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  1. Hmm. Don't know exactly how to start this. I always thought for some reason that I would leave this game on my own terms rather than it being snatched away from me. Illogical of course, there has always been the possibility of the game closing. However this seems unfinished. There were still tales left to be told and songs to sing. Unfortunately, that seems not to be the case.

    It's funny. Victory was literally the first server I logged in to (July 31, 2004). Created my first toon here and that toon ended up being my first 50. I spent some time on another server after I created that toon. It was supposed to be a throw-away toon that I used to get a feel for the game and deleted. Hah! I came back to Victory, started leveling that toon and never really looked back.

    I've spent time on other servers but none of them ever really felt like home. The people are the same, sometimes more, sometimes less, but populations aside, each server has it's own unique personality. Freedom with it's bustling crowds, full of new people wanting to be on the most populous server. Virtue (boo... ) with it's role-players. Champion would have to be the drama server. Each server, the same, yet unique.

    Then we come to Victory. Our server. I've always believed we were something of a dichotomy. We were supposed to be the "family friendly" server. Heh. I had to look that up when I first heard it. But I guess that is the case. However, we seemed to be the most xenophobic of all the servers. It's true. When new people came to this server and forum section, they'd better have a thick skin and a good sense of humor. Otherwise we sent them screaming off to another server with our singular brand of jackassery and snark. Then, when there was a lull in immigrants (willing or unwilling), we attempted to feast on our own. Dunno. I guess we would be the "mean" server. Regardless, I wouldn't have had it any other way.

    I suppose I could end this by saying that I'll miss you all. That is true in the sense that I'll miss the community as a whole. However, the reality on an individual basis is that there are a few of you that I'll miss, a few that I won't miss, and a crap ton of you that I won't remember on December 1st.

    In any case, Philly and I have some unfinished business in SWTOR, so I'll probably be there for a little while anyway. On Pot5 and Bastion (Damn server moves/consolidations...). I've dl'd STO and played a little there. (Don't remember my global at the moment, Doh!). After that, I have no idea other than not in any ncsoft game....

    If you want to contact me, steam* is your best bet --> teh_flux

    *1 - I'm cheap and haven't purchased any games so I can't invite friends and 2 -Don't feel crapped on if I don't answer right away as I currently only log in 2-3 times a week.

    I won't say "farewell" but rather "sometime again".

    Take care,

    (Mayor of Doomopolis, Ret.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    You shouldn't peg people.
    Really? I was led to believe that Voo...errr...I mean, some people paid extra for that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

    Of course!

    I thought that was implicit in the statement.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Voodoo discount? >.>

    Mason would be a drive out of the way just for some comics. I keep thinking I want to get back into em, but I haven't committed just yet.

    I would say give him the discount but make a stipulation that he has to pose for a picture.

    However, that would ruin the mental picture that most of Victory has of him being this old guy, waving a cane around, yelling "Get off my lawn" to all within earshot.
  5. Hamster. You should've just parked this in Google docs and posted a tinyurl. While it is amusing to try and figure out the words the ***** replaced, I'd rather read it in the unabridged form.

    Also. Is it a bad thing that I recall more than a couple of the instances listed?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I knew I could count on you, Flux. Ironically, the Mayor of Doomopolis is the least Doomful of all!
    Meh. I don't know that I'm the least Doomful™ but I'd rather go out in a drunken wake, singing and laughing, than listening to a dirge.
  7. You are all slackers and quitters!

    Eh. While I can understand the various reasons people have for avoiding the game, I just don't agree with them. There were(are) still powersets I wanted to play but hadn't expended the points to buy prior to the shutdown announcement because I wanted save up for ones I knew to be on the horizon (looks longingly at bio armor ).

    Yes, I know I could go onto test for bio armor but the test server gives me a rash...


    1-36 staff/wp scrapper (solo except for a Moonfire)
    37-39 street fighting/energy aura scrapper on Justice (only a PYTF)
  8. Hmmm. It looks like the end of the world party on Nov. 30th is at Hamsters place.
  9. Hmmm. I don't believe that you "got" Voo on your team. I suspect he put himself there just to stalk you!

    On a semi-unrelated note- Are you making this thread to taunt Bone and the fact that that he was having issues getting X-Com to run on his pc?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    It would piss Voodoo off.
    Yes. This reason does have merit, no doubt. However, pissing both Voo and Ham off at the same time....

    My suggestion is to split it between Mental Giant and Texas Longhorne, that would spread the discontent evenly. You could name it the TinyC fund..........
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    To be an OP for a global channel again

    At least you know what it feels like to have absolute power over the little people in a global chat channel. I don't.

    Also. I'm surprised that MG didn't say anything about the links to the various social networking sites in your sig being broken...
  12. _Flux_

    I remember....

    I think I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that Voodoo was giving MG a hosing.

    However, now that it's common knowledge....host then post.
  13. _Flux_

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Somebody has to
    Hell, I thought that was what the MG personality/account was for.....
  14. _Flux_

    I remember....

    Hmm. So this is now a confession thread? I regret nothing but I do have a few things to share.

    I remember before CoV went to 50 and I got a tell from someone wanting a PL... (I was on a stalker...wth????) Anyway. I send him a message back.."I don't really do that but send a tell to Satanic Hamster. He really likes to do that kind of thing." -- The yowl that went up in VF chat was hilarious and then the accusations towards Voo and Kong made it even more amusing.

    Then there was the whole first run of Isolators on the red side and getting to 50 first. Of course I cheated. It was worth running a few extra missions each week to listen to the caterwaulings of Voo throughout the last half of the run. In fact, I think it did some permanent damage. To this day he still refers to me as Tonto (the name of the toon was Tonto Yoder) about a third of the time. Well, that or the fact that the toon was shirtless....

