I remember....

Agent White



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Hey, I TOLD you mother ******* that nerfing inv tankers would kill the game.
I remember when someone had a hissy fit and left the game because an invuln. tanker could no longer have 100% resists to just about everything. (Yeah, he stayed gone, too.)

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I remember when Unyielding would root you.

I remember a particularly epic mistell involving fur and chocolate syrup.

I remember all the ITFs we used to run, over and over again. Cimerora is still my favorite zone.

I will remember you all.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
I remember when someone had a hissy fit and left the game because an invuln. tanker could no longer have 100% resists to just about everything. (Yeah, he stayed gone, too.)
The game must stay broken! I don't care! *covers and starts singing lalalalala!*

Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
I remember when Unyielding would root you.

I remember a particularly epic mistell involving fur and chocolate syrup.

I remember all the ITFs we used to run, over and over again. Cimerora is still my favorite zone.

I will remember you all.
Ha. I remember seeing an Invul in action with a rooted Unyielding. I was jealous of all the damage they were soaking up that my Fiery Aura Tank couldn't, and not thinking about how annoying being rooted must be.

Hmmmm, that reminds me. I remember all the fun times on the Tanker and Kheldian forums, the AT forums I participated in most. You were a big poster on the Tank forums, and oddly enough, I didn't realize you were on Victory Server for a good long bit!

*sighs* It was recent, but I remember when Kheldians got their latest boost and then faster formshifts. *sniffs* I was wanting that for years, and it's wonderful.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



It was a great time with you all and thanks for letting me be part of the Victory Channel. Going to miss you.

And R.I.P. Eurocore, so many great people in that SG.
I was proud to be an officer.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Hey, I TOLD you mother ******* that nerfing inv tankers would kill the game.
..and that global defense nerf was pretty annoying.

What still pisses me off to this day is travel suppression, it pisses me off here and it pisses me off in the other two super hero games out there, stupid travel suppression!

Don't mess with Texas!



I remember Matches talking out of every car, truck, and box in this game.

I remember Knives of Artemis caltrops icons stretching a mile across the screen, and I remember the screenshots of Eyedevil walking into them and dying instantly.

I remember Celtic, and his adorably creepy obsession with Manticore. (I even started an MA arc about that, but never actually finished it.)

I remember dancing around Ms. Liberty when my friends hit 50. Every character of mine went back to her to train that last level.

I remember City of Blasters and the smoke grenade nerf.

I remember getting hover and immediately flying up the tallest building I could find. Very slowly. And then immediately shutting off hover and diving off the roof.

I remember the first time I saw somebody's leftover Malta ambush when I was like 15 in Steel Canyon, and suicide diving them just to see what would happen.

I remember the Rularuu invasion, and staring in awe at these floating eyeballs and storm elementals on my little lowbie blaster (Thess, in fact).

I remember the music. So much awesome music. Atlas Park as you approached Ms. Liberty/zoned in from the tutorial, Blyde Square, I'm totally forgetting others but damn I loved the music in this game.

I remember my buddy making Two Tons of Fun the fire/ss tanker, so we all made Tons characters too. Half Ton of Fun, Uncle Tons, Fan of Tons, Son of Tons (mine, and the only male character I've ever made).

I remember old Hami raids and being on the taunt team with my empath, and yelling at Hank over Vent when he'd alt-tab out and target off Hami.

I remember heal farms with DC.

I remember Voodoo helping me get Thess to 50, finally, long after my other friends had quit and I figured she'd never get there. It's also thanks to him that I have my one and (currently) only villain 50. And my obsession with controllers.

I remember Victory over Triumph, also thanks to Voo, which was responsible for my favorite, most fun character to play (besides Thessalia, of course, just out of sheer nostalgia): Alecto Nox, my ill/kin troller. Transferring her to Victory was the best thing I ever did for her. I'm just sad that I waited so long to transfer my mastermind, only did it last week finally.

