1696 -
I like to subscribe to the infinite universe, Multiverse concept, and in one of those universes, Firefly was never cancelled, it went on to be a massive, 10 season epic, with a string of movies to follow and helped lead the world to peace, happiness and gorram, shiny Companions for all!
I am also still trying to find my way in to that universe. -
Quote:I was wondering about that as well. Fans have been clamoring for a nice, cleaned-up version of the original movie, without the edits, with no Jabba and Han Shot First. Do Disney have the rights to be able to do that?My primary hope for this is that it will result in the release of a blu-ray version of the original trilogy unsullied by George's edits to fit his vision.
I know I'd buy the damn thing, just for nostalgia -
Tbh my initial thought was one of abject terror at their power, but then I remember they bought Marvel and look how well Avengers turned out.
Hey all
I know this isn't exactly on topic for the game, except I will be playing the game under it, albeit briefly
So, anyone got it? Installed it? Tried it extensively?
Any thoughts? Is it good to use? Annoying to use? A pain in the but-tocks?
I'm interested as I've seen a lot of good comments, as well as some bad ones, so I want to get the opinion of people I trust.
The main reason I'm tempted? I'm on Vista, the upgrade price from Microsoft website for me is about £25, which is a bargain for the latest OS!
Anyone upgraded this way? Was it easy to do? How does it work for doing a clean install? I read I can burn it to disc, can I reinstall from that in the future? Also, is it a 64 bit version that installs considering my Vista is the 32 bit.
Any help, gratefully received! Failing thatm, links to good sites that might have this info?
Laters all! -
I'm sorry, but no matter how it was done, Siegel and Shuster sold Superman to DC Comics. They made that decision years ago. It might have been a bad one, they might have been screwed over for it, but how does that give the sister and nephew, who had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH MAKING SUPERMAN have any rights to it at all?
Especially when they willingly signed it all away for a yearly payout for doing sod all.
As said, DC have been writing and making Superman for all these years. I think they are more deserving of owning Superman that the sister and nephew are. -
Think the delay between seasons was to coincide next season with the 50th anniversary. It will be worth the wait.
Quote:What, making them and showing them all in a row, you mean?Consider it payback for the way your BBC makes and releases episodes of Doctor Who.
It's only the past couple of seasons that they have started to do it the US way of making it, showing a few then taking a long break.
You all only have yourselves to blame -
Oh I couldn't agree more that that Siegel and Shuster were treated badly at the time, but that's as much an indictment of the times they lived in as anything else, things have progressed now so these sort of things don't happen as much (I'll ignore what's happening with Apple
But I still think the sister and nephew have no claims to any of it, especially after nearly 80 years! -
Finally, a reason for me to actually like the stupidly named Syfy channel!
In the UK at least
I dare say you US people have had these for ages, but to be able to watch them all again in High Def is great news!
Trying to find out if they are the new remastered versions as well. Anyone know?
Starts November 5th anyway! -
Got to admit, I don't completely understand the legal ins and outs of this stuff, but it makes no sense to me that the sister and brother of the original Superman creators have any claim to it!?!
If my father had created something like this, I wouldn't make any claims to it, I never made it. If my father had made a contract that stated that I got money off it for a certain amount of time, after his death, then fair enough, but it still would seem crazy.
The people who made Superman died years ago. DC Comics have been making Superman comics for 74 years now. From what I understand, the character was sold to DC Comics back in 1937, so how do his brother and sister get to claim money on it?? -
I watched it as a LONG time Dwarf fan, was underwhelmed with Back to Earth. Loved the new one, very much a return to the old skool style.
I think I'm more just surprised at how long it took for even one of the smaller networks to show this, given just amazingly popular it was.
Guess it took the success of Avengers to finally make the execs realise just how popular His Lord Whedon-ness is. -
I'd almost be jealous that you US people are getting to watch it....if I hadn't seen it 4 YEARS ago!
Seriously, when will TV execs wake up and learn what works -
Quote:Go here, join up, talk geek stuff by the bucket loadThe really sad thing about this episode is that we won't be able to chat about the next one except for possible spoilers since it comes around Christmas.
Unleashed Forums
LOTS of CoH players on there, all very friendly and you can talk games to your hearts content as well. -
I enjoyed the episode a lot, although I have MASSIVE problems with the Statue Of Liberty wandering around New York, even in 1938 and NO ONE noticing it??
