
Forum Cartel
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  1. I was playing Borderlands 2 and Ham told me that he made you cry... but I didn't believe him... until now.
  2. I assumed it would be the case, but they could have shut us down earlier (NCSoft probably wishes they did). As we got closer I was hoping it would linger for a few days, but clearly that's not going to happen.
  3. At the same time as everything else:

    3AM EST on Saturday.

    EDIT: Arrrgh... why can't I edit subject lines!
  4. Not feeling so bad about these forums closing down right now.
  5. Best of luck with the shop, Def, and please make sure to responsibly censor any Voodoo photos you might post.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Horatus View Post
    Does ham makes these or find them somewhere? Some of the things he posts are effen funny.
    The Stay-Puft kid is a recent viral image, along with the balloons pic he just posted, but I imagine he finds most of them on some brony fan site or something.
  7. This thread had a slow start, but it's approaching Epic™ levels now.

    Keep hope alive, people!
  8. So apparently T-Dogg really was a fill-in throwaway character... they just cast Tyreese!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    It can be worse then that; the game text file considers that nickname to be tied to it's original forever. So if I made the character "Turd Fergeson" and someone right clicked on it, then I delete the character forever, if someone were to make a Turd Fergeson a year down the line, anyone who had player notes (or right clicked) on my original Turd Fergeson will be told by the game that that NEW Turd Fergeson is still me / my global address.
    That's terrible coding. Maybe if the game gets resurrected one day they can fix things like that.
  10. I wasn't going to post this, but... thanks, Voo.

    11 days left.
  11. Mental_Giant

    Assassin's Creed

    In other gaming news, I completed my first run of Borderlands 2 last night. I found the ending more satisfying than the original, but Jack is an annoying villain... no one is THAT evil!

    Now I need to get my lvl 34 Zero to 50 in the second run, and I'm working on a Siren and Mechromancer as well. Really liking how the Mechro plays... but the bot is almost too powerful. Girlfriend class indeed.
  12. I gotta say, this season beats the hell out of last season... and we're only halfway through!

    We need more of Michonne slicing through waves of walkers, though.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I doubt anyone will bother to lock this.

    On the one hand, I'm disappointed I didn't get five stars... on the other, I did much better than Voodoo!
  14. Haven't read the book, but those look like some Super Fast Zombies...
  15. Mental_Giant

    Wreck It Ralph

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Alan Tudyk has actually done a lot of voice acting work in the last few years. Sure it'll be great to see him do other live-action roles but it might turn out that he'll go the way of people like Mark Hamill and become equally well known as a great voice actor.
    He's also creepy friend to the dad on Suburgatory. I hope he stays doing regular acting gigs... he's a great villain! (He was one on the V reboot, in addition to the other roles mentioned).
  16. Mental_Giant

    In other news...

    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    There's about seven billion people on this planet. The odds are that at least some of them actually liked Howard The Duck. If that's even just 1%, that would be 70,000,000 people.

    70,000,000 fans of a bad movie.
    Okay, this doesn't make sense because Howard The Duck wasn't that bad. It was no Citizen Kane, but it was a perfectly acceptable comedy.

    The point is that the consensus among fans is that ESB was the best of the original trilogy, and many thought it was so good because George had the least to do with it. If we can extrapolate that Disney will put someone like Joss Whedon or Brad Bird at the helm of the new trilogy, then this should be very good news indeed.
  17. Mental_Giant

    In other news...

    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Hate ESB.
    You hate good movies?
  18. Mental_Giant

    In other news...

    You must have missed the memo... this is the greatest thing to happen to Star Wars since The Empire Strikes Back.
  19. Mental_Giant

    Assassin's Creed

    Well, I have always enjoyed single-player games, and I have GW2 to get my MMO fix... but I will miss our community.
  20. Mental_Giant

    Assassin's Creed

    AC has been a little slow-paced, so I picked up Dishonored, which was a nice surprise, and I finished that in 13 hours with a mostly non-lethal run-through. Then I installed Batman: Arkham City that I bought during last year's Steam Holiday Sale. I forgot how good those games are.
  21. Missing tonight due to Halloween... Will there even be another session next week?
  22. Mental_Giant

    Assassin's Creed

    Yup... late 2007, and it looks amazing. Running around the rooftops of Damascus and Acre sure is fun... less so in the latter because of the pesky rooftop archers.

    I did think the game would be more stealthy than it is... I routinely brawl with four or five guards at a time to help out civilians for some reason.