I remember meeting people and making friends who would change my life. Because this has been so much more than just a game. It and the people in it got me through some vey dark times in my life, and I will be forever grateful. The characters I made in it have come to mean so much to me, and I will carry them with me forever. I don't know why I'm surprised that I got so very attached to them, but I did. I guess this being my first MMO had something to do with that. It just won't be the same without the ability to log in and go flying through the city on them...but it is what it is. And I have three months to enjoy every last bit of it.

Long live Paragon City.

I'm just a holy fool, oh baby it's so cruel

Thessalia, by Darkchildx2k



I had kind of a depression when after I got my first 50. I was kinda at a loss as to what to do. It (wrongly) felt like I had beaten the game.

Now that some time has passed and the shock is wearing off I don't feel quite as bad as I did Friday. Hope every one else is coming to grips with this as well.

Something witty and profound



Since I started under Issue 15, i think i remember most everything! Mostly I remember people, strangers, being incredibly kind, helpful, and just giving me INF and items, unasked for, why? simply because I was new to the game! It made such a good impression, that I've always tried to help the new(er) player by passing the goodwill along.

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



((As I write this, only Careless Whisper plays in my mind))

I started playing with my brothers Matt @Soupor and Wes @Elegost in late 2005 on Guardian; we all shared two accounts, and I ended up buying my own in August of 2006. We palled around with my buddy Jeremy @Brin Ohmsford for quite some time. Nobody knew me by my original global, which I changed to Ryxx after I rolled him the next January and got him up a few levels, realizing that he was iconic enough to become my new persona. I leveled Ryxx to 50 in my first semester of college with Ele playing on dialup back home on an earth/sonic controller, Demon Duster, even though I pleaded him to roll earth/kin, he refused, condemning me to a very slow stone tank career. With him being on dial-up, we couldn't play with more than one or two other people, usually @Liteon/@Chan or @Kickbot 2.1, without him lagging out. After about 35 or so, his earth powers got to the point that his drops would lag him out, so we had to switch to playing Elegost with me. We hit 50 one day apart.

After about a year of playing (and the parents getting a sprint air card for much faster internet back home) Elegost and I started running RWZ raids after they revamped the zone, which was when we first started getting popular. We brought some new players and friends into our supergroup, @Fyreknight, @Club Bouncer - @Pwnsaucier, @Violet Dark, @Speed Trap, @Summer Heat, @Centralizer, @Raging Nova - @Major Patriot, @Chrysalis, and started playing regularly with a few others who refused to leave their own SGs - @Cozmic, @Masque of Red Death (whom I meet much earlier at a Lusca killing when we healed together), @Blitz Auggen, @The Norm, @Waspie, @Bluejay and @Roderick.

We eventually hooked up and coalition'd with another group of great people, the Intrepid Warriors, who also had their own vent and global channel. I remember both MPs, Flux, Escher, DC, Vanum, Chumly, Enigma Black, Vhassen - Valdy (as Elegost dubbed him), Horatus, Fista, and many other fantastic people that I met there.

After I got 2 or 3 50s, Masque helped get me into farming, and he and Blitz helped me level a fire/kin controller on a new second account I figured I'd need to PL my first. I was highly hypocritical, both being a farmer at a time when powerleveling was largely frowned upon, yet also (being temporarily banned for) pulling giant monsters onto lowbies in portal court who were waiting for free PLs. Elegost flat-out refused to farm with me for YEARS. To this day, he still hasn't rolled a single toon for the purposes of farming, while I have about 7 50s just for it. He also HATES playing kinetics, and only has one such toon - a grav/kin that I rolled on his account (and PLd to 50 without his consent). Although he'd lightened up recently, usually bringing his plant/earth dom, Shambler, to whatever kind of farm I was running at the time - usually plain-old council farming.

After watching a video (I think it was PennyPA who posted it) of an STF being run in less than an hour, we decided to adopt the practice of Speed STF and make that the soul purpose of our SG, as self-proclaimed power-gamers and elitists. We became quite proficient at it, and eventually MoSTF came out and we realized we didn't seem to be getting any deaths, so we started setting for 'Master Of' with awesome successes.
Running our first QMSTF:

We ended up getting some really good run times during a period when most teams had trouble completing the TF at all. and started rolling toons specifically for the purpose of speed runs (mostly /ice defenders). I remember this time fondly; it was somewhere around i11-13. No incarnate abilities to complicate character choices, just a few IOs, team building, tactics, and as Coz would say, playing 'balls out.'

