Heck with it; player notes
"Asoczarath" "0" "Beaumont,Stuart McAlistaer,Dr. Hobo,Misty Mourning,Asoczarath,Aethermancer,Eirlys" "(null)"
"Ryochan" "0" " Ryochan" "(null)"
"keekee" "0" "" "(null)"
"Canuck" "0" " Agent, McKenzie, Agent, McKenzie,Umbral Canuck" "(null)"
"Reylliam" "0" "" "(null)"
"panthera" "0" "" "(null)"
"BlueTick" "0" "" "(null)"
"The Spear" "0" "" "(null)"
"Thunderscream" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sheik of the Sheikah" "2" " Generic, 000, 430, 396, Kisame, Hoshigaki, Master, Harpist, Guardian, of, Shadows, Rotaku" "Did q-field w/. Major child."
"Elf of Lightning" "0" " Commander, L" "(null)"
"Colonel Straker" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jigokumimi" "0" " Ms, Cold" "(null)"
"Axetion1" "0" " Axetion" "(null)"
"Light of Eden" "0" "" "(null)"
"dumpus" "0" "" "(null)"
"Green Beauty" "0" " Princess, Sarika" "(null)"
"sir galin" "0" " Misty, Soul, Misty, Electric, Misty, Electric, Misty, Electric, Misty, Electric, Misty, Electric" "Disappeared part way through STF on 01.02.11, never came back or responded to global tell. Same on apex 03.04.11"
"Gaara of the Skies" "0" " Luminious, Hero, Light's, Savior, Light's, Savior, Molting, Flame" "Bailed on 1st respec blue side 1st door mission due to \qHave to go to the mall to buy my girlfriend a bday gift\q 5/1/9. "
"General Lieuntenant" "0" " Kinetic, Frenetic, Kinetic, Frenetic" "(null)"
"Electro-Mag1" "0" " Tempter" "(null)"
"Meningioma" "0" "" "(null)"
"Witters" "0" " Snarkey, El, Desamparado, El, Desamparado, Tydides, El, Desamparado" "(null)"
"Chiroton" "0" " Chiroton" "(null)"
"60 Seconds" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord Kai1" "0" " Lord, Kai" "(null)"
"Cardiac Kid" "0" " Shadowslip, Thermal, Syphon" "(null)"
"Pink.Rock" "0" " Pink.Rock" "(null)"
"Athicus" "0" " Athylite" "(null)"
"Killer Wail" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hex Girl" "0" "" "(null)"
"Precipitance" "0" " Overhaul" "(null)"
"Kohaanu" "0" "" "(null)"
"Digon" "0" " Alen" "(null)"
"Nightfalcon1" "0" " Lady, Killer, Black-Jester, Agent, Sanger, Black-Baroness, Jes', Plain, Crazy, Spydra-Noir,Lady Killer,Ravenet" "(null)"
"x2crunner2" "0" " Syrinade" "(null)"
"Ultima Fire" "0" " Lady, Urim, Lady, Urim" "(null)"
"Burning Firestorm" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ape-ocalypse" "0" "" "(null)"
"Crazy Carl" "2" " Radiant, Pixie, Flaming, Assailant, Voltaic, Berserker, Max, Resistance, Max, Resistance, Spines, Fury, Max, Resistance, Javabot, 3.0, Hero, of, the, Ages, Hero, of, the, Ages" "Has me on ignore, no idea why. Assume he\ss some sort of little *****."
"Nessa Ancalime" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mondavi" "0" "F A Y T" "(null)"
"mykemyke" "0" "" "(null)"
"Soma" "0" " Salazar, Graaf, Soma, EG" "(null)"
"Feel The Heal" "0" " Sin, Less" "(null)"
"Adam Magus" "0" "" "(null)"
"Desperate Blue" "3" " Penguin, Commissar, Legba's, Horse, Desperate, Blue" "Good on a team"
"Captain Intensity" "0" " Ma'ama, Pyjamma, A, Man, Named, Sue, A, Man, Named, Sue, A, Man, Named, Sue" "(null)"
"US Enforcer" "0" " US, Enforcer, US, Enforcer,L E T H A L" "(null)"
"Madcat 88" "4" " Orchid, Delta, Two, Orchid, Delta, Two" "(null)"
"Krynn Brightblade" "0" " Night-Drifter" "(null)"
"BigRedRod" "0" " Grace, Underfire, Director's, Cut, Grace, Underfire" "Quit ITF while forming to join another w/out word, the hell dude 03.16.11"
"RigorMortis Defender" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shadowrain" "0" " King, Odin,King Odin" "(null)"
"goatass" "0" " evil, ****" "(null)"
"irishhawk" "0" " Anthelios,Anthelios" "(null)"
"kimmberly smith" "0" " Ms., Matrix" "(null)"
"mfoss" "0" " Jefferson, Royal, Blade, of, Onisis" "(null)"
"Arlequin" "0" "" "(null)"
"QUEEN VECTUR" "0" "" "(null)"
"E-Lusion" "2" " Archangel, Appoloin, Roxxy, Lady, Blinded, Justice, Bringer, of, Damnation, Bringer, of, Damnation, Bringer, of, Damnation, Bringer, of, Damnation, D-Lusion" "Bridge requester. Time waster."
"Dark Knight Assassin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sheline" "4" " Sheline, Nocturnal, Widow, Arctic, Kitten., Catwidow, Acupuncture, Kitten, Blade, Kitten, Hellfrost., Lil', Lilith, Hellfrost, Dark, Caterwaul, Night, Kitten, Blade, Kitten, Frostbite, Kitten, Wailing, Catnip, Dragoncat,Hellfrost.,Laser-Cat" "(null)"
"Maha D. Owens" "0" " Frozen, Pace" "(null)"
"DJ Brainfreeze" "0" " Phantoms, Opera" "(null)"
"Marius X" "0" "Marius X,Justicar Blue,Waterclock" "(null)"
"Blunt-man" "0" "" "(null)"
"Norty" "0" " Kin, Touch, This, Rad, Centric, Rad, Centric, Rad, Centric" "(null)"
"Eye of Grand Sultan" "0" "" "(null)"
"OldDarkMaster" "0" " Baulom" "(null)"
"Tarkin Gunn" "3" " Tarkin, Gunn, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok, Lord, Ragnarok" "(null)"
"Son-Losca" "0" "" "(null)"
"mikebeatngo" "2" " Sound, Cycle, Elariana, Rhinoz" "Joined team, never typed anything, layed 3 missions, then quit w/out a word mid mission\n"
"Bulldozzer" "0" "" "(null)"
"saladin21" "0" " Chernobyl, Girl" "(null)"
"BarryAmazin" "0" " Lightspeed, Power" "(null)"
"SuperCritical1" "0" " Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul, Stormcaller, Varkul" "(null)"
"The Ray" "0" " Pretty, Cold" "(null)"
"BelTorak" "3" " Mortech, Nicodemus, Frost" "MP\ss second account"
"Generic561134" "0" "" "(null)"
"Darkness Decends" "0" " Gravity, Charged" "(null)"
"GypsyWitch" "0" " Moue,Arctosa" "(null)"
"Void Space" "0" " RipJ4ws" "(null)"
"Divus" "0" "" "(null)"
"Major Mortal" "0" " Mime, Over, Matter, Calico, Candy, Major, Karma, Candi, Corn, Major, Hit, List, Ally, K., Zam" "Majorly stupid.\n03/20/11 - [Local] Ally K. Zam: your a *****\nStupid person, doesn\st know the difference between tells and global channel messages"
"Whisky Jack" "0" " Black, Shaft, Packmaster, Shadow, Patriot" "(null)"
"Valtrexerie" "0" " Incontinentia" "(null)"
"EmeraldEye21" "0" " Cailean, Doillier, Cailean, Doillier, Cailean, Doillier,Cailean Doillier" "Most useless empath, ever. Have since done q-field w/ both. Both performed very well\n"
"Quickhit2" "0" "" "(null)"
"biohazard21" "0" " razor, spines" "(null)"
"Viola Fire Heart" "0" "Pheonix Force" "(null)"
"Burtolang" "0" "Burtolang" "(null)"
"Ebonheart1" "0" " Mexican, Jumping, Bane, Soldat, Sigma,Cinder Vein,Lazy Steve" "(null)"
"1911" "0" "" "(null)"
"Daedalus" "0" " Daedalus" "(null)"
"Fyre Knight" "2" " Anti-Fyre, FyreKnight, Fyre, Alarm" "Dumb *****."
"princenasir" "0" "Prince Nasir" "(null)"
"Persephon3" "0" " Stonia, Towellette" "(null)"
"Ocularis" "0" " Moira, Dunkirk, Bogart, Nacho, Abura, Blade, Magnetic, Zero, Rhett, Maclin,Moira Dunkirk,David Dark,Gros Travaux" "(null)"
"Warbound" "0" " Red, Voltier, Patriot, Shield, Thunderfreak, Disco, Dynamo" "***** quit from level 50 team, high deaths. Kick from Victory Forum if he pulls this again 10/16/10."
"Groundfire" "0" "" "(null)"
"Miracle Midget" "0" "" "(null)"
"clardeluna" "0" " Vouruskasha" "(null)"
"Natural Resource" "0" " Kasjia" "(null)"
"Shenku" "0" "" "(null)"
"Professor SMO 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"pabber" "0" " Haspice" "(null)"
"juliewinters2" "0" " Aura, Angel" "(null)"
"Awesom e Man" "0" "Girl Mechanize" "(null)"
"Midnight-Owl" "0" "Pink Flower Fairy" "(null)"
"GM_Sharon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cerulean Edge" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jayde Raven" "0" " Jayde, Raven" "(null)"
"Brutis77" "0" "" "(null)"
"White Bear" "0" " Ursus, Night" "Whiner. Possible dual boxer with Eagle Bear."
"MarDun" "0" " Glory, Shield" "(null)"
"PSICER" "0" "" "(null)"
"lott.inc" "0" " Li-wu,Diego." "(null)"
"Kylunn" "0" " Naomi, Preston, Aquasian, Takeda, Kusanagi, Goka, Mataki" "(null)"
"nonono25254" "0" "" "(null)"
"flametrick" "0" " Flametrick, Sub" "(null)"
"Test Spa" "0" "" "(null)"
"Big Red 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pyrosphere." "0" " Dark, Journeyman" "(null)"
"Miller" "0" "" "(null)"
"Necromongerr" "0" " Sho, Kashi, Sho, Kashi, Sho, Kashi, Dresten, P., Savage" "(null)"
"Blast Pixie" "0" " Dead, Bunny" "(null)"
"Chelle" "0" "Chi Koneko" "(null)"
"frontline defense" "2" " Zhao, Hai, Cheng, Rich, Doctor, Zhao, Hai, Cheng, Rich, Doctor, Zhao, Hai, Cheng,Police Conduct,Lord Voril" "Bit of a whiner, doesn\st stick w/ the team. Useless and incompetent, plays like a pug stalker. Kicked from Citadel 03/26/10 for failuire to stick w/ the team and not responding to team chat."
"Fernie2" "3" " Ground, Control, Toxic, Junkie, Toxic, Junkie, Toxic, Junkie, Kuklon, PLMEH?, Ms, Malpractice, Vice, Squad, Ice-Energy, Blaster, Ice-Energy, Blaster, Harassment, Android, Hero, v2, Android, Hero, v2" "(null)"
"CooterPounder" "0" "" "(null)"
"jasppoot" "0" "" "(null)"
"Voltor" "1" " Neo, Prime, Crimson, Ion" "Idiot, whiner, cry baby, etc."
"Mr. Chumly" "4" " Heal, Me, Kim, Jewel, Vanity, De, Vain, Kim, Jewel, Kim, Jewel, Kim, Jewel, Kim, Jewel" "(null)"
"truantk" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gravdomina" "0" "" "(null)"
"Reptilda" "0" " Mons, Venus" "(null)"
"BruteForce II" "0" "" "(null)"
"KMAC" "0" "" "(null)"
"ThunderMare" "0" " Slippie" "(null)"
"Umbradomo" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jayne Campbellaggio" "0" " Ms., Fabulous, Josophokles" "(null)"
"redrainjer" "2" "Dawns Early Light" "Noobish twit"
"Gaol" "4" " Fae-ryong" "(null)"
"Outhous" "0" " Prometh'us" "(null)"
"Justice Avenger" "4" " Shadow, Widow, Avenger, Shadow, Widow, Avenger, Shadow, Crab, Avenger, Doomsday, Avenger" "(null)"
"HMO Medic" "0" "" "(null)"
"Alche Miss" "0" " Jennifer, Geiger, Jennifer, Geiger" "(null)"
"Varmint" "0" " Steamroller,Atomic Penguin" "(null)"
"Zacniefin" "2" " Saphris" "Some sort of idiot or putz? Quit part way through Eyeball SF 07/26/09, \qTaking a break then logging into an alt\q"
"Miss Ariana" "0" " Madam, F1ame" "Slighty bitchy w/ poor team forming skills"
"Thunder Otter" "0" "Rocked Out" "(null)"
"Salticidae Rex" "0" "" "(null)"
"The Norm" "0" " Pintac" "(null)"
"Schmeette" "0" " Chimaz, Ee, Schmeette" "(null)"
"Tazzy-Boo" "0" " Xeno-Phoenix" "(null)"
"Markoda" "0" " Left, of, Rights" "(null)"
"Sunny Day" "0" "Pyro Unit" "(null)"
"Erradiator" "0" "Decesso" "(null)"
"Andar Zarr" "0" "" "(null)"
"Flame Lass" "0" "Flame Lass" "(null)"
"P-Dude" "4" " Scribble" "(null)"
"kissable" "0" " Cupid's, Trick, Li'l, Rad" "(null)"
"Glasswalkerny" "0" "" "(null)"
"Trance Magick" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lady Berry" "0" " Reido, Karai" "(null)"
"Penumbral Murder" "0" "Leader of the Skies" "(null)"
"Redzilla" "0" " Redzilla" "(null)"
"Ughhletric" "0" " Ughhletric" "(null)"
"Angelsoul" "0" " Thunder, Storm, Angelsoul, Thunder, Storm" "(null)"
"33253" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jking021" "0" " R, o, g, u, e, S, a, i, n, t, Eris, Spider" "Noob / possible power level begger\n3333"
"Dark Sorceror" "0" "" "(null)"
"Annabel Lee" "2" " Lady, Kenya, Operative, Kenya, Biological, Agent, Cihuacoatl, Case, Scenario,Paradox Thwarter" "Internationals"
"Havoc2085" "0" " Hawk, THe, Slayer, 2086" "(null)"
"Torn Foehammer" "0" " Souls, Seeker, Eire's, Anger, Test, Subject, Alpha" "(null)"
"Mafia Mike" "0" "Pro Wrestler" "(null)"
"Theron1" "2" " Al, Kapwnz" "Some sort of AE power leveled nitwit. Joined team, spend 15 minutes in Mercy, never tried to get to gradnville after saying he was \qon my way,\q then quit the team"
"kingzoog" "0" " Sir, Not-Appearing, Oyster-man, Dr, Sigmund, Freud" "(null)"
"Death Ranger" "0" " Death, Tick, Death, Ranger, Mechanized, DR, Death, Ranger" "(null)"
"slist" "0" " bigtoe" "(null)"
"Blaq Opal" "0" " Emerald, Ice, Kaleelynn, Blaq, Opal, Ruby, Red, Rose, Blaq, Opal" "(null)"
"Mad mardiganlee" "0" " Cronic, Green, Thumb, Almighty, Flea" "(null)"
"WestWorldWalker" "0" " Death, Zephyr, Death, Zephyr, Death, Zephyr, Yellow, Death" "(null)"
"RainbowSpirit" "0" "" "(null)"
"GoldFynch" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tabby" "0" " Trench, Penance, Tabula-rasa, Jane, V, Siph, Orion, 24th, Elder,Adjudication,Tabula-rasa,Violent By Design" "(null)"
"Leala Valerie" "0" " Lady, Strong" "(null)"
"Burl Sifu" "0" " Arbalestia,Arbalestia" "(null)"
"Wartron" "2" " Spine, Ogre, Nethertron, L, A, W, Mors, Nocte, Mors, Nocte, Mors, Frigidus" "Further sliding into being a whiney little *****."
"Freelancer" "4" " Freelancer, Woodlark, Night, Pulse, Dawnspark, Sophie, X" "(null)"
"Zephre" "0" "James DeVont,Stealthstryker" "(null)"
"PhotonForce" "0" " Hornet, 99" "(null)"
"Shining Strike" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mizar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dawn of the Dead" "0" "" "(null)"
"Superfortress" "0" "" "(null)"
"Morehart" "3" " Purplehart, Warmhart, Hart, Throb, Hart, Throb, Hart, Throb, Greathart" "Warmhart in Iso52wwwwww"
"Tiger68" "0" " Crimson, Dragon, Lord" "(null)"
"Anthius" "0" "" "(null)"
"budo" "0" "" "(null)"
"Star Traveler" "0" " General, Hu" "(null)"
"CaptainUSAGuy" "0" " Nick, Furious, Captain, USA, Guy, Captain, USA, Guy, Captain, USA, Guy, Captain, USA, Guy, Hawk, Aye, Nick, Furious, Gold, Gladiator, Guy, Gold, Gladiator, Guy,Imperius Rex" "(null)q"
"L E D" "0" "" "(null)"
"VSCourier" "0" " Stealth, Team" "(null)"
"Flaming Emu" "0" " 1st, Lady, OMG, I, Made, A, Blaster" "(null)"
"Goman Fox" "0" "Xelryn" "(null)"
"Chadly" "5" "" "(null)"
"The Seventh Ray" "0" " Bladez, 'O, Doom" "(null)"
"Jaggs Promise" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cylert" "3" " Paddy, Whack, Paddy, Whack, Paddy, Whack, Calgary, Cylert, Sigurour, Quicks,Sigurour,Celceus,Mortimer McGulicutty" "(null)"
"Zavik Yazes" "0" " Derwel, Beautyseeker" "Bailed after 1st mission Posi-b, 09/30/10"
"tap1" "0" " Psycho-Somatix" "(null)"
"GreenBone" "0" "" "(null)"
"Avenger Redux" "3" " COBRA, REDUX, COBRA, REDUX, GLAMOROUS, REDUX, RAMINA, REDUX1, GLAMOROUS, REDUX, GLAMOROUS, REDUX, GLAMOROUS, REDUX, Energy, Maniac, Energy, Maniac, RAMINA, REDUX1, Energy, Maniac,Energy Maniac,Dai Hikoru" "(null)"
"Traiven" "0" " KazzaBusta, Lucretia, Tigerbane" "(null)"
"destinah" "0" " CRacKeD, oUt, SisTEr" "(null)"
"Undercover MP" "3" "Poisonous Kiss,Kenzie" "(null)"
"Maj. Damage" "0" " Psychomatrix" "(null)"
"bluewiley" "0" "" "(null)"
"Teflon BIlly " "0" "Kangaroo Girl" "(null)"
"Hardcastle" "0" "" "(null)"
"foxnede" "0" "Grim Adrente" "(null)"
"Star League Corps.2" "0" " Maple, Defender, Maple, Defender, Maple, Defender" "(null)"
"Soul Tracer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vinas rose" "0" "vinas rose" "(null)"
"Metalic Behemoth" "0" " Presto, Manifesto, Mechanical, Brumal, Ginzzo, Gen., May, Hem, Metalic, Behemoth, Gen., May, Hem, Many, Evils,Gen. May Hem,Metalic Behemoth,Onyx Tsunamis" "(null)"
"Hinata-san" "0" "" "(null)"
"Iheart Bunnies" "0" " Skrapy" "(null)"
"Trashman17" "0" " Static, Tanker, Girl, Knights, Gauntlet, Alishondra" "(null)"
"Chellaru" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nightstrider" "0" "" "(null)"
"rubberlad" "0" "Rubberlad" "(null)"
"Dufffman" "0" " randomness" "(null)"
"Espio" "0" " Little, Boy, Blue" "(null)"
"Beastyle" "0" " Beastyle" "(null)"
"Sin Lo Mei" "0" "" "(null)"
"Canary Noi1" "0" " Canary, Noir" "(null)"
"Parabot" "0" " Lord, Bladewind, Titanclaw, Parabot" "(null)"
"last word" "0" " last, word" "(null)"
"Crazy Badger" "3" " Onri, Flambeau, Onri, Flambeau, Roulette, Rouge, Roulette, Rouge, Roulette, Rouge, Onri, Flambeau, Holy, Crowley, Blurred, -, Vision, Onri, Flambeau, Starzen, Stripes, Holy, Crowley, Wyld, Hunter, Street, Bait, Blurred, -, Vision, Blurred, -, Vision, Blurred, -, Vision, Blurred, -, Vision,Toy - Boy,Dorothy MacMorris,Onri Flambeau,Holly Days" "(null)"
"ChaoticBolt" "0" " ChaoticCupid" "(null)"
"Desire For Fire" "0" " Omegolo, Desire, For, Fire" "Some sort of idiot or impatient dick."
"Ryxxegost" "3" " Electryxx, Hypothermyxx, Empcicle, Dynamyxx, Frosty, Nibblesauce, Firetyxx, Grey, VI,Firefyxx" "(null)"
"jenna fresh" "0" "" "(null)"
"Spetchal" "2" " Vendetta, Black, Shnae, Mental, Man, Naughty, Hottie, Milky, Way, Stray" "Has a character in The One."
"Dark Heart Destruct" "0" "" "(null)"
"vampyrusddg2" "3" " Jalarna, Serati, Jalarna, Serati, Jalarna, Serati, Jalarna, Serati" "(null)"
"Robin Nightfire" "0" " Ivette, Autumn" "(null)"
"Pluto Man" "0" "" "(null)"
"Destrukt" "0" " Undying, Rage" "(null)"
"VoodooGirl" "0" " Ellen, Akres" "(null)"
"Midnight Shadow" "0" "" "(null)"
"Armor King3" "0" "Arctic Darkness" "Blind inviter"
"Ashaara" "0" "" "5w5555"
"Atom Adam" "0" " Malika, Mai,Cool Candy,Grasping Bubbles,Slam Spade" "(null)"
"Soveriegn2" "2" " Soveriegn" "Pug stlaker"
"Lavina" "0" "" "(null)"
"Raging Nova" "0" " Paraxial, Fang,Titan Striker,Raging Nova" "(null)"
"Wolfen Stone" "0" "" "(null)"
"McDurmond" "0" "" "(null)"
"Brev" "4" " Rainbow, Crab, Spider, Rainbow, Crab, Spider, Rainbow, Twankee, Quartzinger, Umbraltronic, Flux, Manchu, Mach, Frost, Dark, Brevilletronic, Captain, Fantabulous,Brevilletronic" "(null)"
"Tangerine Witch" "3" " Blueberry, Witch, Devil, Witch, Crazy, Witch, Evil, Witch, Evil, Witch, Blueberry, Witch, Evil, Witch, Tangerine, Witch, Devil, Witch, Devil, Witch, Evil, Witch, lime, witch, Pistol, Witch, Wickety, Witch, Wickety, Witch, Devil, Witch,Tangerine Witch" "(null)"
"NiteWarrior" "0" " Fletcher, Bowman, Stalag" "(null)"
"Chunty" "0" " Yosemite, Vambrace, Autumn, Jade, Autumn, Jade, Intel, Inside" "(null)"
"Angel-Crusader" "0" " Angel, Crusader, Medic, Crusader" "(null)"
"Brennen" "0" "" "(null)"
"Earths Steel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Arcturus Ember" "0" " Lionel, L., Mishap, Lionel, L., Mishap" "(null)"
"Inferna1" "0" "Vanity." "(null)"
"Bongo" "0" " Bongo, Was, Here" "(null)"
"Colton Chaos" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sixstring" "2" " Brokensword" "*******. Run Hami farms for exploit 7/12/09"
"The Irish Curse" "0" " Victory, Lain, Sister, Caesium" "(null)"
"xrx2" "0" " XRX, Darkened, Quill" "(null)"
"Elf" "0" " Mystical, Elf" "(null)"
"Gee Force" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vesika" "0" " Dr., Techno, Death, Emulater, Lemon, Snow" "(null)"
"Sir Panamon" "0" " Flames, of, Chew, Magna" "(null)"
"Action Ace" "0" " Frankie, Fire, Kin, Frankie, Fire, Kin, Magic, Max, Thom, Star, Tundra, Tank, Tundra, Tank, Tundra, Tank, Tundra, Tank,Splish Splash,Baron Von Blaze" "Bailed w/out word part way through Citadel, 7/23/09. Appeared to have logged"
"Zappy McFry" "0" "Naming Sucks" "(null)"
"Leondria" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nano-Slayer" "0" " Silent, Nano-Slayer" "(null)"
"ASH'" "0" " Kryonex, ASH'" "(null)"
"AnimaNero" "0" "" "(null)"
"jordan-taylor" "0" "" "(null)"
"EverStryke" "1" "" "********* who spams the forums."
"FIREL0RD" "0" " .Bonecrusher" "(null)"
"Star Seraph" "0" "" "(null)"
"HeyJohniya" "0" " Terra, Woods" "(null)"
"Lady Xi" "0" "" "(null)"
"NancY" "4" " Flaming, Drunk, Flaming, Drunk, Pearl, E., Gates, Helley, Winters, Helley, Winters, Helley, Winters, Helley, Winters, Helley, Winters, Helley, Winters,Magiko" "(null)"
"Denver Nugget" "2" " Stockton, Stockton, To, Malone, Barkley, Tom, Canty,Ketera,Stockton" "Rage quit from ITF on 12.13.10, 3rd mission. Apparently thought he was in charge of the team because he was on a tank. Kept skipping ahead to the enxt generals and then would stand there, telling us to \qcome to the next general\q while the team w/ 2 masterminds would fight through. Seems to be just a dick in general."
"duff-man" "0" " Energy.Spike, Lektric, Bill, Salamand, Entite, Energy, Siphon, Pistol, Drone,Lektric Bill" "(null)"
"Pattern Walker" "0" " Pitch, Wasp, Oxstone, Operative, Mikoyan, Jakob, Frost, Hang, the, Moon, Pyotr, Mikoyan, Pyotr, Mikoyan, Aleksei, Endures, Michael, Crow, Jakob, Frost, Homunculus, Jones, Luchs, Pitch, Wasp, Demonborne, Lifeblood, Impervium, Woodsman, Jakob, Frost, Ophidian, Coil, Ophidian, Coil, Pyotr, Mikoyan, Michael, Crow, Ophidian, Coil, Hang, the, Moon, Homunculus, Jones, Johnny, Zap,Iceborn,Pyotr Mikoyan,Twilight Shrike,Homunculus Jones,Deepwater" "(null)"
"Midgetdevil" "0" "" "(null)"
"BigScrap" "0" "Blackz" "(null)"
"Sondar" "0" " Mastelin" "(null)"
"Paralllax" "0" "Ithan" "Appears to be a barely competent ****** bag"
"Seikon1" "0" " Black, Daiquiri" "(null)"
"Shadow Bow" "0" "Def-Tone" "(null)"
"Freedom Ranger" "0" " Undercover, ELF, US, Justice, Britain's, Best, Hana, Solo" "(null)"
"Eternal Albert" "0" "" "(null)"
"crobar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blade2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kid Chris" "0" " kid, chris" "(null)"
"ScooterTwo" "3" " Silanya, Widow, Demona, Katsuragi, Megumi, Malpyra, Katsuragi, Megumi, Lady, Lylith, Lady, Lylith, Katsuragi, Megumi, Katsuragi, Megumi, CyShade, Katsuragi, Megumi, Katsuragi, Megumi, Trix-Shot, Klueless, Arbiter, Myer, Widow, Demona, Arbiter, Myer, Lady, Lylith, Lady, Lylith, US, Angelgirl, Lady, Lylith, US, Angelgirl, Lady, Lylith, Lady, Lylith, Countess, Lylith, Faultline, Fallout, Kiarra, StoneFusion, Widow, Demona,Silanya" "(S8ilanya in Iso5"
"Jo.Momma" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fista" "5" " Elegant, Blade, Widow, Kriegshund, Blood, Spray, Blood, Spray, Doc, Graviton, Widow, Kriegshund, Widow, Kriegshund, Chalybs, Widow, Kriegshund, Widow, Kriegshund, Doc, Graviton, AmericanStar, Captain, Amazing., Captain, Amazing., Captain, Amazing., Widow, Kriegshund, Operative, Jagger, Arbiter, Jagger,Doc Graviton,Arbiter Jagger" "(null)"
"Tenebrous Havoc" "0" " Edict, of, Might, Edict, of, Might" "(null)"
"Snow Blayne" "0" " Rho, Bot, Swill, Shady, Snow, Blayne, Snow, Blayne" "(null)"
"awesome101" "2" " awsome, 102" "New player but totally useless griefing mob aggroing standing around ****. Kicked from Syanapse 08/08/10"
"Mr Drake" "0" " Naraya, Radiant, Rhonda" "(null)"
"Hadoc" "0" " Wingspan, Arrow, Assassin, Arrow, Lad,Mister Mirage" "(null)"
"B'eastly" "0" " War, Helm" "(null)"
"Earthlore" "0" " Stormhenge" "(null)"
"aut316" "0" " aut316" "(null)"
"Dusti" "2" " Lemon, Meringue, Pie, Enkou, Kyuuketsuki" "really gay"
"Vivace" "3" " Pure, Temptation, Vivaslay, Cranberry, Adagio, Lake, Effect, Warning, Madrigal, Vivaria, Lake, Effect, Warning" "(null)"
"Ace It" "0" " Axle, Crushfur" "(null)"
"Masked Lime" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rei Kano" "0" " Miss, Management, Rei, Kano,Queen of Elphame" "(null)"
"r0y" "0" "Anna Maximova" "(null)"
"Jaffe" "0" " Warlock, Red" "(null)"
"Don Coyote" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sapphire Bullets" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pigtailed Warrior" "0" " BehemothBelle" "Idiot."
