staff or street justice brute?

Bill Z Bubba



I'm thinking of making a brute to try them out. And I have enough points to buy either staff or street justice

which would be better?



Given the choice, my personal preference is Street Justice.

Staff is a flashy, quick, fun set to play - don't get me wrong. Just for me, the "feel" of the set isn't there. It "feels" week compared to other melee sets (the numbers say otherwise from what I've read).

Street Justice is solid, has decent numbers and has the "feel" I look for when playing a brute.

Also as a side note, Street Justice is -amazing- on Stalkers.

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Too bad that the game is going to die without me being able to play staff on live. REALLY wish I had gotten that instead of titan.

As for street versus staff, staff is more fun to watch for me, but street is something I wanted for ages and finally got, so street wins for me.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Too bad that the game is going to die without me being able to play staff on live. REALLY wish I had gotten that instead of titan.

As for street versus staff, staff is more fun to watch for me, but street is something I wanted for ages and finally got, so street wins for me.
Do you still have points coming in Oct/Nov? I can't remember if you went VIP towards the end or not.

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Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Do you still have points coming in Oct/Nov? I can't remember if you went VIP towards the end or not.
Actually returned to VIP with a box code After the closure, so I'll be very surprised if any points come my way. At least I can still play my staff/bio brute on beta.

Be well, people of CoH.



Staff has pitiful dps on brutes. I'd definitely go StJ.



I've played both and I enjoy SJ a lot more. While staff has some nice animations there is something about kneeing a Council Vampire in it's junk that's more viscerally satisfying.

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I've played both to 50. I like both, but I might side with everyone else and say Street Justice is more visceral and slightly more fun.

But I do like the flashy staff moves too.

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Brawl. Srsly.


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As it turns out, apparently I did get some points. My account suddenly has 550. Not enough for staff, but interesting anyway.

Be well, people of CoH.



Yeah I was able to get every powerset unlocked. I wouldn't have had enough had Bio Armor gone live though - and it's mostly due to going nuts during the last Black Friday sale on LOTG sets and stuff.

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I personally didn't care for my StJ Brute until she hit 33 and could slot up Crushing Uppercut - the set just felt overcosted and underpowered in Single Target and AoE until I got the T9. Now it's just underpowered in AoE.

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