However, my dedication to the game was taking a toll on my personal relationships and my college progress, so I decided to take a break from the game for a while to get my real life back on track. After a few months, I returned to what seemed like a very different game. My SG had pretty much completely disbanded, i14 had dropped just before I took my break and I had COMPLETELY missed meow farming and other dirty leveling exploits.
I did lots of farming in this time, as most of my former allies and many of the IW crew seemed to be sparse, and PLd lots of new characters in AE (sometimes in a single day) with the Mastermind pets staying at 50 even while EXd down to level 1 exploit (fighting level 9 giant monsters, 1-50 in a few hours), bile spray not having a target cap, minesweeping, rikti monkeys, farming leuitenant custom mobs with no ranged attacks (just stand back, fire cages, and pewpew), ambush farming (particularly awesome when reactive first came out and was mega-broken in rain-type powers), and many others.

Life went on, I got married, most of my supergroup WAS my wedding party. @Pwnsaucier (or Pwny / Pony, as I called him) even flew out all the way to Kentucky from California to be there.
@Brin Ohmsford, @.Vertigo/@Soupor, @Ryxx, @Elegost, @Pwnsaucier

I started playing CoH in August 2006, sometime after i6 dropped. I was 17, a senior in high school. Now I'm 24, finished with college, and working at PMEL with the USAF. I'm married with a child on the way. Elegost started at 15, a freshman in high school, and is now 22. He's graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Physics in the spring, and going on to graduate school after that. This game means the world to us; we both grew into adults while playing it. I developed many character traits from my time in this game, leadership being the main one.

This is the only game we have that my brothers, my closest friends, and I all play, so it's how we've been spending time together across 4 different states. There have always been other games, Minecraft, LoL, WoW, MW2, CS:GO, Borderlands, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dungeons and Dragons: Online, Diablo II and III, but this has been the only one that we all play with the capacity for us to all play together at the same time. I still don't know what we're gonna do after this.

I remember QKaties with Cozmic, Heal farms with DC, badge hunting with Elegost, dueling with Nivra, trading pillboxes with Necrotech_Master, QSTFs with the Sacred Brotherhood, and PVP farming overnight with Masque. I've had countless good times and thousands of hours spent with my favorite group of people in the world. Even if I never played with the majority of you, I will miss the community, the forums, the chat channels, and the fact that any question I ever asked in VF was answered immediately, usually with multiple answers. I don't know how many times I've asked where to pay base rent redside, but I still don't remember where the **** to do that. You have all been there through some very hard and lonely times for me, and I'll never forget you.

I leave with random other things that I happen to have screenshots of:
Random character creator bug

Pocket D party

Making my first 2 bil sale

Dusty Trophies



OK, so I try not to tout my long-time veteran status. I'm going to suspend that rule for this post.

I've still got the email that activated my CoH forum account on 07-15-2003.

I've still got the email of my closed beta invite on 03-05-2004.

I've still got my "Cannonfodder is 50" post's text archived from 05-02-2005.

I've still got my Cannonfodder turns 50 demorecord.

I remember helping Curveball with his bind guide.

I remember name reservation madness, when they changed the policy during registration.

I remember being bummed because I had to work when they were shutting down the beta servers and I couldn't do the invasion they had planned. I still feel it's one of the few major events I missed out on.

I remember Hard Corps (still have my welcome email from Cosmic Titan) to Omega Corps to Legion of Victory.

I remember the sudden die-off after WoW launched. Suddenly, all the SG members weren't around as much and started to not log in at all.

I remember getting my first pop-up window saying "[Name] has invited you to join The Gentleman's Club" and thinking, 'OK, sure, why not. I can join a SG, I guess.'

