Jumping on point for Marvel Comics?
Fantastic Four number 1.
Something witty and profound
Marvel Now is about to rejumble the entire comic line up. Hard to call that a jump-on point, but it is a major event.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
If you're looking for a jump on point, as Anti_Proton said, Marvel is set to relaunch their titles after the events of Avengers vs. X-Men. However if you want to brief yourself on what's been happening in the current Marvel universe. Feel free to pick these trades
Civil War
Secret Invasion
Dark Reign
Golden Age
Fear Itself
These are a few titles, and there are more, but should give you a rough idea of what's going on in the Marvel Universe.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Last year Marvel did have the "point one" thing designed as jumping-on points for their various mags.
Marvel .1 graphic novel.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Try Ultimate Spider-Man and X-Men 1
True, it's not mainstream Marvel...but on the upside there aren't half that many continuity errors or X-Men.
Still has a few errors, mostly due to FF.

ANARCHY = A Society that does not need government
114. Ahrouns do not appreciate my particular brand of humour, so I should stop bleaching bulls-eyes in their fur.
Hey all,
Before we all disappear, I wanted to pick the brains of all the comic book fans out there. Many years ago I used to collect comics voraciously, but had to stop due to the inevitable financial reasons kicked in. Back then, I started out by collecting DC Comics, mostly because I was more familiar with the flagship names, such as Superman and Batman. (this was when Bat Fever hit the world back in '88) I also realised just how many different titles there were and how expensive it would get and had to make the decision which company to follow, DC or Marvel. DC won, simply because the sheer amount of Marvel comics on the shelf, including what seemed to be about 500 X-Men titles ![]() Now, having got back in to comics over the previous 10 years or so, especially after playing CoH so much, I managed through various means to start reading comics properly once more. Having decided to continue with DC Comics as I loved them so much, I decided that the best "jumping on" point was the Crisis on Infinite Earths and as such, have been reading almost all the DC Comics since then, currently up to about 2003 comics (Yeah, I know, still 9 years to go, but I'm getting through them fast! ![]() Anyway, I know that eventually, probably within the next year, I will be reaching the current DC stuff and I then want to move on to Marvel comics. The thing is, I don't know Marvel that well and am not sure what is the best place to start! So, comic book fans, what do you think? Is there a Crisis style event that would be a good place to start? Am i looking at a similar era, the mid 80's or should I start earlier? Or later? I don't really want to go back too far, as that gets very expensive then, but nor do I want to miss out on too much of the back history of the characters either, so the challengs is to find a good year, or event, or crossover to start with. Thankfully, I can fill in a lot of the blanks in the history thanks to the web, Wikipedia etc, but I appreciate the skills of the comic fans on here ![]() |
The current story in Incredible Hulk has been rather bad until the latest ish #13, which finally gives some story answers and gets HULK and Banner to stop their decades long mental feud and work together to stop Dr. Doom.
Avengers vs X-men also served as a springboard to launch the new Captain Marvel series with Carol Danvers/Ms. Marvel taking the name Captain Marvel to honor the memory of Captain Mar-Vell who briefly returned in the Secret Avengers issues that tied into the AvX event.
Thunderbolts will be relaunched with Red Hulk, Elektra, Deadpool and the Punisher on the team with Red Hulk in charge. I have a hunch that Punisher won't be on the team for long and will get yet another solo series after he leaves this book.
Scarlet Spider: the adventures of Kaine the clone of Spiderman. Interesting series that so far is better then regular Spidey books. Of course I'm biased against all things Spiderman until the Mephisto Marriage Erasure is undone.
Also there's the Punisher: War Zone mini series set to start. Deals with the Avengers (Iron Man, Capt. America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Black Widow) agreeing to put a stop to the Punisher once and for all.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Also there's the Punisher: War Zone mini series set to start. Deals with the Avengers (Iron Man, Capt. America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Black Widow) agreeing to put a stop to the Punisher once and for all.
Some of them may feel that the Punisher is a necessary evil. I can see Wolverine thinking like this.
