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After location, location, location it's inventory, inventory, inventory.
You'll find out that Diamond blows. (or at least they used to). Keep the store clean. Front your merchandise. Make sure your store sign is big and well lit. Back packs stay up front by the door. Register with the comic shop locater.
Never (well mostly never) order games from Diamond. Find a separate game distributor(s). If you're doing well you will have to order dice weekly. Check out the games manufacturer's web sites and see if they have demo teams. The Steve Jackson team that came to my store was great and really brought in the folks. They may also have prizes for tournaments run at your store, also register on the game manufactures web site as a distributor (if you are one).
Don’t be afraid of sales. If something isn’t moving cut the price and get rid of it. Special orders get half upfront.
Get your own web site asap. Keep an eye on the manager and go over everything with them. It's your store and your money. Silent partnerships are for people who can afford to lose lots of money.
Former owner Cap’s Comics and Games. Allentown Pa. -
So besides making us feel better are any of Tony V's calls to action going to change anything?
I ask here to keep the flames to a minimum. -
Quote:Seriously?? You have NO clue about South Korean culture. You are looking at this from a North American perspective...and it shows.
This is mild and minuscule in nature to what would happen if we (the players) were located in South Korea.... VERY mild. Email campaign LOL. No If we were in South Korea we would have been protesting every single day in front of NCSoft. We would be tarnishing their image. We would make our voices heard. We would disrupt their business a lot more. The power of the masses is what makes big businesses and the government in South Korea stop and make changes. Protesting for what you believe in is a fundamental right that is exercised often in South Korea. They don't protest with emails, or in game vigils, or by sending souvenirs...they get up..and get in their faces...and it is what has caused dramatic reforms in businesses and democratic policies time and time again.
How do I know this?? My parents were actively involved in the protests in the 1970's against Park Chung-Hee...you know that little movement that started the whole Democratic reform in South Korea. South Korea has THOUSANDS of protests yearly...it's what makes them who they are...and it is the public's main instrument of change. So please stop trying to make us look like meek Asians afraid to stand up for our beliefs because you are doing a huge disservice to our culture and spreading absolute misinformation! Trust me when I say...NCSoft is not going to be pissed off about a few hundred emails...when they know the alternative if we were actually there would have been a full blown protest for days/weeks at their company headquarters and in national media tarnishing their brand!
Ummm... yeah.... ok....
I have been in meetings with reps from countries all over the world, including South Korea and the one thing they have in common is they are business people and the bottom line is the bottom line.
I've never implied anything about South Korea, you or your parents. I have implied that NC Soft is a business and will behave like one South Korean origin or not. -
Quote:This is not a plea/protest/rally. Their behavior to this point shows a remarkably American/European business mind set. This stunt is in no way NOT going to cost them time and money. They are NOT gonna think this is ok. In anyway. Ever.And yet it won't really matter. All those who are active in the rally to save CoH have already seen the addresses here..on twitter.. etc etc...
And they are not AMERICAN business men... your understanding on South Korean culture is quite skewed. Will they cancel their email accounts? Who knows? Will they be angry/surprised at the hundreds of emails they get?? Who knows? Will it make them actually think about City of Heroes for one minute...yes. I hate to break it to you, but an email campaign is not going to make or break their decision either way. When they made this announcement on 8/31 they already knew whether they were going to be open to alternatives or not. If you had any insight into South Korean culture you would know that an impassioned plea/protest/rally is how things get done in South Korea.
So you can sit there being all ill-informed negative Nancy if you want. And I am sure if/when CoH does sunset you will blame those who took a stance to try and have their voices heard and emailed NCSoft. And if it doesn't?? You can thank those who have been fighting every day in every way they know how...for saving this game. -
If it were American business men, what do you think they'd do? I mean here I am and my PRIVATE internal business email address is now all over the internet.
It is a security risk. I've got to change email address immediately (Yes. Giant corporations do some things pretty damn fast) I have to let those who need to know that my address is now changed. My mail box is flooded with all sorts of email that is rude, insulting, potentially carrying viruses. I have to have those all deleted and my hard drive or what ever drive the emails were stored on will need to be gone over carefully to make sure nothing nasty has gotten in and that there was no security breach. This (hopefully limited to) nuisance is costing me time and money that my company and I can be spending else were to better use. I'm not going to look favorably on those responsible.