I remember the movie marquee contest.

I remember the name a zone contest.

I remember the create one of the surviving eight contest.

I remember posting my ideas about global channel naming schema to the forums and sending it to the mods before i3 launched.

I remember poshyb creating the slash commands to give your henchmen inspirations for me.

I remember when they increased SG membership to 150.

I remember when they did the Prestige grant.

I've still got the CoH and CoV fansite kits.

I remember Joe Schott's Hero Planner.

I remember all the cool things that have been created to customize the game (binds, map overlays, icon fixes and overlays, SG beacons with text, CoinBGone, etc.)

I remember promising Mid's that I'd pay someone to develop a hero planner that would take into account the IO system.

I remember using PayPal to send money to Mid's, City Info Terminal and the Titan network.

I remember the costume contest where you had to dress up like your in-game hero and get a picture taken in a public place.

I remember the video contests.

I remember the CoH CCG. I remember HeroMadness. I remember that you could create your own hero and use them in the game. I remember the Father's Day where my daughter made and printed out and put into sleeves 5 of my heroes and 5 of my villains.

I remember the CoH RPG demo.

I remember the "Win a TT Gaming session with Positron" contest.

I remember creating the "Victory Badges" global chat channel the day Issue 3 launched.

I remember promoting my first mods to VB.

I remember DC asking if could rejoin VB and asking what the criteria for becoming a moderator were.

I remember getting the CoH comic in the mail.

I remember I've had to change computers twice and upgrade once because I wanted the game to run better.

I remember my joy when they finally developed LIVE character transfers. I remember budgeting myself to one transfer or one rename per week. I remember having to write down which characters were being transferred where and what order I had to do it in to make the moves possible (oh, the days of 8-12 character slots).

I remember giggling the first time I read the Ascendant phone calls.

I remember the oddness of Kill Skuls and Gone to the Americans/Jerk-Hackers both happening the same week.

I remember the Ghost Widow files that were teasers for CoV.

I remember all the CoV-beta NDA players giggling at the non-beta players when they were making speculations about Siren's Call news article.

I remember dominating in Siren's Call during pre-launch because there were no heroes connected yet.

I remember 7 tries (Sunday night at 10 pm, week after week) to get Cannonfodder MoSTF.

I remember failing the Eden trial and failing the Eden trial and failing the Eden trial until we finally were able to beat it.

I remember Kraken Hatchling farming in the AST.

I remember the desktop contest.

I remember the CoH Calendar desktops.

I remember the CoH motivational posters.

I remember teaming with people just so I could look around their base.

I remember the community's discontent that we didn't get capes at launch.

I remember how psyched everyone was for trenchcoats and wings from the Veteran Rewards Program.

I remember the first time I tried to moderate VB by silencing someone and how badly that went. I remember the evolution of the current moderation guidelines.

I still think the best videos done from CoH are: SP's Issue 12 teaser! (love the Spider-Man music), the beta Dropship take down, Word-Up, Daydream and the one SP had to remove because of music copyright issues.

I remember ShreckSilver's Hero Builder.

I remember having the theory that no one else was actually playing CoH except me and that all the "players" were just AI. I did this becuase I'd never physically met any other players of COH (except my ex, and I think she'd pretend to be in on it just to jerk my chain). I finally abandoned this theory when I finally met someone else who played 4 years after launch.

I remember getting scared when someone followed me for several miles and then pulled into the parking lot with their Big-'Ol-Truck and blocked me in. I remember feeling weirded-out when the driver told me he was St0ny from the Titan Network and was following me to ask about my plates (COH FAN).

As you can tell, I could keep going on and on and on. This game has been inhabiting my mind from 2003-2012. I'm somewhat invested.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



I remember when females had nipples.

I remember when the statue Posi stood under had.. the full monty.

I remember "Go hunt. Kill Skuls"

I remember flying for the first time.

I remember being a superhero.