"Sir Chumly" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blu Celt" "0" " Riddle, of, Flame" "(null)"
"Zap Heal" "0" "" "(null)"
"MASE1" "0" "" "(null)"
"not Drizzt" "2" " Red, Crescent, Not, Drizzt" "Bailed 2nd mission of an ITF, \qsry gotta get off\q Three TF\ss that he\ss dropped out half wwy"
"littlej" "0" "" "(null)"
"revantdt" "0" "" "(null)"
"KiNeTiC KaOs" "0" "" "(null)"
"Banzai Badger" "3" " Sanity, Clause, Banzai, Badger, Mindbomb, Entropia, Sanity, Clause, Sanity, Clause, Sanity, Clause" "(null)"
"InStim" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hanzaemon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Anilo" "0" " Pie, Guy" "(null)"
"Mary Medic" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tiny Thundermuffin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tukitoocute" "0" " Nanako" "(null)"
"Asberdies" "0" " Repulsor" "(null)"
"TheMystic" "0" "" "(null)"
"Salenna" "3" " DEVILDOLL" "Good on a ateam\n"
"Bleak Yuna" "0" "" "(null)"
"Party Kake" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mightyclaw" "0" " Antoinette, LaVeau" "(null)"
"WRaiTh'901" "0" "Granite.Axe" "(null)"
"Green Grasshopper" "0" "" "(null)"
"Poor Born" "0" " Marrow, D" "Has a kinetics defender without a travel power"
"Eric Dragonborn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pomade" "1" "Jack of Black Clubs,Second City Saint" "Jackoff. ******* during ITF 01/08/12, glitched mission, threatened to not complete it, kicked from TF"
"Darkenfire" "0" "" "(null)"
"2TonTony1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Terra Pina" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aymie Amastacia" "0" "Huntress Jane" "(null)"
"Orions Tank" "0" " Amanda, Smith., Orions, Tank" "(null)"
"Fairy Tail - Erza" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord of Lightning" "2" " Quiverless,Provincial Prodigy" "VERY slow to get to missions on Task Forces\n"
"Doctor Density" "0" " Lost, Young, Lady, Demi-god, of, Fire, Red, Shirt, No., 314,Claudis Maximus" "(null)"
"FIaming Star" "0" "" "(null)"
"gonji" "0" " Agent, Syn, Gonji, -, Ronin,Bonessnap,Feurwehr,NIght Staff" "Disappeared from LGTF 03/24/12"
"CatSan" "0" " TwoHands, Cats, Ai,Cat Klaw,Satin Paw,Lilac Time,Dark Gaea" "(null)"
"Raptorcher" "0" " Rap, of, Arms, RoboRap" "(null)"
"Magelord" "0" "" "(null)"
"NoirRaven" "0" "" "(null)"
"bazaldo mastermind" "0" " Smackbum" "(null)"
"ToonFactory" "0" " Lonely, EB" "(null)"
"Anna K" "0" "" "(null)"
"Burdenn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Plexius" "0" "Reznia" "(null)"
"knockaround guy" "0" " Dokuho" "(null)"
"Stormdancer" "0" "" "Broadcasted in Talos:\n (( Lookin\s for a roleplay wolf... ))\n\nAnd that\ss it. "
"MewmiChan" "3" "Wyld McFeral" "(null)"
"Gunthor" "0" "" "(null)"
"the stallion 61" "0" " S, F, Austin, S, F, Austin" "(null)"
"Reckless Heroism" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dooberstein" "0" " Mr., Canada" "(null)"
"Tigrys" "0" " Puck, of, the, Wood" "(null)"
"SuperMouse" "0" "" "(null)"
"Whiplash911" "0" " Valde, Nox" "(null)"
"Whisperlow" "3" "Devil will cry,Uzumaki Naruto.,Nimbus Stryke,Jupiter's Sin" "(null)"
"Bkid" "0" "" "(null)"
"The Demacian" "0" " Captain, Havana" "(null)"
"Nephel" "0" " Nephel" "(null)"
"Season22" "0" " Tahnee-Pie" "(null)"
"Ruckus1" "0" "Ruckus." "(null)"
"Jack Hammer" "0" " Blazing, Fallout, Flaming, Barbs, Firie, Speed,Electrical Blocker" "Disappeared part way through Sister Psyche 10/02/10. Same with Hess on 01.24.11"
"Crowz" "0" "" "(null)"
"SMASHEM2" "0" " Sinister, Terror, BlazingB1tch" "(null)"
"Exert" "0" " Exert, Icicle, Kid,Icicle Kid,Korpsman" "(null)"
"BluShield" "3" "Captain Physics" "(null)"
"Robotic Rock" "0" "Auto Kitty,Bash Girl" "(null)"
"Domane" "0" " PsyForce" "(null)"
"Midnight Umbra" "0" "" "(null)"
"Satyr69" "0" " Drake, Diamond" "Logged instead of quit from Faathim, 12/10/09"
"Lamp of Shade" "0" " Elegant, Egotist" "(null)"
"Snipertron" "0" "Lady Saludia,Relentless Ranger,High Warlord Krugg" "(null)"
"Particle 4" "0" "" "(null)"
"AmericanTitan" "0" " Hotblooded,American-Titan" "(null)"
"Indigostrike" "0" "" "(null)"
"Standard One" "0" "" "Lame character names."
"Shadespire" "2" " Sweet, Cherry, Pie" "really gay"
"Tearen" "0" "Tearen" "(null)"
"Leo Rex" "0" " Leo, Rex" "(null)"
"Flitze" "0" " Backstreet, Panther, Backstreet, Panther, Daevalia,Daevalia,Backstreet Panther" "Eh. Semi blind inviter, but not too bad. Teamed w/ him for a hour afterwards."
"drednjack" "0" " Goddess, Of, Chaos" "(null)"
"Average Thief" "2" " Rageing, Bum" "Dropped out last mission of 1st respec red side, 06/10/09, claimed bad weather was coming and he didn\st want to lose power"
"Rooney" "0" "" "(null)"
"Energy Mizer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Drixxamis" "0" "" "Blind inviter"
"Burning Bear" "2" " Purple, Pride, Teddy, Bearytales, Bloody, Bride, Crushing, Tempest" "4 hours into Faathim, he disappeared, never came back. Claimed earlier in the evening that he might be having power issues."
"Sassafrass" "0" " Velociter" "(null)"
"Super MC" "0" "Unknown Officer" "(null)"
"Dr. Killawatt" "0" " BeastWithin" "(null)"
"Brain Shrinker" "0" "Long Leg of the Law" "(null)"
"Dark Sola" "2" " Zun, Ztorm, Holy, Muse, Holy, Muse, RoyalCoven" "Disappeared during LGTF during Hamidon, never came back 01.04.11. Seemed to be a bit of a noob. "
"tju" "0" " Tekknikk" "(null)"
"Motoko Munk" "3" " Brianna, the, Wila, Motoko, Munk, Yosuuf, LN-2, Brit, Rankine, Yosuuf, Rankine, Yosuuf, Rankine, Margaret, Banshee, Margaret, Banshee, Omega, Quininism,Raven Rankine,Beta Quininism" "Hangs out with Tiny C, in the One. Done a bunch of tf\ss with"
"DaddyBearJr" "0" "" "(null)"
"B'omarr" "3" " Fustigated, Glacies, Capacitor, Ensnarl" "In Isolators"
"Blackimaru" "0" "" "(null)"
"little o's" "0" " o, THUNDERSTRIKE, o,o COCKROACH o" "Quit Tip Team 08/19/10 w/out a word mid mission"
"I slash U wid sord" "0" " I'm, Invisible" "(null)"
"Soloman Arcana" "0" "Soloman Arcana" "(null)"
"Bubblegum Fuzz" "0" " Quiet, Chaos" "(null)"
"Tempered Steel" "3" " Tempered, Steel" "Did a respec w/, ok"
"Atomicstryke" "0" "" "(null)"
"Peeka" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cuddle Bear" "0" " Split., Personality, Goat, Widow" "(null)"
"Har" "3" " Shadow, Spider, Har, Tortured, Artist, Tortured, Artist, Tortured, Artist, Tortured, Artist, Harleigh" "(null)"
"Chris90184" "2" " Cpt., Eldon, Cpt., Eldon" "Bit useless / of a damn leach. afk half of every damn mission on Eyeball SF 07/26/09. Level 50 mercs/traps w/ only web nade from traps."
"Kristoff von Gelmini" "0" "Startide" "(null)"
"Doc Out" "2" " Doc, Out, Doc, Out, Doc, Out, Doc, Out, Doc, Out, Doc, Allinya, Doc, Out, Withered, Choas, Doc, Etherealia" "Dual boxer. Other global is MacLochian(sp). Power levelers / bridge begger, warned in VF over it 4/16/9"
"masterT" "0" "" "(null)"
"GeorgiaGamer" "0" " Psycosia" "(null)"
"DHK" "2" " Eternal, Shenron, Die., Heart, Killer, Die, Hard, Killer, Die, Hard, Killer, Die, Hard, Killer, EternalDarkLord,Volatile Behavior,Pyrolyzed Soot,Die Hard Killer,Viridiplantae" "Dipshit."
"Elektra Babe" "0" " Chilling, Pain" "(null)"
"Electrovic" "0" " Tara, Rose" "(null)"
"BadTez" "0" " KingT" "Putz, kicked from Sister Psyche 10/12/10 when it appeared he was logging off while dead? Might have been crashing but didn\st take the chance, tight team"
"Tara del Fuego" "0" " RTX" "(null)"
"SpacePope" "0" " Vice, President" "(null)"
"ApathyOverlord" "0" " Rose, Barb" "(null)"
"Ninja Clan" "0" "Fire Mastery." "Kicked from Morty Kal 09/10/11, went afk on second mission to \qgo to the store.\q"
"Teamsix" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ice Queen Flora" "0" "" "(null)"
"Khorzus" "0" " Nauth" "(null)"
"EricNelson" "2" " StainedGlassScarlet, Polar, Celestial, Synaesthesia, Negative, Nellie, Denouement, Steel, Dominatrix, Mighty, Sequoia, Stained, Glass, Harlot, Commandment" "A dick."
"Midnyte" "0" " Midnyte, Blizzard" "(null)"
"Spider Dragon" "0" " Spider, Dragon, Spider, Dragon, Spider, Dragon, Spider, Dragon, Sil, Vain, Spider, Dragon, Spider, Dragon, Lady, Diz, Mecha, Diz, Earth, Diz, Mystic, Barrage, Spider, Dragon, Mystic, Barrage" "Kepting \qherding\q during all blaster ITF then lieing about it, says it was \qan accidently\q Jerk off"
"Knight Ray" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jacko Sr" "0" " Aazazel" "(null)"
"stormangel" "0" " Uber-Geek, Click, Beetle, Turntable, Hit, Almsman" "(null)"
"Richard 47" "0" " Richard, 47, Kacey, Kickem, Wendy, Axenshield, Gary, Mitchell, Tina, Wes, Wyndam-Pryce, Wes, Wyndam-Pryce, Hero, 47, Vaching, Hu, Roqme, Kat, Kontrol, Gary, Mitchell, Cameron, Phillips,Vaching Hu,Knows Bleed" "(null)"
"Overchek" "0" " Zero, Gauge, Rad, Reaver" "(null)"
"Makato" "0" "" "(null)"
"AirDingo" "0" "Gravistasis" "(null)"
"Mr. Greenland" "0" "" "(null)"
"H4Z4RD" "0" " Z4H.H4Z" "(null)"
"OneiroHero" "0" "Mark Jerry" "(null)"
"Captain Fried" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cheek" "0" " Serial, Killer, Serial, Killer, Serial, Killer" "(null)"
"Tweaky" "0" "" "(null)"
"Teh Pyro" "0" " Tormented, Timmy, Tormented, Timmy, Demonic, Toaster, Creepo, Da, Clown, Pyrosphere, Psychedelics,Psychedelics" "(null)"
"HH2.0" "0" "" "(null)"
"DragonMyst" "0" " WillowRock" "(null)"
"Jon Black" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tommy 2.0" "0" " Tommy, 2.0" "(null)"
"Mr. Negative" "0" " MacFae" "(null)"
"Sir T" "0" " Viking, Kronos, 3" "(null)"
"Cyra-Chan" "0" "" "(null)"
"Humonculus" "0" "" "(null)"
"Krowseye" "0" " Shivertek, Bonecold" "(null)"
"Knightbear" "0" " Ghostmask" "(null)"
"mcmackie" "3" " Jennie, Psycho, Jennie, Psycho, Darque, Spider, Zaphra, Umbral, Brand, Tectonic, Knight, Rebuke, Umbral, Brand, Darque, Spider, Tectonic, Knight, Static, Kat, Gayle, Sky, Vengence, Cry, Ymirdotter, Vengence, Cry, Reproach, Jack, Chang, Darque, Spider, Darque, Spider, Darque, Spider, Darque, Spider, Silken, Whisper, Silken, Whisper, Umbral, Brand, Umbral, Brand, Silken, Whisper, Kinetrix, Jalapeno, Lass, Silken, Whisper, Jennie, Psycho, Static, Kat, Static, Kat, Carbonium,Dark Fallacy,Umbral Brand,Vengence Cry,Static Kat,Jalapeno Lass,Dyna Rules,Ymirdotter,Cinder Avalanche,Chrona,Zaphra,Tectonic Knight,Storm Jade" "(null)"
"Medigirl" "0" " Ms., Tique" "(null)"
"Tinq" "0" " Tinq" "(null)"
"Atomic P1" "2" " Atomic, Phenom, atomic, phenom, Atomic, Phenom" "Disappeared 3rd mission of ITF 03/17/11, thenlogged on at the last minute on last Rommie and quit the team. "
"Sevyyn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Razer's Edge" "0" " Stone, Tape" "(null)"
"Kane Knight" "0" " Tifling" "Takes a 15 minute bio 10 minutes from the end of LGTF 01.04.11"
"DeathFlux" "0" " Lady, Death, Flux, Robotic, Rock" "(null)"
"Shining Son" "0" "" "(null)"
"EmeraldGuardian Ch'p" "0" " Doctor, F8, Legion, of, Three, Doctor, F8, Doctor, F8" "03/04/10 - asked for tf invite then immediately quit the team"
"Drake Cromwell" "0" " Obsidian, Outrider" "(null)"
"ephelba" "0" " Nurse, Daddy, Bear" "(null)"
"Diabolic Flame" "2" " DFs, Sexy, Stoner" "Useless on stone tanker, needs to know his role in a team. Kicked from Sara Moore."
"Revealer" "0" "I'm the MFin MP,Subtle Provocation" "(null)"
"Muafein" "0" " Muafein" "(null)"
"Badlok" "0" " Mechanotron" "(null)"
"64stingray" "0" " Shocku" "(null)"
"Aquoia" "0" " Preatorian, Slicer" "(null)"
"Hazelnut Latte" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bolted Light" "0" "Bolted Light" "(null)"
"Warseige" "2" " Red, Voltier" "Moron who defends heal spammers."
"Elauria" "0" "Shalindra Elisaris" "(null)"
"Green Dilemma1" "2" " Le, Noir, Paradoxe" "New player, quit Positron after 1st mission w/out a word. Likely because she wasn\st getting xp at level 17."
"M 8" "0" " Hydrex" "(null)"
"Maid Medusa" "0" " Beezlebub, Bill" "(null)"
"Das Butcher" "0" " Das, Butcher" "(null)"
"Atomic Pea" "0" "Rock-Fu Pea" "(null)"
"Madame Pistacio" "4" " Katarzyna, Faithful, Calysta, Prinzessin, Heather, Prinzessin, Heather, Raina, Peak, Project, Fate, Music, of, the, Night, Shy, Violet, Music, of, the, Night, Shy, Violet, Music, of, the, Night, Project, Destiny, Gadget-Girl, Cadet, Wylde, Cadet, Wylde, Cadet, Wylde, Dream, Gazer, Cadet, Wylde, Music, of, the, Night, Kid, Vitality, Cadet, Wylde, Ziazan,Calandria,Crystal's Melody,Ayrianna,Cadet Wylde,Calysta,Piercing Stare,Jailene,Survival Instinct" "In Isolators"
"Natalia Diamond" "0" "" "(null)"
"Six" "0" " Lekka, Shien" "(null)"
"Talkira" "0" " Plasma, Juice" "(null)"
"Ultra X2" "0" " Ozmac, Defender, of, Midgard, Defender, of, Midgard, Defender, of, Midgard, Defender, of, Midgard, Defender, of, Midgard" "(null)"
"Arzo" "0" " J, K" "(null)"
"MaiteXq" "0" " Hunter, Artemis, Radeo, Nemesis, Dexter, Quinne, Dexter, Quinne, Artemis, Selene, Artemis, Selene, Artemis, Selene, Reagan, Melody, Radeo, Nemesis, Radeo, Nemesis, Dexter, Quinne" "(null)"
"Lady-Slice" "0" "" "(null)"
"Radical'" "0" "" "(null)"
"Victorus the Tanker" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nite Blue" "0" " Rogue, Geisha" "(null)"
"Agent JJD" "0" " Eidolon, Nurse" "(null)"
"vulpinfox" "0" " Meghan, the, Blind, Meghan, the, Blind" "(null)"
"Righteous Dude" "0" " Cactus, Clown, Clone, Cactus, Clown, Clone" "Possible dual boxer with @Agent Smith"
"SupaHo" "0" "" "(null)"
"La Fey Esclave" "0" "" "(null)"
"Krome Dome" "2" " GhostKiller, EagleEyez" "Bailed from level 13 team part way through mission. Claimed he was going to get food, but I suspect a scared of debt pansy ***** stalker.qq Father of a dick (Diablic Flame). Kicked from Sara Moore"
"-LoKi" "0" " Goddess-Hel" "(null)"
"Bakalakadaka" "0" "" "(null)"
"Thunderskys" "0" "" "(null)"
"Orion Darkstorm" "0" " Ima, Mann, Ima, Mann" "(null)"
"WildOne1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Spazmeer" "0" " Captain, Crimebuster" "(null)"
"FerricFrostMD" "2" " My, Last, Resort" "Moron heal spammer"
"ShockPanda" "0" "" "(null)"
"Skarlet" "0" " Vandii" "(null)"
"Kristian Payne" "0" "" "(null)"
"Scorpnrat" "0" "Lawstrike" "(null)"
"Slax2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dusktiger1" "0" " Robotic, Mistress" "(null)"
"Dr. Felidae" "0" "" "(null)"
"Noxious Punk" "0" " Kira's, Foot" "(null)"
"Stealth 99" "0" " Renegatus" "(null)"
"Ronin Around" "0" " Thurule, Red, Beast, Cola" "(null)"
"Cirji" "0" " LegionHealer, Dragonair" "(null)"
"limunios" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bosh" "0" "" "Noctulius in Iso6"
"Elowe" "0" "" "Not exceptionally bright"
"vampyrusddg" "0" " Enchanted, Tim,182-46A Negative" "(null)"
"Mabon" "0" "" "(null)"
"K87" "0" " Sentient, Power, Kahmia, Zouli" "Quit Synapse during formation w/out a word, 10/15/10"
"Sepultura" "0" "Eroticat" "(null)"
"Masque2" "3" " Crazy, Eyez, Emotional, Wreck, Masquito, ChilIout, Angus, McMasque, Angus, McMasque, I, Trow, Skuls, C, Lawlz, Unmasqued, XP, express, Masque, Less, Than, 3, Held" "(null)"
"Articblade" "2" " Ironic, Overpower, Medikinetic, Ironic, Overpower,Medikinetic" "Doesn\st like clicking. Bit of a putz. useless ***** leach lying dead on w the groups during Burkholders fight, 01/10. **** you, man."
"Kacahrot" "0" " Dr., Mind, Blinder, Dr., Mind, Blinder, Dr., Mind, Blinder, Spectral, Reaver, Dr., Mind, Blinder, Spectral, Reaver, Dr., Mind, Blinder, Supa, Souljah, Z, Warrior" "(null)"
"APHRODISIAS" "0" "" "(null)"
"IceSpell" "0" " IceSpell" "(null)"
"Aerial Geisha" "0" "" "(null)"
"RubiconX" "3" " Starlight, Paradox" "(null)"
"Coco Lovebone" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shadez" "3" " Masoner" "(null)"
"Ms. Haiti" "0" " Mr., Haiti" "(null)"
"sid cros" "0" "" "(null)"
"drfantasy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kobalt" "0" " DamienDarkstrom" "(null)"
"Lord Dark Moon" "3" " Lord, Dark, Moon" "(null)"
"Lea" "0" " Anne, Archy, Snowflake, Angel" "(null)"
"BentSpear" "0" " Buck, Barricade, Five-Snow, Buck, Barricade,Buck Barricade,Poolshido Samurai" "(null)"
"Dark Sabith" "2" " harleyhero, harley, woman, Fire, hearder" "Dumb ***."
"Chuckers" "0" " Kellie, Cliff, Edge, SugarFix, Finding, Emo, Finding, Emo,SawGrass,MicroShock" "(null)"
"Lykoto" "0" " Operative, Lykos, Lykotus" "(null)"
"Sinister Avenger1" "2" " Sinister, Disciple, Sinister, Pixel,Sinister Heat,Sinister Light" "went afk two damn missions on Ice Mistral, 03/27/10. Kicked after making ********* statement on returning, 5 seconds from the end"
"Verbal" "0" " Marlin, Marauder" "(null)"
"Fiery Wonder" "0" " mr, healer324" "(null)"
"Pink Stoner" "3" " Taste, the, Rainbow, Ember, Enferno, Gwen', Amethyst, Bloom" "(null)"
"Screaming Spider" "0" "" "(null)"
"Patient V." "4" " Ardent, Flare, Ghost, Impulse, Glacial, Aeon, Ardent, Flare, Ardent, Flare, Ardent, Flare, Glacial, Aeon, Ghost, Impulse, Vorpal, Daemon, Selene's, Light, Selene's, Light, Abaddon's, Mark, Selene's, Light, Selene's, Light, Ambient, Elegy, Umbran, Spear, Glacial, Aeon, Glacial, Aeon, Fate, Nonpareil, Fate, Nonpareil, Stardust, Ray, Twilight, Hymn, Stardust, Ray, Last, One, Out, Last, One, Out,Fate Nonpareil,Twilight Hymn,Havoc's Divide,Limit Break,Time's Scar,Wings of Madness" "(null)"
"OneHussey" "3" " Extra, Strength, Extra, Strength, Julia, Day, Girl, in, White, Girl, in, White, Cee, Guard, Girl, in, White, Cee, Guard,In August,His Dark Passenger,All Pau,My Inner Beast,No Rain" "(null)"
"Shadow Fenrir" "0" " Crazy, Barbarian, Lupus, Call" "(null)"
"ED" "5" " Eye, Silencer, Day, Terror" "(null)"
"Arkyaeon" "0" " Zaeon,Arkyaeon" "(null)"
"Baywolf" "5" " Chemic" "Eyedevil"
"Lord Pyro-" "0" "" "(null)"
"Destruction Cyborg" "2" " Lightning, Stalker" "Useless ***** stalker. Bailed mid missin"
"Emerald'" "0" "" "(null)"
"Olium 2" "0" " Golden, Baron, Nightmare, Baron" "(null)"
"Sojiro" "0" " Embers, Anew" "(null)"
"Bizguit" "0" " Shifza" "(null)"
"corkyandnate" "0" " Cainnen, Zipper, Kev, Zipper, Kev" "(null)"
"pinktroller" "0" " Pink.Shock" "(null)"
"Foilago" "0" " Foilago" "(null)"
"UnitSecundus" "0" " Bruchladdich" "(null)"
"Valikai1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vakdor" "0" " Delicate, Snowflake" "(null)"
"Dark-kitten" "0" " Pulse, Shot" "(null)"
"Chrichton" "3" " Hero, Project, Hero, Project, Auger, Blight, Hero, Project" "(null)"
"Zax" "0" "" "(null)"
"Backwards BeatDown" "0" "shades of strength" "Blind inviter"
"Sister Nature" "0" "" "(null)"
"White Nictus" "3" " White, Nictus, Holy, Paladin, PPD, Judge" "(null)"
"Aprentice" "0" " Mini, Ebil, Dragon" "(null)"
"Marakil" "0" " Ceruna, StarFall" "(null)"
"Spirit Quake" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rune Princess" "0" " Prototype, 71, Shade, of, Fury, Prototype, 71, Kingston, Crusher, Prototype, 71" "(null)"
"Stone Rock Guy" "0" "Zarathustran" "(null)"
"Green Band-aid1" "0" " Blue, De-Lis" "Afk farmer in warburg"
"CP's Lady" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dirty Old Man Dan" "2" " Goldie, the, avenger, Lady, of, Mercy, Lady, of, Mercy, Floramille, the, Great, Floramille, the, Great, Lady, of, Mercy, Lady, of, Mercy, Lady, of, Mercy, Lady, of, Mercy" "Dumb/*****"
"Khrymsun" "3" " xXx, Strykes, xXx, Strykes, xXx, Strykes, xXx, Strykes, Whip, n', Willow, Whip, n', Willow, Whip, n', Willow, Whip, n', Willow, Whip, n', Willow, Whip, n', Willow" "xXx Strykes in Iso"
"Onrefni" "3" "" "(null)"
"S H E" "0" "States She" "(null)"
"Morbid - Angel" "0" "Morbid - Angel" "(null)"
"Yuuden" "0" " ManWhoSoldtheWorld, Emerald-Wasp" "Bit of a leach. Level 25 mm unsk\sed on Renualts"
"Hulmerist" "0" " Detective, MindDrive, Detective, MindDrive, Calibraxis,Calibraxis" "Claimed to be switching over for a Kahn 04/01/11, never showed, gave spot away"
"cubano2" "0" " GREEN, FUEGO" "(null)"
"Torchresss" "0" " Latrodectus" "(null)"
"Darctricity" "2" " Leon, Knight" "Sara Moore 4/18/09. Plays his scrapper like a damn pub stalker. Kicked."
"Catastrophia" "0" " Flaming-Queen" "(null)"
"M x C" "0" "" "(null)"
"RINGA" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gaythreat" "0" "" "(null)"
"Terr0r" "0" "i slice your body" "(null)"
"Sapphire Diamond" "0" " Taffy, Jones, Taffy, Jones" "(null)"
"Lakanna" "0" " Orinn, Lakanna, Thornlight, Andoren" "(null)"
"Star Defender" "0" ".Nocte" "(null)"
"Work Ethic" "3" " Hex-Wife, Quote, the, Raven, Hammer, Knight, Circus-Freak, Orbiter, I, PussyBrat, Divided, You, Fall, Lucis, Ferre, Diet, Pink, Kentucky, Fried, Kitty, iCandy., Kentucky, Fried, Kitty, Kentucky, Fried, Kitty, Lucis, Ferre, Kentucky, Fried, Kitty,iCandy.,Kentucky Fried Kitty,H2O Girl" "(null)"
"Fire Doz" "2" "" "Blind inviter"
"SolarSentai" "0" " SolarSpider" "(null)"
"Master Charge" "0" " 1, 800, TROLLER, No, Holds, Barred, 1, 800, TROLLER, Cage, Match,No Holds Barred,Free For All,Scoville Kid" "(null)"
"Allen" "0" "" "(null)"
"Metal Angel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tazakin the warrior" "0" " Gospadin, Tovarich,Lord Wardancer,Doctor Arachnos" "(null)"
"PrincessJustice" "0" " Confederation, Shield, Pistols, of, Impervium" "(null)"
"Chuck Bartowski" "0" "" "(null)"
"HE" "0" " Shield, Entity, Shield, Entity" "(null)"
"Dogbollox" "0" "" "(null)"
"McBoo" "0" " Massif" "(null)"
"Oni Elem X" "0" " Absolute, Horizon" "(null)"
"Socialist Stomper" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nagasaki Ghost" "3" " Prisoner's, Shell, King, Sequoia, Count, Silence, King, Sequoia, Ethernaut's, Shadow, King, Sequoia, King, Sequoia, King, Sequoia" "(null)"
"Brickwall3" "0" " Widowmaiker, Tugboat, McGraw, Bouldermeister, 2.3, Bouldermeister, 2.3, Brickwall, Deadlake, Batill, Ax,Batill Ax,Widowmaiker,Brickwall,Tugboat McGraw" "Bailed from Tin Mage 30 minutes or less into it \qgot to do homework\q. Bailed on ITF 3rd mission \qbecause he had to head out\q 10/01/11"
"T-Zone" "0" " T-Zone" "(null)"
"Spiro1" "0" " etheriel" "(null)"
"jjaw" "2" " Mr, Canada." "Has a character in the Internationals."
"Schattenbolt" "0" " Schattenbolt,Schattenbolt" "(null)"
"Star League Corps." "0" " Saturn, Guardsman, Prime, Alpha, TheX-Ray, Patty, Darkness, 2.0, Electro, Lass, Ghost, of, Valor, Prime, Alpha, Prime, Ultra, Prime, Alpha,Air Bender,Electro Lass,Patty's Prodigy,Starscream Evolution" "Bailed in the middle of a high death mission 10/16/10. Possible *****. Appeared to have logged off during Hamidon of LGTF 02.28.11, never came back."
"Chasity Chase" "0" "" "(null)"
"Verge" "0" " Dreamon" "(null)"
"Yakavetta" "0" " Voice, of, Father, Double, Taps, Ishandra, Double, Taps, Double, Taps, Double, Taps, Double, Taps" "(null)"
"Rusty J" "0" " Rusty, J, Rusty, J" "(null)"
"LifeGuardian" "0" " FlamePool, RallyPoint" "Can play like a bit of a jerkoff. Decides to solo the objectives on TF\ss w/out asking. Wishes he was a stalker."
"Battle Priest" "0" " Manifold,Emeff Aitch" "(null)"
"Telecast II" "0" " Goddess-Athena" "(null)"
"Tsukie" "0" " Jennybean,Tsuki" "(null)"
"Pimpstress Bambi" "3" " Cherry, Delight, Roxie, Stoner, Real, Thin, Ice, Body, Shot, Barbie, SM, Bambi, Automated, Alice, Super, Starr,Ivanna Empalott" "(null)"
"MysticHealer" "0" " Major, Katastrophe, CoCo, Chanel, Shangri, La" "(null)"
"Beautifully Broken" "0" "IceyBaby" "(null)"
"Beta Blue" "2" " Doctor, Singularity, Doctor, Singularity, Doctor, Singularity, Fire, and, Frost, Nictus, Experiment,Monks Hood" "Dick / dipshit / *******\n54444"
"Brimstone Bobby" "0" "Operative Gillian" "(null)"
"Space Dracula" "0" " EnLightning, Deadly, Night, Shades, Deadly, Night, Shades, High, Plains, Spectre" "(null)"
"Mystic Templar2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rip Colt" "3" " Prince, of, Wails, Prince, of, Wails, Prince, of, Wails, Prince, of, Wails, Prince, of, Wails, Dr., Gestalt, Dr., Gestalt, OutAndProud, Royal, Paine, Tucker, Colt, Prince, of, Wails, Dr., Gestalt, Brandon, Caine,Sulfur Surfer,Dash Colt" "(null)"
"Peri" "0" " Peri" "(null)"
"Alaska Bill" "0" " Black, Roy, Black, Roy, Black, Roy, Black, Roy, Black, Roy" "(null)"
"Gin" "2" " Gypsy, Witch, Gypsy, Witch, Natusia" "Jackass and a liar."
"Dementid" "0" " Paragon, Praesidium, Paragon, Praesidium, Paragon, Praesidium, Paragon, Praesidium" "(null)"
"speedo1" "0" " vivecity67" "(null)"
"Jachim" "0" " Gunhand,Refulgent" "(null)"
"TheDarkEntity" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ech" "0" " Prometheus, Prime" "(null)"
"thebreed" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lamar Bruiser" "0" "" "(null)"
"Violet Sorceress" "0" " Violet, Sorceress" "(null)"
"Vincentric" "3" " Scatterstar, Baroness, Abyss, Lady, Redemption, Celestial, Huntress, Termina, Groundfire, Celestial, Huntress, Lady, Redemption, Abyssal, Gate,Scatterstar,Sagitarrian,Abyssal Gate,Celestial Huntress,UmbraScythe,Skybreaker,Termina,Emerald Whisper,Dreamflame,Spark Fury,Crimecrusher,Excalibra,Lady Redemption" "(null)"
"Smoke Monkey" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dr. CoId" "0" " Stoney's, Kin" "(null)"
"Lykotus" "0" " Botulf" "(null)"
"NGHTSTKR" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ms. Fist" "0" " Ms., Fist, Josef-1" "(null)"
"Anthony Wheat" "0" "" "(null)"
"busy thing" "0" " busy, thing" "Putz. Bailed on team 90 percent of the way through a mission 01.13.11"
"Capt. Cold" "0" "" "(null)"
"ElectraNite" "2" " Shooting, Starr', Lil, Sure, Shot, Baad, Kitty, Baad, Kitty" "This person is awesome. Awesomely stupid and *********"
"fkfkgldgfmjgog" "0" " Cattibree" "Blind invites level 50\ss @ level 20. "
"Lamell" "0" " Rallie, Dazz,Barclie,Dazz" "Nice and polite"
"Stormchasers" "0" " Faustina" "(null)"
"MegaHurtZ" "0" " Bloodmaiden" "(null)"
"Dr. Talo" "0" "Lord Talion" "(null)"
"Steam Punk Willy" "2" " Willy, Power" "07/12/10, Ice Mistral. Additude problem and inability to stick w/ team on last mission. Kick from VF is repeats"
"Real Babies Daddy" "0" " Captain, Smashin, Captain, Smashin, FlRE, lMP" "(null)"
"HT-Shadow2" "0" " MlCRO" "(null)"
"cynic12" "0" " Frakt" "(null)"
"Lumaxima" "0" "" "(null)"
"The Unbroken Promise" "0" " Agent, Maye" "(null)"
"Dark-Chain" "0" " Myst-gun" "(null)"
"Roque Carnicera" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mob Father 3214" "0" " Mob, Father, 3214" "(null)"
"Raven Moon" "0" " Bookwyrm" "(null)"
"Tango" "0" " Dante, Soulfire" "(null)"
"Druid Warrior" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mersadies" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rad Baxterd" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cordell" "0" " Mr., Cluck, Cluck" "(null)"
"Amund-A" "1" " Amund-A, Vigilante-A, Essence, of, Amund" "Dual boxer and ******* about it. Other account is Cyrstal-A. Quit mission then proceded to pull spawns on us to be a dick."
