each other."

    "Okay, now you're yanking my chain. Does Ms. Liberty serve margaritas in that Utopia world you're thinking about?"

    "Maybe! I'll ask Codewalker about it. But no, I'm serious. Recreating an entire multiverse of realities takes time. They won't bother populating it with all the villain groups until they know it can take it."

    "So, I'm getting a vacation from crimefighting starting November 30th, then?"

    "Pretty much. November 30th will come, and then... well, I don't know when. But at some point, you'll be in a new reality, and I'll let you know how much time it passed since ours ceased to exist."

    "Okay. Well, November 30th is still a ways away, and I promised Medi-Kat to help her with a Task Force tonight. So, I better go get ready."

    "Sounds good. Keep fighting the good fight, Doc!"

    "Will do!"
    I absolutely love this. I'm going to post this in my base. Phrendon will read it 3 times over and still not fully grasp it.
  18. The Shadow Shard was and still is pretty much a wilderness area. Though not to the same extent it once was.

    Kora Fruit missions were sometimes your only source of inspirations once you got deep in the zone.

    Remember traveling without fly and no jet pack vendor available, you had to use geysers and hortha vines and unlock the secret way points to get around.

    New players have no idea what a hortha vine even is.
  19. I deleted one character who I wasn't playing anyway. The only thing I have been doing is sending all my money to one character, to maybe blow on one rare IO that I never owned, just to try it out.

    I can tell you from experiencing the Motor City Online sunset, which I deleted all my characters on after they announced it, that I still came back and played, I just had to start over. So you're only hurting yourself if you delete your hard work.
  20. 1)The Ouroboros ship is located where exactly? Far off in the future or past? Is it something we could have changed? Explain how we get to the point of our fully incarnate selves fighting echoes on the crashed ouro ship.

    2)The big dirt mountain in Talos, next to the tram. Why was that even there? Was it to hide something? The reason I ask is I never understood why it was not removed when WW was introduced, why did we take away a skyscraper to put WW there when we could have removed that mountain of dirt? Did a Ley line pass through it?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Good times were had, I hope all the best for each of you I've come in contact with through the years.

    Change can sometimes lead to pleasant surprises, so here's hoping it does for all of you.


    /for those who didn't know us, me and my wife.
    AceMace it was a pleasure to share the Mace wielding with another as classy as you. Take care bud.

    Phrendon Largo/Ken
  22. Jacob Deyer, Dark/Dark/Soul stalker .....aka Mot's Nemesis
  23. Rad/Rad was my favorite flavor.

    -Vilka Patri, Victory Server
  24. Thank you for the years of enjoyment and distraction I found in this game. I will miss it.

    -Phrendon Largo

    Your big dumb friend, who would take a punch for you.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    Nice FNORD