333 -
.. Have you met Shamster yet? Do you know nothing?
This thread has been nothing but lulz, I'm glad we can share happy times like this again. -
I learned something about myself from all this.
Apparently, I'm a massive pessimist. Who knew. -
I really haven't played many video games since the coh news, it's like I've lost the taste for food. Not just favorite food, but all foods. It sounds weird and depressing, but I've been kind of wandering around through life recently, contemplating the mortality of things. The death of this game is like a big metaphor to the finality of life for me. Fewer and fewer things have been holding meaning for me recently. I've played very few video games and I've logged onto CoH exactly one time since the day of the announcement. I've been spending my time doing some extra stuff for work, spending more time with my wife, and dabbling a bit in my slightly secretive hobby of perler-bead sprites.
I've been working on this painting of Frosty for so long that even I think it's so ****** that I can't be bothered to finish it, and at this point, I doubt I ever will.
his arms are too long for his body and I cannot unsee it
Anyways, to answer the question..
Before the announcement, I was playing Minecraft, a little Borderlands, Diablo III for a while after it came out, Prototype, Darkness II, Magicka, Counterstrike: Global Offensive and Skyrim a tad. If my guys are feeling old school and cooperative, we might fire up a a game of Age of Empires: II, if Pwny stops complaining about how much superior its sequel is. Very recently, I modded my Wii and went crazy downloading old SNES ROMs (of games I legally owned in the 90s so IT'S LEGAL I SWEAR) that I've been slowly getting into. Just last night I may or may not have also done a similar thing with PS1 games. I plan on replaying Spyro 1-3, Wild Arms 1/2, and Final Fantasy VII-IX. That should keep me busy for a while. -
Grounded stone tank is grounded.
And no hurl boulder yet
Quote:When I was trying to get pillboxes badges on Ryxx, he would build up dom on npcs, then actually drop enough hold mag to hold me through rooted. Since there was no limit on hold durations, I would just sit there, held, forever. He couldn't do enough damage to actually kill me unless his toxic showed up (if he had grabbed one). So I'd just sit there for a couple minutes before just slow logging out. Occasionally I'd log back in many minutes later, only to find that by the time I completely loaded in, he'd already seen and held me. fml and f that kidIncredibly fun to harrass with my kat/regen while working on Isolator badge. Every once in awhile I'd bring in a mind or Ill troller and confuse him from stealth range as well. Then I'd do fly bys. But it was way more fun tossing web nades at him over and over and over.
He wasn't very nice to me though -
Quote:Haha, that's great! From the way it looks like the buffs/debuffs work, the number should be brought down significantly if IR is slotted for Jump. Also I'm pretty sure Power boost/Power build up (Clarion or maybe Ageless? whichever one has power boost) also affect jump%.
I'm still wanting to do this. -
Quote:While I cannot argue against generally, I can assure that these bonfires were definitely planted directly on top of me, at a very obvious herding point. I hold no grudges; I've trolled people quite a bit in my own time, in equally personally amusing ways.Eh. Generally I'd only bonfire people into walls/corners. Fire cages because, well, they look awesome.
This is one of my favorite parts of the internet, and probably my favorite part of the forums. Also Shamster constantly necroing the IRC thread, that always gets me chuckling. -
Also possible; I don't recall if this was before or after they fixed that. And it would have taken no range at all; we weren't that far under the map. We had to take care that the damage numbers above our heads weren't floating up through the ground above us.
Quote:It is completely possible that someone in the know was able to get under the map and tp us out. It likely wasn't wormhole, as the fire controller still had hotfeet on (unless the stun just didn't hit?). I thought it to be rather unlikely to be a player as the spot's secret was very well kept, the rarity of teleport foe being taken, and the fact that we weren't just outright killed when we were found.Sure you weren't being tp'ed or wormholed? Used to do that for farmers on occasion.
Or else the server did a /stuck on us for some reason, that's also possible I suppose.
I also remember actually being online while pvp farming once, on top of a tall building in WB. Some stalker was running around, gloating in broadcast that he was killing all the 'noob pvp farmers.' When he eventually got to us, he got up really close to us (not even hiding) and seemed to be looking for who was doing the damage or something. He was extremely surprised to quickly become knocked the **** out by the not-so-afk blaster in the group. He did not return till hours later. -
I was overnight pvp farming under the map in WB with [redacted] one time, when a GM of some kind apparently seemed to have us figured out. A couple times in a row, I would come to the computer in the morning to find all our toons were in the hospital. Assuming someone found our super secret spot and killed us all, I shook it off and waited a few days before starting up again. As it turns out, that was halfway true. It would appear that some GM has a weird sense of humor. This mysterious character seems to have found us, but instead of punishing us with bans or whatnot, they simply brought us up to the surface of the map. And with a twist of mischief, separated all the toons out so none of them would die; essentially halting the farm for the rest of the night and confusing the hell out of us.
I've always liked you anyways. 'Cept now I'm in SC?
And Shamster too. I never knew why people complained about him all the time until I ran Isos with his fire (/rad?) controller. I was trying to tank on an elec/stone brute, attempting to group the baddies up a bit so I could effectively use my aoe attacks without trudging around in poo boots. He INSISTED on fire caging everything as soon as he saw it, or throwing out a bonfire on top of me even if I did manage to group a couple of mobs together.
But other than being a jerk hackers, he's ok too. -
Quote:Possibly? That was before my time. We were on dialup in the early days of the game so we didn't start considering online games until our older brother got an apartment with broadband nearby and we could play it there.That the same one that was intro'd with PvP/arenas way back when?
As far as Warburg... wot? -
Not by any official means. There is a hill way up on monster isle somewhere with a door underneath it. If you log out on the hill, when you log in, you will walk out of the underground door. You then turn on fly, and make your way underneath the map allllll the way back over near the hospital or so. You can see the room from under there. Once you get close to it, you /stuck and it'll pop you into the room. There is no way out, so you have to obo or something out; used to have to recall friend out, but it's easier nowdays.
No, more like images that can't be posted, nor could I describe in this forum with any sort of decency. Such horribile things.
I once got into SHamster's root image dump ... thing by changing the url of one of the pictures he posted. He used to have pictures of himself and lots of ... other things ... in there. I'll just say that I was pretty sure he was a frequenter of 4chan before I got into it, but I had no doubt afterwards. *Shudder*
I've always wanted to get enough kins with inertial armor together to get a stone tank enough +jump to be able to jump in granite or rooted. Kind of a dream of mine. I don't think it would take more than about 10, but I don't have that many accounts :|