Captain America, and Daredevil will unquestionably want to stop the Punisher. Also the Punisher has shown in the past that he doesn't want to fight Cap (Civil War). Spidey will also want to jump in on this viewpoint of stopping the Punisher.
Iron Man: well, knowing how they've shown Stark in the past I can see him going with the view point that the Avengers are meant for world threatening/cosmic level menaces like Thanos, Galactus, Ultron, Kree/Skrull wars, etc. he could easily see that going after the Punisher will be a waste of time and resources.
THOR: presuming he's in this story he could well state that this is an affair for mortals to decide and stay out of it. Or he could view the Punisher as suffering from what Asgardians call "warriors madness" and agree that Punisher should be stopped. However as Asgardians are all warriors and they all live for the fight which includes killing enemies and monsters, he may also view the Punisher as unworthy of his time or may even agree that the Punisher is a necessary evil.
HULK: Punisher has met and fought alongside the Hulk before. Also given that Banner and Hulk are two relatively different minds, each one could have a different viewpoint on the Punisher. I could see Banner agreeing that he should be stopped, but HULK may view it differently.
Luke Cage and Iron Fist: I can see Iron Fist wanting to stop the Punisher, Luke Cage however has also fought alongside the Punisher (back when Frank was temporarily change to black skin, no I am not making that up), and Cage may not overly endorse killing but he may also realize that the streets are a bit safer thanks to the Punisher and a lot of street punks live in fear of when Punisher will target them.
Black Widow: she is a highly trained spy/covert op/assassin. For her killing is about as natural as breathing. Hard to say which way she will go on this, she may follow orders to stop Punisher but her heart may not be in it.
Mockingbird: former SHIELD agent and trained killer. She may feel that she should follow orders but not like it.
VISION: hard to say. He may agree that the Avengers time and resources are best spent elsewhere.
Red Hulk: General Ross is a soldier just like Cap and the Punisher. He may well see Punisher as a rogue soldier that is out of control, not that Ross is one to talk about that, and decide that help bring him in similar to when Flash Thompson/Venom took the symbiote and went AWOL.
Flash Thompson/Venom: he is a soldier and trained to kill and may also agree that the Punisher is a rogue soldier that needs to be stopped. On the other hand the symbiote may alter his thinking on the matter, hard to say.
The Beast: to my knowledge Hank McCoy has always been against terminal force and believes people have the right to a fair trial. He would likely want to stop the Punisher.
Thunderbolts will be relaunched with Red Hulk, Elektra, Deadpool and the Punisher on the team with Red Hulk in charge. I have a hunch that Punisher won't be on the team for long and will get yet another solo series after he leaves this book. |
Also looking foward to the Minimum Carnage series coming out. It has Kaine and Venom teaming up to stop Carnage in the Microverse. In regards to the Joephisto marriage erasure. There's fan speculation on a few forums here and there that this might be mentioned or touched upon in the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man issue 700 coming out around December.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
In regards to the Joephisto marriage erasure. There's fan speculation on a few forums here and there that this might be mentioned or touched upon in the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man issue 700 coming out around December.
Or maybe they just don't have the guts to reverse Joephito's stupidity.
Peter and MJ deciding to get married in the current timeline won't solve the problem. The solution is to fix the past to purge Mephisto's changes and if Aunt May dies as a result, well I'm fine with that.
Well, as someone once pointed out, the web, Wiki-pedia in particular, are excellent for reading up on continuity and answering question for things you've missed.
Crisis was the first company wide comic event and lead to a continuity restructuring (Which DC pretty much did again last year with Flashpoint and the New 52). Marvel has never really done a continuity restructuring like that (Although the rumour is that is coming up). They have done company wide crossovers with consequences abound, but never a wholesale reboot (I did like Crisis and what they were trying to do, sadly some of the follow ups led to inconsistencies, but that's another story. The "New 52" feels like a big marketing ploy and I really haven't been happy with most of the results since)
I believe Marvel's first "Crisis Like" multi crossover event was the 1980s (85? 86?) Secret Wars. If you haven't read it, then you would probably enjoy it. They followed it up with Secret Wars 2, which wasn't as good.
