Thanks Victory




I would like to thank all the peeps that I have had the pleasure in playing with over the years (since issue 2), Thanks to all ! ! as there is too meny people to list. Victory has allways been my home for my 22 level 50's. I will miss you all

Struder 50 Regen/Broadsword Scrapper Kathy Blaze 50 Fire/Fire Brute
Raging Blue 50 Ice/Mace Tank Mrs. Killer 50 Regen/Katana Stalker
Frost face 50 Ice/Ice Blaster Raging Bane 50 All Bane
Raging Will 50 WP/SS TankDemonic-Death 50 SS/WP Brute



Yes thanks to everyone for 8 great years ,even if i had been sneaking off and cheating on you with the more popular servers lately. I'm sorry!



Heraclea was made on Christmas Day, 2004. Since then I have been continually subscribed. While my interest in the game has risen and ebbed periodically, I have never been completely absent.

City was always the good old game, the one I always thought I could come back to.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Heraclea was made on Christmas Day, 2004. Since then I have been continually subscribed. While my interest in the game has risen and ebbed periodically, I have never been completely absent.

City was always the good old game, the one I always thought I could come back to.
You and me both. No reason a game that was running a profit for its developer should have to be discontinued at all. It's not draining resources, it's adding them. Continued business logic that makes no sense.

Anyway, sorry to grouse about it again. Thanks to all as well, though I guess I'll keep saying it in all these threads that keep popping up.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Thanks Victory for taking me in. lol When I first started playing this game, I was dedicated to Guardian server. Twas the birthplace Mister Migraine afterall...

But now that I reflect on it, I don't know why I was so dedicated. Yeah I used to belong in a pretty good SG there. However, I never felt as welcomed, as I did when I came to Victory. My dedication now and posthumously will be to Victory. I came here looking for some RPers to join and instead found so many friendly faces. When I googled for a RP SG, I got MP's SG. After sending a few tells, I was sold. Since that day, I've never regretted anything. We're more than just a bunch of online gamers... we're like a little online family.



i originally started playing on victory cause thats where my friend who got me into the game started playing, soon after i started playing he quit but i maintained the sg which eventually became my sg. after 4 years of playing i got my sg base to a point which had everything possible in it so i started to dabble with the base design here and there and after 6 years i feel my base is still not completely finished as i have not yet filled every last spot with something useful or fancy looking.

the people on victory have been there for me since i started playing when i was 17, victory saw me finish high school, get a girl friend, and graduate from college. victory has also seen me through some rough times too such as breaking up with girlfriend, and one of my grandparents passing away. victory has been a second home and second family to me for the past 6 years and i would miss you all greatly.

victory to me has been about believing to achieve reaching for the stars and ending with victory no matter the dire circumstances. yesterday we received news of the most dire of circumstances and together i believe that if we stand together we all shall turn out a victory (and yes even those of you not on victory )



I've been on Victory since the game launched in 2004. Victory is more of a home to me than my actual home, and with one notable exception, the friends I've made here are better than my "real" friends.

I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with, and that I stress out and obsess over minute details (like... 11 straight MoSTF failures... >_>), but the fact that you not only accepted me but continued to invite me to badge teams and TFs even with The World's Squishiest Scrapperâ„¢.

(Side Note: How anyone could break a Kat/SR Scrapper is beyond most people; it actually took a notice from Arcanaville to get him rebalanced and rebuilt him back in i20.)

So thanks for putting up with me for that.

Eric Nelson (in game: Stained Glass Scarlet, leader of the Legion of Valor) gets a special mention. He's become like a brother to me over the years. He helped me through a bad break up a few years back, and has always been among the first to answer the call when I needed a team to get a badge. In return, I've done whatever I could to help him, which usually meant pirating his account and getting the ski slope badges and Avoids the Green Stuff on his latest birthday, but I still think he got the raw end of the deal for everything else he had to put up with.

Everyone in Global Shift and Victory Global, you guys are amazing.

Madame Pistachio in particular runs events like no one else ever could--there's a reason she's the most respected person on the Victory server. I'm sorry for the occasional headaches I've caused in the past, but know that I respect the hell out of you, am proud to have worked with you and am very, VERY grateful for the trial badges I never would have gotten without you.

AmazingMOO (@Hamster, the NON-Satanic one), you are one of the most kind-hearted people I've ever met. Even though I haven't always agreed with your point of view, I've loved reading your posts on the forums... you're always so passionate in every argument you make. Plus, you're always throwing together a Katie Hannon TF, and those are just damn fun.

Rod, you're just great. You're the closest thing I think I've ever had to a rival--despite the fact that we're always backing each other up. Always trying to scoop and/or correct each other when posting new info, cracking jokes, etc. Even while scowling at the fact that you've beaten me to the punch over something, I have always appreciated you. (Just quit backing into Arachnos Flyers during MoSTF runs, okay?)

