I remember....
i remember when i first started playing my main, and summoning ninjas to kill everything, i never worried about stats then, just listening to the sound of ninjas kicking poeple made me happy
and meeting everyone on VB and stuff i dont know what i will do without all you guys

What fights?
You ain't seen nothing yet!
I've already forgotten about most of you

I remember getting banned for 3 days for pulling giant monsters onto lowbies (and getting them killed) for begging for PLs in Portal Court. Good times.
And Mental/Voo's secret bromance has always made me smile on the forums and in game. Truly a romantic tale of the ages.
Dusty Trophies
I remember herding so many winterlords and their spawns in PI that I crashed the server.
I recall having Kronos Titan spawning events.
I remember Jeep.
I remember this:
I remember adding most of the curse words to the forum swear filter.
I remember Lighthouse being the most lying useless sack ever to work for CoH.
Currently listening to Dead Sara's Dead Sara
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Oh, and:
I remember a stone tank on the 2nd to the last mission in Sara Moore TF being an *** and saying "You can't kick me, you can't finish this TF without a tank."
So I kicked him and said in teamchat, "Man, that guy was a dick." His sgmate on the team responded "That was my son." "Man, your son was a dick." Then I kicked the 2nd guy.
We finished the TF w/out a tank.
Currently listening to Dead Sara's Dead Sara
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
I remember...
- Meeting the love of my life.
- Having fun with some of my best friends irl.
- Meeting DC and then seeing him through the end of his too short life.
- Leading trials and having so much fun
- Sticking with PERC for over 4 years despite it being rough
- So many other things but I can't even type right now.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
I remember Dark Armors not stacking...
I remember 8 hour Task Forces...
I remember exemplaring SG mates to they could get a badge for a out leveled TF...only to get DCd and kicked from the TF in the final mission...
I remember sooo many epic fights on teams, global channels, and on the forums...
I remember screens shots where I was a black blob and SG mates photoshopping in and arrows saying "that's Des"...
I remember Des getting Relentless and Heroic mixed up on an ITF
I remember Dark Armors not stacking...
I remember 8 hour Task Forces... I remember exemplaring SG mates to they could get a badge for a out leveled TF...only to get DCd and kicked from the TF in the final mission... I remember sooo many epic fights on teams, global channels, and on the forums... I remember screens shots where I was a black blob and SG mates photoshopping in and arrows saying "that's Des"... I REMEMBER GETTING WINGS!!!!! |
Currently listening to the Darkness' Hot Cakes
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
I remember Des getting Relentless and Heroic mixed up on an ITF
![]() |
But then I routinely forgot to lower my settings for TFs. Seems silly as we always cranked them up in the end.
Here's a few. I'll probably post more later...
I remember not being able to find Ms. Liberty after getting out of Outbreak and actually filing a petition for help.
I remember at one point wondering what was happening because I wasn't getting invited to teams as often anymore and then realizing my main was on hide for probably weeks.
I remember feeling like the game was running out of steam for me and going to Perez for some random mission while soloing. I saw the Kraken and put up a message on Broadcast that the Kraken was out not really expecting anyone to reply. One person joined me and said I should announce on Victory Forum, Victory Badges and Victory Monsters - I had never heard of these channels nor had I frequented the forums. Everything changed after that...
I remember the first time I cleared the "Find Security Chief" solo to avoid anyone dieing on a Master STF.
I remember a Hess TF we thought was a kill all where someone said "Ok Des go left, everyone go right. If he clears before we do we just suck." I think they beat me by one or two mobs, lol.
I remember when Burn gave mez protection.
I remember when Burn was nerfed to the point of pointlessness by a dev team that was so angry at it for some players farming with it that they forgot it should be balanced.
I remember when Castle finally, finally made it useful again without it being overpowered... which allowed me to pick it and slot it again. Glorious. I'm not even bitter that he made the change after some Scrapper thread, even though I had been pointing out its issues for YEARS, mostly on the Tanker forums.
I remember when I came back to CoH after a year or two of not playing, and finding the Victory community (before, it was all SG, broadcast, and LFG based for me). We had some long debate about something I don't even remember, and londerwost said I was just arguing to say I had the last word (which I wasn't). So I posted a reply, saying "word." It was impossible to pass up. It's all been gravy since then, with meeting more odd and cool people and mostly fun times on the forums, channels, and in game.
I remember when CoH got a graphical upgrade and I upgraded my computer, and I was wowed by the simple beauty of objects refracting in Orobouros's pool. Wowed by seeing my shadow fall away and shrink and grow, all in time with my character Super Jumping around... something that still is only equaled by flying around Paragon as the sun sets over the sea, or makes the war walls turn to gold. Those war walls that people see as an old holdover from early MMO design, but I love because they just scream Paragon and City of Heroes.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I remember RP in the park In Galaxy (Gemini Park) with The Cheetah, Spackle, Calash, Onus, and the rest of the gang.