Personally I liked a lot of the 80s and early 90s stuff, and for my money, the Infinity Guantlet (And they just re-released "Thanos Quest, which was a set up for that) is probably one of the best Marvel Crossover events.
Personally I've been a big hulk fan (look back to issue 300ish, once Peter David is writing on the book (320s?? till 425) the storylines and humor are top notch) and would highly recommend those (Although in the late 90s and on things have been hit and miss).
I'm also a big spidey fan, Loved the 80s and early 90s, hated a lot of the stuff that would lead to "The Clone Saga" (If you're buying up old books I recommend giving those a miss and just using wiki or other places to catch up with the story)
Check here for what you missed http://lifeofreillyarchives.blogspot.ca/
Some other sites you might want to check out.
http://www.comics101.com/archives/co...1/archives.php Excellent articles on various comic events, history etc.
Also a lot of people seem to enjoy the "Ultimate" line. Its an alternate universe that started about 10 years ago, so you could probably get most of the important stories without breaking the bank. On top of which they killed off the Ultimate Peter Parker last year so a brand new Spidey there.
Hope some of this helps.
If we don't agree, that doesn't mean you're less correct than I am...
Just less interesting - Dogbert
Athena Olympia 50 MA/Sr Pinnacle
Abby Zira 32 Ice/Ice Virtue
Nova Element 40 Rad/Rad Champion
Green Bee 48 Dual/WP Virtue
Radi Burns 50 Fire/Rad Champion
If you're an X-Men fan A vs. X is a great jumping OFF point.
The X-Men are dead. Marvel killed them with their own hands. Somewhat integrating them into the Avengers line may seem like a keen idea, but it destroys the entire foundation that the X-Men are built on. They're social outcasts who fight the monsters (both mutant and human), that other groups like the Avengers turn a blind eye to.
I've enjoyed most Marvel titles... But some insular series that kinda have their own thing going may be the best spot to start.
Invincible Iron Man - Good series, but you'd probably have to go back quite a bit... To where Matt Fraction first began writing.
Venom - Only up to issue #23 or so.
Scarlet Spider - Texas' (alright, FINE, Houston's) own Spider-Man. Only up to issue 9 or so.
Hawkeye - Matt Fraction again, and David Aja. They had a great Immortal Iron Fist series, and through two issues, this one looks like a whole lot of fun as well.
I'd avoid any Avenging or Mutants for a while. There are good stories in there - Hell, I just bought Bendis' New Avengers Omnibus - but you kind of have to be all into the continuity and stuff to really get the most out of 'em.
My favorite Marvel series right now is probably Journey Into Mystery. It picked up after a big Marvel event, but don't let that deter you, here's the breakdown: Loki was resurrected as a young boy, and he's a lovable scamp who gets into mischief, but GOOD mischief, not "Loki is trying to **** us" mischief.
And it's technically Marvel now (their Icon imprint), so: Powers: Bureau (I think that's the subtitle). This is Brian Michael Bendis' long-running cop-drama involving superheroes. The current series (just called "Powers") just ended (though I'd say it never really began - It only went 11 issues and it took about two years due to all of the delays), and the new series is picking up with larger superpowered threats on a national stage being the main impetus.
The series is in the works as an hour-long F/X series (though there are some hangups), so get in on it!
And also, definitely not Marvel (Image), but Brian K. Vaughn's Saga is what I'm currently recommending to everyone. SO CONSIDER YOURSELF RECOMMENDED.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

If you're an X-Men fan A vs. X is a great jumping OFF point.
The X-Men are dead. Marvel killed them with their own hands. Somewhat integrating them into the Avengers line may seem like a keen idea, but it destroys the entire foundation that the X-Men are built on. They're social outcasts who fight the monsters (both mutant and human), that other groups like the Avengers turn a blind eye to. |
Also I'm not sure that it's a case of Avengers turning a blind eye, though granted for the sake of the plot that may work, but it is also likely that the X-men could contact the Avengers and get a recording "Sorry we can't assist you right now, we are all out battling THANOS (or insert threat name here) at this time, please leave a message and if the world isn't annihilated we will contact you as soon as we are able."