To Valdy, Gin and Mae, I have to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Before I met you--scratch that, before Eric introduced me to you, I was only teaming with a very small group of LoV players and badgers, convinced that I was too weird and that no one else would accept me. But you guys did, with open arms. It's because of you that I went from being "that guy with lots of badges who no one ever sees," like some kind of urban legend, to "oh yeah, Chad, I know him." And earlier, when I said that Ham was one of the most kind-hearted people I've ever met? Mae, you are THE most kind-hearted. (I don't want to get into personal problems, but I hate that you've been having a rough time; no one deserves happiness more than you.)

Grey Pilgrim, though we don't see each other too often in game, it's been an honor sharing a birthday with you.

Serrate, if you're still around to see this, THANK YOU AGAIN for tanking on the MoSTF that finally earned me the badge.

To anyone else whom I haven't named personally, please don't take that as an insult. I've cherished my time on Victory far more than anyone probably should care about a video game, and everyone here has had a hand in shaping it. I thank you all, and honestly, I have no idea where I'm going to go once the lights go off in November, but I hope to see as many of you as possible again in the future.

(And yes, I will even miss SatHam. Even though teaming with him sucks--I've never needed help getting debt on my characters, dude--he's got some great "WTF" image posts on the forums. )

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
(And yes, I will even miss SatHam. Even though teaming with him sucks--I've never needed help getting debt on my characters, dude--he's got some great "WTF" image posts on the forums. )

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Thanks for all the great memories Victory. Hope to bump into some of you again some day.

My Deviant Art Page



I wasn't a very active in the forum or chat a lot on the game but I always check out the forum and read constanly the victory forum. I really apreciated all the teaming with all of you. 6 year of pure fun.

I can't belive this is truly happening!! Such a exelent game with ton of year of effort and work throw the side out of nowhere.

I will miss victory...the best there is

I want /Fire stalker. Because nothing says stealth like dumping a can of gasoline on yourself and lighting a match. -Morac



I can remember my first GM and seeing all these heros come to take down Paladin in Kings Row. The horrid grind and the push to get my first level 50 in 3 months and at the end an almost 24 hour marathon over a 2xp weekend. The kick *** teams running on rugged, and the super group that missed out on 2xp weekend to come to my wedding (yes it was a small SG)
Global Shift and Victory Global I have no words for you guys except thank you. We're all a little nutty and the amount of laughter from chats and on vent can not be replaced. The master runs, ship raids, and late night ITFs with Beer have no equal.
From Herocon to Dragon Con I've met some some awesome people and had some great times. I've had more than a few come down to NY and even one special person come from Europe to meet us and have a good time. Some people have been there through some of the best moments of my life and continue to be there and are more than just friends they are family.
It will be a sad day when the servers go dark, but I will take with me the wonderful friendships and friends that I've made in the almost 6 years I've been playing.

Where are we going and Why am I in this Handbasket?



What the hell are all of you going to post late in November?

Me. I'm starting my draft now. Maybe epic. Maybe insightful. Maybe a tribute. Maybe just scaring the **** out of all of the skeletons in the closet.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
What the hell are all of you going to post late in November?
You assume the forums are going to be here that long. Posi's not even sure they'll be here when the weekend's over.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Thanks for the too-kind words, Chad. I feel the same, brother-from-another-mother.

I'm still trying to process the suddenness of this whole thing, so for now I'll just echo everything above and leave it at that for now (or forever, if the fora come down early).

Take care and best of luck in everything, guys. I feel truly blessed to have played on THE BEST server, and with all of you.

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



I posted something similar to this in the Victory Global channel the other day:

I consider each and every one of you friends, even those of you who piss me off. I'll miss you all - except those that I'll stay connected with via other sites.

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Rod, you're just great. You're the closest thing I think I've ever had to a rival--despite the fact that we're always backing each other up. Always trying to scoop and/or correct each other when posting new info, cracking jokes, etc. Even while scowling at the fact that you've beaten me to the punch over something, I have always appreciated you.
The feeling is mutual - except for the "closest thing to a rival" bit. I tend to treat all my closest friends that way. I build my friendships off mutual competition and pissing each other off. ;D

Ryxx, Elegost, Zerlina, Eric, Gin, Matt, Mae, Hamster, Escher, Nivra, Synfoola, Angelsoul, Bug You 2, Amethyst Angel, Emerald Archer, Bold Garlic, Cozmic, Masque, the Ravencrofts, SadysCHICK, Warchicken and War-Nugget, Tife, Bug You 2, and dozens of others have made this game one that I stuck with for years, with no regrets.

Now, I've got a bucket list to work on, so stop posting all this mushy bullcrap so I can get back to punching things in the face!

(Just quit backing into Arachnos Flyers during MoSTF runs, okay?)
I did no such thing!

We were clearing the mob between the flyer's patrol and LR, and it spawned in just as someone else cleared the last enemy and I was hitting an attack.

It seems that my blasters are NOT capable of taking an Alpha Strike from Giant Monsters.

But, for you... I'll make that my New Year's resolution.

Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
You assume the forums are going to be here that long. Posi's not even sure they'll be here when the weekend's over.
I took Posi's comment to mean that the Rednames might be stripped of their Redname status/posting privileges, not that the forums would be coming down.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Ryxx, Elegost, Zerlina, Eric, Gin, Matt, Mae, Hamster, Escher, Nivra, Synfoola, Angelsoul, Bug You 2, Amethyst Angel, Emerald Archer, Bold Garlic, Cozmic, Masque, the Ravencrofts, SadysCHICK, Warchicken and War-Nugget, Tife, Bug You 2, and dozens of others have made this game one that I stuck with for years, with no regrets.
Same here, Rod. Your unique mixture of knowledge and humorous sarcasm always makes me eager to team up with you and read your comments, whether on FB, the forums, or in one of the Global Channels we are both in. Interaction with smart and funny people like you is going to be difficult to replace (probably damn near impossible).

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post

I took Posi's comment to mean that the Rednames might be stripped of their Redname status/posting privileges, not that the forums would be coming down.
That's how I took it as well. If not, oh well I guess; you'd all be spared from my dastardly plans

One sure fire way to squash opposition and dissidence is to completely cut off the mainstream path for expression.

Just look at Egypt, Korea, China, Russia and the entirety of the Middle East as examples of success............

I've already forgotten about most of you



I've always wanted to meet Voo in real life to find out if he's really as angry and crotchety as he makes out to be.

Dusty Trophies



I just wanted to thank all of the Victory community. This has been the been the most helpful, friendliest MMO community, bar none. Perhaps it's the (slightly) older community or perhaps more because of the inner hero in all of you but you all have been great! I think I'll miss the community the most. I won't call any names out but you know who you are.

Thanks for all the fun and I'll be here till the lights slowly dim. Cheers!

Global: mcmackie
Jack Chang 50 MA/REG scr | Zaphra 50 Kin/NRG def | Carbonium 50 SS/INV tank
Sorrows Tears 50 PB | Tectonic Knight 50 STN/STN tank | Vengence Cry 50 WS
Kinetrix 50 DRK/KIN Corr | Umbral Brand 50 FIR/DRK Corr | Nicky Edge 50 DB/WP Brute
All on Victory



I dont know what the hell to write... Im just gonna miss you guys.

"Damn me and my big mouth"



I already posted a version of this for my SG, but here goes:

It's surreal to be looking forward to new content one day, and hearing of the cancellation the next day.
I feel like we all had the rug pulled from under our feet. Nobody saw it coming. Not even the devs.
CoH is the only MMO that I've ever spent money on, the only game I play online; it's my stress relief, my time to get away from the real world and be a hero. I love it all. The devs are great, the community is (for the most part) a good bunch of people, but most of all --

I love Victory. I haven't been around since day 1, like some of you. But I've been playing nonstop since issue 7, and in all honesty I've never encountered a better group of players than the people on Victory.
My SG mates from LoV and FL: thanks for putting up with such a noob for all these years. (Extra special thanks to Eric, who kept all of us prestige monkeys going!)
To the folks from Global Shift, Victory Global, and Victory Badges: thank you for some truly great times. You're good people.

And yet I've never met a single one of you in person.

"Not real friends, then," some might say. Well, the hell with that.

You are all my friends. And when NCSoft pulls the plug on Victory server, I will miss you all terribly.

- Rick Toth (@Mandroid)
played 06 July 2006 - 30 Nov 2012



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
I've always wanted to meet Voo in real life to find out if he's really as angry and crotchety as he makes out to be.



werepastretirementageyetstillworkingasastockboyand havebeentwicedivorcedwiththreegrownchildrenallofwh omcan'tstandthesightofyouandtheonlyrealfriendyouev erhadsuddenlyonedaycouldnolongerstomachthethoughto fyouanddecidedtocompletelycutyououtoftheirlifewith littletonoregardandarestuckinthemiddleofnowherecon stantlyfightingrednecksleftandright........

you might get a little angry and crotchety too

Also, I work in KY and could hunt you down show up with ease

I've already forgotten about most of you



! ! <3

I've always liked you anyways. 'Cept now I'm in SC?

And Shamster too. I never knew why people complained about him all the time until I ran Isos with his fire (/rad?) controller. I was trying to tank on an elec/stone brute, attempting to group the baddies up a bit so I could effectively use my aoe attacks without trudging around in poo boots. He INSISTED on fire caging everything as soon as he saw it, or throwing out a bonfire on top of me even if I did manage to group a couple of mobs together.

But other than being a jerk hackers, he's ok too.

Dusty Trophies



I liked ham too more times that not. The interplay with voo, MG, and others was always entertaining. That and Ham's random photos.

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
! ! <3

I've always liked you anyways. 'Cept now I'm in SC?

And Shamster too. I never knew why people complained about him all the time until I ran Isos with his fire (/rad?) controller. I was trying to tank on an elec/stone brute, attempting to group the baddies up a bit so I could effectively use my aoe attacks without trudging around in poo boots. He INSISTED on fire caging everything as soon as he saw it, or throwing out a bonfire on top of me even if I did manage to group a couple of mobs together.

But other than being a jerk hackers, he's ok too.
Eh. Generally I'd only bonfire people into walls/corners. Fire cages because, well, they look awesome.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.