3998 -
Well, after far too many hours of uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, then actually adjusting my registry a bit, the verdict is that the card is dying.
Nice that I was thinking about upgrading anyway, but still. Thanks for the help.
Quote:I gave this a go before work this morning and no luck.I tried the new ones too, but they caused a few probs so I rolled back to the previous one.
You might want to try uninstalling the drivers (have the drivers that worked for you ready on your desktop). Restart your puter into safe mode and use a program called Driver Sweeper (it's free) to remove all traces of the old driver.
Driver Sweeper
Restart again and install the drivers from your desktop. If that doesn't work it might mean your card is starting to fail...artifacts in your games are always a good indication. Good luck Grey, and I hope this works for you!I dunno, the issue seems to be less quick to happen and less severe since cleaning out my card, but it still happens with the two driver setups I've had since cleaning it. I've been able to be in game for 3-4 minutes and using powers, rather than it glitching and stuttering almost right on entry.
I'll probably try Nvidia tech support, but if anyone else has more ideas, let me know. -
So... I installed the latest Nvidia drivers on my gaming rig yesterday (3.96 or something like that... I can look it up if needed) and today it is not happy. The desktop is generally okay, but on starting City of Heroes, things get glitchy when you go into character select and things start getting animated. I'll get flickering bars on the screen and sometimes the game will crash there (after blocky or disfigured images on the screen), or it will crash the game once I've loaded in on a character. I've also had two blue screens of doom when I was just on the desktop.
I assumed this was a driver issue and rolled them back. No change. I had installed the drivers via Windows and did it from Nvidia this time. I uninstalled the drivers, restarted, installed the new drivers, restarted, and had the same issues in CoH and another game I tried. Some forums out there had people talking about dust and heat issues for my symptoms, so I cleaned out my computer (it was due anyway), pulled out my card and blew it out/vacuumed it well.
I was thinking that did it for a bit when I turned it back on. The desktop was fine and City of Heroes was too, but then after a few minutes in game, the flickering and bars were back and the game crashed.
Any ideas on what I can do further? Should I install older drivers? This Tom's Hardware page suggests Nvidia drivers can have issue with 64bit systems and to try drivers from guru3d.com. Is that worth a go? Any ideas would be nice. I am thinking of getting a new card as it is, but it's be nice to have my computer working until then and I'm not sure if this is a problem with the card or something else anyway. -
Just an FYI, I've had this happen to me in game, but usually closing the store window and reopening it fixes things.
Quote:Didn't see this when I was posting earlier. I'll have to say this is yet another part of the City of Heroes community I will miss. I put together my computer with everyone's help here (I haven't replaced anything) and it's still working great. Just wanted it to go another couple years while I go through some more grad school and my wife does as well.Ah, no. The GTX 550 Ti is noticeably less powerful than the older GTX 460. Good news is at that price (it is a refurbished card) it's finally priced to be attractive when compared to the AMD HD 7770 which is a tad faster than the 550Ti.
During nVidia's 500 series era they never came out with a card that had similar performance to the GTX 460 1GB. They did eventually came out the the GTX 560 (sans Ti) which would be equivalent to a extremely overclocked GTX 460 but they charged a lot more for it while the 550Ti was initially priced just a little less but was considerably less powerful, they later cut the price. However if you have the money I would go with the GTX 650Ti.
Here is a review of the GTX 650Ti which the comparison charts include the GTX 550Ti (the blue bar is a stock clocked GTX 650Ti as are the comparison cards). The GTX 460 1GB is no longer included in their comparison charts but at the time it and the AMD HD 6850 were nearly identical in overall performance.
Power wise the GTX 460 is rated at 160 watts max, the GTX 550Ti at 116 watts and the GTX 650Ti at 110 watts. None of these cards will pose a problem with your current PSU, assuming you didn't replace the Earthwatts 500.
One concern with the 650 ti you linked to. I have a PCI Express 2.0/16. Is the 3.0/16 a different slot fit? I'm thinking it's the 16 that matches up okay, but I wanted to be sure
I was feeling a little nervous about that 450 I found, since it didn't have as good of reviews, but that was more from some issues Gigabyte seems to be having. I haven't seen similar stuff with EVGA and that's the brand I have right now, so I may try for that. Now I don't know if I should wait and see if Newegg does some more crazy Thanksgiving stuff or just get this. -
Quote:Tom's Hardware has a Graphic's Card Hierarchy Chart. It was just updated for November 2012.
The 460-256bit is one step up from the GTX550. The 460 seems to require a 450W PSU.Quote:Oddly enough the model 460 is superior to the 550. IF you still have the C2D processor and DDR2 memory I too would go no higher than 460 Nvidia and expect medium settings in most 'current' games w/ a 19" monitor at most.
Even if you had a GTX 680 or higher your current hardwares would bottleneck the cards ability to perform at its full rate.I really do wish they would come up with a numbering system that made sense for these.