"Wondering Soul" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr. Unbreakable" "0" " Electrical, Healing" "Pure healer, incompetent. Heals unwounded people, stacks 3-5 clear minds on tankers/scrappers while none on the peacebringer, etc"
"Sir Mcallen" "0" " Blazing, Longbow, Charged, Doom, Charged, Doom, Charged, Icicles" "(null)"
"Marmagar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Trick" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hired Fire" "0" " Kontrol, Phreak, Kontrol, Phreak, Kontrol, Phreak, Mighty, Enabler, Extra, Crunchy, Extra, Crunchy, En'vy" "Whiney little *****"
"SNIPA1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kingshero" "0" " Poison, Gumdrop, Golden, Hero, Brown, Plague, F1R3, D3m0N, F1R3, D3m0N, Queen, of, Pain-, Rotten, Brute, Explode, Reload, Fire, and, Ice, ballz,Coldest Punch" "(null)"
"Hopefullone2" "0" " Rainbow, Herbert" "(null)"
"Goddess Innana" "0" " INANNA, 7" "(null)"
"Glimmerish" "0" " Glimmerish" "(null)"
"Charra1" "0" " Charra" "(null)"
"Morpheus-1" "0" " Princess, Victronica" "(null)"
"Menrva Channel" "0" " Seteh, Siphon, Menrva, Channel" "(null)"
"Vizio" "0" " Shytan, outlaw, slayer, outlaw, slayer, outlaw, slayer,Shytan" "(null)"
"Razawere" "0" " Tazzar, Sugaree, ScarletFire,Sugaree,ScarletFire,Sir Tanksalotta,Tazzar,Intrinsa" "(null)"
"Kat-astrophy" "0" " Malaise, Moonfire" "(null)"
"Captain Cannibo" "1" " Adonis, Vex, Captain, Cannibo, General, Locke" "Whiney emo cutter. Kicked from VF 02.03.11"
"Angel of Will" "0" " Master., Sgt, Pyro" "(null)"
"TheMelamber" "0" "" "(null)"
"CourtneyKay" "0" " CourtneyKay,CourtneyKay" "Slightly dumb. Also quit Virgil SF 2nd mission after saying \qbrb\q"
"underwaterman" "2" " twakwonman" "Blind inviter."
"Quadrapelegic" "0" " Xx, Rogue, Warrior, xX, Xx, Rogue, Warrior, xX, Xx, Rogue, Warrior, xX" "(null)"
"The Ruby" "0" "" "(null)"
"SaviorsTears" "0" "" "(null)"
"BLACK PARIAH1" "2" " BLACK, PARIAH" "Useless leaching ****, Barracuda 9/21/09. Rage quit last mission. Spent most of the SF afk, asks for TP\ss to go 100 yards without moving, etc. Gimp build"
"Desideria" "0" "" "(null)"
"Starry Flame" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bloudshroud" "0" " Blood, Spawn." "(null)"
"Maramune" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bloody Bolshevik" "0" "Meta-Freeze" "(null)"
"Da Bunny" "0" " Lady, Bionic, Bunny" "(null)"
"LSTB" "0" " Gaydar, Robot, 7R, Double, Whammy" "(null)"
"tiny bit" "2" " miss, microwave, Bird, of, Thunder, miss, microwave" "Quit Hess TF on last mission. Said \qsorry, puter prob....\q then just quit. WTF?"
"IneffableBob" "3" " Tempered, Twilight, Tempered, Twilight, Shadow, Speaker, Darkglow, Flame, of, Ebony, Flame, of, Ebony, Stony, Motion,Quemadura fria,Fire Me" "(null)"
"Ari Na" "0" " Ari, Zon" "(null)"
"PKYR" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vexxie" "0" " Glass, Solitaire, Glass, Solitaire" "(null)"
"Mike Mulligan" "2" " Radio, Diode, Radio, Diode" "Idiot. Claims his real name is \qsheline\q. Space Robot"
"Ounce" "0" " Revengineer,Revengineer" "(null)"
"Nightsyde" "2" " Nightsyde, Sydney, Winters, Sydney, Winters" "Bailed 2nd mission of Manticore due to, and I quote, \qmechanic called. somethign about my car and I gotta get here like ASAP\q"
"Capt. Evil Stopper" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr. Boi" "0" "" "(null)"
"Canada Bear" "2" " Poil" "Idiot in a general sense"
"SGT NORM" "0" "Tu-22M Backfire" "(null)"
"Cande Striper" "0" " Cande, Striper" "(null)"
"Screamer" "0" " Ninja, Bikini, Babe" "Possible 12 year old idiot"
"Star Miner" "0" "" "(null)"
"Veradyn" "0" " Elthryn" "(null)"
"Heathen" "0" " Goad, Fap" "(null)"
"Lady Gale" "0" " Shadows, of, Gray, Off, Duty, Super, Gal, White, War, Wytch, Lady, Warcry, Lady, Warcry, Little, Miss, Pom, Poms, Lady, Warcry, Weaver, of, Fate, Lady, Gale" "(null)"
"Disfigured" "0" "Radical Wildfire" "(null)"
"jediknightcub" "0" " Bashback, Charged, Up, Cub,Ice Cold Bruce Key" "(null)"
"CRIMSONBLAZE1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Khelben" "0" " Peregrinas, Cracked, Earth" "(null)"
"Cold Front" "0" "" "(null)"
"Durza Steiner" "0" " Durza, Steiner" "(null)"
"Swishbuckler" "0" " Anansi." "(null)"
"Carsivor1" "0" "" "(null)"
"YoumuKonpaku" "0" " Yamame, Kurodani, Grim, 'n, Dark" "Tsurupettan on irc"
"JohnBoy Walton" "0" " StopMeNow" "(null)"
"Dracoj" "0" " Earth, Spirit" "(null)"
"bigblack" "0" "War Monk" "(null)"
"The Archangel Isaac" "0" " Felis, Fidelity" "(null)"
"Phantom Darkness" "2" "" "******* blind inviter."
"Merqury" "0" " Nimble, Little, Mynx, Reign, of, Arrows,Turn and Burn" "(null)"
"Commissar Yarick" "0" "" "Bit of a wad."
"Katie Doo" "0" " Katie, Kittie" "(null)"
"Quickster Field" "0" " Armored, Kheldian, Xfighter, RaveHyre, Claw-guy" "(null)"
"Fearless Decoy" "0" " Valhalla-tron" "(null)"
"Golden Guardian1" "0" " Dr., Chilblain" "(null)"
"Madame Shayla" "0" "Collen Colt,Dark Carny,Goddess of Justice" "(null)"
"Fury Boy" "0" " Agent, Web,Fury Boy" "(null)"
"Ambrotos Pyrogenator" "0" "" "(null)"
"Captian Pollution" "0" "" "(null)"
"EpyonakU II" "0" "SimoN EurekauS" "(null)"
"Lawson X" "0" " Patroculus, X, Deismon, Mal" "A bit of a noob. Was a tanker on a pug stf"
"zero-sum game" "0" "" "(null)"
"Scarlet Light1" "0" "Scarlet Light V.1,Joe Samson" "(null)"
"Lady Vader" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bazooka" "0" "" "(null)"
"Avenger Master" "0" " Melody, Tune, Melody, Tune, Melody, Tune, Sassy, Sal, Melody, Tune" "(null)"
"Nivrati" "0" " Psyver" "(null)"
"Chan." "0" " Lin-Chan, Rika-Chan, Kana-Chan, Nat-Chan,Sayo-Chan" "(null)"
"Magic Rodent" "0" "" "(null)"
"FattyMcLumpkin" "0" " Black, Jujyfruit" "(null)"
"Oniki" "0" "" "(null)"
"GOODLOVIN" "0" "" "(null)"
"Private Detective" "0" " Unpierced-Stone" "(null)"
"Khonshu" "0" " Shield, Charger, Ghosthunter,Fool Stalker" "(null)"
"avantard" "0" "" "(null)"
"3rd Law" "0" " Red, Axe" "(null)"
"Mr. DNA" "0" " Grill, Master,Grill Master" "(null)3w333"
"Minicon" "0" " Minicon" "(null)"
"Phantom Knight" "0" " Phantom, Knight, Plantwoman, KillerFrost, Red, Russian, Star, PsychoPirate" "(null)"
"Plastic Metal" "0" " Eagle, Eyez." "(null)"
"Kahlan'" "0" "" "(null)"
"INU SHIBA" "0" " Jim-bow" "(null)"
"Hakar" "0" " Markov, the, Beast, Markov, the, Beast, Hakar, Fiery, Shefox,Solopsist Eterna" "(null)"
"Peppercat" "5" " Redirect, Technogenic, Organised, Chaos, Shinobi, Strike, Shade, Strike,Gail Beaufort,Global Defender,Organised Chaos,Legitimate Business,Bullet Hell,Tenas,Exergonic,Jett Hammer" "(null)"
"Ghost Thorn" "0" " EndlessDream" "(null)"
"Strike Eagle" "0" " Mad, Cat" "(null)"
"AngelofPeace" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kira Darkstar" "0" " Jorgan, Von, Krybzach, Jorgan, Von, Krybzach" "(null)"
"claw" "0" " Claw, Enforcer, c1aw,Hot Plate" "(null)"
"0generic 000 997" "0" " Ms, Deadly, Hawt" "(null)"
"Dollface Gunner" "0" " Kuro, Kumo" "(null)"
"Murdock." "0" "" "(null)"
"NT-Flamer" "0" " Uriel, Keth, Uriel, Keth, Uriel, Keth,Fake Masque" "(null)"
"Neffer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vivya" "0" "" "(null)"
"Double Taps" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rbbr Chicken" "0" "" "(null)"
"Polarknight" "1" " Ms., Hatchet, Angel, Shield, Rhoda, Chrosite, Rhoda, Chrosite, Sub-par, Man, Oosik, Smashing, Sarah, Cathy, Crush, Loretta, Stern, Wanda, Widowmaker, Loretta, Stern, Angel, Shield, Fanny, Faultline, Loretta, Stern, Loretta, Stern, Lady, Selene, Demonica,Loretta Stern,Alanna Steele,Ruby Strong" "Not the most competent tanker; just seems to stand there in spawns/ 03/07/10; kick from VF is performance is repeated. Kicked from VF 10/08/11 for *** hattery during llambda"
"Darken Death" "0" " Darken, Death" "(null)"
"FrosterV.2" "0" " Shadow, Just" "(null)"
"KD1" "0" " Mablaque" "(null)"
"Gold Skywarp" "0" " Alpha-Eagle" "(null)"
"Oberus" "0" "" "(null)"
"DarkfireTiger" "0" " Darkfire, Tiger" "(null)"
"Orphu of Io" "3" " Batya, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe" "(null)Have done a few tf\ss with"
"PaladinW1" "0" " Great, Ceaser's, Ghost" "(null)"
"wonhae" "0" " Won, Hae, Psignis" "(null)"
".Tonk" "0" "" "(null)"
"EPulse" "2" " DieBorg, ARMEGEDDON, HAMMER, ARMEGEDDON, HAMMER, ARMEGEDDON, HAMMER, Terrestrial, Man, Don, Ceaser, Don, Ceaser, Don, Ceaser, Rpulse, Don, Ceaser, Don, Brass, Don, Ceaser, Don, Brass, Terrestrial, Man, Don, Ceaser, Don, Ceaser, Still, Smokin, Don, Ceaser, Still, Smokin,Don Ceaser" "Disappeared 3rd mission of LRSF, never came back. Claimed the next day the game crashed and he didn\st feel like logging back on. Have done a few LGTF\ss w/ since then. Plays like a jerkoff on his tank. Pays no attention to team movements, just aggros like a jackass. 10/03/09, ducked out part way through Positron to go to Pharmacy. Disappeared 1st mission LGTF 12.16.10"
"hellno121" "0" "" "(null)"
"Helix Z." "0" "" "Level 3 blind inviting level 50\ss"
"Olderan" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ace" "3" " Snow-Flake, Sleeps, with, You, Body, Double, Sith-Hunter, Dress, Fallen-Geisha, Toy, Girl, Atlantea, Evolva, Charred, Girl, Body, Double, Toy, Girl, Crystal-Girl, ECH, Ayla, Digby-Ranzz,Fallen-Geisha,Ayla Digby-Ranzz,Sun-Set" "(null)"
"Banderice" "0" "Sorgint benjamin" "(null)"
"Flesh and Blood" "0" "" "(null)"
"Arctic Blizzard" "0" " Arctic-Blizzard" "(null)"
"Boltload" "0" " IronHorn" "(null)"
"Second Account" "0" " Nephthys, Incarnate,Nephthys Incarnate,Higher Purpose,War Blades" "Kept crashing on entering last mission on Kahn 06/19/11. Never said thanks for letting him stay on or anything at the end."
"Sai Avereonica" "0" " Lotus, Flower, Crunch, Lotus, Flower, Bloom, Lotus, Flower, Bloom, Lotus, Flower, Crunch, Zerias" "(null)"
"Grebo Guru" "0" " Cobra, Vine,Magma Quake" "(null)"
"Zerva" "0" " Radical, Spectre, Radical, Spectre, Radical, Spectre" "(null)"
"DarkFister" "0" " Pale, Destroyer, Pale, Destroyer" "(null)"
"Morte Belle" "0" "" "(null)"
"Brier1" "0" " Dapper, Dan, Man" "(null)"
"Omi" "0" " Phantasmagorian" "(null)"
"DIRTY" "0" "Petey Greene" "(null)"
"SS." "2" " Freedom, Fry, Candie, Paine, Candie, Paine, Ms., Thing, El, Erizo,Pernicious Crocus,Candie Paine,TH1NK TANK,John Effin Henry,El Erizo" "****** on Llambda; in cut scene dispite orders not"
"Rocket Engineer" "0" " Three, Eyed, Gun, Man" "(null)"
"LampMan and Others" "2" " LampMan" "Friends with stupid knaves. Possible dual box of Thunder and Others."
"Wiccan" "3" " Warbles, Torum, Microquasar, Dynamight, Mystic, Mouse, Ink, Knight, Ink, Knight, P-wave, Thermadillo, Soulsworn, NeuroTaffy, Spunk, Rioteer,Thermadillo,Ulger,Dreamwolf" "(null)"
"Limpre" "2" "" "Blind inviter, thinks you need a tank for AVs."
"Solstickan" "0" "" "Swede"
"Mega Amp" "0" " Unut,Mega Amp" "(null)"
"pappa pain" "0" "xZEUSx" "(null)"
"Justice Blues" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blissed" "0" "Bakked" "(null)"
"Cinderbello" "0" "" "(null)"
"Junkmeister" "0" "" "(null)"
"fistofgoodness" "0" "Tiger Crush" "(null)"
"Honoh" "0" " Hakumeii" "(null)"
"Hewn Stone" "0" "" "(null)"
"fearless1982" "0" " fearless1982" "(null)"
"Blithwulf" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blindrush" "0" " Electronimite" "(null)"
"Tierge" "0" " Texas, LineBear" "(null)"
"Raith" "0" " Raith,Lady Mona" "(null)"
"Greenmanguy" "0" "" "(null)"
"TotallyRandom" "0" " Curious, Cat, Kindred, Scorch, Kindred, Spire,Kindred Sparks,Kindred Smalls" "(null)"
"Oona" "0" "Big Jim Royal" "(null)"
"RIGGS" "0" "" "(null)"
"ranger572" "0" " Nenna" "(null)"
"Pillars of Creation" "0" "" "(null)"
"Soul Cremater" "0" " IcePriest,Onyx Bolt,Xaiver Creed" "(null)"
"ResplendentMs" "0" " Loud, Thoughts" "(null)"
"Pink Powerhouse" "0" " Pinkprincess" "(null)"
"Pollyphyl" "0" "PollyCarbon" "(null)"
"X.Funk" "2" " Magnum, Funk" "******* pvp\ser"
"Master Maker" "2" " Stone, General" "Has character in the one. Alt account of The Master?"
"Rainbow Storm" "0" "" "(null)"
"Iron man4" "0" "" "(null)"
"Golden Delight" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pristess Storm" "2" " Silver, Midget, Silent, River, Tam, Heaven, Fire, Goddess, Burning, Nurse, RN, Capt., Tightpants" "DC\sed / disappaered during formation of Augustine, never made it to the zone"
"Prophet du Morte" "0" "" "(null)"
"Electrical Blocker" "0" "" "(null)"
"Xux" "0" " Amber, Dietrich" "(null)"
"Tiggress" "0" " dark, fairie" "(null)"
"KingObsidian" "2" " Knighta, Paragon, City, Knighta, Paragon, City, Knighta, Paragon, City,Knighta Paragon City" "Farmer and idiot. Gulliable. Did 3rd respec was, fairly useless. Kicked from llambda for leaching 09/05/11."
"Mrs. Chumly" "0" " Phantasia, Blue, Phantasia, Blue, Phantasia, Blue, Phantasia, Blue, Phantasia, Blue" "(null)"
"Justice Eagle" "0" " Justice, Eagle, Justice, Eagle, Justice, Eagle, Justice, Eagle, Justice, Eagle" "(null)"
"Operative Shift" "0" "Reichen" "(null)"
"voltron man" "0" " Stone, .Gladiator" "(null)"
"American Pride" "0" " Reanimated, Stone,American Pride" "(null)"
"Snake's Charm" "0" "" "(null)"
"Eric 5" "0" " Axiom" "(null)"
"j10s19" "0" "" "(null)"
"Trapped Hate" "0" " Red, Poppy, Razak" "(null)"
"Aussy Pyro" "0" " Energy, Warp" "(null)"
"Darastrix" "0" "" "(null)"
"Darkspeed" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shokora-Izumi" "0" " Ms., Hugs" "(null)"
"Hawkson" "0" "" "(null)"
"WyldeStallion" "0" "" "(null)"
"cruela" "0" "" "(null)"
"DarkSide Of Victory" "0" "" "(null)"
"robot mic" "2" " robotboy, 2.0" "Some sort of damn idiot/noob."
"DikFaic" "0" " Novocaine" "(null)"
"Brimstone Bruce" "4" " Brimstone, Bruce, Brimstone, Bruce, Unbreakable, Jake, Patronox" "(null)"
"wac" "0" " Classy, Guy, Hot, Widow, Hot, Widow, Hot, Necro, Hot, Necro,Hot Arrow,Titan Mouse" "(null)"
"Imp Pharoah" "0" "" "(null)"
"Taloness" "0" "" "(null)"
"DAMIEN77" "0" " Zero, Accord" "(null)"
"MagickBear1" "0" " Burn-Ward, ZUNI, BEAR, MagickBear" "Dual boxer"
"HorseManDemon1" "0" " HorseManDemonDeux" "(null)"
"Cravax Deathbringer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Raven G. Owens" "0" "" "(null)"
"Justin Fernal" "0" "Krayton" "(null)"
"KikiChan" "0" "Kiki." "(null)"
"mafakin ninja" "0" " big, wheela, cap, peela" "(null)"
"Master of the Night" "2" " Viktor, Korovchenko, New, Soviet, Man, Anatoly, Maximovitch, Kollossus, Shou, Hei, Lung" "Idiot"
"blaster blade" "0" " fire, gem" "(null)"
"Tife the Gilded" "0" " Tife, the, Gilded, Ryje, the, Aegis, Ryje, the, Aegis, Luraes, the, Storm, Ryje, the, Aegis, Oryn, the, Omega" "(null)"
"T K S" "0" " Fires, hero" "(null)"
"Ballistic" "3" " Vanity, Thorn, Synnful, Debolique, Darkest, Synn, Widow, Rain, Widow, Rain, Ballistic, Toni, Gun
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
"Horatus" "4" " Constantius, Khthonia, Aurelin, Inquisitor, General, Sapphira, Mephitis, Ioanna, Inquisitor, General,Kobrand,Inquisitor General,Aurora Dionysus,Maximilianus,Phadros,Luminarius" "(null)"
"Superbia" "0" " Inobtainium, Man, Pele,Chain Lightning" "(null)"
"theterminate" "0" " theterminate" "(null)"
"Lunar Frost" "0" " TruEdge" "(null)"
"Methedrine" "0" "" "(null)"
"SPASIAN2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Panterror" "0" " Soul, Troll" "(null)"
"Darkk Defender" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sound Machine" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ms. Jewel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Etherian Myst" "0" " Sgt., Strike, Sgt., Strike, Sgt., Strike, Sgt., Strike,Cpt. Ragnar" "(null)"
"Lone Hawk" "0" " Mt., Vesuvious, Electric-Storm, Tacticon" "(null)"
"Trafalger" "0" " Operative, Trafalger" "(null)"
"QueenMaleficent" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dark and Soul" "0" " Mistress, Shock" "(null)"
"red identity" "0" "" "(null)"
"minimalist" "0" " Solipsist" "(null)"
"Labattadm" "0" " Groundhog, Gun, Mule" "(null)"
"Jellite" "0" "" "(null)"
"Soopah Ner1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Badgerlad" "0" " Miss, Peregrine" "(null)"
"Extreme17" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blowout" "0" " Punchy, the, Clown,Prof. Preposterous" "(null)"
"NCsoft-Zebidiah" "0" " NCsoft_Zebidiah" "(null)"
"C Y B O T" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr. Remarkable" "0" " Mr., Remarkable" "(null)"
"Nicci'" "0" " Mysterious, Unknown" "(null)"
"Hero in Flux" "5" " Tonto, Yoder, Tynee, Spyder, Ms, Rachel, A, Dean, NerdRage, Sparkle-Motion, Ms, Rachel, A, Dean, Ms, Rachel, A, Dean, Tynee, Spyder, Malicious, Decapod, Tynee, Spyder, Nuclear, Spin, Seal, Point, Tynee, Spyder, Malicious, Decapod, Malicious, Decapod, Combustion, Beetle, Kat, Atomic, Combustion, Beetle, Howling, Flux, Nuclear, Spin, Ajuds, Scarioti, Mr., Baloid" "(null)"
"meangene" "0" " Scotish, Equalizer, Brain, Basher" "(null)"
"Paragon of Fire" "0" " Nara, Tara, Ms., Psychotic, Nara, Tara,Paragon of Fire1" "(null)"
"BoshidoSama" "0" " BoshidoSama" "(null)"
"Hells Thunder" "0" "Invoker of Heaven" "(null)"
"Nuadu" "0" " Ika, Edelbrock, Mister, Special, Rockhead, Gimpalong, Rockhead, Gimpalong" "(null)"
"Wrikan" "0" "" "(null)"
"CitiZen0" "0" " Hexelerate" "(null)"
"Volcano Kid" "0" " Volcano, Kid" "(null)"
"Zaar3.5" "0" " Genshiro, Takahashi, Genshiro, Takahashi" "(null)"
"FuzzyMpb" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kidon" "2" " Raven, Sundance, Lovely, Rita, Cutter's, Wish, Sky-Pilot, Uranus, Burning, Witchey, Woman, Angie, Baby, EL, Bombero, Pretty, Lies, Pavehawk, Pretty, Lies, April, Chill,Cutter's Wish,April Chill" "Bailed from Apex on 12.16.10 last mission because it was \qtoo hard.\q"
"moncito" "0" " moncito, monte, cyber, moncito, monte" "(null)"
"Bonzella" "0" " Bonzella" "(null)"
"Phrendon Largo" "0" " Ace, of, Mace, Cayble, Jacob, Deyer, Phrendon, Largo,Vilka Patri" "(null)"
"Darkdrium" "0" "" "(null)"
"Resident Omega" "2" " Master, Hwang, Denzien, Upsilon" "Dropped out from LGTF, switching characters, entered mission. Responded to at ell five minutes later. \qsorry had to log fo 25 minutes because sg called me\q\n22wa"
"bil" "0" " Cirq" "(null)"
"TaraMorgan" "0" "" "(null)"
"AoD" "0" "" "(null)"
"Callie's Rage" "0" " purrfect, killer, Callie's, Rage, Bailey's, Justice" "(null)"
"Omega Zero2" "0" " Dark.Spider" "(null)"
"Agent Nikola" "0" "Agent Nikola" "(null)"
"JohnP2" "3" " Diamondo" "(null)"
"Capt Beefheart" "0" "" "(null)"
"I Die Easy" "0" " Tough, Duder,I Die Easy" "(null)"
"Blood Red Blade" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mischievous Mew.Mew" "0" " Barnyard, Brawler" "(null)"
"x Orochi x" "0" " Yorukira, x, Orochi, x, Hiko, Atsui, Mr.Bishop, Ryoku, x, Orochi, x, x, Orochi, x, Kimimaro, Kaguya., x, Orochi, x,x Orochi x,Hiko Atsui,Yorukira" "*******. \n3/1/09, LGTF. Intentionally bringing hami aggro on team, claimed it was his brother. Seriusly ******* incompetent.05/12/12, logged off 5 seconds after Apex startedqw"
"Saleon" "0" " Vaylis, Vaylor" "(null)"
"Slasher Supreme" "0" "Cameron,Luke of Earl" "(null)"
"Ms.Sweden" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord Slasher1" "0" " Battle, Blaster" "(null)"
"Dronangi" "2" " Shary, McGrift, Shary, McGrift" "Kind of a dick about forming teams. Bad grammar to boot. Leaches on Ship Raids"
"Monk 3000" "0" " Monk, 3000" "(null)"
"Raftermonkey" "0" " Jacknife" "(null)"
"o dragonfly o" "0" "" "(null)"
"Demon Cat" "0" " Stealth, Bow" "(null)"
"Shadow Fire" "0" " Aoide, Nostalgia, Man, Shield, Spider" "(null)"
"Demian Spyros" "0" "" "(null)"
"SassyPants" "0" " Molotov, Hellfire" "(null)"
"Mitey Might" "3" " Invasive, Species, Syz, Heptadecagon, Maxwell, Demon, SpontaneousDischarge, Maxwell, Demon, Torrid, Zone, Sapphire, Bullets, Ninja, Fly, Killer, Sapphire, Bullets, Sapphire, Bullets, Torrid, Zone, Ninja, Fly, Killer, Bootstrap, Ninja, Fly, Killer, Sensitive, NewAge, Guy, Ninja, Fly, Killer, Sensitive, NewAge, Guy,D K Metamorpheus III,Electron Extruder,SpontaneousDischarge" "(null)"
"Toril" "2" " Dark, Toril, Dark, Toril, Dark, Toril, Master, Urawa, Master, Urawa, Lollyp0p, Spellfire, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Luridel, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Kisenian, Blossom, Saphina, Kisenian, Blossom, Wendy, Magnus, Wendy, Magnus, Sailor, Nemesis, Sailor, Nemesis, Ame'thyst, Sailor, Nemesis, Kisenian, Blossom, Master, Urawa, Dooom, n, Glooom, Sailor, Nemesis, Sailor, Toril,Dooom n Glooom,Master Urawa,Eudialyte" "(null)"
"Puppet Mastermind" "0" " Father, Force, oNature" "(null)"
"Gary Stuart Celeste" "0" " Rebecca, Walker" "(null)"
"Agarwaen" "0" "" "(null)"
"killi" "4" " Unleashed, Entity, G., Psychic, Darkness, Psychic, Phoenix, Golden, Snake, Harlequin, Seer, Night, Song, Psychic, Hawk, Space, Entity, Eldritch, Scout, Eldar, Fire, Dragon, Visiona, Eldar, Fire, Dragon, Eldar, Fire, Dragon, Space, Entity, Psychic, Darkness, Night, Spinner, Jeff, Forepath, Kynopolis, Guardian, Faerie.fire, Matthew, Forepath, Night, Spinner, Fire, Disciple, Matthew, Forepath, Fire, Disciple, Ted, Keith, Eldritch, Scout, Ted, Keith, Eldritch, Scout, Autarch., Psychic, Darkness, Killiana, Ghoster, Eldar, Fire, Dragon, Psychic, Phoenix,Killian Night Hunter,Gonner,Night Spinner,Greater Harlequin" "(null)"
"Project Surreal" "0" " Operative, Carter, Operative, Carter, Webmaster, Darius, Krocodil,Mad Science Reactor" "(null)"
"Tajang" "0" " Tajang, Zavassa" "(null)"
"Froozen Warrior" "2" "" "Suspected moron"
"Magnanimal" "0" " Porter, Party, BoRoBot" "(null)"
"Augusta Winn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lousy Day" "0" " Mouse, Traps, Penguin, Dirty, Feet, Po, the, Platypus, Po, the, Platypus" "(null)"
"Cosmo Mike" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tal'anor Ja" "0" " Dexxy'iqua, Mauesco, Tal'anor, Ja" "(null)"
"War Horse" "0" " Toxic, Tonya, Toxic, Tonya" "(null)"
"Galaxy Blue" "0" " Galaxy, Thunder" "(null)"
"VonRok" "0" "" "(null)"
"Agent Loviatar" "0" "" "(null)"
"kuronekoHS" "0" "" "(null)"
"MuGarti X" "0" "" "(null)"
"Scyntech" "0" " Guardian, Odin" "(null)"
"Kevin R. Kostiew" "0" "" "(null)"
"Derek Geist" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dare" "0" " Jasmine, Strega" "(null)"
"Cannonfodder" "3" " Mister-X, Steel, Empress, Solluna, Umbrae, Agglomerate, Sombra, DeGuerra" "(null)"
"MakeShiftSage" "0" "Zadistic" "(null)"
"ZippyZ1313" "0" "" "(null)"
"Maastermind" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shadow Glimmer" "2" "Master of strength" "Quit first mission of Sutter 07/08/11 after one death, logged off."
"Rantmo" "0" " Carinae" "(null)"
"Pakkasherra" "0" "" "(null)"
"Star Furie" "0" " Moon, Shadows" "(null)"
"Kid-Midnight" "0" "Man of Midnight" "(null)"
"R0lling Thunder1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shadows Dusk" "0" " Phalanx, Core, Kinetic, Feedback" "(null)"
"Rourke" "0" " SLA, Silverback" "(null)"
"Mr. Coldz" "0" " Mr., Balloon, Knot" "(null)"
"Lilandra" "0" " Pandora, Jade" "(null)"
"Lion's Pryde" "0" " Stryk, Blaast, Fyr, Bow, Life's, Son, Deadly, Geneticist, HoppaGrass, Fyr, Bow, Fyr, Bow" "(null)"
"Krogoth" "0" "" "(null)"
"thebigshow" "0" " Kill, Switch, Engaged, Kill, Switch, Engaged, Vee, For, Vendetta, Vee, For, Vendetta" "(null)"
"Lawl Medium Man" "0" "" "(null)"
"Noveler00" "0" "Cygirl" "(null)"
"Lost Soul Reaper" "0" "" "(null)"
"Heroes-Return" "2" " Prototype, Armor, Prototype, Armor, Cybernetic-Enforcer, Healing, Sentinal, Healing, Sentinal" "Blind inviter, in The One. Fairly useless on a team. Stands around after fights, asks for a tp rather then moving 200 yards. Also a total idiot. Liar. Child. General moron."
"Asymptot" "0" " Asymptot" "(null)"
"Naomi Ravencroft" "0" "" "(null)"
"Molty" "0" " Magmatic, Core" "(null)"
"Nelsonious" "0" "" "(null)"
"Velvet Cat" "0" " Orientia, Electrol, Wave, Saurian, Rex" "(null)"
"Grave001" "0" " Vibradium, Force, Vibradium, Force, Jewelious" "(null)"
"Fallen Astra" "0" " Fallen, Astra, Fallen, Astra,Fallen Astra" "(null)"
"Archimagos" "0" " Archimagos" "(null)"
"Carpe Diem Baby" "0" " Eve's, Embrace" "(null)"
"Jagged Blue" "0" "Jagged Blue" "(null)"
"Count She DEvil" "0" " 1, Hand, Bandid, 1, Hand, Bandid, Judge, Rez, 1, Hand, Bandid, 1, Hand, Bandid, 1, Hand, Bandid" "Bit of a noob/weirdo/freak, poor grammar, doesn\st stick w/ team too well"
"Armegeddon's Spirit" "0" " Armegeddon's, Spirit, Armegeddon's, Spirit, Armegeddon's, Spirit, Armegeddon's, Spirit, Grace, of, Sound" "(null)"
"Spectral Ninja" "0" "" "(null)"
"Booger1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Froggerman" "0" " Twilight's, Fury,Twilight's Fury" "(null)"
"AncoraImparo" "2" " Maven, Rouge" "Emo stalker. Quit one spawn into ITF 02/07/10 after one joke was made about the usefullness of stalkers"
"Egon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ryan." "3" " Beautiful, Disaster., Nerfcicle" "(null)"
"Indice" "0" " Mistress, Indice, War, mongdice, Mistress, Indice" "(null)"
"JohnP" "4" " Widow, Twankey, Bex, Gravometric, Ben, Nevis, Escaped, Zombie, Burning, Skies,Escaped Zombie,Burning Skies,Madame Glacia,Cryo-Magnon,Shield Mage,Betwixt,W4SP" "It\ss John!"