Personally, I reckon that Amy and Rory didn't want to be found by the Doctor and my reasoning for that is that they found Melody after she had just regenerated in that alleyway and helped raise her after all, so giving themselves the chance to raise their daughter as they always wanted.
Saying that, I can think of numerous ways they could come back, especially with the 50th anniversary next year. I will be shocked if they don't appear in that somewhere -
Quote:Probably a lot, tbh, but you would be missing out on a LOT of classic 60's sci0fiWell thanks to a pal of mine loaning me some files and DVD's I'm now able to go back and start rewatching Dr. Who back at the beginning with Doctor 1. The plan is to watch the episodes starting from the beginning and work my way up to the present, but obviously we are speaking of many episodes and many Doctors. So, are there any stories or Doctors from the classics that could be skipped or at least delayed for awhile?
I'm also watching them all from the beginning, halfway through season 2 atm, just about to watch the Chase. Not an easy task, given that 106 episodes don't exist so I'm having to watch reconstructions and audio recordings and the like, but I'm really enjoying it. It's fun to see how bad the cliffhangers were back in the early stuff......oh noes!! Someone is about to walk around this corner and see us!!.....quick, walk away quietly!!......phew!
But a lot of the early serials don't really reference much until at least the second Doctor when we find out more about the Time Lords etc. -
Thing about the Face Of Bo, it was never actually confirmed in the canon of the show itself, never confirmed on screen, only as a comment by Russel T Davies on the DVD Commentary, so can easily be ignored or retconned if needed.
I kind of liked the concept of it though, if Jack can't die, what will he look like in millions of years from now? -
Hey all,
Before we all disappear, I wanted to pick the brains of all the comic book fans out there.
Many years ago I used to collect comics voraciously, but had to stop due to the inevitable financial reasons kicked in. Back then, I started out by collecting DC Comics, mostly because I was more familiar with the flagship names, such as Superman and Batman. (this was when Bat Fever hit the world back in '88) I also realised just how many different titles there were and how expensive it would get and had to make the decision which company to follow, DC or Marvel.
DC won, simply because the sheer amount of Marvel comics on the shelf, including what seemed to be about 500 X-Men titlesjust seemed to costly.
Now, having got back in to comics over the previous 10 years or so, especially after playing CoH so much, I managed through various means to start reading comics properly once more. Having decided to continue with DC Comics as I loved them so much, I decided that the best "jumping on" point was the Crisis on Infinite Earths and as such, have been reading almost all the DC Comics since then, currently up to about 2003 comics (Yeah, I know, still 9 years to go, but I'm getting through them fast!)
Anyway, I know that eventually, probably within the next year, I will be reaching the current DC stuff and I then want to move on to Marvel comics.
The thing is, I don't know Marvel that well and am not sure what is the best place to start!
So, comic book fans, what do you think? Is there a Crisis style event that would be a good place to start? Am i looking at a similar era, the mid 80's or should I start earlier? Or later? I don't really want to go back too far, as that gets very expensive then, but nor do I want to miss out on too much of the back history of the characters either, so the challengs is to find a good year, or event, or crossover to start with. Thankfully, I can fill in a lot of the blanks in the history thanks to the web, Wikipedia etc, but I appreciate the skills of the comic fans on here -
Dinosaurs! On a Spaceship!!
How gloriously ridiculous was that
I did notice, second time he's started talking to someone as they are listening to classical music he helped work on......new pattern or red herring? -
For those who don't know him, Peter David is a well known comic book writer and author, as well as a big sci-fi fan, including Doctor Who. Many years ago he did his own filk of the Billy Joel song "The Longest Time" but changed the words to do with our favourite Time Lord.
His wife, Kathleen, is a puppeteer and at a recent puppeteer convention, she helped perform the song on stage......with all 11 Doctors!
Well worth a watch, although the words are a little unclear, sadly, as it's a fan video, but PAD has said he'll post the lyrics on his site when he gets a 1000 views, so get watching
For the Lord Of Time -
Ahh, there it is, thanks
Weird, not mentioned anywhere on the website, thought it would have been, rather than just in a coffee talk vid.
Hope the winners managed to get their prizes though, and yes, I am well jealous -
No one? Wow. I'm guessing it wasn't announced then!
Wonder what will happen to all that mousy goodness then