I remember....

Agent White



Hate to feed the rodent's ego here, I remember a chaotic lowbie arena match, where I singled out the rodent and gave chase (imagine a huge bullman chasing a tiny, soon to be doomed rodent man), I chased him all over the map and finally up the the steel ramps around a factory (an old AV map I believe), Hamster jumps from the very top I jumped after him, saved by the one-shot code but than tapped by a rodent claw, owned. A cheap but memorable victory for the Satanic one.

Don't mess with Texas!



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post

Some examples-

Kat/Regen Scrapper (Pre-Issue 2) = 388

Fastforward over the years -

Demon/Pain MM = 56 (one of 2 Demons I made because those are damn near perfect)
With a real end game XP smoothing was needed. The last month I was playing on Virtue, full teams of 8 no matter what time of day or night (e.g. a full team for citadel at 2am), went from 1-50 in under 3 weeks.

Don't mess with Texas!



Originally Posted by BurnSucka View Post
I remember learning about E.D. (no not erectile... smack you crazy new players) the hard way when my scrapper's enhancement slotting suddenly didn't work well. I male pms'ed about it for 2 weeks then got used to the new system.
The funny thing was, when ED came around, it hardly affected me at all. All my attacks already had 3 Dam, 2 Rech and 1 Acc SO in them. The most I suffered from it was in Hasten and Elude, as I had been aiming to 6 slot them both with Rech SOs.

I remember how it took me nearly 3 years and over 1000 hours to get Chad Gulzow-Man to level 50.

I remember wanting to quit the game while doing heal farms for the Empath badge (before it was fixed the FIRST time). I spent nearly 6 months doing nothing but logging in and joining a Gladiator Battle match with a bunch of other badgers and almost never got to actually play the game. Plus, leaving my computer on all night and day with CoH running burned out my video card (I learned about the /maxinactivefps command shortly after replacing the card). So I was paying $15 a month for a game that I couldn't play if I wanted to stay competitive on the badge front, and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Then, of course, they decided to drop a zero from Empath's requirement, cutting the time required to farm it by 90%. Someone leaked the news to me from the beta at the time, so I immediately switched over to Evil G and farmed up to 10% for him (which only took about 20 days) so they could both get the badge.

And of course, they later cut THAT requirement again, meaning that earning Empath now only requires about 2.5% of the original farming time. And with the Destiny Rebirth abilities, it can be done outside of PVP farm missions.

I remember farming for Isolator in Recluse's Victory. There was no such thing as badges when the game released, and it wasn't until after Celebrant had come and gone that I really started to care about them. I should have just rebooted Chad Gulzow-Man in Issue 2... his build was COMPLETELY borked at the time, anyway.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



My name is Elegost, and I'm a dick. It's time to come clean.

As my brother already pointed out, I grew up here, and it's interesting for me to look back through old images and chatlogs to see how I've changed. It's bittersweet, seeing myself now, living in the long shadow of my former self. I don't have many regrets, but the attitude and image I made for myself in this world is one of them.

I was the one that was always flipping hundreds of performance shifter procs and ruining all of those prices, also Essences of the Furies. I ruined those, too.

I was the one who global-silenced the VB channel to keep the spammers out, despite the other mods' opinion.

I was the one who repeatedly removed AAs mod-star (but I always gave it back, rude prankster).

I had the secret intention to slowly remove the stars of every single member of VB (including myself), save Cannonfodder, one at a time, while they were all offline. Because I was a malicious dirtbag.

I was the one who make fake globals and pretended to be three of you (I'll only post the chatlog of one of them, however. Blujay and Fire Kittie were the other two). If any of you happen to remember this.