Depending on what gets sent it could be much worse than a nuisance. Much.
I'm guessing the mods aren't on over the weekend. I expect this thread to be gone some time Monday. -
Quote:I think the issue is to chose from the things that CAN have positive out comes verses those that CAN'T.Where have you been? We have been desperately looking for a way to save the game since August 31, 2012.
Blogs, Twitter, and the occasional article on some gaming site are easy to ignore and truly do not show the amount of people affected by this.
We can choose to do nothing or very little and see the outcome...or we can fight with every method we have at our disposal...I am a hero I choose to fight to save Paragon City. I will not stand by and whisper in a small corner of the internet...I will make sure my voice can be heard by many; especially those who need to hear it! I will continue to fight to save Paragon City until there is nothing left to fight for, because in the end I do not want to be sitting here thinking "What if...I had said something?" "What if I had done more?" I will do it now.. I will do more today... and hope tomorrow the sun rises on Paragon City.
I believe this e-mail option to be a serious misstep. Not dooming us but certainly not helping. -
Yes. Really. If they perceive this as a breach of etiquette (and since it is, there is no reason to think they wont) the mere fact that they got these e-mails is shooting ourselves in the foot. Not to mention the number of emails that are from trolls and I promise you there are more than a few.
Quote:You forget.... Moderation. While I think most of us are civil there are enough left to there own ends that are enough and it doesn't take much negitivity to turn some one off the whole thing.All evidence to date shows that the positive, well spoken members of this community outnumber the naysayers by nearly 10 to 1, and the trolls by even more.
Like it or not, the information is out there now. The trolls will be trolling. Our choice now becomes whether to drown out that unhelpful signal with something better, or stand still wringing our hands worrying about it and doing nothing.
We can't afford to do nothing anymore.
Also note they are examples in this very thread that shows not every one is planning on being civil. How many people haven't posted and send out less than nice emails? -
This looks like a spectacularly bad idea. With these e-mail addresses in the open any one can use them. For any reason. I think it would have been better if you had done a slow roll out via pm or personal email to people you know could be trusted to do something constructive with this information.
Seems like the whole Korean game business is in panic mode as the market shifts to a new business model. Too bad they are throwing the baby out with the bath water.
I remember my 1st Frost Fire. Just amazed by the ice slides. It was just a really fun series of missions.
I remember going to Portal Corp for the 1st time and finding out you couldn't fly through the moving logo in the court yard. Seconds later I was blown away by an actual portal room. I think it was the very 1st large thing I'd seen in game. -
Quote:Yeah. Same here. Just too sad to do anything I think. I've just been flying around the zones aimlessly.ive not felt like running anything, yesterday me and some old friends were killing GMs for the fun of it, even got caleb
lately i have been sitting around in the matrix room in PI, i feel everyone should have a chance to see some of the various easter eggs in the game
What the hell is the matrix room and where is it? -
Might I suggest two shoots. One blue side. One red side. RWZ is not iconic to the game. Nor is Pocket D or Dark Astoria. It has to be Atlas blue side and... IDK Recluses statue red?
I think I was on that run. I asked if you were gonna invite the kid back and then you kicked the other guy. I was surprised. I'm not sure why.
I remember teaming with S. Hamster for the 1st time. It was on a Virgil Tarkos TF. He was on.... Dream something or other and she looked like Batgirl I thought. -
I would suggest they have 3 months to go rogue or become a hero.
I had kind of a depression when after I got my first 50. I was kinda at a loss as to what to do. It (wrongly) felt like I had beaten the game.
Now that some time has passed and the shock is wearing off I don't feel quite as bad as I did Friday. Hope every one else is coming to grips with this as well. -
I remember being on the platform out side the train in Atlas when some one shifted to lobster form on a Kheld and it scared the crap out of me. I kept waiting for it to attack.
Where do the screen shots from the VIP beta server end up?