"Misty Electric" "0" "" "(null)"
"Crucifixxx" "0" " Crucifixxx" "(null)"
"Burn'em" "0" "" "(null)"
"Maraduer Wolf" "0" "" "(null)"
"Crilik the Shrouded" "0" "" "(null)"
"Doc Mick" "0" " Ultra, Heal, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Hardbody, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Fire, Ultra, Heal, Ultra, Hardbody, Ultra, Phoenix, Ultra, Hardbody, Ultra, Fire" "Bailed on sewer trial 06/07/10, just after the hunt. Plays like an incompetent noob; won\st keep his controller out of melee w/ Reichsman during Kahn."
"Ice Knight" "0" " Night, of, Havoc, Fervent, One, Fervent, One,Sir Ice Knight" "(null)"
"GHEIST90" "0" "Blade Rondo" "(null)"
"SupremeHealer" "0" " Ghost-Widower" "(null)"
"Dynamojo" "0" " Israfael, Sandeman,Sandeman" "(null)"
"Rapterror" "0" " Juicy, Brute, Raptribal" "(null)"
"GM Roland" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cyrax Mourningstar" "0" " Cyrax, Mourningstar" "(null)"
"Rycr" "0" "" "(null)"
"TEED" "0" " Raaven, Blade" "(null)"
"smooter" "0" "Cloud Smoot,Smooter Assassin" "(null)"
"Strateuma" "0" " Urius" "(null)"
"Forbidden Skull" "2" " Smoking, Bandit" "AE PL noob. 5/7/9, dropped out of Virgil due to not understanding no xp"
"Physics Geek" "0" "" "(null)"
"DKay" "0" " Auto, Fire, Paula, Pierce, Adam, Grey,Paula Pierce,Domino Dark" "(null)"
"Venoms Blood" "0" " Shadows, Overcome, KinKiller" "(null)"
"Pixie Layne" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord Darth" "0" " Lord, Darth,Wacky Willy" "(null)"
"Silent Flight" "0" " Gear, Hawlk" "(null)"
"JustRaiHere" "0" "Battle Blaster" "(null)"
"Sorrow's End" "0" " Felvaz, Shimiko,Death Broker" "(null)"
"Fiery Hellraiser" "0" " Mantis, In, Yo, Pantis, Mantis, In, Yo, Pantis, Vortex, of, Pain, Ivory, Storm, Ekanite, Ivory, Storm, Heidenreich, Leitmotif" "Disappeared 3rd mission in LGTF 01.28.11"
"Hotjava" "0" " Hotjava" "(null)"
"Azhure Witch" "0" " Countess, Norway" "(null)"
"Proto Cast" "0" " Proto, Cast,Proto Cast" "(null)"
"MrE" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zatch 3" "0" "" "(null)"
"Evil Knives" "0" " Radnack" "(null)"
"AR" "0" "" "(null)"
"narcangoat" "0" "" "(null)"
"olo" "3" " cipse, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe, Giyadas, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe, Mere, HoLLoW, LiFe, HoLLoW, LiFe,HoLLoW LiFe" "(null)"
"Northlander" "0" " Maelbor, Melbas" "(null)"
"Boss03" "0" "Atlas Shield" "(null)"
"Storm Cricket" "0" "" "(null)"
"Slasher mcslaherson" "0" "" "(null)"
"Horest" "0" " Boadicea'" "(null)"
"DrPsy" "2" " Tojo, Okinawa, Tojo, Okinawa, Tojo, Okinawa, Tojo, Okinawa, Tojo, Okinawa" "Noob/idiot - tot ks\sing"
"Celest No Kin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr. Emetophelia" "0" "" "(null)"
"Selachian" "0" " Pavane" "(null)"
"rudypoot" "0" " Superm, Radaition" "(null)"
"HermitIX" "0" " BottomBoy" "(null)"
"Madame Pistacio2" "3" "Laney Cartwright,Xava,Shocking Star,Maritza,Total Sacrifice,Money Holder" "(null)"
"BMF" "0" " Oppressive" "(null)"
"cd4u77" "2" " Half-Face" "Did Renaults w/ him, kinda useless, stood around and went afk at random."
"illicon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blast Hopper" "0" " Iron, Wrist" "(null)"
"StormoftheWest" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bug You 2" "0" "A thousand thoughts,Deciptor" "(null)"
"MOLLER" "0" "" "(null)"
"Frayl" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr. Ree" "0" " Mr., Ree" "(null)"
"RammaRamma" "0" " life, drawer, life, drawer,ShimmerFlame,Kup Kake" "(null)"
"Alenon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Underlord X" "0" " UnderLord, X" "(null)"
"Visorslash" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shadowlight1975" "0" " Jessica, Volt" "(null)"
"KinTrollR" "0" " Irradiated, Joker, Almost, Amazing, Almost, Amazing, KinTrollR-Girl, 4, Twenty, Man, Casualty, Report, Simple, Circuit,Shart Funklebean" "(null)"
"SureFire" "0" " MutaGen, One,MutaGen One,Necromonic Commander" "Has me on ignore 09/15/11, suspected ******"
"Woodles" "0" " Taerer" "(null)"
"Blaster man7" "0" " Red, Atom" "(null)"
"DR. X37" "0" " LORD, DEWI" "(null)"
"V-ice" "0" "" "(null)"
"Polstar" "0" " Manic, Quinn" "(null)"
"Jenny Blastoid" "0" " Calamity, Nocturne" "(null)"
"Logan X. Owens" "2" " Johnny, V., Owens, Bennet, Du'Paris, Sgt., Griffin,Bennet Du'Paris,Logan X. Owens,Hurit Robertson" "Incompetent as he is stupid."
"Argus 1" "0" " COMMANDER, VICTORY." "(null)"
"SadysCHICK" "4" " SadysCHICK, Scarlett, Doc, Burgundy, Bomb, Scarlett, Doc, Mire, Yougly, Scarlett, Doc" "(null)"
"Cameo Dragon" "0" " Kamodos, Dragon, Blazin, Shadow, Dragon" "(null)"
"TheDeamonspawn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Yawgmoth UniverseTomb" "0" "Wall of Putrid Flesh" "(null)"
"Merchant of Menace" "0" "" "(null)"
"Booger." "0" " Pig, Pen" "(null)"
"Techno Force" "0" "" "(null)"
"Atomic Ace" "0" " Catharses" "(null)"
"Pan Pope" "0" " Officer, Wildman" "(null)"
"Real Titan" "2" "" "Child/idiot"
"APASTL1" "0" "GOLDEN FLAME GIRL" "(null)"
"LadyZamora" "0" "Agent Tarantula" "Quit Silver Mantis on Crey mission w/out saying a word 06/16/12"
"Wildfoot" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sokarr666" "0" "" "(null)"
"Entitie" "0" " PERIHELI0N, SuRtuRa" "(null)"
"Andramada" "2" " Solar, Flex, Solar, Flex, Solar, Flex, Solar, Flex, Solar, Flex, Anemoi" "Noob and beligerant about it; thinks tanks are in charge of the team. Kicked from Synapse 09/23/10"
"Dandy Go" "0" " Liquid, Cooling, Freon, Cooling, System" "(null)"
"So Low Jones" "0" " Maintenance, Man" "(null)"
"Feisty Fiona" "3" "" "Joe\ss wife"
"Smoking Baby" "2" " Warm, Apple, Pie, Boyfriend, Thunder, Baby" "really gay"
"Gnavitas" "3" " Katana, Machina, Magma, Blade, Lady, Arrowhead, Operative, Sidhe, Magma, Blade, Marzanna, Lady, Arrowhead, Lady, Arrowhead, Truthstrike, Mjolnerette, Tesla's, Daughter,Killari" "(null)"
"Mythosys" "0" " USAvenger., Anarchy, xXx, Anarchy, xXx,USAvenger.,Anarchy xXx,Bleh." "(null)"
"AcceleratorRay" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blood Luster" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ji Han" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ty Rex" "2" " Ty, Rex, Ty, Rex, Ty, Rex, Chark,Chark" "Blind inviter."
"o FYREFLY o" "0" "" "(null)"
"ElDuderino" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vagrant99" "0" " Xenosymbion" "(null)"
"Commander Xevon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kakury" "0" "" "(null)"
"Talimuth Ulthrin" "0" "" "(null)"
"DRED1" "2" " ALLAH, Mr., Cold, Mr., Cold, Oo, Terminator, oO" "Did an inf trade for him. Trusting fool! :0 Months later, he\ss in Talos on OoTerminatoroO spamming like a damn idiot."
"Eruza" "0" " Blur-" "(null)"
"Stray Death" "0" " Urban, Nightmare, Magena, Megalith" "(null)"
"Eiger" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mangolicious" "0" " Malendra" "Power level begger."
"Death Cat" "0" " DeathDeliverer" "(null)"
"Granite Angel" "0" " Evil, Voodoo, Dolly" "(null)"
"Capitan Mexico" "0" "" "(null)"
"Irish Saint1" "2" " A, P, A, T, H, Y, Lightning.Rider, LightningRider" "Joined Renult\ss on 4/4/9, didn\st make into the first mission after wes tarted before dropping. Apologiezed the next day, said he lost internet connection. 12/8/09 ITF, acted like a retarded *******."
"Untall" "0" "Paragon's Hope" "(null)"
"Vixxin" "0" " Party, Pixxie" "(null)"
"Hendo550" "0" " Left, Hand, of, God, Benumbed" "(null)"
"amazon star" "0" " stardancer" "(null)"
"LadyEntropy" "0" " Miss, Tamwood, Camila, Montenegro,Camila Montenegro" "(null)"
"SuggestorK" "0" " LadyPendulum, LadyPainful, LadyBodyguard, LadyDemonic, LadyThreat, LadyRobotic, LadyDanger,LadyThreat" "(null)"
"Randolk1" "0" " Umbral, Ghost" "(null)"
"Vicconis" "0" "" "(null)"
"False .Compassion" "0" " .False, Compassion" "(null)"
"Visceral Heart" "2" " Foul, Shot, Utility,Leap Frog" "Bit of a flake on TF\ss. Says he was sick at the time"
"Red Hot Chillie" "0" " Electrocutrix, Cobalta, Armored, Joe, Klytemnaestra, Ms., Direction" "Claims to be a chick"
"grognard74" "0" " Lady, MacDeath" "(null)"
"Proto-Zim" "0" "" "(null)"
"Athena Nike1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cat Fire" "2" " I'll, Scream, Hot, Necro, Hot, Necro, Forever, Healer, II, Sonic, Death-bot, Hot, Arrow, Hot, Widow, Hot, Necro, Hot, Necro, Hot, Arrow, Hot, Necro, Hot, Necro" "Leacher. ******* useless **** of a leacher."
"Demona" "0" " Cypher, Vex" "(null)"
"Zephyr Fenix" "0" " Asaji" "(null)"
"Emily Nightshade" "0" " Raven's, Kiss, Malevolent, Stalker" "(null)"
"Rigger" "0" " Le, Nepotiste" "(null)"
"Esha" "0" "" "(null)"
"August Van Dorn" "0" " Phosphore" "(null)"
"burning icy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vancouver" "0" " Cobalt, Hunter, Cobalt, Hunter" "(null)"
"MightySausage" "0" " Stone, Cold, Sausage, Stalking, Sausage" "(null)"
"Mister Squinty" "0" " Mister, Squinty, Mister, Squinty, Mister, Squinty,Gothic Shivers,Mister Squinty,NacMacFeegle" "(null)"
"Mystic Wanderer" "0" " Mr., Pointy" "(null)"
"tanknation" "0" "Burnz." "(null)"
"Piercing Blade" "0" "Mistress of Karate" "(null)"
"Adrenal Static" "0" " Adrenal, Static, Adrenal, Static, Adrenal, Static" "(null)"
"Bustem Up" "0" " Plasma, Bug, Plasma, Bug" "(null)"
"Kungfu Sue" "0" "" "(null)"
"Captain Cynapse" "0" " Captain, Cynapse" "(null)"
"Buckstrap" "0" "Logosophist" "(null)"
"Ivy Deception" "0" " Ivy, Deception, Ivy, Deception" "(null)"
"Celtic Smasher" "0" " Tyece" "(null)"
"Tiny nbspC." "1" "" "Most incompetent player known to man."
".Flux" "5" " Nuclear, Spin, Nuclear, Spin, Bitter, Laugh, Nuclear, Spin, Bitter, Laugh, Bitter, Laugh, Incandescent, Flux, Iconoclastic, Bulk, Bitter, Laugh, Marital, Enforcer, Nuclear, Spin, Mistress, Messalina, Marital, Enforcer, Nuclear, Spin, Mistress, Messalina, Mistress, Messalina, Static, Pixie, Negative, Empathy, Negative, Empathy, Combustion, Beetle, Static, Pixie, Static, Pixie, Static, Pixie, Tynee, Spyder, Celestial, Flux, Bitter, Laugh,Negative Empathy,Sultry Motion,Particle Flux,Pressure Blast,Porcelain Punisher,Tidal Flux" "(null)"
"Lord Adonis" "0" "Celexa Flame,Dr. Adonis" "(null)"
"Golem of Jade" "0" " Long, Kisser, Goodnite, Winterboi, Blu" "Bit of a leach."
"Major Force" "4" " Major, Fiasco, Silicone, Major, Operative, Bot, Force, Major, Force, Bot, Force, Bot, Force, Kenny, Tech, Major, Stud,Minimax" "(null)"
"Techno Disrup" "0" " Antwoord, Insignia, the, Kid, Shocking, Heat, Shocking, Heat, Techno, Akuma" "(null)"
"DreamShadow" "0" "" "(null)"
"Midnight Stranger" "0" " Lazarus, 451, Sidona, Shazadi, Sidona, Shazadi,Tyrna Jax,Nocturna,Scarlet Wind" "Dual boxer. Other account unknown but he at least asked about it on a tf."
"Human Brick1" "0" " Crystalizer, JaIapeno" "(null)"
"Lockmoras" "0" " Kamagoogoo" "(null)"
"ceelou" "0" " dwile" "(null)"
"RuinTheSlayer" "2" "Vibradium Force,Crimson Sorrow" "Kicked from llambda 8/26/11 for leaching in cutscene, kicked from VF formouthing off in tells about it"
"Knightie" "0" " Bleached, Blonde, Bleached, Blonde, Bleached, Blonde, Edible, Girl, Edible, Girl" "(null)"
"Slax" "0" "Slax" "(null)"
"Just Do It" "2" " Epic, Fiyah, Yeah, I, Power, Level" "Some sort of weirdo? Possible 2nd account of doc boy"
"cloud222" "0" " Cralwe" "Knave / power level begger"
"Enigma Black2" "0" " Predicament, Gritero, Diablo, Gritero, Diablo" "(null)"
"yurts" "0" " 57658, jrdth" "(null)"
".Avalanche" "0" " .Caster" "(null)"
"Cosmic Collision" "0" " Montara" "(null)"
"Minion of Hell" "0" "" "(null)"
"NinjitsuDoujitsu" "0" "" "(null)"
"Captain SuperSupremo" "0" "" "(null)"
"Forefinger" "0" " Johnny, Kinetic, Johnny, Kinetic, WhiteLightning-, Captain-, TheMainMan" "(null)"
"ATOMIC MAN." "0" " Outcast-Charger" "(null)"
"Blue Turbo" "0" " Ghost, Dancer" "(null)"
"Nova Prime II" "0" " Donald, Jacobs" "(null)"
"Sexy Angel" "0" " Arachnos-Angel" "(null)"
"Uber Alles" "0" "" "(null)"
"Belthazor" "0" " Rabbi, With, Muscles" "(null)"
"Blade-1" "0" " Divine-Blade,Kate Hunter,Dark Heat Miser,Blast Miser,Paige Powers,Temporal Tanya" "Dual boxxer"
"Thessalia" "4" " Roane, Dark, Bast, Alecto, Nox, Sekhmet,Alecto Nox,Nepheline" "(null)"
"Viking698" "5" " ThingTo, A-D, Borg, A-D, Borg, Black, Fire, Komodo, Red, Komodo, Virulent, Weed, Uth'drake, Platinum, Knight, Blue, Mace, Blue, Mace, Master, Jin, Blue, Mace, Master, Jin, Silver, Horn, Dread, Tempest, A-D, Borg, Dread, Tempest, Perplexing, Blast, Perplexing, Blast, Whyte, Dwarf, Blue, Mace, Dread, Tempest, Dread, Tempest, Master, Jin, Weapon, 1, Ellen, Eleven, Virulent, Weed, Ellen, Eleven, Perplexing, Blast, Perplexing, Blast, Weapon, 1, Ellen, Eleven, Whyte, Dwarf, Jen, Mantona, Jen, Mantona, Silver, Horn, Jen, Mantona, Jen, Mantona, Scottish, Skull, Scottish, Skull, Scottish, Skull, Perplexing, Blast, Perplexing, Blast, Black, Fire, Komodo, Master, Jin, Uarzith, Red, Komodo, A-D, Borg,Uarzith,Green Komodo,Ellen Eleven,Professor Jar,Oversurge" "(null)"
"RedneckHunter" "0" " Wild, Turkey" "(null)"
"Gato Noir" "0" "" "(null)"
"Yakuza Experiments" "0" " Very, Evil, Scientist" "(null)"
"VeRT MaN" "3" " FLaMiNG, VeRT" "It\ss VERT"
"Mo Engine" "0" " Petunia, Weird" "(null)"
"Kumori Vixen" "0" " Wicked, Wingman, Wicked, Wingman, Wicked, Wingman" "(null)"
"PB n J" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aaron Sharpe" "0" " Aaron, Sharpe,Aaron Sharpe" "(null)"
"Randomdudeman" "2" " Kira's, Sword, Kira's, Sword, My, Mind, Is, Freezin', Shadowspec" "Useless noob. AFK constantly"
"Nemitri" "0" " Nemitri, Technovirus, Zalasier, Elecxtasy, Doctor, Psyche,Chrono Wizard" "(null)"
"ALICE C00PER" "0" "" "(null)"
"ChemicalSpill" "0" " Nfector" "(null)"
"Dr. Automaton" "0" " Yurika, Miyamoto" "(null)"
"Battle-Star" "3" "" "Op Hartman in Iso"
"Frigid Motion" "0" "" "(null)"
"Thom" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ouroboris" "2" " Nova, Tiger, Big, Stick, Darkadder, Nova, Tiger" "Quit STF w/out a word during Vine mission, 02.24.11\n\n/"
"Inferno of Hope" "0" " Living, Hope, Francois, Fatale, Secret, Love, Mr., Masque, Harlem, Butterfly, Elysian, Fields, Aerofrost, Runnin, Bear, Inferno, of, Hope,Astral Arrow" "Possible chick. Or gay guy. Has many ********/dicks for friends/sgmates but seems all right."
"Intel Inside" "0" "Autumn Jade" "(null)"
"Xnihilator" "0" "" "(null)"
"Midnight's mind" "0" "Midnight X" "(null)"
"Katrina Gatsby" "0" " Gwennyth, Remington, Whitescar, Xaxx, Faux, Leigh, Spitfire, Whitestrike" "(null)"
"IOH" "0" " Concierge, Moonrise" "(null)"
"Strobe Light" "0" " Strobe, Light" "(null)"
"BunnyBread" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lwo ispep" "0" " Dionysos, psyco, bubble, Dee, Mon, Jones, Egyptian, Stoner" "(null)"
"Dark Cloud Titan" "0" "" "(null)"
"dr.nano1" "0" " fire, througher" "(null)"
"pain-ping" "0" "" "(null)"
"Electrozoid" "0" " Onyx, Oni" "(null)"
"Fault" "0" " Schysm" "(null)"
"Bone Hunter." "0" " Hotwire" "Useless idiot."
"Totino" "0" " El, Charrito, Cheeky, Monkey" "(null)"
"Draw" "0" " One, Happy, Alien" "(null)"
"Hero 1000" "0" " Master, Mind, 1000" "(null)"
"Meddik" "0" " Questionator, Circuitry, Sorceress, Circuitry, Sorceress, Kelvin, Kooler" "(null)"
"Dylon Xaveir" "0" "" "(null)"
"HAVOK JACK" "0" "" "(null)"
"nolagrits" "0" " Kontrol, Phreak,En'vy" "(null)"
"Jonny Blue" "0" "" "(null)"
"IcyLicious" "0" " Chained, Ice, Chained, Ice, Chained, Ice, Phearce" "(null)"
"Plasmic Fire" "0" " Adiron, Shield, Trip, Shot, Phalanx, Fire, Plasmic, Fire,Evaster" "(null)"
"Spybreak" "0" " Polydeuces, Spybreak" "(null)"
"Automne Storme" "0" "" "(null)"
"Reverence" "0" " Reverence, Siphon" "(null)"
"Mictlantecutli" "0" "Jabberwock,Snegurochka,Vibhishana,Youalahuan" "(null)"
"BradSimmons" "2" " Pagan, Priest, Pagan, Priest" "Blind inviter and farmer. Idiot."
"Glacier-Girl" "0" " Glacier-Girl" "(null)"
"Tea" "0" "" "(null)"
"LDP" "0" " Terra, Psychosis, Madam, Harlequin" "(null)"
"Baloneymon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Robin Michaels" "0" " Arctic, Justice" "(null)"
"Miss Bubbly" "0" "" "(null)"
"LuneNoire" "2" " Rapide" "Somesort of dipshit without a sense of umour."
"xXxquisite" "0" " TuxXxedo" "Tuxxxedo in Iso5"
".The Bone Collector" "3" " .The, Bone, Collector" "Did a transfer for him, TRUSTING :0"
"Bakuryu" "0" "Kenji Ohgami" "(null)"
"Zatch3" "1" " KDK, Real, Dark, Lord, Nobody's, Nobody, Generic, 000, 420, 701, MY, Name, Is, Nobody, Sangilak, Utvak" "(null)"
"Nestra" "0" "" "(null)"
"Heat Guard" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jake Summers" "0" " Oldest, One, Oldest, One, Marrow, Candy, Marrow, Candy, Oldest, One" "(null)"
"Wabete" "0" "" "(null)"
"XV8" "0" "" "(null)"
"Manik Rat" "0" " Captain, Scarlett, Fox" "Disappeared half way into Posi-part-B 09/30/10, never relogged."
"ArcaneOne" "0" " Terra, Pina, Power, House, Terra, Pina,General" "(null)"
"Combine" "0" "" "(null)"
"Arsenic Steel" "0" " Red, Hat, Virus, Panzer, Sturmtiger" "(null)"
"A New Level" "2" " Dark, Garbage, man." "Blind inviter. Idiot. Possible non-english speaker."
"Moanalisa" "0" " Moanalisa" "(null)"
"Hotaru" "0" "Hotaru" "(null)www"
"Alanwyn" "0" "" "(null)"
"iSmoothz" "0" " RADical-" "Newer player, decent but could shut up in team chat. Had to kick from Positron 10/03/09, went afk in mission \qdue to mom\q and didn\st come back / didn\st feel like waiting longer."
"Trekarn" "0" " Gaia, Rayne, Lt., Blackmore" "(null)"
"Shocklance" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hazard Zone" "0" "Hazard-Zone" "(null)"
"Solari" "0" " Qeo'Rai" "(null)"
"GP Deputy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sharrow 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Network" "3" " Project, Implosion, Aggro, Monkey, Buzz.Kill" "In Isolators"
"The Dark One" "0" "" "(null)"
"Siphonic Siren" "0" "Righter Of Wrongs" "Disappeared 2nd mission of ITF 01/09/12"
"Arantxa" "0" " Sylvanah" "(null)"
"Badboys" "1" "" "Blind inviter."
"Brute Voltage" "0" "" "(null)"
"Plasma Warrior1" "0" " Miss, Terious." "(null)"
"ahhhhhh2" "0" "" "(null)"
"3Diva" "0" " Spartan3D,3Delusion" "(null)"
"Robo-Destroyer" "0" " Rogue, Eliminator" "(null)"
"Kong Fuu" "5" " Harbinger, of, Lanaru, Iceaac, Urbane, Legend, Mistress, Sadie, Mistress, Sadie, Mistress, Sadie, Magnus, Prime, Thermistad, Kong, G., Fuu" "(null)"
"YipYip" "0" " Lady, Delerium" "(null)"
"Caleb0913" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dasher X1" "0" " Captain, Britannia" "(null)"
"Blanka5" "0" "" "(null)"
"barrettai" "2" " Xealth, Shadows, Strike, Claws, Strike, Shadows, Strike, Lighting, Chaser, Viper, Gang, Lightning, Chaser, Seismic, Impact, Lightning, Chaser, Lightning, Chaser, Seismic, Impact" "Pathetic power level begger."
"Zak Spears" "0" " Underworlder" "(null)"
"Zulpel" "0" "" "(null)"
"JKPhage" "2" " Key, Lime, Pie, Showstar" "really gay"
"Gothic Nightrider" "0" "" "(null)"
"Neoslash" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hot Stuff 2.0" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ol' Kentucky" "0" " Rolling, Stone, Jugghernaughty" "(null)"
"Flip Jixxer" "0" " Dream, Sequence" "(null)"
"Freezer.Burn" "0" " Luna, Bloodmire" "(null)"
"Lazarus.Project" "0" "Lazarus Premier,Lazarus Project,Mercy of Night" "(null)"
"Silanya" "0" "" "(null)"
"Raven's Guardian" "0" "Mikkaylia" "(null)"
"ElectricMan90" "0" " Electricman90" "******* idiot"
"MacLochlainn" "2" " Fired, Fusion, Homicidal, 10, Dencies, Snatcher, Knickers" "Dual boxer. Other global is Doc Out."
"Dusky Rose" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pen Tacle" "0" "" "(null)"
"RichT" "0" " Alpha, Boy, Destructaboy,Lunar Boy" "(null)"
"Sinful.D" "0" " Sinfully, Delicious" "(null)"
"Arlow1" "0" "" "(null)"
"crispy" "0" " Crispy, Fried" "(null)"
"BaronVonSorg" "0" " Red, Hessian" "(null)"
"American Shamrock" "0" " EnergyWarlock, American, Shamrock" "(null)"
"Once and Future" "0" "" "(null)"
"Uun" "0" " Niobium, Flux, Sonara, Argent, Destiny" "(null)"
"femputer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Stalemate" "0" "" "(null)"
"VioletDark" "0" " Toxic, Scream, Violet, Dark, Jenna, Frost, Sandy, Sparks, Brandy, Blaze,Brandy Blaze" "(null)"
"Khellar" "0" " Bunny, O', Payne" "(null)"
"Mako" "0" " Mako, Avalar, Mako, Avalar" "(null)"
"CarmenOhio" "0" " Entanglement" "(null)"
"Sheon Usity" "0" " Alex, Scouter, Fallen, Rider,Alex Scouter,Fallen Rider,Ts Bloodletter Jess" "(null)"
"BurnMark" "2" " Demon, Imbued" "Bailed w/out explanation 3rd to last mission on Moonfire 021309"
"Dastardly Jack" "0" " Omega, Smash" "(null)"
"DarkSabre" "0" " Ice, Man2424" "Blind inviter of people 28 levels higher then him. Claims to be 10."
"Lady Evander" "0" " Lady, in, Chains" "(null)"
"Nija10" "1" " Me, Bot, Sliver, Troll" "Idiot power level begger; level 2 character asking to join level 50 teams."
"firegazze" "0" "Firegazze" "(null)"
"Not 2 B F'd with Ric" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jadine" "5" " Dark, Jade" "(null)"
"Pyrth" "0" " PyrthPhyre, PyrthGaehl" "(null)"
"Mr. Natwarlal" "0" " Mr., Natwarlal, Esha,Esha" "Stupid person"
"Indomitable Will" "0" "VandeGraaff" "(null)"
"Frofer" "2" " Sizzling, Pain,Thawing Tundra,NoCut the Apple,Stabbing Pain" "Idiot/*******; ToT behavior"
"Breaker11" "0" " Peruvia" "(null)"
"RedmanFX" "0" "" "(null)"
"DCLXVI" "0" "" "(null)"
"Oh Amalie" "0" "" "(null)"
"US-41" "0" " US-41" "(null)"
"Leger de Main" "3" " ImageMaker, Himmel, Rullator, Fortunea" "(null)"
"The Golden Daemon" "0" " Micha-El, Daemon, of, Nature, Goth-Mog,Cold Daemon,Greater Daemon,Daemon Cleric,Ul-Timate,Doctor No-Va,Miykael" "(null)"
"Enlightning" "0" "Enlightning One" "(null)"
"DarkLeader" "2" " FrostBite13" "Kicked his friend from Sare Moore TF"
"Smello" "0" " Undercooled" "(null)"
"Vulcans Forge" "0" " Lord, Underling, Atomcharger, Bob, the, Outlaw" "(null)"
"Queenie" "1" " Your, Queen" "(null)"
"Basilisk" "0" " Caesura, Avatar, of, Basilisk, Midnight, Vision, Doc, Chlorophyll, Shadowlisk,Volcanadian,Copper Jacket,Revenant Red" "Has a character in HBSS"
"Brother TShober" "0" " Teacher's, Pets" "(null)"
"MrLeebo" "0" " Flashbang, Girl, Flashbang, Girl, Flashbang, Girl,Flashbang Girl" "Possible dual boxer, possible annoying idiot. Friends w/ Cailean Doiller, the most incompetent empath ever. Have since did Q-Field w/ both; both behaved/performed very good."
"test4567" "0" "Grabol" "(null)"
"Titanmar" "0" " MacDuibhSidhe" "(null)"
"Momo1204" "0" "" "(null)"
"Storm Wytch" "3" " Hedwig, DeWinter, Hedwig, DeWinter, Hedwig, DeWinter, Hedwig, DeWinter" "(null)"
"Horn Head" "0" " Biz, Wiz, Horn, Head, Horn, Head" "Biz Wiz in Iso6, friend of @Morehart"
"r0y2" "0" "Debufer" "(null)"
"Firstcircle" "0" " Hemlan" "(null)"
"KitsuneRei" "0" " Delightful, Calamity,Kemonoko" "(null)"
"Paco Espada" "0" " Paco, Espada" "(null)"
"Warchicken" "0" " Warchicken, Emerald, Ankh, Stone, Lotus, Auriga" "(null)"
"Peacock" "0" "Peacock,Glue" "(null)"
"Eden Hellfire" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aristana" "0" " Valera,Valera" "Joined my team then tried to recruit it for farming"
"MarkH" "0" " Western, Star,Western Star,Jack Twist,Anterus,Tropical Storm,Aerialist" "(null)"
"Deleo" "0" " Destructeus" "(null)"
"Stormwynd" "0" " Majicstorm" "(null)"
"teflonshugenja" "0" " Clarion, Shadowfear, Castora" "(null)"
"Olium" "0" " Rheta, Jain, Sif, Aesir, Sif, Aesir,Jain" "(null)"
"Zephyr Calhar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gno" "0" " InferGno, AutoGnomist, Hail, Gno" "(null)"
"Poco" "0" " Four-Fingered, Lou" "(null)"
"The Battle Cat" "0" " Slick, Surfer" "(null)"
"bazaldo" "0" " Ethics, Gradient, Ms, Emission, Thorn-tastic" "(null)"
"Leafrider Moonstorm" "0" " Leafrider, Moonstorm" "(null)"
"Yushiro2" "0" " Drones, of, the, Skies,Drones of the Skies,Heavenly Warrior" "Idiot that associates with other idiots."