Only thing I'm remotely curious about the aftermath of AvX would be:
1. How will the judge Cyclops for what he's done.
2. The changes the Phoenix 5 made to the Earth to better it.....will they be reversed?
3. Captain Mar-Vell, revived by the Phoenix, killed again by the Phoenix yet his body was on that planet with plant life growing around him......the writer did state on Twitter "how do you know this was the last of him?"
Crisis was the first company wide comic event and lead to a continuity restructuring (Which DC pretty much did again last year with Flashpoint and the New 52). Marvel has never really done a continuity restructuring like that (Although the rumour is that is coming up). They have done company wide crossovers with consequences abound, but never a wholesale reboot (I did like Crisis and what they were trying to do, sadly some of the follow ups led to inconsistencies, but that's another story. The "New 52" feels like a big marketing ploy and I really haven't been happy with most of the results since)
I believe Marvel's first "Crisis Like" multi crossover event was the 1980s (85? 86?) Secret Wars. If you haven't read it, then you would probably enjoy it. They followed it up with Secret Wars 2, which wasn't as good. Personally I liked a lot of the 80s and early 90s stuff, and for my money, the Infinity Guantlet (And they just re-released "Thanos Quest, which was a set up for that) is probably one of the best Marvel Crossover events. |
I agree that Infinity Gauntlet was completely badass at the time. I'm not sure how it would hold up today. I'm sure Starlin's crazy galactic sensibility is still on display.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Actually, Marvel's Secret Wars happened *before* DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths. (DC's copying of Marvel goes way back.)
I think the main reason Marvel's never had a company-wide shake-up comparable to DC's is because they never let their continuity get completely screwed up. DC has had a long line of terrible Editors-in-Chief making stupid decisions, which was only recently matched by Joe Quesada over at Marvel. Although to be fair, DC *is* about 30 years older than Marvel if we're counting from the Stan Lee Era of the mid-60s. (Which really is the Marvel we're talking about.) |
I agree that Infinity Gauntlet was completely badass at the time. I'm not sure how it would hold up today. I'm sure Starlin's crazy galactic sensibility is still on display. |
Hey all,
just seemed to costly.
Before we all disappear, I wanted to pick the brains of all the comic book fans out there.
Many years ago I used to collect comics voraciously, but had to stop due to the inevitable financial reasons kicked in. Back then, I started out by collecting DC Comics, mostly because I was more familiar with the flagship names, such as Superman and Batman. (this was when Bat Fever hit the world back in '88) I also realised just how many different titles there were and how expensive it would get and had to make the decision which company to follow, DC or Marvel.
DC won, simply because the sheer amount of Marvel comics on the shelf, including what seemed to be about 500 X-Men titles
Now, having got back in to comics over the previous 10 years or so, especially after playing CoH so much, I managed through various means to start reading comics properly once more. Having decided to continue with DC Comics as I loved them so much, I decided that the best "jumping on" point was the Crisis on Infinite Earths and as such, have been reading almost all the DC Comics since then, currently up to about 2003 comics (Yeah, I know, still 9 years to go, but I'm getting through them fast!
Anyway, I know that eventually, probably within the next year, I will be reaching the current DC stuff and I then want to move on to Marvel comics.
The thing is, I don't know Marvel that well and am not sure what is the best place to start!
So, comic book fans, what do you think? Is there a Crisis style event that would be a good place to start? Am i looking at a similar era, the mid 80's or should I start earlier? Or later? I don't really want to go back too far, as that gets very expensive then, but nor do I want to miss out on too much of the back history of the characters either, so the challengs is to find a good year, or event, or crossover to start with. Thankfully, I can fill in a lot of the blanks in the history thanks to the web, Wikipedia etc, but I appreciate the skills of the comic fans on here
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