Tiny C

[Victory Badges] MOTD (2007-11-28 21:05:23): For everything Badge related . Yes we can get Isolator now ask Panzer how.
[Victory Badges] sigma1932: wow, raid in Atlas... heh
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: hay every1
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: ?
[Victory Badges] Lanna Su: hey Tiny
[Victory Badges] Veris: Rikti in AP
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: nobodies here?
[Victory Badges] Semeck: Hey - to eveyrone that did that thing at that place - sorry for hte abrupt depature - but I need the Rikti world raid badges - did we get almost everyone to the goal?
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: oh hay guys!
[Victory Badges] Veris: close two left in the 300s
[Victory Badges] Veris: probably do that thing again tomorrow
[Victory Badges] Semeck: again, sorry I bailed so quick, but congrats to the new goal setters
[Victory Badges] Semeck: I'm off to join the farm
[Victory Badges] Semeck: thanks guys
[Victory Badges] Veris: yeah very close, and thnx for all the help
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: wuts goin on ?
[Victory Badges] sigma1932: what thing is that?
[Victory Badges] Veris: the thing from before
[Victory Badges] sigma1932: I wasn't here before, mind filling me in?
[Victory Badges] Plasmic Fire: and wtf, for 100% boost you only get 2.5%
[Victory Badges] Veris: it is the thing that shall be not named, and it shall not be named
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: does ne1 need a blaster???
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] anymore for heal farm?
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: **** yoo and yor farming kind bluejay!!!!!!
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] ??? sorry to be so offensive ???
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: u shuld EARN badges not farm them!
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] tiny, are you being contancerous for a good reason?
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: ..... wut?
[Victory Badges] Masque: HAY TINY!
[Victory Badges] crobar: Cantankerous
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] look it up
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: HAY MASK!!!!!!
[Victory Badges] crobar: aka a freakin hemherroid
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: ima tank.. ?
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] contemptible, tiny.
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] contentious
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: stop using big words so u sound smarter
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: im realy smart
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: ok wtf is using my Global???
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] it shows
[Victory Badges] Masque: lol
[Victory Badges] Vakdor: so now we have Tiny C and Tiny C., hmm
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: who is using my name as their global?
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: hes faking!!!
[Victory Badges] crobar: funny
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: im the real tiny C!
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] shoot them both. the real wolverine will heal, damn it
[Victory Badges] Vakdor: lol
[Victory Badges] Silent Zoe: they're multiplying!
[Victory Badges] Masque: You both have tiny c's
[Victory Badges] Fyre Knight: lol BlueJay
[Victory Badges] Vhaasen: Help control the Tiny population, have your Tiny spayed or neutered.
[Victory Badges] Silent Zoe: LMAO
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: wut?
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: ......
[Victory Badges] Fyre Knight: lol
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: that is not cool dude
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: seriusly.. sum1 make him stop
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] no, it's not. but it's how we handle the uncool that matters
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: tell me how did u get that name...because that is the name of my WP/energy tank...
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] take it to tells, tiny...
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] lol
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: NO
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] one of ya's
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: how did u get MY name? its the same as my archery/nrg blaster
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] don't get snippy
[Victory Badges] Tiny C: NO
[Victory Badges] Tiny C.: what Slick Arrow?
[Victory Badges] Plasmic Fire: huh?
[Victory Badges] joshua-kotc: [Bluejay] I'm leaving VB; this is too annoying. I think Tiny C., the real one, needs to stop being snippy, and I think the guy making every else's globals needs to stop; beyond that, what do you want of me? g'night
[Victory Badges] Plasmic Fire: oil slick?
[Victory Badges] Jr Bullseye: ok im walking away til yall get it together
I have the image from our fastest QMoSTF time: 0:25:18, 6 corrs, 1 def, 1 scrap (post incarnates, pre-hybrid), but my photobucket is borked and won't upload it, will potentially include later.

While my badging experience wasn't as rough as Chads mentioned heal farming, I did manage to get 1k pillboxes on dial-up, which sucked (thanks to Necrotech Master for so many months of trading pills between sides).

What I wanted most out of the story of this game was for Rularuu to be the next threat for the incarnates we had become. The Aspects were there, the zones were there in the Shadow Shard (ready for a revamp), the whole layout was just begging to be used. I am incredibly saddened that the Rularuu will not be expanded upon further.

I really don't want to play GW2, but there really aren't any other options for this style of gameplay that I can use to game with my family and friends. I'm still on the fence.

Buying GW2 is like marrying your rapist, as Ryxx put it.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



I remember the last time I kicked Tiny C. from a task force.

First mission of a Numina run; he takes ten minutes to enter the mission, then can't find his way to the team and kept begging for a teleport. Then he typed, and I quote, "AFK 20 or so minutes, taking a shower."

Immediately kicked him. I swear, every person in The One supergroup was just as damn well useless. Had to petition the sg lead The Master for racism and griefing at a few Hamidon raids.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
I remember the last time I kicked Tiny C. from a task force.

First mission of a Numina run; he takes ten minutes to enter the mission, then can't find his way to the team and kept begging for a teleport. Then he typed, and I quote, "AFK 20 or so minutes, taking a shower."

