
Caption Champ - 12/21/11
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  1. haha I'm on the list with 0 and "null" on one of my rarely used Victory villains! Win ;D
  2. SolarSentai

    Hurricane Sandy

    This is a bit late, but I wanted to send out my best wishes to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. As a NYer, we got hit pretty hard in my surrounding area. I pretty much live between Breezy Point and Long Beach. The night before the hurricane, my best friend's house burned down. She lives on the street behind me. From Monday Monday 10/29 through this afternoon we had no power or heat at my house. Compared to others, that's nothing. But it was still pretty craptastic.

    My brother is a first responder for the local fire department and the stuff he went through... it's amazing. The flooding in Long Beach and the other towns in that area were devastating. Two of the Temples that I work with just got power back yesterday and today. One of the clubs I work with was pretty much destroyed.

    But I digress... pretty much everything you've read about is true.

    On a completely selfish note, the hurricane stripped me of two precious weeks of CoH. After I get some things settled at home, I will try to be on a bit more. I hope to see folks before the servers go dark!

    Again, my thoughts to those affected by the hurricane. Stay strong. Houses can be fixed. Memories remain. Lives cannot be replaced.
  3. SolarSentai

    What is AP33?

    It wasn't a protest. It was a rally to raise awareness about the game's closing and the situation. The goal was to spawn as many instances of Atlas Park as possible.

    Virtue had 33 Atlas Parks active at the same time, and then the event overflowed into Freedom and then Justice(?).

    As people logged off, left zone, etc, the instances of Atlas Park slowly disappeared - but people kept Atlas Park 33 going. It became the unofficial "occupy" spot.
  4. Given the choice, my personal preference is Street Justice.

    Staff is a flashy, quick, fun set to play - don't get me wrong. Just for me, the "feel" of the set isn't there. It "feels" week compared to other melee sets (the numbers say otherwise from what I've read).

    Street Justice is solid, has decent numbers and has the "feel" I look for when playing a brute.

    Also as a side note, Street Justice is -amazing- on Stalkers.
  5. Zombie Broiler. Level 50+3 TW/FA.

    He's a wrecking ball and I lubz him
  6. Well, NCSoft can kiss my furry tail.

    This is a crying shame and they will -never- see a penny from me again.

    (And yes, I can and will do this. I've done it to Best Buy and Walmart... I can do it to NCSoft)
  7. Mirror Spirit and Penelope Yin.

    At the same time.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Saw this on Kotaku and thought it hilarious. See Deadpool do the Gangnam dance.

    *dies laughing*

    *uses a wakey*

    *dies laughing again*


    From the same guy... and OMG at the last scene. I nearly peed myself!!!!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xenophage View Post
    So NCsoft is gonna kill the awesomeness that is CoH and they are going to give us a Final Fantasy rip off

    Yea... never buying another NC soft game again
    Okay, had NCSoft not cancelled CoH... I would've give this game a shot.

    To me, it looks effin cool.

    But until CoH is uncancelled.... not a chance in Hell.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    One thing is for sure. I am NOT soloing Hamidon. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT that crazy!
    I solo Hamidon all the time... wait... OH, you meant in-game... Well... uh... >_> <_< >_> <_< >_> <_< .... Don't judge me! ;-;
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I remember when I first loaded Wolfenstein 3D. I remember Doom, Wing Commander and spending days in and out playing Mechwarrior. I remember DOS and Glide and my voodoo video cards. I remember all of this through, I'm sure, rose-tinted glasses.

    I remember when you had to go look for game patches and know what you were doing to get them installed.

    The Mechwarrior MMO is about to come out and I'm sitting on a closed beta invite that I'll probably never use. The whole "pay to win/nickle and dime the users to death" model that the gaming industry is diving face first into rather disgusts me. I'm guessing that this is because I'm an old fogy pining away for days long gone.

    I was disgusted by how empty/shallow Dragon Age 2 was compared to DA:O. I was disgusted by having to install the Origin service to play ME3 and I was disgusted at how pathetically the ending was written. I'm disgusted by NCSoft's handling of the CoH shutdown.