"Nick Tuku" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bloodhowl1" "0" "" "Polite"
"the Small Onez" "0" "Small Irritation" "(null)"
"Butterscotch Fox" "0" " Cow, Catcher, Blonde, Widow" "(null)"
"ebonyhawk" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tai-Chi666" "0" " D., Phoenix" "(null)"
"Quartersmith" "0" " CHESHER, THE, CAT" "(null)"
"The Cosmic Radiant" "0" " Khaenen, Codename, Saint" "(null)"
"Healer - 1" "0" "Girley Boi,Wonder Prince" "Putz"
"Agent Squiggles" "0" " Ashley, Thompson" "(null)"
"Donna Bella" "0" " Gloria, Beretta" "(null)"
"SpaceMonkeh" "2" " Terminus, Tempestas, Huge, Stoner, Elementros, Comatose', Cauterizer, Warptech" "Based on chat in Atlas w/ haiti and otehrs - total idiot. Once typed \qi wuvvers yew d:\q"
"Pheadora" "0" "" "(null)"
"MajorHazard" "0" " Medex, Shang, Lee, Shang, Lee, Major, Disruction, Shang, Lee" "Possibly on drugs"
"Hailsing" "2" "Irondawg" "Appears to have gone permently afk partway through llambda, 07/24/11. Kicked from llambda 08/15/11 due to the same. "
"Grid'lock" "0" " Thermal-Girl" "(null)"
"Calysta" "0" "" "(null)"
"Stygian Merchant" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sunglow" "0" "" "(null)"
"Amethyst Angel" "0" " Annoying, Angel, Arachnos, Amethyst, Ice, Ice, Angel, Nephilim, Widow, Angelic, Bunny, Fireball, Angel, Elfin, Angel, Mastering, Angel, Mastering, Angel,Amethyst Angel,Fireball Angel" "(null)"
"Aeryk" "2" " Blood, Docter" "Power level begger."
"Cmdr. Carnage" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blackbath" "0" " Danzaiver" "(null)"
"Geeorn" "0" " Geeorn" "(null)"
"Carmella Calada" "0" "" "(null)"
"Super Jumpio" "0" "" "(null)"
"nohtingman" "0" "nuckesalot" "(null)"
"Nethertron" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sheep" "0" " Velocity, Lass" "(null)"
"Boltcutter" "0" " Ambunaught, Ruby, Stoker, Shot, Noise, Lomcevak,Suzy Homewrecker" "(null)"
"Hell's Blade" "0" "" "(null)"
"perilX" "1" " perilCILLIN, Storm, Stalker" "Complete tool."
"Tritonfree" "0" " -Philly, Girl, -Philly, Girl, Gaea's, Maiden,Chilly Philly,-Philly Girl" "(null)"
"Darien Lowren" "0" " Orion, Crantis" "(null)"
"Maul Ratt" "0" " Kinetic, Joe" "(null)"
"Nikki Secret" "0" "" "(null)"
"Keranna1" "0" " Mulligan" "(null)"
"Logan X. Owens 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord Frio" "2" " Britney, In, Napalm, Dark, Skurge, Seluj, Enrev,Seluj Enrev,Lord Havok" "Idiot. Cut scene dancing in Llambda"
"Sinful le Delicious" "0" " Wicked, le, Delicious" "(null)"
"Able Danger" "0" "Fires Scourge" "(null)"
"Hammer-" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kershan" "0" "Big Nate Dizzole" "(null)"
"HunterPDX" "0" " Cosmic, Cub" "(null)"
"Frostria" "0" " Avril, Lavigne., Snapping, Turtle" "(null)"
"Wyley" "0" " Nuada, Amor, Vincit, Omnia, Schutzstaffel, Dreddnaught,Schutzstaffel,Lumenas,Arctic Fawks" "Idiot"
"V i c t o r y" "0" " Super, Marvel, Super, Marvel,V i c t o r y" "(null)"
"Sigmus Maximus" "0" "Promethion" "(null)"
"Xeroborne" "0" " Advent, Nova" "(null)"
"Synergy Red" "0" "" "(null)"
"Psi Teen" "0" " Psi, Teen, Psi, Teen, Psi, Teen, Psi, Teen" "(null)"
"Queenie2" "1" "" "Idiot"
"Memmoc" "0" " Corbin, Caliber, MD" "(null)"
"Unto" "0" " Rude, Boi" "(null)"
"HorseManDemon" "2" " Silencium, Defender, of, Liberty" "Idiot/*******/stalker. Kicked him last room of Barracuda 09/07/09"
"jdice" "0" "" "(null)"
"apo1" "0" " apo" "(null)"
"Little Anita" "0" "" "(null)"
"Boadicea" "0" "Boadicea'" "(null)"
"DrFancypants" "0" " Sick, Puppy" "(null)"
"Princess Penelope" "0" " Mistress, Penelope" "(null)"
"Brigade-" "0" " BladesBot" "(null)"
"Schatzie" "3" " Gesine, Xexila, Project, Kismet, Midnight, Glance, Alessa, Lexine, Empathic, Lily, Nikki, G., Vinata, Calypso, Leeto, Space, Cowgirl, Gemstone, Sprite, Gemstone, Sprite, Felicia, Fireheart, Xava, Empress, Xenia, Empress, Xenia" "Madam Piss"
"superbear" "0" " Netherflame" "(null)"
"gnixrx" "0" " Sister, Gadriel" "(null)"
"norsegod" "0" " Split, Arrow,Tk-Gal" "(null)"
"hopeless" "0" " Hopeless, Tanker, Hopeless, Healer" "(null)"
"Ryxx" "4" " Ryxx, Kinetyxx, Frosty, Nibblets, Kincicle, Frosty, Nibblets, Frosty, Icicle, Demonstryxx, Phiftopher, Frosty, Nibblets" "(null)"
"Sister Anger" "0" " Sister, Anger" "(null)"
"Luna Vera" "0" " Wicked, Kae" "Bit of a dip"
"xun dong" "1" "" "Spammer"
"SwordNSoul" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vi Vesper" "0" "" "(null)"
"Spleen" "0" "X Wife,Another Toon" "(null)"
"underworlder" "0" " fire-sniper, darkneos" "(null)"
"smokin den" "0" " smokin, den" "Disappeared 3rdmission of LGTF and never came back 02.17.11"
"MarkH723" "0" " Baton" "(null)"
"Bearland" "0" "WarBear" "(null)"
"Mizter" "0" "" "(null)"
"Deraj" "0" "" "(null)"
"Inutasha" "0" " Times, Memory, Times, Memory,Times Memory" "(null)"
"Shock Slayer" "0" " Baddy, Long, Legs" "(null)"
"ValkyrieRising" "0" " Kali, Sulvari, Twilight, Purrfection, Bella, Tentazione, Olyn, Draoi" "(null)"
"Bonaventure" "0" "" "(null)"
"itsanactionfigure" "0" "SENTINELMAXIMUS" "(null)"
"Agent Underground" "0" "" "(null)"
"lady tempest" "0" " Lady, Midnighter, Lady, Raven-Storm" "(null)"
"StaticZone" "0" " Blood, Maw" "Not really team friendly. Doesn\st know his roll, logged off w/out saying a word mid mission then starting solo\sing (WHILE sk\sing some)"
"Mars Defender" "0" " Stormfir" "(null)"
"SSDDR" "0" "" "(null)"
"Seran" "0" "" "(null)"
"Spider's Reginae" "0" " Sun.Flower" "(null)"
"TheDarkTanker" "1" " Ms.Greece" "Child"
"phat farmr" "0" " phat, farmr, 2.0" "(null)"
"EagleEyez" "0" " MidnightKiller, Durablade, Eagle.Star, Eagle.Eyez, Killinetics,GhostKiller,Eagle.Fury,Electric Eagle" "(null)"
"Pyrus SOB" "0" " Knight, of, Cydonia" "(null)"
"White Blast" "0" " Xarenal, Kael'Abyss, Zaineth" "Appears to be a damn leacher. Kicked from team 09/19/10 for perma afk, never messaged back after kick."
"Raw NRG" "3" " NRG, Shade, Tesla's, Progeny, Anti, Proton, Anti, Proton, Anti, Proton, Lupus, Arachnus, Lupus, Arachnus,Lupus Arachnus,Bun Gunny" "(null)"
"Babygirl Char" "0" " CharChar" "(null)"
"LAWLAWLAWL" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rockface1" "2" " Oriental, Express" "Noob/idiot/poor communication skills\n"
"ChaosLight" "0" " Charles, Alpha" "(null)"
"3D." "0" " Xerxes, 3D" "(null)"
"Technical Madness" "2" " Grease, Monkey., Grease, Monkey., Grease, Monkey." "Bailed w/out explanation on Eden, 2nd respec"
"Dragon Eye Jr." "0" "" "(null)"
"brokensteel" "0" "Thorny Demon" "(null)"
"G-Willis" "0" " Sytalus" "(null)"
"Cobalt6" "0" "" "(null)"
"EagleBear" "0" " Dark, Bear, Sonic" "Appears to be a whiney incompetent noob who can\st spell or use grammar. Possible dual boxer w/ White Bear"
"Tharkhaad" "0" " Threexflaar,Tharkhaad,Garflax,Gen. Nuisance,Mr. Marbleous,Necrondor,Stygian Spikes" "(null)"
"Lexannice1" "0" " Maion" "(null)"
"Ken Mastters" "0" " Scythe, Slanderer, Scythe, Slanderer, Gamma, Vine" "(null)"
"Leora" "0" " Gracie., Leora., DarkCinda, Sathric,Frieda." "(null)"
"Attonare" "0" "" "(null)"
"Master of Dragons1" "0" " Slave, Vamp,Mistress of the Nite" "(null)"
"Garielle" "0" " Manus, Fortuna, Manus, Fortuna" "(null)"
"Mr. Failsafe" "0" " Mr., Cataclysm" "(null)"
"cety5" "2" " Most" "Useless idiot."
"Shockbear" "0" " Thunder, Bear" "(null)"
"Nightfall." "0" " Demonique., 'Ohana" "(null)"
"Vendeta" "0" " Master, of, the, Flame." "(null)"
"GreenRook" "0" " Johny, Outhouse" "(null)"
"RipJaws." "0" " Evil, Fire, Bunny" "(null)"
"Iggylove" "0" " Butterfly, Rocket, Yoctobyte, Fancy, Nancy, Fancy, Nancy, Fancy, Nancy,Yoctobyte" "(null)"
"Booklegger" "0" " Booklegger" "(null)"
"Portia Fim" "0" " Badd, Horse, Badd, Horse" "(null)"
"Ms.Brasil" "1" " Ms.Brasil, Lady, Mexico, Ghost, League" "Incompetent child"
"DarkEntropy" "4" " Alamagordo, Brilliant, Energy, Brilliant, Energy, Brilliant, Energy, Brilliant, Energy, Brilliant, Energy, Kuni, Ko-chan, Kuni, Ko-chan, Mr, Irons, Houston, Hurricane, Brilliant, Energy, Houston, Hurricane, Houston, Hurricane, Houston, Hurricane, Houston, Hurricane, Darke, Hazard,Darke Hazard,BlazeOGlory" "(null)"
"Crimson-Moth" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dr. Boggle" "0" "" "(null)"
"Violet Diamond" "0" " Violet, Diamond, Violet, Diamond, Violet, Diamond" "Have done a few TF\ss with"
"RathBrown" "0" " Decker" "(null)"
"Dark Boltz" "0" " Fyre, Spirit, Static, Mistress" "(null)"
"Albino Wraith" "0" " Wraithwidow" "(null)"
"Titania Blue" "0" " Azura, Knight" "(null)"
"BlitzAuggen2" "3" " ThermalBlitz, BlitzNyx, Blitzarctic" "(null)"
"Big City Brawler" "0" "" "(null)"
"Atikin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Raven's Hugg" "0" " Raiya, Mikazuchi, Raiya, Mikazuchi, Raiya, Mikazuchi, Raiya, Mikazuchi" "Idiot."
"Bullett" "0" " Sammy, Sizzle, Midnight, Chill, HotShock,Midnight Chill,Sammy Sizzle" "(null)"
"Damone'" "0" " Caro, Teh, Bunneh, Damone', Caro, Teh, Bunneh" "(null)"
"Flypsyde" "0" "Burning Son" "(null)"
"Sproink" "0" "" "Alt account of Nuada"
"Psi-wave" "0" " Magenta, Flame" "(null)"
"Moonflax" "0" " Chieftain, Kaluk, Chieftain, Kaluk" "(null)"
"Nivra" "3" " Nystra, Vraxx, Gargus, Vorax, Nivra, Vexxus,Gargus,Vexxus,Vorax,Drexx,Nystra" "(null)"
"HOOPTY" "0" " Energy, Wytch, Diablo, Sangria" "(null)"
"NickP" "0" " Striking, Lightning" "(null)"
"Terok" "0" " Terok, War, Legend, War, Legend, Tough, Justice, War, Legend,War Legend" "(null)"
"Dasiy" "0" " Anita, Fix, Chamberlin" "(null)"
"The Pop Shot" "0" "" "(null)"
"Avenging Falcon 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vamprice" "0" " TyNe" "(null)"
"StoneDragon." "0" "" "(null)"
"Fire dragon lord" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bierfuizl" "0" " Shoggot,Iyanden,Shoggot" "(null)"
"Warhawkk" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zedcuk" "0" " Zedanya" "(null)"
"Dedlok" "3" " Dedlok, Akulok,Dynamic Heat" "(null)"
"Hot Stone Brute" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nightscreamm" "2" " Operative, Riddick" "Some sort of power leveled AE useless noob, very clueless. Kicked from eyeball SF 1st mission 10/10/09"
"Flameguy" "0" " Guardian, Kinetic, Guardian, Kinetic" "(null)"
"Old Gravy Leg 2" "0" " Lil', Gravy, Legs" "(null)"
"NetherGod" "0" "" "(null)"
"3Deviant" "2" " Filthy, McNasty, 3D, Beat, Hit, Filthy, McNasty, 3D, 3Destruktor, 3Deceiver,Beat Hit,3D'Ego,Ra Venge" "SOme sort of ******* dick. Invited and kicked me from BAF 04/30/11"
"Krikkit" "0" " Crimson, Harpy" "(null)"
"Distractor" "0" "" "(null)"
"Therra Arcson" "0" " Carolina, Jessamine" "(null)"
"Manfinger" "0" "" "(null)"
"Steel Snow" "0" "" "(null)"
"Little Panda" "0" " Karl, Schwarzchild" "(null)"
"M.Ellis" "2" " Twist'ed, Little, Monst'er" "Needs to hosp instead of laying dead for 3 minutes. Useless idiot."
"That 80's Villain" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ultrahero" "2" " SHaDow, KiTTeH" "Putz/leach/flake. "
"Kdebones" "0" " Dion, Fortune" "(null)"
"Lightbender" "0" "Plasma Elemental,Succubi Queen,Shadow Warden,Wendy Mae" "(null)"
"Aeon Nova" "0" "Soviet Centurion" "(null)"
"Novabot" "0" " Violent, Star" "(null)"
"Bionic Boy Wonder" "0" "" "(null)"
"Glak" "0" "" "(null)"
"Franix" "0" " AUSTIN, LANE" "(null)"
"GameBug" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sigr" "0" " Helsinki, Scorchin'" "Possible idiot/putz"
"Dramatus" "0" "Dramatus" "(null)"
"Frynge" "0" " Vivana, VC-002" "(null)"
"Valdy" "3" " Vhaasen, Three, Days, Guerilla, in, the, Mist, Guerilla, in, the, Mist, Madame, Belle, Torquemada, Will, It, Blend?, One, Angry, Ferret, Tysperax, Madame, Belle" "(null)"
"War-Nugget" "0" " War-Nugget, Lord, Tsarian, Maelstone, Lyre, Crimson, Crab,Satanic-Nugget,Evaluate,Red Ward,Black Ward" "(null)"
"Johnnykat" "0" " Ape-ocalypse" "(null)"
"Super Saroeuth" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fat Black Cat" "4" " Pyrodegradable, Polly, Ester" "(null)"
"Goddess Inferno" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aura Familia" "0" " Darq, Widow, Fortune" "(null)"
"Canus1" "0" " Severity" "(null)"
"Agents of SHE" "0" "" "(null)"
"sp00nman" "0" " Tea, Bagger" "(null)"
"Miss Mindie" "0" "" "(null)"
"British Battler" "0" "" "(null)"
"Crimson Countess" "0" " Crimson, Countess" "(null)"
"Twisted Oblivion" "0" " Ms., Maia" "(null)"
"UltraTroll" "0" "Avenger Claw" "(null)"
"Loveslave" "0" " Angela, Ampere, Angela, Ampere,Verduran Stormrider" "(null)"
"SyncMaster" "0" " Lindaya" "(null)"
"vannie" "0" " VanMan, Terrene, Zephyr,Pop Cickle" "(null)"
"Inquisitor" "0" "Auntie Septic,Black Sheep,Fraulein Frost,Queen Bee,Operative Kane" "Complete damn noob but well intentioned"
"Doc Avenger1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Virulent Weed" "3" "" "In I4"
"Blade-2" "0" " Marcus, Prime, Marcus, Prime,Marcus Prime,Allison Blaze,April Vine" "Dual boxxer"
"Regeneration2" "0" " Invention, Protagonist" "(null)"
"Simply Broken" "0" " Toe, Nail" "(null)"
"Taeos" "0" " INVASION" "Knave/idiot."
"Mindlock" "0" "Dawn Widow" "(null)"
"Dr. Amund" "2" " Alec, Amund, Slade, Amund., Slade, Amund., Amund, Hall" "Bailed 1st mission of Silver Mantis, 04/02/09. Played an usless stalker. Some sort of idiot\n"
"Z-1" "0" "Static Freeze" "Putz, poor communication skills, doesn\st own GR"
"Pugnac" "0" " Cosmic, Soldier, Cosmic, Soldier" "(null)"
"southernwarrior" "0" " CyberCheer" "(null)"
"Kristofer Blaque" "0" " Taraia, Tarnakk, Jorgan, Von, Krybzach, Jorgan, Von, Krybzach, Jorgan, Von, Krybzach" "(null)"
"Scooter Two" "3" " Ohmshock, Pyrekinetics, Danny, MacManus" "(null)"
"GrumbleCub" "0" "GrumbleCub,Peripheral Equator." "(null)"
"Quantum Warrior" "0" "" "(null)"
"Verianna" "0" " Verianna" "(null)"
"Atomic Blue Lighting" "0" " Storm, Summons, Smokin, Heat, Sharp, Ning, Laurentt, Storm, Summons, Smokin, Heat, Gloomed,Mr. Brix,Storm Summons" "(null)"
"Draco's Eye" "0" "" "(null)"
"Morgahn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Yuro" "0" " Cpt., Strike" "(null)"
"Apoctoliptic XanaX" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rosenbloom" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ms. SwingSwing" "0" " Celestia, DarkPilgrim" "(null)"
"Freezador" "0" " Bosonator" "(null)"
"Bodyguard Jase" "0" "" "(null)"
"Smurphy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nova Tigress" "0" "" "(null)"
"TeeCeelicious" "0" "" "(null)"
"psydar" "0" " elleohel, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, left, handed, nails, filthy, hippy,a sunny day,Andre on Fire" "(null)"
"MORNlNGSTAR" "0" "" "(null)"
"Peromni" "0" " Peromni" "Joined my pug team, quit without saying a word. Impatient twit?"
"Neb-Hut" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lightning Rod" "0" "Lightning Rod" "(null)"
"A Stiff Peter" "0" "" "(null)"
"Xariphin" "0" " Xarin" "(null)"
"Death Spiral" "0" "" "(null)"
"Leaph" "0" " Tesp,Xesp" "(null)"
"Captain Media" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fire-Scorcher" "0" "" "(null)"
"Xeria Blade" "0" " Dominatrix, Vamp" "(null)"
"Bronto Sauers" "0" "" "(null)"
"Oni-Han Maru" "0" " Arturias, Darkslayer,Arturias Darkslayer,Malfunctioning Fred,Molten Enforcer,Arturias Burningsky" "(null)"
"Avidd" "0" " ERG, Man, Nazelle" "(null)"
"I'm the MFin MP" "0" "" "(null)"
"V-tastic" "0" " V-Deee" "V-Dee in Iso6"
"Elegost" "3" " Demon, Duster, Zekks, Black, Icicle, FreezerBurn', Kalium, Ionisus, Amnission, Daedrous, Demon, Duster, Deizenburg" "(null)"
"Hellsaint" "0" " Med, Doc, Med-star, Gunslinger, -, Med, Doc, Med, Night, Abysmal, Warshade" "(null)"
"Flame Avenger" "0" " winged, ram,winged ram" "(null)"
"Darkness Seeker" "0" "" "(null)"
"Luminata The Z" "0" " Octa, Choron" "Kicked from Posi-A 08/05/10 due to being afk for half the TF due to \qgotta help w/ groceries\q"
"Mr. Medic Man" "0" " Thunder, Thug" "(null)"
"Shade Von Savage" "0" " Freezing, Shade" "(null)"
"Arido" "0" " Vermillion, Kick" "(null)"
"Rogue-az0r" "0" " Cherry, Chapstick" "(null)"
"Hinata89" "0" " Praetorian, Sighter" "(null)"
"Grey Pilgrim" "4" " Menelmacar, Ba'al, the, Great, Ba'al, the, Great, Ba'al, the, Great, Tulkyas, Gunnerist, Swedish, Fury, Golden, Howler, Golden, Howler, Golden, Howler, Agent, Janus, Agent, Janus, Swedish, Fury, Gentleman, Death, Crey, Hunter, 1.0, Lord, Stormfront, Odinn, Metodd, Odinn, Metodd, Odinn, Metodd, Odinn, Metodd, Maximum, Overkill, Lord, Stormfront, Lord, Stormfront,Maximum Overkill,Swedish Fury,Maitre d'Flame,Eternal Albert,Gunnerist,Light Fantastic,Menelmacar,Neo Varangian,Medieval Marvel" "(null)"
"King Sausage" "0" " Sonic, Sausage" "(null)"
"Labyrinth" "0" " Sphere" "(null)"
"Tizgone" "0" " Elkin" "(null)"
"Ilario" "0" "" "(null)"
"Chant" "0" " Shamaness, Apparitioness, Inharmony" "(null)"
"Shenalia" "0" "Tintagel" "(null)"
"Automnes" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hopefullone3" "0" " Gun, Metal, Grant" "(null)"
"Audie Murphy" "0" " Job, Da'Shaar, Momma's, Pride, n, Joy, Myrkr, Mareel, Helots, Shackle, Vidar, Jarl, Helots, Shackle, Helots, Shackle" "(null)"
"Xtazy Screamer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Starhammer" "2" " Doctor, Warlocke, xX, Blastwave, Xx, xX, Blastwave, Xx,xX Blastwave Xx,Commander Cyrus Cain" "Kept going afk during YMoonfire"
"mixmaster funk" "0" "HellsInferno" "(null)"
"Autumnblade" "0" "" "(null)"
"Not Hellcat" "0" " Electric, Kim" "(null)"
"BuckNaked" "0" " Buck, Starborn, Buck, Starborn, Buck, Starborn,Cupid,Tom O'finland" "Unobserrvant putz"
"Jade Claw" "0" " Jade, Claw" "(null)"
"Kashini Aldatan" "0" " Solar, Dynamo, Mk, I" "(null)"
"plati-mum" "0" " Verity, Vitality" "(null)"
"Q." "0" " Co1d, B1ooded, Rough, Diamond., Maxamillion, Q." "Bailed near the end of Barracuda, 07/25/10, claimed wife was getting pissed"
"Beastangel" "0" " Ice, Bullet, Ice, Bullet, Ice, Bullet, Ice, Bullet, Void, Wolf" "(null)"
"Bokushingu" "0" " Power, Onna, Power, Onna, Power, Onna" "(null)"
"Sleatfire" "0" " Sleatfire" "(null)"
"Trooperbear" "0" "" "(null)"
"Alabasterjones" "0" " Imaginary, Protector" "(null)"
"Tar Mack" "0" "Tar Muck,Marrowbite" "Dick."
"Slyther Duncan" "0" " Hazar,Hazar,Terra Obsydian,Theseus the Mortal" "(null)"
"Sklaw" "3" " Golden, Warlord, Sklaw, Electric, Sierra, Talon, Fury, Talon, Fury, Electric, Sierra, Golden, Warlord, Chase, Phantom, Chase, Phantom, Electric, Sierra, Talon, Fury, Intersect, 1.0, Free, Action, Electric, Sierra, Chase, Phantom, Electric, Sierra, Electric, Sierra, Golden, Warlord, Chase, Phantom, Chase, Phantom, Chase, Phantom, Chase, Phantom, Electric, Sierra, Chase, Phantom,Charged Fear,Talon Fury,Intersect 1.0,Intersect 2.0,Chase Phantom" "(null)"
"Atom Soilder" "0" " Moral, Fiber" "(null)"
"Zeruke" "0" " rock, of, brute" "Power level begger"
"HMSS" "2" " Clan, Yamamoto, Jeremiah, Rock, Xexxon, ACDC, Overload" "lady rey, 3/5/9, played like a jerkoff, didn\st pay attention tot he team at all. Sits at mission entrances for 5 minutes asking for a tp rather then moving. Not a very bright person."
"M Inweh" "0" " Silver, Lane" "(null)"
"GC Sonic Unit 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ameila" "0" " Sonyia, Wolva" "(null)"
"Shigura1" "0" " Shigura, X" "(null)"
"Big Goomba" "0" "" "(null)"
"blackclawVI" "0" "dark hater,Dark hatter." "(null)"
"Ultra Hero" "2" " Jamiemadroxangel." "Idiot/*******/jackass/**********/etc"
"Spinal Block" "0" "" "(null)"
"Storm E. Owens" "0" "" "(null)"
"Werner" "0" " Sergei" "(null)"
"Kryptic Angel Md" "0" " Soldiers, of, Fortune." "(null)"
"Oni Element" "3" " Zephyr, Dark, Zephyr, Dark, Fairy, of, Peace" "Seems active in trying to form teams."
"Desideria1" "0" "" "(null)"
"TrackerJill" "0" " Herbalist" "(null)"
"Cemetary Chylde" "0" "" "(null)"
"Samurai Jones" "3" "King's Lion,Samurai Jones,Pinkerton Man,Viper Six,Jules Crowne" "(null)"
"1ady of pain" "0" " Arcaniss, Rhea" "(null)"
"Brimston1" "0" "Monsuier Roboto" "Blind inviter"
"Desticado" "0" " Katja, Uvanov" "(null)"
"Skrag-Pinkie" "0" "" "(null)"
"Savior of Lost Souls" "0" " Savior, of, Lost, Souls" "(null)"
"Tumbler" "2" " Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Miranda, Mirage, Marky, Mirage, Eartha, Gale" "Whiney ***** unobservant **** sucker."
"Necrotech Master" "3" " Necrostone, Arachnos, SuperWidow, Demonic, Suprise, Sword, of, Sparks, Charged, Spike, Charged, Spike, MegaVolcano, Charged, Spike, Blazing, Noise, Arachnos, SuperWidow, Subzero, Archer, Frozen, Illusions, Demon, Chi, Master, Frozen, Illusions, Subzero, Archer, Frozen, Illusions, Mind-ferno, Charged, Spike,Arachnos SuperWidow,Dark Temporal Flame,Abyssmal Energy,Voice of Radiation" "(null)"
"APOCALYPSE founder 2" "0" " FROSTY, SNOW-MAN,ZEUZ" "(null)"
"sunnysprite" "2" " Miss, Destiny, J., Jaded, Bleater, Thorny, Sprite, Jaded, Dreams, Jaded, Dreams, Jaded, Dreams, Jaded, Dreams, Jaded, Dreams, Jaded, Dreams,Jaded Dreams,Diamond Spirit,Miss Destiny J." "Friend of GP, Jaded Destiny in Iso6. Leaching dick."
"Mantis Guyver" "0" " Pumpkin, Avenger" "(null)"
"Tenacity X" "0" " Mistress, M" "(null)"
"Taira Yoshiyuki" "0" " Taira, Yoshiyuki" "(null)"
"Bakkerkid" "0" " Arbiter, Bowler, Arbiter, Bowler" "(null)"
"Daemon-Held" "0" " Daemon-Held" "(null)"
"Mr. Israel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kaytr" "0" "Feylyxia" "Blind inviter"
"VAMPCOMMANDO" "0" "" "(null)"
"Freezing Bones" "0" " Midnight, Doom" "(null)"
"Talented" "0" " Blind, Luck" "(null)"
"Mindstryder" "0" "" "(null)"
"Grim Volt" "0" " Dark, Volt, Dark, Volt, Grim, Volt" "(null)"
"Xury" "3" " Cherryl, Diana, VII, Emperor, Nando, Cassandra, Red, Parivir, Regina, Parivir, Regina, Parivir, Regina, Parivir, Regina, Cassandra, Red, Diana, VII, Parivir, Regina, Parivir, Regina, Danyel, Cassandra, Red, Commander, Duncan, Kayain,Cherryl,Jenna Williams,Parivir Regina,Quest Xanthe" "(null)"
"Molari" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aiax" "0" "" "(null)"
"Irish.Saint" "0" "Guardian of Time" "(null)"
"Dranzin" "2" " Jason, Crit" "Blind invites people 17 levels higher then themselves. Idiot."
"VENGENCE OF GOD" "0" " Visionaire" "Quit Manticore 10/09/10 3 or so missions in, \qgtg sry but thx\q"
"electric boulder" "0" " father, natur" "(null)"
"Kilema" "0" " Kilema, Coalburner, Killy, the, Bid, Killy, the, Bid, Killy, the, Bid,Killy the Bid" "(null)"
"MillcityFury" "0" "Kikassicus" "(null)"
"Crime of Fashion" "0" " Nihilistic, Girl" "(null)"
"Midnight Mystic" "0" " Devilish, Fire, Devilish, Fire, Devilish, Fire" "(null)"
"joebob2" "0" " jims, girl" "(null)"
"noab" "0" " noab" "(null)"
"Flarecrow" "0" " Rock, Hawk" "(null)"
"Frost Heroine" "0" " Jade, Comet,Jade Comet" "(null)"
"Welf Ironslade" "2" " Dr., Psy" "Putz of a damn player. Quit Q-field 28 minutes into it on 11/01/09"
"Major-Patriot" "0" "Nictus Avenger" "(null)"
"Yrag1" "0" " LiiLuu" "(null)"
"Mr.Haiti" "1" " Mr., Haiti, Haiti, Jr., Elder, Haiti, Mr., Haiti, Old, Nanny, Haiti, Auntie, Haiti, Lady, Haiti" "Complete and total idiot."
"Vanum2" "3" "Viraih,Ummli" "(null)"
"Lenilya" "0" " Border, of, Life, Border, of, Death, Cinnamonsugar, Raised,Border of Death,Mischievous Function" "Generally reliable, however, dc\sed from LGTF 07/24/09 3rd mission, never came back"
"Kinderkatzen" "0" " Clockwork, Hare,Kinderkatzen" "(null)"
"Niviene" "0" " Kadabra, Kill." "(null)"
"superryo" "0" "" "(null)"
"droidsnguns" "0" "" "(null)"
"KungFu-Yoshi" "0" " AmeriKin, Defender, KungFu, Yoshi, MiDNight, JackaL" "(null)"
"Silent Guardian" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tomb Reaver76" "0" " Apophis, Junior" "(null)"
"HoLLiPoP" "0" " HoLLiSter" "Warned for farming adds in VF"
"DarkAlkaiser" "0" " Captain, Slippy, Fist" "(null)"
"719" "0" "" "(null)"
"Exuberent" "0" " Double, Dead, and, Red, KRS, 25" "(null)"
"Jacque Emeril" "0" "" "(null)"
"haxxorking" "0" " fury'" "(null)"
"Elsa Taciturn" "0" " Defenseman, GP" "(null)"
"Lunar Tier" "0" "" "(null)"
"Flamemadoka" "0" " Florena, Fyrefury" "(null)"
"Fiare" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr Magnifico" "4" " Evil, J-BOT, 247, Crab, Spider, Sparks, Crab, Spider, Sparks, Crab, Spider, Sparks, Halle, Johannson, Buckeye, Blaster,Mr. Magnifico,J-BOT 247" "(null)"
"Celester" "0" " Inari, Fox,Lupan the Wolf" "(null)"
"ucantbme" "0" "Brute L. Enforcer" "(null)"
"Ninth Warrior" "0" " Nine, Suns" "(null)"
"FreeRadical" "0" "" "(null)"
"dynamic fusion" "2" " Master, Mimic" "Possible idiot / ebayed account. Wanted to join my level 43 team w/ his level 49 character"
"Mike B" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ram Kathos" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mountain Fire" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bitgolem" "0" "" "(null)"
"Escher" "0" " Gaia, Vox, Onus, Vox, Jon, Vessica, Andr'ka, Vox, Voxy, Lady, Valence, Shell, Dali's, Handgun,Gaia Vox,Valence Shell" "(former) Bedwetter."
"Mistress of the Lash" "0" "Rock 'n Roller" "(null)"
"Zerlina" "0" " Abnormal, Psychology, Angel, No, More, Zerlina, Fait, Accompli, Day, Dream, Believer, Double, Fisted" "(null)"
"Chigger on Crack1" "0" " 867-5309, ShimmerFlame, Rosa, Rita" "Did 3rd respec with, a bit useless."
"The Natural Element" "0" " Raine, Mourningstar" "(null)"
"Osagono" "3" " Pyx, E., Styx, Howling, Fist, Seismic, Syren" "(null)"
"Speed Trap" "0" " Speed, Trap, Speed, Trap" "(null)"
"Sarrona" "0" " Syzer" "(null)"
"Certified" "0" "" "(null)"
"aenigma" "0" "" "(null)"
"witters2" "0" " Joe, Kin,Thumbkin" "(null)"
"D-Exo 18" "0" " Six, Foxes, Cunning" "(null)"
"StarrShyne" "0" " EmeraldStarr,EmeraldStarr" "(null)"
"Idna" "0" " Sgt., Toy, Soldier" "(null)"
"Mr. Darkson" "0" " Hero, guy, 2" "(null)"
"Shrikefire" "0" " Operative, Shrike, Shr'ike, Rive" "(null)"
"X Finity" "0" " X, Finity" "(null)"
"Cosmic Phoenix." "0" "" "Possible drug user."
"Cel" "1" " Axidents, Happen, Energy, Girl, Freeze, Frame, Dame, What, the, Cel?" "Exploiting dick."
"PhoenixPhrenzy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Armordillo" "0" " Armordillo" "(null)"
"BtDub" "0" "" "(null)"
"lord of phantism" "0" " king, gangster." "(null)"
"Namik Piccolo" "2" " Vampire, Lilith" "KS\ser."
"Ragnar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dr Headspace" "0" " Dr, Headspace, Dr, Headspace" "Useless **** plays as a \qpure healer\q"
"Shadows Kiss" "0" " Solar, Pillar" "(null)"
"JetKnight" "0" " Gun, Play, Lollygag, JetKnight,JetKnight" "(null)"
"Mirror Realm" "0" "Ts Thomas DiCamillo" "(null)"
"Pys Healer" "0" " Operation-Mindcrime" "(null)"
"Victory Fallen" "0" "" "(null)"
"cpt Revenge" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hiromigon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Energon Assassin" "0" " Crimson, Preditor" "(null)"
"Lord Havoc" "0" " Silent, Dusk" "(null)"
"Merrisha" "0" "" "(null)"
"Obesus" "0" " Graceful, Gentleman" "(null)"
"Des" "4" " Cynsaya, Maggie, Bella, Raduende, Desangre, Angelic, Sunny, Smile, Dina, Carcajada, Irina, Olin" "(null)"
"C3" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ed-201" "0" " Bishop, Mk2" "(null)"
"Trinity Demon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sunbrand" "0" "Sunhenge" "(null)"
"Selph Inflicted" "0" " Restless, Warrior" "(null)"
"Blitz Auggen" "3" " Blitztricty, Silent.Bob, Blitzbane, NitroRad, MindTerror., BlitzAssassin, Blitznation" "(null)"
"Le Jackson" "0" "" "(null)"
"Seizor" "0" " Vigilight" "(null)"
"Matsuda Mijiko" "0" " Prof., of, Thuganomics, Matsuda, Mijiko, Booster, Rad,Valcalv Sauer,Matsuda Mijiko,Magus Reik'et Su,Gwindolin" "(null)"
"Magikh" "0" " Crimsonh, Morgan, SE" "(null)"
"Demacian" "0" " Captain, Havana" "(null)"
"None Shall Pass" "0" " Magics, master" "(null)"
"Roderick" "0" " Spikefire, Kobushi, no, Oni, Kobushi, no, Oni, Citizen, on, Patrol, Citizen, on, Patrol, Solenoid, Android, Pete, Moss,Guland,Practiced Brawler,Standing Stone" "(null)"
"Deidra Deepfreeze" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kashini" "0" "" "(null)"
"Demon Wisperer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Circ" "0" " Circuitina" "(null)"
"Medieval Power" "5" " Medieval, Power, Nadia, Frost, Kage, Retsu, Viola, Rosa, Kage, Retsu, Kage, Retsu, Caden, Rosa, Flechette, Pynk, Dirge, GERE, Azgul, Rosa, Flechette, Rosa, Flechette, Rosa, Flechette, Bill, Briscoe, Neuralis, Pynk, Dirge, Menec, Garrick, Nick, Granger, Jon, Lightbringer, Bill, Briscoe, Particle, 4, Nadia, Frost, Darzin, Medi-Pow, Paralys, Soldado, de, la, Muerte, Soldado, de, la, Muerte, Nadia, Frost, Radiant, Exploit, Dr., Sevar, Aaron, Arkin,Radiant Exploit,Aaron Arkin,Reese Cartwright,Particle 4,KCN" "(null)"
"Sunbane" "0" " Sparky, the, Boy, Bolt" "(null)"
"Instant Briefs" "1" " Maintenance, Man, Maintenance, Man, Doc, Boy" "Doc Boy"
"TEB95" "0" "Vortex Assailant" "(null)"
"Orphan" "0" " Karnage, Kole, Orphan" "(null)"
"The G" "0" "Evanescent Earth" "(null)"
"Black Cha1" "0" " Black, Charge" "(null)"
"Dathing8" "0" " Blitzkrieg, Blast" "(null)"
"qroxfire" "0" " Still-Alive" "(null)"
"ramotyy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tova2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mephistafalies" "0" "" "(null)"
"Eagle Zone" "0" "Rye Animated,Patriot Princess" "(null)"
"Boverbearing" "0" " Inua" "(null)"
"The Bhagwan" "0" " Cosmos, Axon" "(null)"
"Arkto" "0" " Beryl, Bow, Bruin, Buster,Arkto" "(null)"
"Mistress Kiara" "0" " Mistress, Kiara, Mistress, Kiara, Ima., Stoner" "(null)"
"Pyro-Man" "0" " Shield-Matron" "(null)"
"Starburster" "0" "" "(null)"
"Titaniuum Man" "0" " Super, Blackness, Hero" "(null)"
"unnamed man" "0" " warpig" "(null)"
"Asia Storm" "0" " Lil', Helper" "(null)"
"Shockwave." "2" " Night-Stalker, Jr, Night-Stalker, Jr, Night-Stalker, Jr, Natural.Scrpper, kid,Natural.Scrpper kid" "Potential ******* idiot. PLays like a pug stalker, suspected of grabbing 3 particle cannons on Sewer Trial 09/16/10. Update; friend says he\ss just a kid learning the game, might have been accidental.. Disappears first mission LGTF 01.31.11 and never returns. Cut scene jackassery in llambda 09/10/11. Kick from VF is there\ss another further bad behavior.w"
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Do I have a zero because you never bothered to rate me, or because you think I'm an ***?
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Zero is the default / no star entered.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
From E. Nourmous:
You know, you are a complete dick. why don't you come over to my house so I can smash your face in? Too bad you won't die with the game, one good thing is that I'll never see your idiot name again. |
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Ya know... I never used that feature. Not a once. And yea, he sound mad.
Be well, people of CoH.

LMAO, did he hurt your feelings Sat Ham???
BTW Do you play STO? |
Played it in beta; been meaning to give it a play through now that it's free to play. Am told that you can do pretty much everything / get most stuff without having to sub or purchase anything.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
You need to learn to spell.
And the offer stands. Find me and you can collect. I could go on, but why waste my time? You don't even log onto the game any more anyway.
E.Normus 50 ss/inv brute-Dr. Ventura 50 mm bots/bubbles-
Nuke Radiant 50 rad/rad corr- Picon Six 50 bots/traps MM
E.Normus Hammer 50 war mace/stone tanker- UnTitaned 50 titan weapons/willpower brute
Grizzly Blades 50 dual blades/willpower brute- Mr. Woolffe 50 mind/ice dom
Short Jack Medulla 50 psi/energy blaster- and more
Hamster. You should've just parked this in Google docs and posted a tinyurl. While it is amusing to try and figure out the words the ***** replaced, I'd rather read it in the unabridged form.
Also. Is it a bad thing that I recall more than a couple of the instances listed?
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
haha I'm on the list with 0 and "null" on one of my rarely used Victory villains! Win ;D
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]
"Linarra" "2" " Linarra, Liberal, Media, Elite, Liberal, Media, Elite, Novitia, Knitefire, Muzak, Attack, Muzak, Attack, Arcabella, Muzak, Attack, Thelonious, Revengeancer, Conflagrante,Arcabella" "Idiot."
I can truly say, my life is complete and I feel much better about myself! P
Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued
"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque
On the one hand, I'm disappointed I didn't get five stars... on the other, I did much better than Voodoo!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."

Hmmmm, 'complete damn nood but well intentioned.' I got off pretty easy. But what's with Horatus having my main (Inquisitor) listed under his characters?
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
"Linarra" "2" " Linarra, Liberal, Media, Elite, Liberal, Media, Elite, Novitia, Knitefire, Muzak, Attack, Muzak, Attack, Arcabella, Muzak, Attack, Thelonious, Revengeancer, Conflagrante,Arcabella" "Idiot."
I can truly say, my life is complete and I feel much better about myself! P ![]() |
Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
I'm wondering what all the anticipation was about? Anticlimatic to say the least.
Still, a couple gems in there :P I don't know which is sadder, the fact that you kept notes and posted them, or that I actually took the time to speed read them.
I'm wondering what all the anticipation was about? Anticlimatic to say the least.
Still, a couple gems in there :P I don't know which is sadder, the fact that you kept notes and posted them, or that I actually took the time to speed read them. |
Best, most epic classic:
"Krome Dome" "2" " GhostKiller, EagleEyez" "Bailed from level 13 team part way through mission. Claimed he was going to get food, but I suspect a scared of debt pansy ***** stalker.qq Father of a dick (Diablic Flame). Kicked from Sara Moore"
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
"big Arrow" "0" " OKA, Karl, Arrow, Fast, FINger, Fast, FINger" "Kicked from Quaterfield 09/26/10 for going afk a hour w/out notice"
That or gay. With a boyfirend"
"BooHoefer" "0" "Cole Koki" "(null)"
"Baron Prime" "0" "Golden Baron" "(null)"
"Stormborn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shayla" "4" " Jamie, Dam, Shaara, Natalia, Diamond, Mistress, Shayla, Natalia, Diamond, Shayla's, Will, Miss, Charged, Shay, Elven, Mystic" "(null)"
"feltor aka stonehead" "2" " Veltor, feltor" "Bit of a leach and nitwit."
"Zyn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Loriean" "0" "Melody Cataclysm" "(null)"
"BCP" "3" " CaIamity" "Joined the I4-Renault SF, did well."
"Charged Mastermind" "2" " Dual, Bullets, Dual, Bullets, Char, Containment, Char, Containment, Evasive, Strike, Stone, Tape,Charged Rebel,Dual Bullets" "Incompetent on his tanker. Possible has no enhancements slotted. Refused to invite me to his llambda on 09/03/11"
"Brin Ohmsford" "0" " Icykins, Brin, Ohmsford" "(null)"
"PennyPA" "5" " Penolope, Azu, Tizianni, Xinia, Chilhelmina, Tundra, Tunder, Exile, of, Artemis, Big, Shots, Big, Shots, Operative, Q" "(null)"
"Kid Toy" "0" "" "Polite"
"aim2game" "0" "SiIver Nimbus" "(null)"
"Night Ice" "0" "Berenger" "(null)"
"SonicWylde" "0" "Fallout Fae,Hyperball,SonicWylde" "(null)"
"Jerminator" "0" "Guise" "(null)"
"Doll Face" "2" "Lover Doll,Intergalactic Kooter" "Some sort of ****** bag friend of DHK"
"Lovely Angel" "2" " Lovely, Angel" "Moron, saw her having moron conversation with Haiti"
"Torment And Agony" "0" "Hate Driven" "(null)"
"MCorwin" "0" "Kendra Aurelia,Blind Faith" "(null)"
"shoobox" "2" " Wispering, Arrow, Wispering, Arrow" "Quit Ice Mistral 06/07/10, because his friend couldn\st join. On Turn 5. New/noob player. Poor form."
"Kobolt Thunder" "4" " Kobolt, Thunder, Storm, of, Mu, Storm, of, Mu, Crimson, Reich, Storm, of, Mu, Kobolt, Thunder, Kobolt, Thunder" "(null)"
"Icecomet" "0" " Storm, Gale, Storm, Gale, Synthetic, Mind, Synthetic, Mind, Deidra, Deepfreeze, Storm, Gale, Yoshima, Kokiku" "(null)"
"Silke" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dr. Worm" "0" " Lady, Mortebella,Sister Blight,Sir Gawain 2.0" "Girlfriend wears pants in relationship; dropped out 2nd mission of STF 02.26.11 due to having power plug pulled."
"Circut-tree" "0" "In No Cent,Miss-Tress of Death,Kingston Angel" "(null)"
"Sunpyre" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vade Mecum1" "0" "Vade Mecum" "(null)"
"porcupine." "2" " Panda's, Man, toy, body, bag, time, Panda's, Man, toy, Valkeryie, Agent, Soup, Can, Luv, Munkey, Goin, Postal, Mr, Plum" "Major ****. Not that there\ss anything wrong with that, but this guy would scare a rainbow he\ss that gay."
"Kis Sarkany" "0" " Megkovesedett, Szar, Astral, Spirit, Astral, Spirit, Prysem, Burning, Spectre, Speeding, Glacier, Burning, Spectre, Burning, Spectre, Astral, Spirit, Speeding, Glacier, Astral, Spirit, Smokin', Mirrors,Burning Spectre" "(null)"
"Black Kytor" "2" " Black, Kytor, Black, Kytor, Black, Kytor, Lavenia, Black, Kytor, Black, Kytor" "Bit of a damn putz."
"Dark Kristen" "0" "Dream Katcher,Flaming Stud" "(null)"
"SteelMountain" "0" "Sparkii,SteelMountain,Rapid Ranger" "(null)"
"Bonis" "0" "Soy Bomber,Atmosk." "(null)"
"KO' RUPT" "0" "Diamond Mason,Cerulean Blaze" "(null)"
"Mental Giant" "4" " Phyrexia, Nereus, Lord, Sumac, Lord, Sumac, Future, Soldier, Future, Soldier, Future, Soldier, War, Star, Walking, Void, Mental, Giant, Agent, Loviatar, Rose, Fletcher, Rose, Fletcher, Agent, Loviatar, Beta, Widow, Euphonia, Amanda, Jones, Amanda, Jones, Magmamancer, War, Star, War, Star, Black, Dynamite, Agent, Eclipse, Agent, Eclipse, Demon, Tamer, Midori, Agent, Eclipse, Silver, Tsunami, Silver, Tsunami, Omega, Crab, Rime, Sprite, Beta, Widow, Beta, Widow, Rose, Fletcher, Walking, Void, Agent, Loviatar,Agent Loviatar,Beta Widow,Euphonia,Omega Crab,Tina Timewarp,Rose Fletcher,Agent Eclipse,Brain Burn,Neganaut,Biocalypse,Agua Man,Buster Betty" "(null)"
"E1ECTRIK" "0" " Electrik, II, Vector, Omega, Vector, Omega" "(null)"
"Unaltered Adrenaline" "0" "Angelic Psyanide" "(null)"
"Ancient Dragon" "0" "Mark Darkwood" "(null)"
"Europa of Asgard" "3" " U2.,U2." "Did q-field w/"
"Emerald Orchid" "0" "Bubblegum Beat" "(null)"
"cinger" "0" " Kitty, Ming" "Blind inviter, a bit rude about it. \qIt\ss not a blind invite if you send a tell first\q"
"Sillis" "0" "Alimony Check" "(null)"
"FutileStunt" "0" " Hymen, Avenger" "(null)"
"S I R E N" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sheikster" "2" " Prodigy, of, Time, Darmi, Karuna, Guardian, of, Shadows, Pyrotechnician, Tama, Darmi, Karuna, Guardian, of, Shadows, Komali" "I hate this person"
"TROLL." "0" "" "Blind inviter"
"ConleyCrew" "0" " Demon, Pixie, B4tt3ry, P0w3r, B4tt3ry, P0w3r" "Poor teaming skills; quit w/out saying a word 09.08.10"
"Aevercy" "0" " Restrained, Tactic, Aphotic, Dream" "Noob. Slightly annoying. 2nd strike"
"Baron Von Savage" "0" " Creeping, Shade, Creeping, Shade, Doctor, Von, Shade, Creeping, Shade, Creeping, Shade, Freezing, Shade" "Chick, has boyfriend
"Grall Son of Grazzt" "0" "Thorin Dwarvencraft" "(null)"
"King of Swords" "0" "King of Swords" "(null)"
"Nithia" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rage Thorn" "0" "Arctic Indigo" "(null)"
"Dallasimo" "0" "" "(null)"
"Brain Damage" "0" " Beaten, Them, Guts, Up, Beaten, Them, Guts, Up" "Warburg afk farmer"
"ClarenceZ" "2" " ClarenceZ, Big, Z'" "Putz. And a moron. Cockwad putz."
"Lexelicious" "0" " Wicked, Wingman" "Some sort of idiot. Couldn\st find his way out of pI?"
"Jack Shredder" "2" " Super-Hero, Man" "Blind inviter."
"Hamster Style" "0" " Great, Scott, Shockley, Tom, Hung" "(null)"
"Mordox" "0" "Mordox the Pale" "(null)"
"Pwnsauciest" "0" " Shorty, Stone" "(null)"
"TECHNO ver.10" "0" " TECHNO, ver.10" "(null)"
"Valemeliff" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ascended" "0" "" "(null)"
"Satanic Hamster" "0" "" "(null)"
"dragons world" "0" "" "(null)"
"Marqueax Moran" "0" " Delicious, Ice, Scream" "Level did. \qI am lvl 50. I don\st want to do lvl 37 missions\q"
"Black Power Niggaa" "1" "Black Power Niggaa" "Racist idiot"
"sigma1932" "0" " Luftwaffe" "(null)"
"XxBudweiser8xX" "1" "" "******* spamming tool; on forums and in game."
"Crimsonium" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hidden Nightmares" "0" " Hidden, Nightmares,Powerful Nightmares" "(null)"
"Doctor Ram" "0" " Chaotic, Cupid" "(null)"
"Krazzi" "0" "" "(null)"
"Demon of Isis" "0" " Infernal, Force" "(null)"
"Dr-Evil" "0" "Titan Girl" "(null)"
"Desyphix" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bully McGee" "0" " Minerva, Maddux, Sheldon, Hammer, Sheldon, Hammer, Sujin, Lee, Bully, McGee, Bully, McGee, Scarlet, Marx, Blood, Monkey, Blood, Monkey, Blood, Monkey,Donovan Drake" "Quit iTF on 1st mission, 1st spawn on 03/16/11. The hell"
"Jon Black 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mischievous Mew Mew" "0" " Psycho, Kitty, Mew, Mew, Lil, Deadeye, Mew, Mew, Zappen, Kitty, Mew, Mew, Cutter, Kitty, Mew, Mew" "(null)"
"Raven Princess" "0" " Raven's, Protector, Kiara, Australis" "(null)"
"HyperactiveDude" "0" " Vinne" "(null)"
"Wooh" "0" "" "Blind inviter"
"Justice-Flare" "0" "Crimson-Raptor,Justice-Flare" "(null)"
"E Bolt1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gutter Balls" "0" " Storm, DR" "(null)"
"Techimo" "0" " Techimo" "(null)"
"Defribulator" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lord Protector" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gorgeous Gary" "0" "Franky Stix" "(null)"
"BoneBaby" "5" " Widow, Brandy, Analyst, of, Fortune, Analyst, of, Fortune, Analyst, of, Fortune, Zax, Swabbie, Dark, Urchin, KungFu, Bob, Sulfate, Analyst, of, Fortune, KungFu, Bob, Analyst, of, Fortune, Rudy, Smedley,Red-5,Carl Douglas,Ghyslain Razaa" "(null)"
"Blackmolly" "2" " Castle." "ToT knave"
"Zalem" "0" " Spurious, DX, Spurious, Retrofit" "(null)"
"Chad GulzowMan" "0" " Chad, Gulzow-Man, Chad, Gulzow-Man, Chad, Gulzow-Man, Chad, Gulzow-Man,Evil Gulzow-Man" "(null)"
"Soul Prince" "1" " Mytalika, Soul, Prince, Brutalyka, Flamirous, Horny, Devil, Horny, Devil" "Idiot and kicked from Victory Forum. 1/22/11. Gave a second chance during Eden, mistake. Never invite to another TF"
"Mike P" "0" " Al, E., Gory, Magnificent, Michael" "(null)"
"Sandri." "3" " Vera" "Known limey"
"SeoulMan" "0" " Don, Ho" "(null)"
"Greeneyeddeath" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jamiller" "0" "" "(null)"
"SparklePony" "0" "SparklePony" "(null)"
"TessL'Coil" "0" " Denser, Tess, L'Coil" "(null)"
"Healing Grace" "0" " GhostBride, One, Bad, Healer, Radd, healer" "Plays like a damn putz on rad defender"
"Alodarn" "0" "" "(null)"
"mfgmatt" "0" "" "(null)"
"Silverhex" "0" "" "(null)"
"Agent Swift" "0" " CIeaving, Crusader, Cactus, Clown, CIone, Cactus, Clown, CIone" "Possible dual boxer with @Richeous Dude"
"Turin O'Way" "0" "" "(null)"
"WhammyOWipee" "0" " Whammy" "(null)"
"Geist XIII" "0" " Jack, B, Bad" "(null)"
"Bludgeon" "0" "" "(null)"
"s8nluvsya" "0" " Sabrina, Pandora" "(null)"
"Tam-Rael" "0" " Web-Witch, Tam-Rael, Lightning, -, Strike, Alpha-Red, Lightning, -, Strike,Web-Witch" "Has a character in HBSS"
"Mr.ManleyMan" "2" " Fire, Manley, Super, Scrappy" "Blind inviter and general idiot."
"Danny Ironsteel" "0" "Iron Terminator" "(null)"
"Jygsaw" "0" "Jygsaw" "(null)"
"Traveller" "0" "Sheerah" "(null)"
"storm-girl" "0" " Frozen, Empathy" "(null)"
"Kam'" "0" " Kam" "(null)"
"The Goddess" "0" "Ts Karma" "(null)"
"Jokr 2 Thief" "0" " Venomia, Cycloptic, Colleague, Cycloptic, Colleague, Protonic, Reversal, Tarra, Watt,Med. Student" "Whiney knave"
"Demon skull 323" "0" " Amethysts, Bane, Omega, Knight', Amethysts, Ninja,Ace D. Spade" "(Kinda useless/putz"
"Strangineer" "0" " Tathagata,Tathagata" "(null)"
"Waya" "0" "Waya the Wolf" "(null)"
"Nurse Kitt1" "0" " Handmaiden, of, Lolth" "(null)"
"Tankee Doodle" "0" "Mercury Blade" "(null)"
"Azhrei" "0" " Kira, Thanatos" "(null)"
"Fyre Element" "0" " Operative, Electric" "(null)"
"Ultragamma" "3" " Ultragamma,Virtual Reality,Bellows" "In Isolators"
"Evil Irishman" "0" " Evil, Irishman" "(null)"
"Sky 1" "0" " Mr., 8, Ball, Mr., 8, Ball" "(null)"
"Galaxy Ninja" "0" "Galaxy Reaper" "(null)"
"Livid electra" "0" " Livid, electra" "(null)"
"DLT-7016" "0" " Sam, Slapahoe" "(null)"
"Sarrate" "4" " Brimstone-Preacher, Frigid, Fianna, Alka, Reverb" "(null)"
"KABC0M" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hadice" "0" " Hadice,Faerusa" "(null)"
"Metallic Pyre" "0" "Battery Berserker" "Quit partway through Penny Yin TF due to \qwife aggro\q 08/26/12"
"Solskin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sir Wrath" "0" "" "(null)"
"Liteon1" "1" " Sayo-Chan, Mana, Chan" "Associates w/ idiots in Atlas, chat\ss like an aol\ser. ******* leach."
"Reverence 2" "0" " Red, Dura" "(null)"
"Miragebot 4.6" "0" " Protobot, 4.6, Zen-Gardener" "(null)"
"Kulali Zinis" "0" " Sammi, Auto" "(null)"
"mieka" "0" " Tech808" "(null)"
"Solar-Samurai" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sebastian" "0" " Sebastian, Augustus" "(null)"
"Blue02" "0" " Pop, Shocks,Kinectric,Pop Shocks" "(null)"
"flatmatt" "0" "Moving Picture,Tart Cherry" "(null)"
"Djaniri" "0" " Demi, the, Demoness" "(null)"
"Jazual" "0" " Eva, Fist" "(null)"
"ein287" "0" " Kung-Fu, Girl" "(null)"
"Doctor Disaster" "0" " Doctor, Disaster, Atomikos, Lord, Xanadu" "(null)"
"Elf King" "0" " Texas, Tea" "(null)"
"Aqua Vitae" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fighter Fairy" "0" " Generic, 000, 420, 515" "(null)"
"Brussen" "0" " Son, of, Anubis" "(null)"
"Mechnoid" "0" " General, Lee, Decent,Mind Snipe,Deaths Vengeance" "(null)"
"Galactic Boy" "0" " Galactic, Boy" "(null)"
"Swifty" "0" " Spectral, Ruin,Spectral Ruin,Rift Star" "(null)"
"Mr Powderfinger" "0" "" "(null)"
"SubFocus" "0" " Marvelous, Man, RZA" "(null)"
"Pzezed" "3" " Pzezed, delusion" "(null)"
"Flathead Fred" "0" " One, Mean, Momma, Minnie, Mag, Minnie, Mag, Flathead, Fred" "Seems to be fairly incompetent"
"Bringer of Death1" "0" " Voltage, Arch" "(null)"
"NJ Raingod" "0" " NJ, Raingod" "(null)"
"Mischevious Frae" "0" " Mischevious, Frae" "(null)"
"Aparangi" "0" " Dr, Radd, Dr, Radd, Divine, Penumbra" "(null)"
"Goddess Trinity" "0" " Mystic, Twilight'" "(null)"
"KaneJr" "0" " Golden, Boss" "(null)"
"Emotional Wreck" "0" "Phantasm King" "(null)"
"Lil Z's Kid" "0" " So-Cold, Spike, Assasin, Spike, Assasin, Spike, Assasin,Chocolate Buttercup" "Apparent idiot"
"Agents Son" "0" " Agents, Son, Agents, Son, Agents, Son" "(null)"
"chris 67894" "0" " player, 2, player, 2, player, 2" "(null)"
"Creator" "0" "" "(null)"
"Wolfram Hart" "0" "" "(null)"
"Red 1.0" "3" " Toxic, Siren, Red, Virus" "Did a respec w/, ok"
"The Best" "0" " B055, Sky, Canopy, Dominion, W0257, Lysin, B357,B16,Lysin" "(null)"
"RedBullBear" "0" " Mister, Smashy, Pants" "Bit of a noob"
"Nightmare Blood" "0" " Forever, Dead" "(null)"
"Unforgiven'" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tectonyc" "0" " Cortex, Granyte" "(null)"
"Evil Scarlett" "0" " Camath" "(null)"
"Fallen Grail" "2" " Planet, Fall, Planet, Fall" "Bailed from Apex on 12.18.10, last mission, because it was too hard."
"S. Osha" "0" " Osha." "(null)"
"E.Normus" "2" " Nuke, Radiant,Nuke Radiant,Picon Six" "Whiney little emo *****"
"Frosty Nibblets" "0" "" "(null)"
"chaoticorder" "0" " Delta, Force, Bot, 6, Delta, Force, Bot, 6, Delrex, Delta, Force, Bot, 6, Delta, Force, Bot, 6, Delta, Force, Bot, 6,Delta Force Bot 6" "(null)"
"MYYST BLAKWIDOW" "0" " Vandetta" "(null)"
"newtoa663" "0" " poky-matic" "(null)"
"FastActin" "0" " Rogue, Raven" "STupid noob and slightly beligerant about it"
"CyraxMs" "3" "" "(null)"
"Geodragon" "3" " Mystical, Seeker,Storm-Dancer" "(null)"
"Yushiro" "0" " Gladius, X., Owens, Uncreative, Fire,Uncreative Fire" "(null)"
"Palas Atena" "0" " Golden, Amazon, Golden, Amazon, Golden, Amazon, Golden, Amazon,Heartbreaker Heather,Mighty Mary,Golden Amazon" "(null)"
"Clooch1" "0" " Justice, Conduit, Soul, Tiller, Moral, Majority,Galactic Poo" "(null)"
"Rotty Tot" "0" "Hammond Cheese" "(null)"
"Omega Brawler" "0" " Prankster,Prankster" "(null)"
"Softicus-" "0" " Kalihi, Kai" "(null)"
"freds shadow" "0" " Super, Guns, Alice, Kari, Boo, Kari, Boo" "(null)"
"Armor Red" "0" "Armor Red" "(null)"
"Chaos Monkey" "0" " Joan, of, Arc-" "(null)"
"Super Oakey" "0" " Masked, Hate" "(null)"
"Onza" "0" "" "(null)"
"General Blahga" "0" "Major Blahga,Master Blahga" "(null)"
"BigSung" "0" "Chilled Alien,BigSung" "(null)"
"Roxy Baxter" "0" " Arboreal, Flame" "(null)"
"PsychoMedic" "0" " Trazadone" "Afk farmer in warburg"
"King Tut" "0" " BLADEZ, OF, MYSTIC" "AE power leveled high level noob"
"Micro-Brew" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zyrack" "0" "" "(null)"
"Amras" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ska-Core" "0" "" "(null)"
"Wynter Snow" "2" "" "Some sort of dipshit without a sense of humour."
"CoffeeChicago" "0" " Justice4All, Chaos4All, Rock, Salt, Web, of, Chaos, Orange, Blossom, Orange, Blossom, Orange, Blossom, Kinetic, Impact, Justice, Rider, Justice, Rider, Orange, Blossom, Justice, Rider, NovaPhoenix,Web of Chaos,Wolf Whisperer,Justice4All,Orange Blossom,Coca-Cola Kid,Watchtower 7" "(null)"
"Warmaster" "0" " Cold, Fire" "(null)"
"Maximum Evil" "0" " Kalizar" "(null)"
"Burning Rapter" "0" "" "(null)"
"Amon-Jin" "0" "Amon-Jin" "Idiot"
"Crazy Carl 2" "0" " Aim, Snap, Fall" "(null)"
"yurple" "0" " yurple" "(null)"
"VoodooGuardian" "0" "" "(null)"
"Golden Goddess" "0" " Yana, Lightblade, Yana, Lightblade" "(null)"
"1490" "0" " Alan, Rage" "(null)"
"Xadieth" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sissy Girl" "2" " Sissy, Girl, Sissy, Girl" "Suspected idiot. Pad requester."
"Breathe Deep" "0" "Easy Bake Cuppycake" "(null)"
"Mercy's Blade" "0" " Ambiant, Abyss" "(null)"
"usflygirl" "0" " Mistress, of, Fury" "(null)"
"Magma Wolf" "0" " Furious, Y, Magma, Wolf,Vicious Y" "(null)"
"firegoblin" "0" " PSIFYRE." "Noob/retard/idiota"
"Axel Xemnas" "0" " Twilite-, Strike" "(null)"
"chewy apple" "0" " orlando, bloom,Cinnamon Crunch" "Appears to be very, very stupid."
"Lord Vastok" "0" "Lord Vastok" "(null)"
"Master of Twilight" "0" "" "(null)"
"Phantom Eyes" "3" " 'Princess" "(null)"
"Glaeken" "0" " Rally, Point" "(null)"
"Scaremonc" "0" " Scaremonc" "(null)"
"Buzz Darkbeer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Doc S" "0" " Sai, Assassin, Dr., Spazmodic" "(null)"
"Justice29" "0" "Laney,Uncle Sas" "(null)"
"unladenswallow" "0" " Shadow, Dryad, Technicolor, Man, Phantom, Sandwich,Shadow Saint,Duck and Cover,Color Dominance,Funny Thing,Shock Point,Lag Time,Action Shot" "(null)"
"GrenadeWoman" "0" " Burning, Kiyoshi" "(null)"
"Sabr Hunter" "0" " NECROMONGER, ZEN, ATOMIC, TROLL" "Kicked from Faathim 02/21/10; afk for multiple missions"
"SWATGUY" "0" " BLAZ3" "(null)"
"tenchinage" "0" " SeraFire" "(null)"
"Cavernstones" "0" " Eruptor" "(null)"
"Fugazzi" "3" " Orae, Nariel, Kara, Barents, Agarwaen, Sakke, Myss, Maehem, Emeraldd, Laire, Hard, Heart, Myss, Maehem, Orae, Nariel, Siah, Sirith,Val Firn Mornae,Laire,Agarwaen,Bulwork" "(null)"
"Jr Bullseye" "0" " Iroquois, ONE,Iroquois ONE" "(null)"
"DeadGods" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hexy" "0" "" "(null)"
"ForsakenDolamite" "0" "" "(null)"
"Desmodos" "4" " Desmagda, Ivory, Cynnderad, Sinllema" "(null)"
"BlackBullet" "3" " FF, Rad, Ruane, Bowazon, FF, Rad, FF, Rad, Blazing, Boulder, Blazing, Boulder,Blazing Boulder,Venom Master" "(null)"
"C-c" "0" "" "(null)"
"Troller War" "0" "" "(null)"
"FitzChivalry" "0" " Umbral, Dreams" "(null)"
"Onatop Girl" "0" " Widow, Prime" "(null)"
"Hyperstrike1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blazing Heist" "2" " War, Ghezr" "Power level begger; level 8 begging to join level 50 teams."
"Ayla" "0" "Pyramid" "(null)"
"MetaL" "0" " Senias" "(null)"
"KID 1" "0" " Kin, Kaniff" "(null)"
"First Sinner" "2" " Dimmer, Voilation" "Stupid incompetent whiney moron with a chip on his should due to his deep shame of being so stupid and incompetent."
"Shadowclone" "0" "TheJalapeno" "(null)"
"Caradoc01" "0" " Roland, of, Iceland" "(null)"
"Claw-guy" "0" "Claw-guy" "(null)"
"Platinum Man" "0" " Operative, Arachno" "(null)"
"The Trinity" "2" " Sinister, Chaos, MaJoR, LeAgUe, PoIsOn, KiNeTiC, KaOs,Justified Chaos" "Disappeared without a word from augustine, 09/24/10. Kind of a ***** quiter, bailed from disaster of a STF 12.30.10"
"Icy Payne" "0" "" "(null)"
"Demoninatrix" "0" " Vikki, Voltz" "(null)"
"Tusk" "0" " Necrotic, Venom, Dr., Jake, Jones,Dr. Jake Jones" "(null)"
"Warhorse One" "0" "" "(null)"
"Celtic" "4" " Paddy, Whacked" "(null)"
"phoenix4ce" "0" " Sovereign, Guardian" "(null)"
"Zeldo" "0" " Burble, Speedy, McColdnuggets, Wataah, Cute, Kenetic, Paranoid, Heroine, Paranoid, Heroine, Mister, Sithy, Zaparoonie, Cute, Kenetic, Flaming, Fille,Miraculass,Think Ahead,Titan Dynamo" "(null)"
"synthy" "0" " gogy, synthy, mugi" "Bailed from Citadel 3-4 missions in 11/15/10. Kicked because he was logging instead of quiting"
"Agape" "0" "Sincere Agape" "(null)"
"ArcticAvenger" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fredneckteddy" "2" " fredneckteddy, Evil, Fire, Teddy,Evil Fire Teddy,Ms. Shelley Winters" "Incompetent twap. Wouldn\st stick w/ team, kept failing to solo turrets, not hosping, quit w/out a word before we entered inside on llambda. 08/20/11"
"Scrap'Reaper" "3" " IronReaper, Einhorn, the, Terrible, Einhorn, the, Terrible, MacTavish, the, bezerk" "No idea who this is. Someone who changed their global?"
"Remianen" "0" " Dawncall" "(null)"
"Boltzmen" "0" "Boltzman" "(null)"
"Last Post" "0" " A, Man, Named, Sue, Ghost, of, Vimy, A, Man, Named, Sue, Ghost, of, Vimy, A, Man, Named, Sue, Ghost, of, Vimy, Ghost, of, Vimy, A, Man, Named, Sue, Ghost, of, Vimy, A, Man, Named, Sue, A, Man, Named, Sue, A, Man, Named, Sue" "(null)"
"Obeliskos" "0" "" "(null)"
"Clash" "0" " TwoGuitarClash" "(null)"
"Zamuel" "3" " Disasta, Recipe, Ghaidhi, Ebony, Gyro, Dhara, Ebony, Gyro, Mr, EPA, Chocolate, Rage, Chocolate, Rage, Ebony, Gyro, Negative, Botany, EPA, Action, Team, Negative, Botany, Moon, Trigger, Chocolate, Rage, TEAM,Moon Trigger,Ghaidhi,EPA Action Team,Galactica Crush,Disasta Recipe,Incredibro" "(null)"
"Cold Steve" "0" " Green, Fallout, Punk, Prince" "(null)"
"Foxe" "0" "Medeusa" "(null)"
"Pinchy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Plum Crazy1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Light it up" "0" " Hero, in, tights" "(null)"
"socom242" "0" " Silver, Widow" "(null)"
"Shockwave Jr." "0" "Natural Man 3" "(null)"
"Stillgard" "0" " Wyred, Storm" "(null)"
"Teh Hippeh" "0" " Hyperkinetic, Hippy, Hyperkinetic, Hippy, Hyperkinetic, Hippy" "(null)"
"Chy'Tara" "0" " Kyl'rah, Wildcat,Ciana'Ahrr" "*****/incompent old style healer noob."
"Kassie Robokat" "0" " Kassie, Robokat, Kosmic, Robokat,Kira Robokat" "(null)"
"Merritt" "0" " Polaris, Cassiopeia" "Some sort of idiot/weirdo; never used Active Defense once w/ her shield tanker"
"WillD One" "0" " Bones, MD." "bailed in the middle of a mission, 04/05/10; \qsorry guys gotta run\q"
"PyroStormer" "0" "" "(null)"
"ExtravagantBeing" "0" " Ms, B, Farmin" "(null)"
"Buck 2.0" "0" "" "(null)"
"Freak Blast" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rose Queen" "0" " Don, Kelli-oni" "(null)"
"akaime" "0" "" "(null)"
"PinkMist" "0" " Naughty, n, Nice" "(null)"
"ULTRA-CYBERKNIGHT X" "0" " Firesapien, Sundari, Firesapien, Sundari, Firesapien, Sundari,Nero The Cyberknight,CYBER FALCON" "Almost kicked from augustine 01.29.11, kept going afk long periods. Claims kids issues"
"Scrap Heap" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tippetarius" "0" "" "(null)"
"Stryfel" "0" " L0RD, OF, FLAMES" "Blind inviter, semi-illiterate"
"SYPHER 2025" "0" " SYPHER, 2025, Kuno, Ichi" "Dick/noob"
"Kjell" "0" "Birchlore" "(null)"
"Rampaging Rhyno" "0" "" "(null)"
"EternalRuler" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blue Atom" "0" " Gravity, Grave" "(null)"
"Impulseking" "0" " Nagavator, Breaker1, Captain, Advert,Nagavator,Wee one" "(null)"
"Fire Flask" "0" " Fire, Flask, Firebird, Fist" "(null)"
"MEAT" "0" " Agent, M3A7, Agent, M3A7, Gentleman, Jak, Dark, Harrowing, Dark, Harrowing, der, Sensenmann, der, Sensenmann" "(null)"
"Crystal-A" "1" " Crystal-A, Kara-A" "Duel boxer and an ******* about it. Other account is Amund-A. Quit mission then proceded to pull spawns on us to be a dick."
"XP Acceleration Bot" "0" "" "(null)"
"J-Splash" "0" "" "(null)"
"Centraliser" "0" " Dr., Root" "(null)"
"Soul - Siphon" "0" " Tarantuala" "(null)"
"PSIFYRE." "0" "" "(null)"
"Flux Faraday" "0" " Flux, Faraday, Count, De, Money, Flux, Faraday" "Fairly stupid."
"Oozer" "0" "" "(null)"
"jdos" "0" "" "(null)"
"eye of camo" "0" "camo demon chick" "(null)"
"Chip" "0" " Sgt, Chip" "(null)"
"Toxic Stiletto" "0" "" "(null)"
"MrFlibble" "0" "" "(null)"
"FusionReacta" "0" " Hells, Belle" "Bailed from Synapse 08/08/10 2 missions from end due to an offer of free chinese"
"Shadow Embracer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Accaboom" "3" " Arachnoboom, X-Hellion, Major, Resistance, Axman, Toxic, Devastation, Toxic, Devastation, Sweet, N, Tarty, Toxic, Devastation,Arachnoboom" "(null)"
"Halle Johannson" "0" "" "(null)"
"Titanic Junk" "0" " Titanic, Junk, Blood-Rayn" "******* with no sense of humor"
"D5" "0" "Galang Gung" "(null)"
"War Hammer" "3" " Nuclear, Heat, Gilligan, Spass, One, Eyed, One, Eyed, Nuclear, Heat, Fire, Water, One, Eyed, RedNeedle,One Eyed,WiltedRose,Skeewer,Gilligan,Doctor Dhark,Nuclear Heat,Chemotherapy Nurse,Skalmold,American Justice,Sir Hammer,Spass,Tynereus,Lord of Magma,Dhark Avenger,Willie Naylor" "In Isolators"
"De'Lisa" "0" "" "(null)"
"DRB tecnol" "0" "Mini Bio-Diego" "Blind inviter to level 50\ss from a level 11"
"Murphland" "0" " Frozen, Dove, Voodoo, Joule, Automatic, Voodoo, Joule, Moonchild, Voodoo, Joule, Voodoo, Joule, Cyber, Zombies,Arctic Lass" "(null)"
"Amber The Forgotten" "0" " Cynnthia, Kurrent, Amber, The, Forgotten, Amber, The, Forgotten, Rinea, Ravencroft" "(null)"
"Lord Widowmaker" "0" " Lord, Punisher" "(null)"
"UltimateStOnEBASHER" "0" " ShinYbAmeR, 2843" "(null)"
"Elihu" "0" " Sethra, the, Younger, Solvei, Kiarashi, Soulfist,Ash Greystone,Kiarashi,Treus" "Not a very bright person."
"ghostpsalm" "0" " ghostpsalm" "(null)"
"Black Dynamite" "0" "" "(null)"
"Syd Kyros" "0" "Syd Kyros,Silverscope" "(null)"
"H M F I C" "0" "" "(null)"
"Firey Enforcer" "0" " Fire, Guard" "(null)"
"MarvelatMee" "0" " CPT, Burnone" "(null)"
"stEEz" "0" " stEEzE" "(null)"
"Ba'el" "0" " Crimson, Iris, ox, Haven, xo, Miss, Raven" "(null)"
"Vextra Amalith" "0" " Krabbie, Robokat" "(null)"
"Gaille" "0" " Friction, Burner" "(null)"
"Zu-zu no pa" "0" "Zu-zu no pa,Callistra Copper,Mystical Maxx,Dr. Morph Feel Good,Lau-Shein,Battle Frenzy,Resurection Exorcist" "(null)"
"SpiderTeo OC" "2" " Black, Mage, Teo" "Little *****."
"Kiki." "0" "Kiara Australis" "(null)"
"Justaris" "0" " Tin, Mage, Mk., V, Tin, Mage, Mk., V, Tin, Mage, Mk., V" "(null)"
"Hamster" "0" " Nyo, Mika, Marker, Twilight, Racoon, Stripey, Kitty,Evil's Old Man" "(null)"
"Estimated Prophet" "0" "" "(null)"
"KID 2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Logan Solus" "3" " 1836" "Test"
"Bunker Bomb" "2" " Tanker, Anne" "Idiot/noob - tot door stealing"
"BlackOracle" "0" "" "(null)"
"Isthi" "0" " Brierley, Aramina" "(null)"
"Gray Slayer" "0" " Voronis, of, Sigil" "(null)"
"fairport" "0" " BIG, BACON, fairport, Jr., BIG, BACON, very, bad, very, bad, awful, trash, awful, trash, bibbitman, awful, trash" "(null)"
"Impact" "0" " Psikosys,X23" "(null)"
"Guns A Blazin" "2" " Major, Hit, List, Angelic, Earth, Angel, Tall, Dark, and, Scary" "Rage quit from Barracuda, 06/28/10 on last minute. ******* usless pug stalker"
"Logan X. Owens 3" "0" " Hell, Yeah" "(null)"
"Sis'n Sis" "0" " LittleDream" "(null)"
"Jimmy Vine" "0" " Vorcino,List" "(null)"
"Doc Out2" "2" " Migh, T, Why, T" "Child, dual boxer, power levelered, kicked from VF 4/16/9"
"Phillemon" "0" " White00000Queen" "(null)"
"Scot Crusader" "2" " Scot, Crusader, Kea-Koa, KnightWatch, Ranger, S0ULTAKER, Shadow-Ranger, Kin, Ryu,Phantom-Ranger" "Incompetent noob and hostile about it."
"Pancake King" "0" " Miasmar" "(null)"
"Blue Predator" "0" " D'Nial" "(null)"
"anachrodragon" "5" "" "(null)"
"Kyledm" "2" " Super, Science" "Pathetic power level begger."
"Mince-meat" "0" " Pride, of, Prometheus" "(null)"
"Spiny Lobster" "3" " La, Belle, Mort, Nuclear, Shade, Spiny, Lobster, Agent, Drake, Widow, Artemis, Widow, Artemis, Widow, Artemis, Belle, Ultra, Infernal, Freeze, Belle, Flechette, Nuclear, Shade, Agent, Drake,Furious Fulgurite,Widow Artemis,Spiny Lobster,Grim Dancer" "(null)"
"Loopy" "0" " Vostok" "(null)"
"REZ" "0" " OLD, MAN, REZ" "(null)"
"YokiiBear" "0" " YokoHiroMashi" "(null)"
"ursusmajorus1" "0" " Baron, von, Wolfstein" "(null)"
"KinTrollR-Girl Clone" "0" " Splatchel" "(null)"
"Zunderviper" "0" " Striker, Stranger" "(null)"
"Kherov" "0" "Churkin" "(null)"
"Project" "0" " Unshaven" "(null)"
"Lucky Winters" "0" " Lucky, Cinder, Enforcer, Zero, 1" "(null)"
"Gabriella Romanov" "0" " Helena, B, Helena, B" "(null)"
"Infinite Telomerase" "0" " Dark, Pheonix." "(null)"
"Barabajaegal" "0" "" "(null)"
"American Gal" "0" "" "(null)"
"Solar Surfer" "0" " Solar, Surfer, Solar, Surfer" "(null)"
"DJ Batfan" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kinetic-Kitty" "0" " Kinetic-Kitty" "(null)"
"Commander Urainium" "0" "" "(null)"
"billk" "0" "" "(null)"
"Three of Swords" "0" "" "(null)"
"Stormfire" "0" " Vilkacis, Arican" "(null)"
"Temptura" "0" " Morturis, Simon, Trask, Simon, Trask, Simon, Trask" "(null)"
"Teylana" "0" " CobaltAmethyst" "(null)"
"Fallen Son" "0" " Kaharas" "(null)"
"Mobius" "0" " Lovejuice, Mobius, Terraflare, Part, Soda, Reunion,Eternity Gazer" "Limey"
"Cogitation" "0" "" "(null)"
"GreenBear" "2" " Bear, Cage, GreenBear, Zen, Nah-hak" "Team down to six, quit ITF on 03.16.11 \qSorry folks I gotta split.\q Ten minutes later was on a team in a mission. "
"KinTrollR-Girl" "0" " Irradiated, Joker" "(null)"
"Maxius" "0" "" "(null)"
"Eugenides" "0" " Dr., Smirf" "Disappeared 2nd mission LGTF 08/08/10"
"capjtkirk" "0" " Thermo-Static, Palindrome, Fleece, Thorun, Tara, Firma,Mentus" "(null)"
"Mr Energon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Malchonn" "4" " Noxious, Gamble" "(null)"
"ZeroMind" "2" " ZeroMind" "Bailed on 2nd mission of 2nd respec blue side due to mommy, he claimed. Stayed on line and joined another team. Whined heavily about being sk\sedaw\n"
"Nycrn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kurgenn" "0" " Roland, of, Midworld, GravityWell.,EnergyKiller" "Little team quiting ***** after one wipe, 10/04/10"
"PsiBug" "0" "Hairy Fairy,Lift" "(null)"
"Mic Carnage" "0" "" "(null)"
"Raging Cheney" "0" " Crash-Test, Magenta, Circuit, Magenta, Circuit, Magenta, Circuit" "(null)"
"Blue Light.ning" "0" " Flaming, Caltrop, Flaming, Caltrop, BeIIadonna, Radient, Shockwave" "(null)"
"Zwillinger" "0" "NCsoft_Zwillinger" "(null)"
"Doc J" "0" "" "(null)"
"Psion Oracle" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mean Lawn Gnome" "3" " Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka, Takamachi, Nantoka,Vad Varo,Takamachi Nantoka,Monark Starstalker,Green Lama" "(null)"
"Ght" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tortoise" "0" " Tortoise, Camrhyne, Tortoise, Camrhyne" "(null)"
"Buck Rogers" "0" " Scrya" "(null)"
"Zatch2" "0" "" "(null)"
"LCO" "0" "" "(null)"
"ROMzombie" "0" "Psiform" "(null)"
"Magic Mary" "0" " Goat, Boi" "(null)"
"Babadios" "0" " Dr.Freezeman" "(null)"
"Tank Hayden" "0" " Slash, and, Smash, Slash, and, Smash" "(null)"
"Arson" "0" " Arson, Wulf, Arson, Wulf, Cyber, Cat, Arrowcat, Battericat, Arson, Wulf" "(null)"
"MissJ" "0" "Somberness" "(null)"
"Chaos Moon1" "0" " Dia, Solari, Specialist, Werner" "(null)"
"CountZero1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fernie" "3" " Violent, Vigilante, Super, Frosty, Hooligan" "(null)wd"
"Black Light Burns" "0" "Black Light Burns" "(null)"
"JunkYard" "0" " Mortal, Rime, Mortal, Rime" "(null)"
"Hoder" "0" "" "(null)"
"father nature" "0" " Detective, Nova" "(null)"
"Overwhelm" "0" " Solomon, Sinned, Mara, Marek, Locked, N', Vexed" "(null)"
"Hidden Flash" "0" "" "(null)"
"Rock Stalker" "0" "" "(null)"
"magictaz1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Chuckles0707" "0" " Angry, Young, Man" "(null)"
"TinyBlue" "0" " Bad, Girrrrl, Ninanya, Bad, Girrrrl" "(null)"
"artico." "0" " Generic, 000, 200, 780, scorched, ed" "(null)"
"death nymph" "2" " BLOOD, NYMPH" "pvp *******"
"Smallzies" "0" " Ultimate, Sugar, Rush, Ultimate, Sugar, Rush" "(null)"
"Club Bouncer" "0" " Club, Bouncer" "(null)"
"Al the Grin" "0" " Glasgow, Grin" "(null)"
"Reddy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tyrant236" "0" " Devil's, Rejec, Devil's, Rejec" "(null)"
"Ashy" "3" " Xiphoid, Somewhat, Damaged, Somewhat, Damaged, Nefarious, Schemer" "(null)"
"Gonner" "0" "" "(null)"
"geomikes" "2" " Banana, Cream, Pie" "really gay"
"The Reprobate" "0" " Gene, Hackman" "(null)"
"Ms. foamy" "0" " iceeehot" "(null)"
"BackyardBrawler" "0" "" "(null)"
"Aquabladez Jr." "0" "" "(null)"
"Dawthm" "0" " Officer, Bentley, Bellflower, Officer, Bentley" "(null)"
"watergod1" "0" "Drakonin" "(null)"
"Odinn Metodd" "0" "" "(null)"
"Wicked" "0" "" "(null)"
"Pegeus" "0" "Chaos Widow" "(null)"
"Midnight Raven." "0" " Grand-ILLusion" "(null)"
"COQUIMAN" "0" " TEQUILA, SHOOT" "(null)"
"Khaelon" "0" " Aurura" "(null)"
"Cherry medic" "0" "" "(null)"
"DHK2" "0" "Electric Reaction,Antarctic Titan" "(null)"
"Kungfu Kricket" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ice Cold Killa" "0" "" "(null)"
"Soupor" "0" "Somethin Sinister" "(null)"
"Tigermane" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nurse Phrad" "0" " MP-5" "(null)"
"LegendaryBolt" "0" " Ms., Ballette" "(null)"
"SMASHEM" "2" " Seers, Evil, Reaper,Farmsalot" "Idiot.saaaa"
"Suspicious" "0" "" "(null)"
"root worm" "0" " bloodworm, Black, Zinn" "(null)"
"Frozen Reign" "2" " Sifu, Tonga, Sifu, Tonga" "(null)Not that reliable."
"Cutter Bunny" "0" "" "(null)"
"Quantumo" "0" " Frostus, Soulhunter" "(null)"
"E-104 Delta" "0" " E-104, Delta, Cerberous" "Knave/noob."
"Fireman 5000" "0" "" "(null)"
"Simba" "0" "Madame Sarabi,Angelic Sarabi" "(null)"
"Lady Liberty" "0" "" "(null)"
"NephandiJoe" "0" "" "(null)"
"Miscm" "0" " Stormstroke, Nightstroke" "(null)"
"ZiaLightheart" "0" " Ktullanux" "(null)"
"Magnus Imperator" "0" "" "(null)"
"Capt Daring" "3" " Doctor, Daring, Doctor, Daring" "(null)"
"McHealy" "3" " Voice, of, Confusion, McRad, Cold, Scream, Trampanic, Stallion, Burning, San, Burning, San, Inkorrek, Burning, San, Stalactus, Mr., Miscreant, Riddow, Burning, San, Shusher, Captain, Blythe, Gilded, Shroud, Anti-Capacitor, Voice, of, Confusion, Master, Electrikin, Blazing, Speed, Banog, MOID, Droid, Burning, San, Trampanic, Stallion, MOID, Droid, MOID, Droid,Shusher,Blazing Speed,MOID Droid,Operative McBane,Trampanic Stallion,Doom-sicle" "(null)"
"Halloran" "0" "" "(null)"
"Purple Lace" "0" "" "(null)"
"Harley Quinnzel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Force Arrow" "0" " Corrupted, Rock" "(null)"
"Pink Mistress" "0" " Pink, Mistress, Self-induced, Widow, Commander, Allice" "(null)"
"Riuki" "0" " Batusai" "(null)"
"Lady.Blade" "0" " Final.Strike" "(null)"
"SuddenHarm" "0" "SuddenRush" "(null)"
"NoiseOnMars" "0" "" "(null)"
"EricNelson2" "0" " Neon, Rose, Johnny, Rumbelow, Neon, Rose,Permission Denied" "(null)"
"Razor Vein" "0" " Proto-Spyne" "(null)"
"Urf" "0" "" "Some sort of damn idiot."
"Weslee" "0" " Frosty, Blizzard" "Dropped out/quit/disappered 20ish minutes into Augustine, 10/18/10"
"Oujo-sama" "0" " Mucho, Aggro" "(null)"
"Filetminon" "0" "" "(null)"
"WhiteXiger" "0" " Sky, Blu" "(null)"
"Electro Mag" "0" " Captain, Arachnid" "(null)"
"CelestialDragon" "0" " Manus, Force" "(null)"
"Hip Hopper" "0" " Irish, warrior1, Lord, Tarnis" "(null)"
"Side Burn" "0" " Lady, Artemis, Huntres" "(null)"
"Donner" "0" " Bullet, Maiden" "(null)"
"Psycaine" "0" "" "(null)"
"MT Head" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zatchin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Megkovesedett Szar" "0" "" "(null)"
"Nimble Strike" "0" " Spiked, Shroud" "(null)"
"Celt" "4" " Boom-stick, Mr., BoJangIes, Mr., BoJangIes, Mr., BoJangIes, Mr., BoJangIes, Boomerang,Mr. BoJangIes" "(null)"
"Balph" "0" " Balph" "(null)"
"Swift Falcon" "0" "Angela" "(null)"
"Mac Daddy B" "0" "" "(null)"
"Anathem" "0" "" "(null)"
"Flaming Charmer" "0" " MetaI, Head" "(null)"
"Two Ton Man" "0" " Polarity, Switch, Polarity, Switch, Endless, Clip, Cobolt, Spider, Endless, Clip, Electronic, Spider, Two, Ton, Man, Endless, Clip, Empty, Suit, Starbond, Endless, Clip, Hammer, of, Thunder, Human, Shell, Two, Ton, Man,Sharp Re-Mark,Paragon 2099,Mrs Scarlet,Anna Blast" "(null)"
"Tricky" "0" "" "(null)"
"Celtic Muskrat" "0" " Ravenous, Comatose" "(null)"
"breaker of wind" "0" "" "(null)"
"Trick1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Matumaru Kitsunos" "0" "" "(null)"
"SwaTfire1" "0" " Swats, Payne, Swats, Payne, Swats, Payne, Vein., HotRod., Swats, Payne" "(null)"
"Orinicus" "0" " Orinicus, WyldShot" "(null)"
"Incarnadine" "0" " Verranil, Insatiable, Greed, Insatiable, Greed, Insatiable, Greed, Hornak, Insatiable, Greed, Shi, Xing, Heng, TimeTraveler, Solar, Explorer, Dorian, Quinn, Blind, Vindicator, Electric-Boogaloo, Insatiable, Greed" "REALLy ******* sucks at leading hosties out"
"SirJecht" "0" " SirJecht" "(null)"
"Apoc2" "2" " Ambiguous, Apoc" "Power leveled knave."
"Crimsyn Fist" "0" " Terra, Fate" "(null)"
"Wolf-Bile" "0" "" "(null)"
"Freak Accident" "0" " Nukeheart" "(null)"
"Beliax" "0" " Pale, Warrior, Pale, Warrior, Element, Boy, Element, Boy, Doc, 7" "(null)"
"Starchamber" "0" " Victor, Larsen, Baron, Bedlam, Lead, Heretic, Lead, Heretic, Witchfury" "(null)"
"Subject001NightS" "2" "" "Blind inviter."
"Razia" "3" " Razia, Cheza, Rose, Serebi, Ciel" "Limey"
"Bearwitness" "0" " Society'sChild" "(null)"
"stealth bow" "0" " Stealth, Mountain, Stealth, Nova, Stealth, Nova, Stealth, Lady, Stealth, Lady, Stealth, Illusion, Stealth, Illusion,Stealth Illusion,Stealth Ex" "Bailed STF on Aeon mission, 05/31/10"
"Power Aide" "0" "" "(null)"
"FantasticAwesomeDude" "0" " CBH, Scorched" "(null)"
"Queen of Blades" "0" "Battlemaid,Kirana Van" "(null)"
"Sheeana" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bea" "0" " Tempus, Vernum" "(null)"
"Big Wheela Cap Peela" "0" "big wheela cap peela" "(null)"
"Officer Vasquez" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jade Ogre" "0" " Starspore,Freakfyre" "(null)"
"Subatomic" "0" " Blue, Argus, Blue, Argus" "Bailed 2nd mission of Sister Psyche 9/15/10 \qso I can play with my partner\q"
"Irish Curse sucksdick" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kid Vitality" "0" "" "(null)"
"KidLazarus" "1" " Mr., Frost" "Some sort of creepy ******* idiot."
"Super-Pack" "0" " Ultimate, Dreadnaught" "(null)"
"Psybolt Chir" "0" " Sunswallower" "(null)"
"londerwost" "5" " Projection, Aid, Energy, Clown" "(null)"
"SHADOW GUYVER EX1" "2" " SHADOW, GUYVER, EX1, MOLLY, M, MOLLY, M, MISSY, DEMEANOR, MOLLY, M,MOLLY M" "Idiot/troll who think\ss he\ss funny. Kicked from Manticore 07/29/10\nT"
"S L Y" "2" " Sly, Burner" "Blind inviter, possibly a quasi retarded little kid."
"Furious Might" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lust Is As Lust" "2" " Tahnee-Samich, Worm's, LiL, Bro, 4, Wrath" "(Not a hugely usefull player on a team."
"Teh DuCe" "0" "" "(null)"
"Vortex Scream" "2" " Glacial, Bow" "Blind inviter."
"jodyce" "0" "" "(null)"
"Makaveli" "2" " Spectroller" "DC\sed 2nd to last mission of Augustine, never came back. Was a bit putzish."
"Magnum Plus" "0" "" "(null)"
"GETT" "2" "" "Spam teller for \qLFT\q to every level 50 online"
"Stelios" "3" " Vengeful, Torment, Flatline, Nightfire, Mistress, Siren's, Sin" "Traded some salvage for her/him"
"Night Rook" "0" " Callia, Fergosi, Icenoir" "(null)"
"Subatomic1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Arrien" "0" " Oh, So, Thorny, Arrien, Oh, So, Thorny,Oh So Thorny" "(null)"
"Whymsy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Angelo P." "0" " Alex, Mizrahi,BiPolar Fairy,Alex Mizrahi" "(null)"
"Enigma Black" "3" " Five, Element, Enigma, Five, Element, Enigma, Dark, Slushie, Violent, Matter, Ugot, Ohm'd, Ugot, Ohm'd, Ugot, Ohm'd, Ugot, Ohm'd, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Violent, Matter, Dark, Slushie, Violent, Matter" "(null)"
"Little Bertha" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zang Lee" "0" " Zang, Lee" "(null)"
"Last Seraph" "0" "" "(null)"
"Storm-Ride1" "0" " Whipper, Will" "(null)"
"Chrysalis" "2" " Lotus, Flame, Villanous, Thessela" "(null)"
"Mad Gypsy" "0" " Backhander" "(null)"
"Mistar Mezmo" "0" " I, AM, ON, FIRE" "Goon."
"State" "0" " Mal-Strom,Hardened State,Darkened State" "(null)"
"Hotfoot" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cino-Mini Bun" "0" "Edgar Tombs" "(null)"
"Smokin Rocks" "0" " Tanline, barbie, Death, Trapp, Death, Trapp, Battering-Ram,Miniram" "(null)"
"GFX" "0" " Enchantor" "(null)"
"Jion Knight" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sledra" "2" " Eggcellent" "Dickwad of a spacerobot"
"Shockwave1" "0" " SH0RT, ClRCUlT, shockwave1, MlND, GAMES" "(null)"
"We'rewolf" "0" " Dr., Chemo" "Some sort of noob / idiot / emo weirdo, quit half way through mission. "
"The strongest one" "0" " Dark'Rebel" "(null)"
"Fzoull" "0" "Fzoull" "(null)"
"Angelicus1" "0" " Angel, the, Great, Angel, the, Great, Generic, Villian" "(null)"
"Sharg" "0" "Misstress Pain" "(null)"
"willdie" "0" "XxsummonxX" "(null)"
"Burning Meat" "0" "" "(null)"
"Arakech" "0" " Charred, Fox, Semhazai" "(null)"
"Slashman" "0" " Pretty, Grim" "(null)"
"Mr. Estonia" "0" " Mr, Egypt" "(null)"
"KungFu Bob" "0" "" "(null)"
"Panzerkampfwagen" "1" " lady, panzer" "(null)"
"Avengerbot" "0" "" "(null)"
"great surge" "0" " Great, Sheild, Great, Dominator, Great, Rad-Troller" "(null)"
"RFKapoor" "0" " Annapurna" "(null)"
"Zakmonster" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mecha Kin" "0" " Mecha, Kin" "(null)"
"DReDed" "0" " Bastion-" "(null)"
"S Santoro" "0" " Candie, Paine" "(null)"
"Queen Luna" "0" " ArchAngel, Luna" "Leached a bit during Rikti Raid, was dead for most of it\n"
"Evoke" "3" " Evoke" "Al Zhimer in I4"
"Guen W. Var" "3" " Lady, Sherwood" "(null)"
"Justice Storm1" "0" "Justice Storm" "(null)"
"Baron55" "1" " Baron, Inveigle" "Hotbox."
"SnakeRogers" "2" " Brai, Master, Brai, Master, Ms, Pris, Cerenkov, Effect, Cerenkov, Effect, Tonalite, Manly, Nurse" "Bailed 1/2 way through Synapse because \qa bunch of folks from my sg signed on and I haven\st played with some of them for a while.\q"
"Eagle Eyes" "0" " Unstoppable, Moe, Poison, Harvey,EagIe Eyes,Eroe" "(null)"
"Future Soldier" "0" "" "(null)"
"Haavvoc" "2" " A, t, o, m, i, c, F, a, r, t, Melting, Cubes, AGENT, HAAVVOC" "(null)Idiot. But decent on a team"
"Major Support" "0" " Midnight, Shocker" "(null)"
".Vertigo" "0" " .Vertigo" "(null)"
"C H E V R O N" "0" " WHlTE, RHlNO" "(null)"
"Lawful Order" "0" " Wild, Night, Lawful, Order" "(null)"
"Shade Savage" "0" "Aaron Shade,Hellshade,Sneezing Panda" "(null)"
"Herogue" "0" "C Y B O T" "(null)"
"Frozen Rage" "0" " Teardrop" "(null)"
"Mister Smythe" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cannibal Clown" "0" "" "(null)"
"Z the Uncanny" "0" "" "(null)"
"Druss Freeman" "0" " Ungifted, Light" "(null)"
"Garble" "0" "" "(null)"
"Plantatia" "0" " Captain, Cima, Garahau, Sentai, Stone, Sentai, Stone, Sentai, Stone, Faraday's, Angel, Faraday's, Angel, Sentai, Stone, Faraday's, Angel" "Possible idiot/incompetent noob. Confirmed knave"
"dutch70" "2" " Swift, Edge" "Kicked from Manticore TF 02/07/10. Went afk in Atlas for four missions"
"Halaster the Black" "0" "Halaster the Black" "(null)"
"Inflamari" "0" "OzReborn,WhiteLady" "(null)"
"SmellyPirateFloozy" "0" "" "(null)"
"JB 2" "0" "Colt .45" "(null)"
"SPACETRUCKER" "3" " Space, Widow, Spacemaster, Twilight, Tripper, Spacella, SPACEY,Zepella" "(null)"
"Darqueshadow" "0" "" "(null)"
"GreenBlazer" "0" "" "(null)"
"Battle Fister" "0" "" "(null)"
"Polaris Rising" "0" "" "(null)"
"Senor Superfly" "0" "" "(null)"
"MaJoR LeAgUe InFiDeL" "0" " Sinister, Chaos, Sinister, Chaos" "(null)"
"Top Chef Charles" "2" " Huckleberry, Pie" "really gay"
"Pakofyogurt" "0" "" "(null)"
"Galrion" "0" "" "(null)"
"Black Six" "0" " Samantha, Constantine" "(null)"
"burner24" "2" " Funnie, Games,End of Game" "Quit STF w/out a word 5/22/10, during Patron fight. ***** (wasn\st going well, but still)"
"StormWatt1" "0" "Stormwatt Jr." "(null)"
"Black Willow1" "0" "SundayFunday" "(null)"
"Lenilya2" "2" " Peppermint, Green, Tea,Peppermint Green Tea" "Kicked from VF 12/11/11 for being a ****** in Keyes trial"
"Billiken" "0" " Florian" "(null)"
"Hideo Nobunaga" "0" " Dynthorn" "(null)"
"CapV" "0" "Captain Vee" "(null)"
"Defenestrator" "4" " Dr., Spectrum, Napalme, Jess, Fletcher, Hertz, Donit, Mystic, 8-Ball, Advocate's, Devil,Bile Demoness" "(null)"
"AmenRa" "0" "Venenifer Nex" "(null)"
"Warflagon" "0" " Radical, Decay" "(null)"
"eJep" "0" " Droidon" "Suspected noob"
"THEGOULET" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gratian" "0" " Gratianox, Gratalia, Gratiar, Vigdis" "(null)"
"Dirtball" "0" " Dirtball, Thunderhands, Chronic, Acuity, Ardence, Rime" "(null)"
"AngieB" "0" " Aurora, Solaris" "(null)"
"DJ blu" "0" " BluBerry, Pie, Ziggy, Xavier, DJ, blu, Ziggy, Xavier, DJ, blu, DJ, blu" "really gay"
"Archael" "0" "" "Some sort of rp\sing idiot, refused to be sidekicked."
"Nasciens" "0" " Double, Dark" "(null)"
"D to the E A D L Y" "0" " Ms, Deadly, Dominate's, Ms, Deadly, Arctic-, Ms, Deadly, Emo, Rage, Ms, Deadly, Disturbia" "(null)"
"Clawdina" "0" " IcePriestess" "(null)"
"Half Of Whole" "0" " Assiram" "(null)"
"izzy" "0" " Volcanosaur" "(null)"
"Dexx" "0" " Commodore, Elec., Play, Tal'anor, Ja, Tal'anor, Ja, Cyber, Sword, Play, Knife, Play, v2, krissca, Tal'anor, Ja, Tal'anor, Ja, Tal'anor, Ja" "(null)"
"Man of Science" "0" " Killer-Tomato" "(null)"
"NASTYKIDKILLA" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dominus Verectus" "0" " Distano" "(null)"
"Malodorous Marvin" "0" "" "(null)"
"red comet1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Angeldust" "0" "Susan Striker" "(null)"
"Ultra X" "0" " Triton, X, Hyperion, X, Ultra, X, War, Strike, Max, Minion,Omega Brutus" "(null)"
"Xyloskane" "0" " Hate, Sauce" "Disappeared 1st mission of LGTF, never came back 12.20.10"
"Dr. Canada" "0" "" "(null)"
"Black Ice." "0" "" "(null)"
"Hikiri Seto" "0" " Azura, of, the, Flame" "(null)"
"Psyche Locust" "0" " Repkust" "(null)"
"Wild Turkey" "0" " Gonzoid, the, Great, Gonzoid, the, Great, Rude, Dog, Gonzoid, the, Great, Gonzoid, the, Great, Gytrash, Gonzoid, the, Great, Hellbound, Hound, Turk, the, Terrible, Hellbound, Hound, Hellbound, Hound, Smashing, Turkeys, Thunder, Turkey" "(null)"
"Tin Toy Soldier" "0" " Swackhammer, Dark, Burning, Heart" "(null)"
"Dr. Darkneon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tredain" "0" "Agent Whitefox,Mister LeBool" "(null)"
"Aquabladez" "3" " Aquabladez, Quesria, Psychosphere" "(null)"
"Baryonic Cell" "0" " Hex, Nictae" "(null)"
"Nixia1" "0" " Nixia" "Kicked from LGTF 01.14.11, went afk for entire 3rd mission and part of 2nd w/out word"
"Tao of Shadows" "0" " Confused, One" "(null)"
"Athena Oakenf" "0" " Athena, Oakenfor" "(null)"
"Zanshin Convoy" "0" " Lt., Tarantulas, Batousai, Prime, Clair, Ibuki, Batousai, Prime,Zap-Cannon,Batousai Muramasa,Prime Convoy" "(null)"
"Wayfinder" "0" " Wayfinder" "(null)"
"Deacon McBride" "0" "" "(null)"
"DeadAgain" "0" " No, Neck" "(null)"
"Elynn2" "0" " EElynn8901" "(null)"
"Black Thorne1" "0" "" "(null)"
"DragonFlye" "0" " Pyradium" "(null)"
"DO Devil's Own" "0" " Dr., Earth, Bender, Dr., Earth, Bender" "(null)"
"Dirty Dan" "0" " Phantom, Freeze" "(null)"
"law47" "0" "Chica Curandera" "(null)"
"Ribac" "0" " Dark, Knight, Widow, Isacc's, Storm" "(null)"
"Kiki Aegis" "0" " Kiara, Australis, Celestress, Kiara, Australis" "Poor teaming skills; went after for several missions during Faathim after saying \qbrb,\q never said anything after coming back."
"1-Man Army" "0" " 13th, Warrior, II" "(null)"
"TC" "2" " Xclusive" "(null)Failed english."
"Forever Young" "0" " Death, Stalker" "(null)"
"Seductron" "0" " My, New, Toon, Nimble-Honor" "(null)"
"BackYardBully" "0" " RumbleBunny" "(null)"
"Lord Yreekxebulia" "0" " Hus'k,Ms Paragon,Pyro'cumulus" "(null)"
"Snowstar" "0" " Infinis" "(null)"
"Amazon Champion" "0" " Chronypsis" "Fairly ueless/incompetent/noobish onhis stalker"
"Back Alley Scrapper" "0" "Mind 'n Matter" "(null)"
"Order 227" "0" "Epoch of Light" "(null)"
"Devil Childe" "0" " Purple, Veil" "(null)"
"Buzz Archon" "0" " HardTimes, Thoughtful, Mind,Thoughtful Mind,Paragon of Fire" "(null)"
"Satan's Embrace" "0" "Ms B Haven" "(null)"
"Ducey" "2" " Ducey, Kins, Ducey, Kins, DuCe." "Whiney dick power level begger."
"Venga" "0" " Secret, of, Shadows" "Useless ***** team bailer."
"3 D" "2" " Intergalatic, Sparty" "Whiner"
"Achilles Jones" "0" " Jimmy, Two-Knives" "Possible idiot or *******.\n3w22"
"Thing Won" "0" " Elektrikfire, Thing, Won,Thing Won" "(null)"
"Malachite Green" "0" "" "(null)"
"Officer Bentley" "0" "" "(null)"
"fantom rose" "0" " fantom, rose" "(null)"
"The Grey Fox" "0" " Baneful, Sword, Magnetixs" "(null)"
"PromStar" "0" "Promethian Star" "(null)"
"cozmic" "3" " Man, Trap, Cold, Comet, Kid, Kozmic, Rogue, Rook, Kid, Kontrol, Kid, Hyperion, Fruit, Strike, Fruit, Strike, Jack, Lad, Kid, Kurrent, Kid, Krystar, Venatores, Kid, Hyperion, Agent, Chance, Kid, Kozmic, Agent, Chance, Agent, Chance, Mind, Gayme, Fig, Noir, Agent, Statix, Agent, Statix, Agent, Statix, Agent, Statix, Mind, Gayme, Black, Smoke, Slate, Quantum, Fruit, Strike,Cold Comet,Kid Ka,Infectious Lad,Alban Eilir" "(null)"
"CamoCrusader" "0" "" "(null)"
"KissOfPower" "0" "DevilsThorn,Tiffany Roes" "Disappeared 1st mission of ITF 03/24/12. Apologiezed later in the day, claimed powwer wen tout"
"Saren" "0" " Saren" "(null)"
"LadyGaea" "0" " Lady, Fairylicious, Souls, Master, Lady, SoundWave, Fri, Geror, Fri, Geror" "(null)"
"Geo-68" "2" " Kid, Solaris, Brokeback, StonewaII, Chris, Porter,Brokeback" "Incompetent noob."
"White Mantle" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ashayet" "0" " Ash-Shaytan" "(null)"
"Arctic Soul" "2" " Arctic-Soul" "Dropped out of Synapse 2 missions from end due to \qI have to go to the store, if back before tf done will help\q. rwwKicked from Hess 06/19/09, went afk 4 missions w/out word on the 1st miss"
"Eternal.Flames" "0" " Siren's, Caress, Siren's, Caress, Siren's, Caress,Siren's Caress" "(null)"
"swatfire2" "0" " 6878" "(null)"
"MsMidevel" "0" " MsMidevel, MsPeaceful, Obsidians, Dawn,MsFires,Damron,Obsidians Dawn" "(null)"
"Xarduz" "0" " D, i, r, t, y, B, o, y, D, i, r, t, y, B, o, y" "(null)"
"Ix Chel" "0" " Starfell" "(null)"
"Hellfire Warlock" "0" " Kitty, Told, Me, To, Kitty, Told, Me, To, Kitty, Told, Me, To, Valkyrie, Lenneth, Kitty, Told, Me, To, Psychic, Sephora" "(null)"
"Ingram of Haz" "0" " Ingram, of, Haz, Ingram, of, Haz, II,Mate of Ingram" "(null)"
"minetar" "0" " Terror, Stone" "Some sort of useless idiot w/ poor team skills"
"Major Fiasco" "0" "" "(null)"
"kjones" "0" " Lady, Figment" "(null)"
"Darque Ravyn" "0" " Dark, Pheonix." "(null)"
"Egil" "0" " Shield, Breaker, Shield, Breaker, Shield, Breaker, Shield, Breaker,FrigidZone" "Went perma afk a soon as Khan started 10.07.10, never came back."
"Doomsday Avenger" "0" "" "(null)"
"Southern Chill" "0" "Rekindled Frost" "(null)"
"Desert Dragon" "0" " Samurai, Jones, Samurai, Jones, King's, Lion, King's, Lion, King's, Lion, King's, Lion" "(null)"
"Kanaco" "0" " Energizer, Boy" "(null)"
"Leather Wolfe" "2" " ModernWarrior, DP, Stud, DP, Stud, Stryker, J." "Moron, Quit Sewer Trial 04/15/10 just after the hunt \qbecause we wouldn\st stick together\qw"
"xCHAOSx2" "0" " Arrogant, Chaos" "(null)"
"La Bella Vita" "0" " Arashi, Ken" "A bit of a whiner"
"Lanna Su" "5" " Sine, Nomine, Lil, Eruption, Neeka, Master, Caliban, Karsi, Kitalle, Kittery, Scary, Hedgehog, Brisa, Scary, Hedgehog" "(null)"
"Dibalous" "0" "Dibalous" "(null)"
"Unit115" "0" "" "(null)"
"Brutal Deluxe 3" "0" " Tesla, Dragon" "(null)"
"Psyko Blue" "0" " Crimson, Psyko, Ultra, Burn, Alpha, Conri, Firestix, Down, South, Jukin, Ultra, Burn, Alpha, Crimson, Psyko, Crimson, Psyko, Crimson, Psyko, Psyko, Blue, Negalodon,Ultra Burn Alpha,Knight of Astoria" "bailed from mender silos last mission, 3 heroes left, 6/12/10"
"QuestingRaven" "0" " ShadowSharde" "(null)"
"Dave's Not Here Man" "0" " Master, Debater" "(null)"
"Gravwave" "0" " Mythyl, Fire, Mythyl, Fire, Mythyl, Fire, Mythyl, Fire" "(null)"
"Kevin. Raylin" "0" " Princess, Garnet" "(null)"
"Lesmoore" "0" " Carpe, Cerevisi, Dark, Monger" "(null)"
"Captain Timex" "0" " Level, Zero,Level Zero" "(null)"
"Wingman" "0" "" "(null)"
"PatriotGuard" "0" " Protest, Warrior" "(null)"
"Dr. Mysterious" "0" "" "(null)"
"Cognus3" "0" "Quinlan Vos" "(null)"
"Vash the Brash" "0" "Priestess of Parogon,Isabella the White" "Disappeared 2nd mission of STF 04/14/12"
"Celtic Fist" "3" " Celtic, Fist, Ms., Snowsong, Cardioverter, II, Girl, Power., Girl, Power., High, Pitched, High, Pitched, Super, Tough, Girl, Power., Girl, Power.,Celtic Fist,Cardioverter II,Super Tough,Pyrakinetica,Dr. Pentagram,Tech Smith,Girl Power.,Speaks with Gaia,Beguiling Rusalka,Ghost Guns" "(null)"
"Gabrieal" "2" " Naughty, Pixel, Pixel, Kahn, Pixel, Chi, Gabrieal" "Useless ***** pug stalker type pof player. Also a god damn idiot.w11"
"JerseyShore" "0" " Glamorous, Kumiko" "(null)"
"Bobbert" "3" " Stone, Gnome, Clockwork, Thug, Static, Guardian, Static, Guardian" "(null)"
"Malachor25" "0" " Malachor25" "Disappeared 1st mission of apex 02/19/2012"
"TimeLord" "0" "" "(null)"
"Ascari" "0" " JabbaWockee" "(null)"
"Neo Prime" "1" "" "Whiner, begger, and idiot. He also thinks people will care that his healings are hurt."
"miley is here" "0" "sexy superem" "(null)"
"Nite Star" "0" "" "(null)"
"Purple Faerie Lynn" "0" " Mrs., Jessie, Lynn" "(null)"
"Roderick2" "2" " Scarpa, the, Blade, Scarpa, the, Blade, Scarpa, the, Blade, Robo, Roderick, Citizen, on, Patrol, Complicated, Man" "Bit of a leacher. Level 45 scrapper vs 52\ss"
"Fluidity" "0" " Hard, Reset" "(null)"
"Megenta" "2" " Thug, of, Evil, Thug, of, Evil, thug, of, evil" "Kicked from LGTF 02.03.11 for excessive leaching"
"Shocking Secret" "0" " Shocking, Secret" "(null)"
"Dazzadi" "0" "" "(null)"
"Doug Edwards" "0" " Syrianna, Stonecolt,Storm Shaker" "(null)"
"MidnightDJ" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gunslinger Omega" "0" "" "(null)"
"Sinful Brutality" "2" "" "Some sort of idiot."
"Shao Lynnette" "0" " TempestuosFlame, Roentgenesis, Diamond-Edge" "(null)"
"Jevun Swupil" "0" "Jevun Swupil,Mysterious Alvikop,Fedas Savix" "(null)"
"Kiwicolor19" "0" " Arachnos, Myla" "(null)"
"Irish Girl" "0" " Atchi, Darksource, Atchi, Darksource, Atchi, Darksource, Atra, Praesidium, Atra, Praesidium, Atra, Praesidium, Atra, Praesidium" "(null)"
"Kevil1" "2" " Euphorio" "Lame ***** furry rp\ser."
"Noctern" "0" " Mourning, Gorie, Mo, Hadeeb, Mo, Hadeeb, Sebastian, LaCroix" "(null)"
"Mizbiz" "0" " Arien, Milibar" "(null)"
"Human Barrage" "0" " Psidekick, Human, Barrage, Static, Klinge, Static, Klinge" "(null)"
"TheBigE" "0" " Nauti-Doctor, Nauti-Chick, Nauti-Girl,Nauti-Gal,Nauti-Hunter" "Lazy and stupid."
"Opalfire" "0" "" "(null)"
"Gauche" "0" "" "(null)"
"Krumpus" "2" " CYB3R, G315T" "Not every thing Japanese is Naruto."
"EricVW33" "2" " This, is, Madness" "Useless weird idiot."
"Golden Boy-Elf" "0" " Golden, Boy-Elf" "(null)"
"Animus Maximus" "0" " Baron, Von, Judge" "(null)"
"SIA Enigma" "0" "SiA Psylock" "(null)"
"Brilliant Energy" "0" "" "(null)"
"SoldierAnubis" "0" " Blue, BoltZX" "(null)"
"Starhealer" "0" " Lady, Midnight, Blue,Ms.Sweden" "(null)"
"Darth Cthulhu" "2" " Scarlet, Titan" "Went afk for \q10-20 minutes\q during Q-field, 12.01.09. Kicked a hour later."
"Zexitous" "0" " Lazarus, Grey" "(null)"
"Joule Thief" "0" " Thermal, Flux, Thermal, Flux, Frozen, Impulse,Frozen Impulse" "(null)"
"Miss Magdelyn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Devouring Blaze" "0" "" "(null)"
"Beer Pig" "0" " Beer, Keg, Beer, Haze, Biergarten, Beer, Truck, Col., Beer, Kilgore, Col., Beer, Kilgore, Beer, Distributor, Beer, 30, Beer, 30, Beer." "Decent player, but needs to KNOW HIS ROLEw"
"Chibi Fwoosh" "0" "" "(null)"
"rhodelamp" "0" "" "(null)"
"Iron Meltdown" "0" " Stars, and, Stripes" "(null)"
"STTL4Lyfe" "0" " Thing, Two" "(null)"
"anne and mark61" "0" "" "(null)"
"Lacerus1" "0" " Electro, Dark, Legend, Guard, Legend, Guard" "(null)"
"Freight" "0" " Mariko, Roxanne, Fairchild" "(null)"
"Leitz Out" "0" " Sacrilegious, Ground, Mohican, Spirit" "(null)"
"SDragon" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr.Pause" "0" "" "(null)"
"NOVA." "0" "" "(null)"
"Felina Z" "0" " Hariti" "(null)"
"Sexton" "0" "" "(null)"
"Master of Imps" "0" " Severina, Brightstar" "(null)"
"VoidDemonTypeVI" "0" "" "(null)"
"Hardbody" "2" " Hard-Water" "Petless mastermind"
"Mr. Fantabulous" "0" "" "(null)"
"DarkWire" "0" " KKaos,KKaos" "(null)"
"Murdoc" "1" " Erik, The, Viking" "*******. Rage quit ITF on 03.16.11 2nd to last mission"
"Maize Witch" "0" " Wishful, Thinking" "(null)"
"Kid Chronicles" "0" " Titan's, Destroyer" "(null)"
"Sergeant Steel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Master Jin" "0" "" "(null)"
"Galactic" "0" " Saturn-Boy,Galactic Boy,Saturn-Boy" "(null)"
"Flame Valkyrie2" "0" "" "(null)"
"Jayde Assasin" "0" "" "(null)"
"J.Sparks" "3" " Berg, Blast, Agent, Sharps" "(null)"
"LeopardClan" "0" " Masterwork, Tribute" "(null)"
"Caine's Lament" "0" "" "(null)"
"Fiona Lacel" "0" "" "(null)"
"Suma" "0" " Suma, Mindburner, Sumantha, Dragonheart, Sumantha, Dragonheart, Suma, Twintower, Watts, Burning, Watts, Burning, Watts, Burning, Watts, Burning, Watts, Burning, Watts, Burning,Telluric Faraday" "(null)"
"Hellrazor38" "0" " Bequandi, Bombshell, Roxette, Bombshell" "Thinks the tank sets the direction of the team, LOL"
"Xalaqia" "3" " Doc, Radiation, Dreamwise, Maslow, Gunmetal, Grace,Xalaqia,Flail Whale,Camenae" "(null)"
"Missie" "0" " Aylassia, Kyre, Flera" "(null)"
"King Of Pain" "0" " ST0NER." "(null)"
"Cranka 2.0" "2" " Annie, Halsey" "Not as clever as she thinks she is\n"
"Wombot" "0" "" "(null)"
"Struder" "2" " thebreed, Frost, face, Raging, Bane, Mrs., Dark, Malice, Sgt., Taylor, Redemption, X, Ex-Pro, Bow, Mrs., Killer, Frost, face, Redemption, X, Electric, Ang, Frost, face, Redemption, X, Raging, Bane, Redemption, X, Raging, Will, Struder, Dark, Mallice,Frost face,Struder,Raging Will,Electric Ang,Raging Blue" "Quit Faathim while forming up 5/15/10 [Team] Redemption X: sorry got a better offer thx and good luck"
"Vengeful Emporer" "2" " Prince, of, Peace-" "afk 1 minute to 30 for him. "
"Fugu-san" "0" " Ozone, Flux, Vile, Oscar, Marleena, Amp, Lee, Fryer, Amp, Lee, Fryer, Vile, Oscar, Amp, Lee, Fryer, Neutron, Starlet, Neutron, Starlet, Beetle, Mania, Beetle, Mania, Beetle, Mania, Neutron, Starlet, Neutron, Starlet, Amp, Lee, Fryer, Raged, Rhino, Khalamari, Neutron, Starlet,Beetle Mania,Marleena" "Kinda useless as a kin defender. Quit team in the middle of a fight, the ****."
"Kellion Wisniewski" "0" "Kellion Wisniewski" "Some sort of flake"
"ThreeKey" "0" "" "(null)"
"Wong Fei Hung" "0" "" "(null)"
"5heroes" "0" "" "Power level begger"
"Dnasty1" "0" "" "(null)"
"Chibot" "0" " Sgt., Psi, Chinetics" "(null)"
"TheShadowSaint" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mutated Pyro" "0" " Forgotten, Ninja" "(null)"
"Jack Drek" "3" " Purple?, Lobster, Duck" "(null)"
"Sir Zane" "0" " Atomic, Jake" "(null)"
"HeroMyAss" "2" " BlueInferno" "Suspected moron, observed having moron conversation w/ Haiti"
"Brass Bolt" "0" " Brass, Bolt" "Kicked from Positron part-B 09/30/10 due to never leaving teel Canyon"
"MedisinMan" "0" " Silencer." "(null)"
"sinister twins" "0" "" "(null)"
"anilater" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shousa" "0" " Hunter, Sakia" "(null)"
"El Diablo Boy" "2" " El, Diablo, Boy, El, Diablo, Boy" "Incompetent idiot; doesn\st know how to use /search, trying to recruit people on teams"
"Blackout'" "0" "" "(null)"
"Shada Dukal" "0" "" "(null)"
"Kothar Sjach" "0" "" "(null)"
"Grey Abyss" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mannimal" "0" " Mr., Optimus, Cra-Tos, KnighttStalker,Valiantt" "Poor teaming skills; quits without saying anything! Logged off 3rd mission positron part-a as well, 06/12/10. Possible has a bad connection.ee"
"capjtkirk2" "0" " Fire, Shark, Galaxya,Dark Emerald" "(null)"
"SatanicHamster" "1" "" "Need to find who this is."
"Trauma Train II" "0" " Pain, Vendor, Xenonian, Atom-Splitter, Flame-Out, Stalin's, Sickle" "(null)"
"Eternal Flames 2" "0" " Siren's, Sin" "(null)"
"Morpheus Neutron" "0" "" "(null)"
"Corey'" "0" "" "(null)"
"Blackblood Griever" "0" " Blackblood, Griever" "(null)"
"Born2Party" "2" " red, lightining, Omega, Furious, Widows, Sting, Killa, Shot" "Useless kid. Bailed half way through tf"
"SteelWill" "0" " Indigostrike" "(null)"
"Handsome Man" "0" " Soul's, Edge" "(null)"
"Sarimujuq" "0" " Cobalt, Hunter, White, Lithium" "(null)"
"Anuenue Kane'" "0" " Rain.bow" "(null)"
"Hawt Tahdee" "2" " Selene, Korvin" "Stupid, whiney. Also a power level begger."
"Gribblepox" "0" "" "(null)"
"Axel-Twi" "0" " Gamma, Stomp, Deadliest, Venom" "(null)"
"Busted Rock" "0" " Dwarven, Battle, Rager" "(null)"
"Liberal Conspiracy" "0" " Polish, Princess, Tally-Ho" "(null)"
"BlizLeopard" "0" " Armarine" "(null)"
"Vanum" "3" "Zoetic Stone,Temporal Delusion,Vanum,Pe'lur,Mucra" "(null)"
"Khaose" "0" " Xarion" "Went afk for most of the Battlemaiden fight 01.09.11, kick if repeated. Claimed GF had car roblems."
"Autumn Spider" "0" " Freyja, Valkyrja" "(null)"
"Smilin Joe" "0" "Joeski" "(null)"
"Alder" "0" " Ser'at, Alder, Ogham, Dark, and, Stormy" "(null)"
"Tomoyuki" "0" " Tomoyuki" "(null)"
"Justice Bruiser" "0" "" "(null)"
"Dolly Legacy" "1" "Deliverance Dolly" "*******/dick/weirdo. Kicked/quit ITF over ********* Second City Saint, 01/09/12"
"Ziro Sose" "0" "" "(null)"
"Mr Heat Stroke" "0" "Tredecim" "(null)"
"Saneye" "0" "" "(null)"
"Squadroid" "0" "" "(null)"
"Konda1" "0" " Miyamato, Musashi, Miyamato, Musashi, Archetype, Autopsy, Miyamato, Musashi, Miyamato, Musashi,Miyamato Musashi" "(null)"
"Jerrys kids" "0" "" "(null)"
"Trey McAllister" "0" "" "(null)"
"SHADEZ101" "0" " Avenger, shadez" "(null)"
"Munising" "0" "" "(null)"
"cindy lou hoo" "0" " Fortunes, Favorite, Atomic, Coctail, Atomic, Coctail" "(null)"
"noughty girl" "0" " Flames, Tanker" "(null)"
"Taoune" "0" " Shinra, Mk, IV, Feorra" "(null)"
"red-dawg" "0" " LOW, DOWN, DIRTY, DAWG, LOW, DOWN, DIRTY, DAWG, Sir, Ralphe, Eure" "(null)"
"UrsineEye" "0" " Mirelash" "Kicked from Sister Psyche while trying to log off because we\sre too occupied/experienced/busy (his words). WTF, 02.23.11"
"Man Toy" "0" "" "(null)"
"Huron" "3" " Wayne, Rogers, Wayne, Rogers, Wayne, Rogers, Wayne, Rogers, Tractive, Golfer, Tractive, Golfer, Tractive, Golfer, Tractive, Golfer,Crimson Hexagon" "Wayne Rogers in Isos7"
"Lollyp0p" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bloodscorn" "0" "" "(null)"
"Bayani" "0" " PHAT, Ninja" "(null)"
"Prince Majeztik" "0" "MAJEZTIK-MAN" "(null)"
"Doc Boy" "1" " Doc, Boy, Vador-X" "******* idiot"
"Zhai" "0" " Passing, Lane" "(null)"
"Burn Breaker" "2" "" "Level 8 asking to team w/ 50\ss."
"Unforgiven Blade" "0" "" "(null)"
"Clever One" "0" " Support, Tech" "(null)"
"Gristlebone" "3" " Gristlebone, Tears, of, a, Clown, A, Knight, of, Nee, Tears, of, a, Clown, Tears, of, a, Clown, Asajj, Ventress, Grisly, Pain, Tears, of, a, Clown, gristlebot, Tears, 0f, A, Clown, Blue, Gristlebone, G0THM0G, Cactus, Cooler, SIX.,Friend of the Devil" "(null)"
"thebinder" "0" " MechanaMania" "(null)"
"Capton Canada" "0" " Snow-Ball" "(null)"
"Bobs Pizza" "3" " Pumpkin, Skull" "(null)"
"Novamaiden" "3" " Novamaiden" "(null)"
"Nightwish Amaranth" "0" "" "(null)"
"IronFlag" "0" "" "(null)"
"cpt. action" "0" "Maw'll,Circut Braker,Soulstus" "(null)"
"Nice' N Icey" "0" " Deep, TooT" "(null)"
"Urthstorm" "0" "" "(null)"
"Zurikor Jazzigor" "0" " Maka, Tsuriaha, Left, Hand, of, Fate" "(null)"
"Safearas Blaze" "0" "" "(null)"
"Eroe" "0" "" "(null)"
"Tralle" "0" " A, drug, free, boy" "(null)"
"100" "0" " 100, Man, Slayer, One, Man, Legion" "(null)"
"Daevius" "0" " Arcadion" "(null)"
"619" "0" " 619" "(null)"
"Storm Show" "0" " Invincible, Storm" "Asks random brutes if the
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.