I remember my old friends in Ventrilo, Cynn, Sarrate, Desmodos, Mind Freak, Malchonn, Evoke, Horatus, Madam Pistacio and the rest.
I remember the nuts, Personamorpher and that "dupin rares" guy.
I remember doing a late night type talk show in our base, and pulling it off well.
I remember my first teaming with Voodoo I called him a stupid tit. After which we actually started to get along (more or less ).
I remember some of the epic flamewars between me and some folks (Goons, Lions Den), and the epic ones I avoided.
I remember that almost all Isos meetings were a blast (sorry about my flakiness).
I remember the worst typo in history that made me want to crawl into a hole and die.
I remember running the old school ******* Positron Task Forces.
I remember the first time I used lightning rod.
Most of all I remember discovering this community (Victory), thanks for the fun and interesting times everyone.
Don't mess with Texas!
I predicted IO's would ruin the game.
Something witty and profound
I remember getting into my first iTrial. It was a MoM, right around when it had just released and the main recruiting point was still Pocket D because Dark Astoria was still months off. I had just gotten my ill/rad to 50 and had managed to craft a T1 Alpha with just shards. I was wary about joining such a high level trial but I was the only unshifted character so the group (MP was heading) told me to tag along, it'd be fine.
I died sooo many times during it, yet I still scored massive iXP, a number of Astrals, and my first Rare As I recall we then rolled right into a keyes. By the time the night was done I think I managed to unlock a slot or two and get a level shift.
I remember my first hamidon raid, just months ago, marveling at the size of the big jelly monster and the HUUUGE nucleus and how well organized the raid leaders were
I remember when I22 hit and Dark Astoria was opened up. Getting dropped into First Light and just wowing at the wonderful atmosphere, getting to run through the eternally night shrouded sweets with all kinds of incarnate level baddies duking it out and prowling and just -loving- the ambiance.
I remember loving how different every AT felt whenever I'd start up a new one.
I remember a lot less than 36 slots per server and you had Origin Icons instead of Hero/Villain next to your name ...
I remember Madame P way before PERC. (late 2004-early 2005) Even then she was still a natural leading teams.
I remember the glitch that made all the Freakshow Tank bosses have no arms.
I remember the "ORIGINAL" safe rock and PA drop teams ...
I remember when all the Pvpers they chased away in i13 knew this would happen
I remember running getting a bunch of the Drunkin Idiots SG members to help me with Wildfire mission. Exiting back into FF and watching the Kronos Titan come over the hill and launch a barrage of missiles. priceless
I remember fighting the caves with a full team against the Crey. MY kinetic/electric defender was taking hits and almost down .. the crey voltaic tank I was fighting went into thunderstike animation and at the top of his arc a scrapper came in from the side and sent him flying with crane kick saving my bacon.
I remember my old system could not handle CoV or Talos near train station. New system made me fall for the game all over again.
Celtic Fist
I remember doing the TP chain with Purramedic to ferry Hamidon raiders from one side of Eden to another.
I remember EuroCore doing a pink conga party through the server for Shallaya's birthday.
I remember how awful my first costume was and have been unable to recreate it.
I remember the pain of early Regen scrappers before I hit the golden Instant Healing + Dull Pain combination.
I remember trying to find ways to get defeated whilst running the Instant Healing + Dull Pain combo (It was hard!!)
I remmeber the sheer rage that PvP used to bring up so I had to stop ("WTF Ranged? F***ing scrapper or what?")
And lastly, I remember getting officer status in the server's Legion of Catgirls chapter as I was the only person from the SG playing on Victory. It never took off!
Frankie says it best.
I remember being on the platform out side the train in Atlas when some one shifted to lobster form on a Kheld and it scared the crap out of me. I kept waiting for it to attack.
Something witty and profound
I remember being on the platform out side the train in Atlas when some one shifted to lobster form on a Kheld and it scared the crap out of me. I kept waiting for it to attack.
Yeah... that'd be like Fista saying he was right by complaining IOs would ruin the game (I think the earlier post was a joke). Or that enhancement diversification, etc., did. I'm sure those did for a few people, but... the game is still going and going strong.
It's like some of the commenters on various sites saying CoH's character creator is still the best (and then saying they loved the look of their characters, but not playing them). Basically a difference in style preference, I guess, since I haven't found an MMO that gets even close to how epically powerful, fast, and visceral CoH is. Heck, most comic book singleplayer games don't get it so right.
And I'm talking overall. X-Men Legends does knockback better, etc., even though CoH is pretty decent there, at least on ranged characters.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
Hey, I TOLD you mother ******* that nerfing inv tankers would kill the game.
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Getting my main Armorggeddon MKII to 14. Going to Atlas and flying for the 1st time. I was having a bad time personaly then and flying in a game about superheroes with other live people who played heroes too was... well it made me very happy.
I know I'm not really close to anyone here but I'd like to thank you all for the memories. The fights between Voodoo, Hamster, and MG were epic. MP running all the trials, Hami raids. All the guys that have left way before. Hank Rerdon etc.
I will truly miss you all.
Something witty and profound