    I've never been very good at tolerating what I consider to be ********. Hell, I left this game twice over the forced teaming/screw the soloists mindset I saw coming from the devs.

    I can't shake the feeling that the bean counters have, again, won the war; that there won't be anymore games where the taint of greed doesn't overpower the happy smells of beautiful art, smooth animations and fun gameplay.

    I wonder if I can find a working 486 anywhere...
    I think as I've gotten older, video games in general have started to lose its appeal to me. I remember back when I first got a Super Nintendo, Super Mario World was the most awesome thing I had ever seen. I mean, I had seen Mario 3 on the NES and such, but SMW totally blew my mind. The game was just in general fun. The graphics weren't anything all that special and the story was pretty basic. Hell, I've been known to fire up the Emulators from time to time and play it to this day.

    I still remember going to Arcades and playing fighting games (Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter in all its incarnations). I didn't mind dropping quarters into the machines because the games were fun and the experience was there.

    Nowadays... everything just feels like a grind-fest to me. Whether it's grinding to boost your stats or in game wealth there doesn't seem to be a level playing field.

    What I really liked about CoH early on was that the "loot" system was pretty basic. There wasn't much you had to worry about and you could thoroughly enjoy the game without having to worry about getting the new shiny. And even with the invention system, it was a supplement to the simple system that was already in place.

    I look at screenshots for other MMOs and I see the interfaces and I'm totally lost. There are just so many icons and so much information on the screen that I go crosseyed. To me that's not fun. I don't want to have to remember every single situational specialized ability to feel like I'm being productive.

    And on the monetary side of things - I truly believe that once the game companies realized that people would shell out small amounts of money for shineys they all just jumped on the gravy train. Stuff that would've normally been included with a release was put on the side and then charged for separately. For 1s and 0s these companies really do make a killing. In another recently release MMO I saw them releasing weapon skins for $10 a pop. Seriously? For -1- skin... $10. And (if I'm not mistaken) it was -per character-. And the sad part is that I'm sure there were people who bought them. Even though I wasn't a fan of the Paragon Market in general, I still think we got the most bang for our buck with it. I was one of the few who thought that the NPC Costume Transformations were appropriately priced when they were first released.

    Anyway, yea, video games... I love(d) em... but these days... I dunno anymore.
  12. SolarSentai

    NCSoft Updater

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Ah, I just checked myself and it seems to be fine.

    How long has it been since you updated your installation at work? Was it very out of date? They don't keep the xdelta updates around to go from every version to the latest, so it might have just been too old, and so had to do the larger, slower method instead via repair.
    The installation was fairly old. However, my test was in response to what I saw on my Twitter feed (that was retweeted by Titan Network).

    It implied that the game was removed from the Launcher, and that the Launcher was no longer providing updates.
  13. SolarSentai

    NCSoft Updater

    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Probably a good idea to not go near NC Launcher again, and just start CoH by using the old bypass trick.
    Does that still work? I remember shortly after the NCLauncher going live that the old CoH Launcher no longer worked.

    As always, I could be mistaken...
  14. SolarSentai


    The only reason I was invited to one of the private channels that I'm in is because I was mistaken for Zombie Man.

    It was after a Hami raid a couple of years ago. I was friendly with the channel owner/mod/whatever he was. So he invited me and we're still chatting and he goes to me: "By the way, you could link some of your guides in the channel if you want." And I'm like "Huh? Guides? I don't write guides." So yea, he thought I was Zombie Man. Whoops? LOL
  15. SolarSentai

    NCSoft Updater

    So I saw this on Twitter yesterday:

    I tested this at work:

    I tried to "Update" but that failed.

    However, I did do a "Repair" and then this:

    I'll also note that a close friend reinstalled from scratch on Saturday afternoon just to come to the Atlas Park rally.

    Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone else had issues with the updater and/or installing.