And the idea with this is just to eke a couple more years out of my system before getting an entirely new one. My current system has flown great for about 4 years now, but a little more oomph would be nice to make it a little longer. Good to know what I want to limit myself to with this, though. -
Hoping I can get some help on this from more knowledgeable types. I was never able to get around to buying a new video card last year when I made this thread (provided for system specs, etc). It was suggested that I pick up a new graphics card rather than more memory for my system, and Father Xmas suggested a GeForce GTX 460.
I found something comparable to that here, but then I found a GTX 550 for mega sale on Newegg right now. The 550 seems to have a similar setup and be just a little more powerful, not to mention cheaper. Am I reading that correctly, or am I way off? I'm also wanting to make sure my power system can handle it (I can find it for the 550 but not the 460 to make sure they compare there). Is there a big difference between the two? None of the numbers I can find in Newegg's stuff seems to reference that, unless I don't know what to look for there.
Any help would be much, much appreciated! -
Quote:I approve the power 'stache pacifier! Make it so, MP!In retrospect, that IS the obvious choice...
Of course, now you have to give him a mustache pacifier. If you're gonna call him "Powerstachio," he needs to live up to the name.
And belated gratz in this thread! I know I did it elsewhere already, but I wanted to say it here, too. -
Dude... go play that Water Blaster. It is a GREAT Blast set. One of my favorites, and I say this as someone that has tried almost all of them. And yeah... I'll help you with Hybrid as well.
My Peacebringer is still working on his, and he was my second 50, he deserves that before he can't get out and around anymore.
You still playing ToR? I hope so. I've been doing the "free to 15" stuff a bit while waiting for it to go F2P, and now this NCSoft debacle makes it easier for me to check it out (can't afford/justify more than one sub). It has some decent legs for alts, more incentive than I've seen in a few other games, anyway, even if it isn't as open and freefrom as CoH is. Seriously... you can make any concept fly in CoH, and do homages to any variety of genres.
In WoW or LOTRO, you're... in that world. -
Put my guess in. Didn't notice there were so many boy guesses or I would have put in girl just to be different.
Many wishes for a safe and as uneventful a labor as, well, labor can be. -
We wouldn't have to make it to 50 on beta, just play on there for awhile. I like the idea as well... should be able to roll a Nature Affinity character... or maybe Bio Armor. Not sure which I'd do.
Evenings Eastern/Central time are always the best for me, even on weekends (that's sleepy time on the weekends!). I'd do my best to make most days, though Fridays would be bad for me, that's date night. But I could make a picture time any other night for a few minutes.
Quote:Now on the Ending:
This pretty much killed my weekend. Not really sure how to react to it. Funny how news of a game ending can fill me such with indecisiveness. Part of me wants to run a bunch of crap, have fun with characters and friends. Other part of me wants to say screw it and just play other games.Quote:I've been playing through the Night Ward missions since those are pretty much the only arcs I hadn't done yet. After that....I dunno. Sure I could level some characters, but why get more attached to them when they're gonna up and disappear on me? Maybe I'll run some MA stuff if I can seperate the 'real' stuff from the fire-farm crap. -
Quote:According to some commentor on Massively, there IS a forum cartel and while he is sad to see the game go, he's glad to see them burn.Congrats! Maybe one day you'll finally join the ranks of the non-existent Forum Cartel! *
* There is no Forum Cartel.
I've seen a few such random folk about and don't understand it, given how positive our community is overall. But I guess they didn't like that we liked the game and apparently we were all in a conspiracy to back up some terrible devs or a terrible game or... something. -
War Witch, besides the player community, the dev community is a close runner up in why I played this game so much (amongst other, myriad things clamoring for attention). I started playing right at the start and then had to quit after a year due to some real life issues. When I came back, I actually started checking the forums and paying attention to what the developers were doing and... you all stuck out in how you were dedicated and passionate about the game. BAB and Castle were posting and joking at all hours, showing that they knew and cared what we thought.
And it was early on in there that I remember a post from you, saying your co-workers were teasing you (or laughing with you, can't recall) because you would start giggling at what lines you were giving to random NPCs in zones. That made me think you all would be a great crowd to work with, and I know it made your game a lot more fun to play. Those NPC lines are... gold. I feel like I'm in the city and I matter when a passing citizen shouts even something simple, like "We love you, Swedish Fury!" Just made my day.
Now, it's a little weird when a Cimeroran citizen seems to know I stopped Maelstrom in a TPN Campus trial in a different time and dimension, but it's still nice.Games like The Old Republic get close when they have contacts from old missions mail you, thanking you for freeing them from some Hutt gangster or whatever, but it's not as fun, or impromptu. I felt like a superhero in Paragon. I'd still stop Hellions from mugging a lady in Atlas, and not just because it was fun to knock them back 100 yards or something crazy like that.
Thanks for making this game different, and wonderful, and for having such an attention to detail. It showed. -
Quote:The game must stay broken! I don't care! *covers and starts singing lalalalala!*I remember when someone had a hissy fit and left the game because an invuln. tanker could no longer have 100% resists to just about everything. (Yeah, he stayed gone, too.)
Quote:I remember when Unyielding would root you.
I remember a particularly epic mistell involving fur and chocolate syrup.
