[From Chant:] Farewell From Chant
The Master and almost everyone in The One were damned ****** bags. The One had Tiny C. in it for cripe's sake. TINY C!
Well anyways, King of Every Queen, aka The Master, kept trying to steal from our group one of the true legends of Victory Server, Kintrollr Girl (if you have not seen Kin play, I suggest doing so before Doomsday). Anyways Kin led him to believe he was switching groups so he could become a leader in The One. Master logged and then Kin recruited on of my toons. From that point her promoted me to leader. I then held the SG hostage. I replaced the banners that said "The-One" with one that said "Chant." I deleted their power supply that they had to get someone else to craft for them. I deleted a room for every time a person hurled an insult at me. This may sound cruel, but if you knew Master, you would know why I did it.
Had to petition the Master(bator) a few times for pulling monsters one Hamidon raids and for the use of racial slurs in broadcast.
Currently listening to Wang Chung's the Best of
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
And if Satanic Hamster is petitioning someone for being a jerk, you KNOW they have to be bad. ;D
The Master and almost everyone in The One were damned ****** bags. The One had Tiny C. in it for cripe's sake. TINY C!
Had to petition the Master(bator) a few times for pulling monsters only Hamidon raids and for the use of racial slurs in broadcast. __________________ Currently listening to Wang Chung's the Best of |
There's a line between "hating haters" and "doing petition-able actions."
And if Satanic Hamster is petitioning someone for being a jerk, you KNOW they have to be bad. ;D
Currently listening to Spacehog's the Hogyssey
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
Didn't you admit you used to pull monsters into Portal Court just a few days ago, to troll the people who were hanging out there...?
Had to petition the Master(bator) a few times for pulling monsters one Hamidon raids and for the use of racial slurs in broadcast.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Didn't you admit you used to pull monsters into Portal Court just a few days ago, to troll the people who were hanging out there...?
![]() |
Closest I've ever done was threaten to pull Rikti monkeys on broadcast to kill afk farmers on the docks of PI.
Currently listening to Our Lady Peace's Live
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
>.> <.<
Didn't you admit you used to pull monsters into Portal Court just a few days ago, to troll the people who were hanging out there...?
That was me
Dusty Trophies
You know, while I've petitioned a few people for pulling monsters to Portal Corps, at least that's generally avoidable trouble and/or just some debt. Pulling monsters onto a raid is just such a freaking massive dick move, however. That's just intentionally wasting the time of dozens of people.
Currently listening to Poe's Haunted
Currently listening to Poe's Haunted
Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.
I'm posting this on behalf of Chant. His original post can be found here.

First I would like to thank Electric-Knight for volunteering to post this in the Victory Forum for me. I am unable to post the message myself due to the fact that I did not have VIP on the right date. My fiancé, who I met on City of Heroes, bought me a PS3 and between that and graduate school I was taking a break from the game with the intention of coming back when time permitted. But with the recent news I wanted to make sure that I said a formal farewell to everyone before potentially losing that chance.
I was never a big forum person, but there are people on the forums that I did admire and befriend. I figured I would write about some of my biggest accomplishments and my biggest regrets in the game.
My biggest accomplishment had to have been meeting Snowy (aka Snowy-Blitz). I met her sometime in the beginning of 2009. I saw her several times before mostly in Costume Contests and always thought she made great costumes. I was on my main character, "Enchantress," and we expressed our appreciation for each other's style. I had been playing for about a year at that point and for the most part kept my gender a secret but for whatever reason decided to reveal the truth to her. It was not long after that the Super Group I would found would have a Teamspeak server and from that point everyone could easily tell I was a guy!
A few months later I decided to take a stab at creating my own Super Group, The Tribe of Legends. She was the first member. We both made friends in the Tribe and friends who were members of groups who were friends with us. It was not long before we started flirting. At one point, as a joke, I made a chapel for us in the Super Group base. Wasn't long after that I made the drive from South Georgia to South Florida to see her and the rest was history. By 2010 she moved up here with me and wasn't long ago that I proposed to her.
Another big accomplishment was the aforementioned Super Group. I originally started it just so I could entertain my base building obsession. Even recently I have people tell me that it is the best base they have ever seen on any server. I worked hard recruiting farmers, and yes noobs too, so I could build up prestige for the SG and build whatever the heck I wanted. I think in 9 months we were already in the Top 10 in prestige. But once we made it to that point and I had more than enough prestige, I backed off the recruiting and we pretty much became a clique of veteran players who mostly stayed in touch through our channel.
It was not long before I started to really focus on playing with the same crew. Usually this group consisted of some combination of The Milk, Kintrollr-Girl (Kin), GG (Heartless Angel, etc.), Novamaiden, Brierly (who was one of the best players I ever saw even though he did not stay long), Flux Faraday, Eagle Zone, Crazy Carl, Barettai, Slippy, Dynthorn, Ahiga, Khellar, Cosmic Thunderer and Psych Inferno among many others who would be impossible to be able to name them all at this time. Obviously Snowy and I would team a lot. We, at one point, ran TFs scheduled on a calendar for every day of the week and Rikti raids every Sunday. We talked to each other on Teamspeak and celebrated each other's good news and empathized with each other on the bad news. Several of the aforementioned people I consider true personal friends even to this day. I hope some of them are able to attend the wedding of Snowy and Chant!
Another accomplishment, and one of the fondest memories, was when our group was competing with The One. I know you are not supposed to mention stuff like this, but what are they going to do, ban me from the forums? Oh no!
Well anyways, King of Every Queen, aka The Master, kept trying to steal from our group one of the true legends of Victory Server, Kintrollr Girl (if you have not seen Kin play, I suggest doing so before Doomsday). Anyways Kin led him to believe he was switching groups so he could become a leader in The One. Master logged and then Kin recruited on of my toons. From that point her promoted me to leader. I then held the SG hostage. I replaced the banners that said "The-One" with one that said "Chant." I deleted their power supply that they had to get someone else to craft for them. I deleted a room for every time a person hurled an insult at me. This may sound cruel, but if you knew Master, you would know why I did it.
I am also proud that I never left Victory!
As for regrets, I think the thing I regret most was allowing Snowy to buy me that PS3. That infernal device caused me to take a long absence from the game to play Skyrim and such. If I had known that the game would be wiped out this November, I would have probably played more. Now I am in graduate school so it is hard to enjoy these last few months.
I regret not bring more toons to 50 than I did.
I regret not finishing that last room in the base. I deleted the old control room and was about to redo it much better (base work is never complete) but never finished it. Now when I think about finishing it, I loose motivation thinking about Doomsday (hopefully this impressive social media effort could so something, but I still feel like the base would be lost in any transition process).
I regret not building more bases. Base building was time-consuming but I was good enough that people actually paid me good influence or infamy to do their base. Instead of farming I could have done more of this.
I regret not keeping better touch with some of my friends.
I don't think I ever got all the incarnate stuff on any of my toons. I think I took off before the last update with incarnate stuff.
Well I am getting tired and this is getting long. I don't think there is a way to say everything I want to say in one message. If you wish to keep in touch, I can be reached at gh.ritchie@yahoo.com.
Thanks to all who ever shared a kind word or an exciting team with me.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan