100proof HERO

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  1. Congratulations! He's absolutely perfect!! Nice work you guys!!!
  2. "Satanic Hamster" "0" " Snow, Breeze, Satanic-Hamster,Fauxliage" "Proactive about forming teams, not so proactive with helping, suspect he is updating player notes"
  3. Thanks for putting that together. It was a good turnout and lots of fun. Bambi, you are magnificent! Although, your friend Doll is a total nerb!
  4. I might have to go into work early so I will not be able to do this one. So sorry for the late exit. If for some reason I can, I will let you know in-game GL.
  5. 100proof HERO

    Simply Grateful

    Beautiful thoughts. Wonderful expression. Also, Bluejays are fierce!
  6. Fire/nrg Blaster - 100proofHERO

    or, if needed,

    Fire/cold Corruptor - BiPolar Wolf
  7. 100proof HERO

    RHW attempt

    This week: Wednesday 6/20 and Thursday 6/21 before 9:00pm CST, Saturday 6/23 before 10pm CST.

    Available Sunday 6/24, Wednesday 6/27 and anyday after that until the Mayans come back from space and keel us all.
  8. I will be there with a debuffer. /rad troller, /cold corr, or I will be with my cold 'fender again.
  9. Thanks for the good times. Can't wait to do it again.