  16. I'm behind the green guy on SolarangerWhite. This is the earliest screeny I have.

  17. Representin' AP2

    Ahh crud... we dun crashed Virtue

  18. LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one late to this party. I uploaded some screenies to Facebook the other day and noticed this too - it automagically put the names in the captions.
  19. Just figured I'd mention:

    The program started crashing upon start after the 8th toon I used it on.

    Zoning seemed to fix the problem.


    Running WinVista64 (commence laughing).
    Toon was a Rogue in Atlas Park.

    Zoned to Oro, program worked again.

    Went back to Atlas Park and it worked.
  20. I'm a train ride away from NYC.

    I'd be down for this.

    I went to the official Meet and Greet in NYC way back when and had fun.
  21. I'm going to be honest -

    If I had to start over with absolutely nothing I don't think I would. I'm emotionally attached to my "main" characters. I've invested a lot of time making them exactly how I want them. Restarting them, I would feel pressured and rushed to get them back up to exactly how they are now. And really, the thought of investing that much time again is not appealing. I already went through the journey and now I just want to reap the rewards that I earned.

    And for my badge *****... yea I don't know if I want to go through that again.

    And really, the main reason for the hesitation is because what if something like this happens again? It's bad enough having my (game)world come crashing down around me, but if the "next venture" doesn't work, or doesn't last, it would be even more so devastating.

    At the moment, that's how I feel. If the game shuts down and restarts with a blank slate, would I continue to play? Right now, probably not. But if enough friends stuck around I might consider it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cainus View Post
    I was already paying $30 a month for 2 accounts, so adding a few extra dollars wouldn't bother me.
    This ^
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I will never be able to eat klondike bars or fried food without thinking of you.
    Mission accomplished.

    It's kinda funny how the whole nachos and klondike bars thing started. Way back when, pre-i9, I occasionally went to the Hami raids. It wasn't something that I always did b/c I wasn't really in any global channels, and I really didn't know what the schedule was (or even if there was one). I would hear about the raids forming from friends, or if someone happen to broadcast in the zone I was in. I didn't make the effort to be "known" or "mingle" as there were so many voices being heard and it was hard to keep up with anything.

    Post-i9 when the raids got smaller and more focused, and I started going on a more regular basis. I had gotten bored with the other stuff I was doing, no one in my SG at the time were really into the raids so I just went solo. The more I kept going, the more I kept seeing the same folks and I guess that's how friendships start right?

    I'm not really known for being overly outgoing. I don't think I'm overly socially awkward but you never quite know how people will interpret you as a person (even if you have the best intentions). Anyways, I remember one of the raids, the monster hunting was going way too long, and I just kinda hopped into the bowl, started dancing, and when that didn't work, I was just spouting nonsense into broadcast basically trying to coerce Hami to come out. And it stuck... and became a regular thing.

    The Hamiettes... oh the Hamiettes... prior to leagues, I would get so many tells for people asking to be a part of the Assault team. It was truly an honor that people wanted to be a part of the Hamiettes. And it might sound silly, but it really did break my heart when I had to turn people away because the team was full.

    I never did really think it would stick. It was just me being silly. I guess there are worse things to be known for

    And one other aside relating to this... most of my friends outside of the game couldn't care less about CoH, or video games in general for that matter, so when I would try to talk about the game, or things related to it (Hami raids), I get blank stares. But, October of last year, we took in two stray kittens. They were only a few weeks old. They were tiny, and clearly needed to see a vet. We had three cats already, so two more... as much as I wanted them, there was some protest. But there was something about them that made me want them even more... one was black and white. The other was orange. A bajilion light bulbs went off in my head. It was too coincidental and two perfect. And thus, "Nacho" and "Klondike" became a part of the family. No other names would be appropriate. And to show even more so how fate played a part in this, if we hadn't taken them in when we did, chances are they would have died. A day after we took them in, there was a freak snowstorm. Not that we got 12" of snow, but it was cold enough and enough snow that they wouldn't have survived.

    Just goes to show much things in life are interconnected.

    And as such, a short reply turned into a rant.

    So, that's the story of how Zombie Fryer was known for nachos and klondike bars.