I remember all the ITFs we used to run, over and over again. Cimerora is still my favorite zone.
I will remember you all.
Hmmmm, that reminds me. I remember all the fun times on the Tanker and Kheldian forums, the AT forums I participated in most. You were a big poster on the Tank forums, and oddly enough, I didn't realize you were on Victory Server for a good long bit!
*sighs* It was recent, but I remember when Kheldians got their latest boost and then faster formshifts. *sniffs* I was wanting that for years, and it's wonderful. -
Good one, MG! Made me chuckle.
Though we all knew you'd cave someday... -
Quote:Yeah, those powers are pretty nifty and strong. I didn't play a Warshade for a long while after playing my Peacebringer, and having a Warshade on my team kept making me think a quantum or void was around... until I realized that's just how their powers sound.I remember being on the platform out side the train in Atlas when some one shifted to lobster form on a Kheld and it scared the crap out of me. I kept waiting for it to attack.
Yeah... that'd be like Fista saying he was right by complaining IOs would ruin the game (I think the earlier post was a joke). Or that enhancement diversification, etc., did. I'm sure those did for a few people, but... the game is still going and going strong.
It's like some of the commenters on various sites saying CoH's character creator is still the best (and then saying they loved the look of their characters, but not playing them). Basically a difference in style preference, I guess, since I haven't found an MMO that gets even close to how epically powerful, fast, and visceral CoH is. Heck, most comic book singleplayer games don't get it so right.
And I'm talking overall. X-Men Legends does knockback better, etc., even though CoH is pretty decent there, at least on ranged characters. -
Statesman Mo run on Grey Pilgrim. I think that's the last of the old Mo TFs he needs. Never run a Doctor Q and I still don't have time for it. Unlike most content in the game, I don't think I'm missing anything by not doing it. Fought plenty of Rularuu.
And yes, checking out most of the TFs, etc., and more Hamis. Hopefully we can get plenty more in over three months.
Carp. I wanted to see how the new SSA ends up. Hopefully Posi can fill us in on that. -
Quote:You and me both. No reason a game that was running a profit for its developer should have to be discontinued at all. It's not draining resources, it's adding them. Continued business logic that makes no sense.Heraclea was made on Christmas Day, 2004. Since then I have been continually subscribed. While my interest in the game has risen and ebbed periodically, I have never been completely absent.
City was always the good old game, the one I always thought I could come back to.
Anyway, sorry to grouse about it again. Thanks to all as well, though I guess I'll keep saying it in all these threads that keep popping up. -
I remember when Burn gave mez protection.
I remember when Burn was nerfed to the point of pointlessness by a dev team that was so angry at it for some players farming with it that they forgot it should be balanced.
I remember when Castle finally, finally made it useful again without it being overpowered... which allowed me to pick it and slot it again. Glorious. I'm not even bitter that he made the change after some Scrapper thread, even though I had been pointing out its issues for YEARS, mostly on the Tanker forums.
I remember when I came back to CoH after a year or two of not playing, and finding the Victory community (before, it was all SG, broadcast, and LFG based for me). We had some long debate about something I don't even remember, and londerwost said I was just arguing to say I had the last word (which I wasn't). So I posted a reply, saying "word." It was impossible to pass up. It's all been gravy since then, with meeting more odd and cool people and mostly fun times on the forums, channels, and in game.
I remember when CoH got a graphical upgrade and I upgraded my computer, and I was wowed by the simple beauty of objects refracting in Orobouros's pool. Wowed by seeing my shadow fall away and shrink and grow, all in time with my character Super Jumping around... something that still is only equaled by flying around Paragon as the sun sets over the sea, or makes the war walls turn to gold. Those war walls that people see as an old holdover from early MMO design, but I love because they just scream Paragon and City of Heroes. -
You can play with us until the end of November. I know I'm not the only one planning to play 'til the end. Too good of a game not too (even if it isn't perfect, it is good).
Quote:Truth. This game should have gone on for quite a few more years, and Victory really was a great community, even though we were all a little odd.ive pretty much never left victory either, been there for 6 years myself so this whole shutdown makes it feel like im being forced out of my home for unknown reasons
Oh, and I still can't believe iToc was BABs. Talked and argued with him in the Tank forums more than once, and was mesmerized by his avatar (still my favorite of all the avatars on the forums, and there are some good ones!).
Glad to see Castle around as well. Still my two favorite devs, just from talking to them a bit and appreciating their humor. Not that Hawk and Posi and Synapse and the few others in whose threads I participated weren't awesome.
Synapse and Hawk, I was most keen to check out Martial Arts for Blasters. I've been wanting it for years. The video preview of it looked amazing. I'll try to check it out on beta if they still have that going, since there's no point in waiting to enjoy it on Live. -
Hopefully we'll get Posi's "Answers" thread next week to learn some things, though you know it would have been more fun in the context of a TF or whatever.
And as for "it had to happen sometime," sure, I guess. But Everquest is still going. Cryptic has their "meh" MMOs going that they made after CoH. CoH should have kept going well past those.