Immediately kicked him. I swear, every person in The One supergroup was just as damn well useless. Had to petition the sg lead The Master for racism and griefing at a few Hamidon raids.
I don't even think he gave that much of response and I don't recall him getting into the mission *shrug*. All I remember is "AFK Shower".

You exposed me to so many bad teams over the years

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
You exposed me to so many bad teams over the years
Every Wednesday evening?

@JohnP - Victory



Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
Every Wednesday evening?
I'm not that cold and heartless..........................

to say it outright

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
Every Wednesday evening?
For the first four or five years of Isolators, I would intentionally put the Cow on Voodoo's team.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



We should have confession threads more often

Dusty Trophies



I once got into SHamster's root image dump ... thing by changing the url of one of the pictures he posted. He used to have pictures of himself and lots of ... other things ... in there. I'll just say that I was pretty sure he was a frequenter of 4chan before I got into it, but I had no doubt afterwards. *Shudder*

Dusty Trophies




Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



No, more like images that can't be posted, nor could I describe in this forum with any sort of decency. Such horribile things.

Dusty Trophies



Hmmmm... This?

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



I was reading Elegost's chat log and was all like "Hey, I'm in there! Wow, I actually remember that!"

This was my first MMO and the only one I've played to date. I started just before CoV came out in 2005 and I've come and gone but enjoyed it immensely.
I think one of my favorite things was getting Master of LRSF long ago on my perma mind/ice dom. I was very proud of myself lol.
I remember getting so mad about dying in the Hollows I almost quit the game when I first started out.
I remember taking hover and immediately flying on top of Atlas
I remember how awesome it was doing Frostfire
I remember grinding my ice/fire tank so so so slowly to 50 while having no idea what I was doing, but loving every minute (and hours and hours lol)
I remember learning you could do something called a "Respec" to try and fix said crappy ice/fire tank around level 28 (What, assault isnt a good power pick?!?)
I remember seeing the Clockwork King for the first time
I remember being invited to my first TF and having no idea what that meant (Synapse btw)
I remember doing Dr. Quaterfield with Tiny C on our team... sigh
I remember doing all the other painful shadow shard TFs and wearing the badges with pride
I remember spending Christmas eve circling Talos getting presents
I remember being super excited about hearing you could find CoH Collector's edition at Big Lots and driving to four of them before I found my copy! Yay power slide!

I have many other fond memories of playing the game and will miss it greatly. Ive teamed with several of you over the years and have just started really getting back into the game, I really hope this isnt the end!



Hmm. So this is now a confession thread? I regret nothing but I do have a few things to share.

I remember before CoV went to 50 and I got a tell from someone wanting a PL... (I was on a stalker...wth????) Anyway. I send him a message back.."I don't really do that but send a tell to Satanic Hamster. He really likes to do that kind of thing." -- The yowl that went up in VF chat was hilarious and then the accusations towards Voo and Kong made it even more amusing.

Then there was the whole first run of Isolators on the red side and getting to 50 first. Of course I cheated. It was worth running a few extra missions each week to listen to the caterwaulings of Voo throughout the last half of the run. In fact, I think it did some permanent damage. To this day he still refers to me as Tonto (the name of the toon was Tonto Yoder) about a third of the time. Well, that or the fact that the toon was shirtless....

There was a time in Nerva on a stalker before people were used to the confuse that the Succubi would throw. I got hit with the confuse, spun and killed another stalker that was attacking her with me. He calls out in team chat, "What the hell hit me?" and then, "Hey, I didn't get any debt!". I didn't say a word. I got a tell from someone else on the team that saw the encounter that read, "That was the funniest ******* thing I've ever seen."

I have a fair number of stories as one would expect from over 8 years of playing this game but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment.

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.



Heh. You know, I don't think I've seen you play Tonto in a DAMN long time either.

My traps/bots mastermind was always in the habit of dropping mines, constantly. Many never went off, just popped them down defensively / nothing better to do. Was on a 3rd respec red side and my mastermind confused.... Which caused all my mines to go hostile to the team. Wiped out everyone but one person, iirc.