    There was a time in Nerva on a stalker before people were used to the confuse that the Succubi would throw. I got hit with the confuse, spun and killed another stalker that was attacking her with me. He calls out in team chat, "What the hell hit me?" and then, "Hey, I didn't get any debt!". I didn't say a word. I got a tell from someone else on the team that saw the encounter that read, "That was the funniest ******* thing I've ever seen."

    I have a fair number of stories as one would expect from over 8 years of playing this game but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment.
  15. _Flux_


    Well, this was an interesting turn of events and rather abrupt. Just when I'd pretty much gotten over SWTOR and was beginning to re-focus on COH too. (No, I never un-subbed)

    Anyway, I figured I'd throw a thread out here for people to put their steam ids in.

    Mine is: teh_flux

    **No. I'm not listing an email address on an open forum. I know how some of you monkeys are.....
  16. water/mental blaster 38->50
    dark/dark troller 32->34
    ill/time troller 23->26

    I only ran a Sutter apiece on the two controllers. The blaster is the only one that I had any sort of goal associated with and that wasn't really to get to 50, it just turned out that way.

    I did end up buying street justice on Saturday. Now I have to figure out what to pair it with.

    As an amusing aside, I did get two purple drops while teaming with Ham on Sunday. The irony is that he was using windfalls during those runs. Still not sold on the windfalls. I can see using them to boost inf gain, but in my experiences with them the drops haven't been any better.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    and the emails are a joke for information........but at least I've been getting them again. Ha Ha @ Flux

    What, or more likely who, did you sacrifice to start getting those again?
  18. Thanks for the responses folks.

    In all honesty, these rewards aren't that big of a deal. The reward merits were always a trivial amount. The extra slot is nice, not gonna lie. The badge, well, I've really not been much of a badger since all the badges for inventions were installed. However, the attitude implied by pretty much ignoring/glossing over this issue is a bit grating.

    I guess I'll go pound on a few more doors to try to get a concrete answer.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    WTF stacks with Double XP, right? I seem to recall getting Quad-Completion bonus on the last DXP weekend. Lady Grey is actually a WTF I would run!
    Prepare to be disappointed. Philly forwarded me the Mako newsletter (as I haven't gotten a newsletter for years now) and while it says that the LGTF is the wtf, the thread on the forums says Sutter/Kal. Also the lfg shows Sutter/Kal highlighted and peeps were saying in game that Sutter/Kal was awarding as the wtf.

    They really need to get their heads and ***** wired together about this stuff.
  20. Wasn't sure where to ask this but since technically the yearly vet badges are having issues awarding, I'll drop it here.

    Other than the yearly vet badge (8 year in my case), is anything else supposed to be awarded at that milestone? Before "Freedom" we received a badge, a character slot, and the number of reward merits equal to the year anniversary.

    I tried pm'ing zomeone for official confirmation before I started complaining about a problem that may not exist, but have yet to get a response. So here I am.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Kick him while he's down!
    Kick him while he's down!
    Kick him while he's down!
    Kick him while he's down!
    Kick him while he's down!

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post

    I *knew* I heard a coyote whining in PD as I passed through there.

    I said it before and I'll say it again. Leave Mental alone!!!*

    From the overview it looks like i24 could be a good, well balanced issue. However, I'll reserve judgement until it comes out before I issue a non-Doom™ statement.

    *Otherwise we're going to start finding messes on the rugs in the Iso's base and I'm not cleaning that up!
  22. Eh. At 50, I've found that the Cascade Archipelago is good for fakes when soloing. The "island" at the top is where I usually hunt.
  23. I'm not going to outright contradict you. However, I'm going to add a few comments to enhance what you've said...

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Rule #1 - Do not follow Shamster. There is no need to "keep up" with him. You will enjoy your time infinitely more knowing he's going to bite it every other group. Bonus points knowing whoever else does follow him will also bite it in an extraordinary fashion.

    Anyone who has teamed with Ham understands certain things. One of them is to pick up the leadership pool and make sure that you get vengeance ASAP.

    Rule #2 - Voodoo will save the day. Trust Voodoo. Give in to Voodoo. Voodoo knows the path.
    Do this only if you want to find all the beer/liquor gone from your house, your pet pregnant, and your car missing from the garage.

    Rule #3 - In case of probable confusion, refer to Mental.
    Leave Mental alone! (He's probably off in a corner, lurking in coyote form..)

    On to other things. I was trying to remember what version of Iso's this is. 13th?

    Also. I too am finding water blast fairly enjoyable. Paired it with poison as I'd never run poison before and thematically it seemed to fit the best.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
    Or a "Carrie" red-coloured /Mental Blaster?
    Heh. The PR department of Doomopolis is a little chagrined that it didn't consider that direction when considering names for water blast toons. I will have to think of an appropriate, ahh... motivation, to make sure such an oversight doesn't occur again.

    However, in light of JohnPs inspiration, one could always go with the old standbys. "Red Tide" or "Aunt Flow"
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I reserved the perfect name for a Water Blaster.

    FYI, Watersports is still available, but Golden Showers is not...

    Hmmm. Water blast coming out on Tuesday has put me in a bit of a quandary. I was going to make a beam rifle something for this iteration but now I'm tempted to go with water blast. Fortunately they weren't able to tempt me into burning through all my points with the various QoL specials that have been on sale the last couple months. Now to see if the name I just thought of is available.

    ***Also. MG the fact that you checked if those names were available saddens me. That Voo has had such an impact on you over the years....Why, I remember all those years ago when that fresh faced kid first wandered into iso's. Full of youthful optimism and innocence. Ready with a smile and a List™ and now look what has happened...