Since we're making confessions and since Voodoo brought it up... Back in the day, when o-zoning would cause you to be kicked from ITF/LGTF's, I dropped an o-portal in front of Voodoo's scrapper when he was in a big melee fight, tons of enemies. About four minutes later, Flux someone ended up clicking it and was kicked from the TF on the 2nd to last mission.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
What I wanted most out of the story of this game was for Rularuu to be the next threat for the incarnates we had become. The Aspects were there, the zones were there in the Shadow Shard (ready for a revamp), the whole layout was just begging to be used. I am incredibly saddened that the Rularuu will not be expanded upon further.
I don't think it was quite next, but it was definitely coming. The Dream Doctor's personal mish at the end of the Dark Astoria revamp all but confirmed that shunting the Battalion would require our characters siphoning Rularuu's power.

I, too, was really looking forward to those zones being revamped. I mentioned it in a few threads over the years, but I was really hoping the Shadow Shard would be converted into 5 zones: 1 hero-only, 1 villain-only, 1 hero-themed co-op, 1 villain-themed co-op (force heroes to support Arachnos as the lesser of two evils--because they friggin' deserved it after all that "greater good" BS that got thrust on villains), and a max level free-for-all PVP zone.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I posted this in a thread about our favorite bugs over the course of the game, but it belongs here, too.

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
OH, I just remembered an old favorite. In times past, one could form a team and start a mission, and once everyone was inside, you could disband and invite OTHER people from outside the mission. But if you'll indulge me for a bit, I have a story to tell about this...

I once held a "Create your Praetorian counterpart" event for my SG. (Side note: We used to have "field trip" events to other servers, to show others how awesome and friendly we are on Victory. This particular story takes place on the Liberty server.)

One day in September 2006, a swarm of twenty or so low-level villains trekked across Mercy Island and into Port Oakes, beating the bejeezus out of everything that crossed their path and led by Null Gulzow-Man*, Devastation X**, Stained Glass Harlot*** and Lord Ouroboros****. They (by which I mean "we") then all piled into a single mission door in batches of 6 or so, much to onlookers' curiosity.

What was actually going on is that I, as the mission owner, took the three other characters named above inside, then they manually quit the team. I then invited everyone else in, a few at a time, who in turn disbanded and joined up with the officers above. I think we ended up with three teams of 6 and a team of 5, all inside the "Stone Cold" badge mission.

We DESTROYED the Council inside. It was glorious. And everybody involved earned the badge once the mission was completed.

Afterwards, we did some more street sweeping and held a costume contest in Pocket D (I actually bought a real-life teeshirt for the contest's winner and had it shipped to him!).

For years afterwards, people would bring up that event. It was probably the most fun I've had the entire time playing, which is not a phrase to be taken lightly.

Also, our villain group nearly doubled in membership and activity as a result of the event; many of our SG members didn't have a taste for villainy until they'd been inspired to create an evil mirror universe counterpart of their primary heroes.

* Praetorian version of Chad Gulzow-Man (aka, me)
** Praetorian version of Destination X (my at-the-time girlfriend)
*** Praetorian version of Stained Glass Scarlet, aka Eric Nelson, leader of the Legion of Valor
**** Praetorian version of Palindrome, EN's best friend and right-hand man
I love the Victory community as it stands now, but at its height, nothing beat a big LoV event.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



whats funny is i started redside but after 2 years of nothing but redside i tried heroside and the FIRST thing i did making a hero character was make a character that was basically heroic version of my main lol

and yes i will always be a villain at heart (a true hero killer, unlike darrin wade or lord recluse) lol



Was hoping PennyPA was gonna come back; she left over a year ago, mainly for RL stuff but she really didn't seem to like the idea of the Freedom changes. I don't know if she ever got a chance to try them but I think as a majority, none of it detracted from the game.

Was always fun to team with her. We had many........many.......many "master of" attempts together and the sheer number of random tells I got from her always made me crack up. Way to many "God damn @#$#@$#@ Shamster!!!!!" messages to count.

I've already forgotten about most of you



If this is the confessions thread, then I admit it: I'm a fanboi.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



So far, none of you pansies seem to know what "confession" actually means........

I've already forgotten about most of you



I was overnight pvp farming under the map in WB with [redacted] one time, when a GM of some kind apparently seemed to have us figured out. A couple times in a row, I would come to the computer in the morning to find all our toons were in the hospital. Assuming someone found our super secret spot and killed us all, I shook it off and waited a few days before starting up again. As it turns out, that was halfway true. It would appear that some GM has a weird sense of humor. This mysterious character seems to have found us, but instead of punishing us with bans or whatnot, they simply brought us up to the surface of the map. And with a twist of mischief, separated all the toons out so none of them would die; essentially halting the farm for the rest of the night and confusing the hell out of us.

Dusty Trophies