One thing that I've been recalling constantly over the last few days is how I chewed out some random dude on Christmas day 2005. He was trying to find Hellions in Port Oakes for a street hunt mission, and I'd just begun to thaw from the initial shock of finding out my grandmother had passed away that morning. Anyway, I ripped into the poor dude because he kept asking over and over where the Hellions were (I'd told him twice before, and he got lost). I still feel awful about it.

That, and the day I left for my grandma's funeral, I kill-stole a Sally to get the Believer badge while there were like 3 dudes parked around her. (They didn't respond when I asked to join their team.)

I'm kind of a jerk sometimes.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
One thing that I've been recalling constantly over the last few days is how I chewed out some random dude on Christmas day 2005. He was trying to find Hellions in Port Oakes for a street hunt mission, and I'd just begun to thaw from the initial shock of finding out my grandmother had passed away that morning. Anyway, I ripped into the poor dude because he kept asking over and over where the Hellions were (I'd told him twice before, and he got lost). I still feel awful about it.

That, and the day I left for my grandma's funeral, I kill-stole a Sally to get the Believer badge while there were like 3 dudes parked around her. (They didn't respond when I asked to join their team.)

I'm kind of a jerk sometimes.
Years back I was running a Sara Moore TF. Due to team make up and player skill of a few people, was going a little slower then it should. Two people were pugged into the TF off broadcast, both from the sg. One of them was a stone tank who thought he was in charge of the team because he was the only tank, kept running off and aggroing new spawns, wanted to herd Rularuu. Started getting real belligerent in chat. Kicked him from the TF. 2nd mission from the end of Sara Moore. Just after he typed, "I can do what I want. You can't kick me because you can't finish the TF without a tank."
Hamster: "Man, that guy was a dick."
Guy's sgmate: "That guy was my son."
Hamster: "Man, your son was a dick."
*kick's the other guy from the TF as well"

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



So how many times you going to repost this?

Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Oh, and:
I remember a stone tank on the 2nd to the last mission in Sara Moore TF being an *** and saying "You can't kick me, you can't finish this TF without a tank."

So I kicked him and said in teamchat, "Man, that guy was a dick." His sgmate on the team responded "That was my son." "Man, your son was a dick." Then I kicked the 2nd guy.

We finished the TF w/out a tank.
Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Years back I was running a Sara Moore TF. Due to team make up and player skill of a few people, was going a little slower then it should. Two people were pugged into the TF off broadcast, both from the sg. One of them was a stone tank who thought he was in charge of the team because he was the only tank, kept running off and aggroing new spawns, wanted to herd Rularuu. Started getting real belligerent in chat. Kicked him from the TF. 2nd mission from the end of Sara Moore. Just after he typed, "I can do what I want. You can't kick me because you can't finish the TF without a tank."
Hamster: "Man, that guy was a dick."
Guy's sgmate: "That guy was my son."
Hamster: "Man, your son was a dick."
*kick's the other guy from the TF as well"

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
So how many times you going to repost this?
Until I remember I've posted it I imagine.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



I remember why I didn't like doing the Faathim the Kind TF...it took forever!!!!

I remember when Going Rouge came out, Atlas Park was filled with less lag.

I remember when CoV came out.

I remember the old tutorial of CoV and CoH.

-Words cannot express how I fell nor pictures. I feel nothing but sadness.



I remember the debate if Isolaters red side should be called 'Jail birds'.

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster



Originally Posted by Desmodos View Post
I remember Dark Armors not stacking...

I remember 8 hour Task Forces...

I remember exemplaring SG mates to they could get a badge for a out leveled TF...only to get DCd and kicked from the TF in the final mission...

I remember losing my first respec tf when a bud and I (both sk'ed) lost our mentors and failed to survive against waves of purple enemies that I could have sworn local chatted stuff like, "NoObSaUce!" and "TK'ed in SC much?"

I remember the first time I entered the shadow shard, being mesmerized by the place. I followed the cascades from the top of the red river to the bottom and thought, "I want more mishes in this zone, and events. This is too cool."

I remember learning about E.D. (no not erectile... smack you crazy new players) the hard way when my scrapper's enhancement slotting suddenly didn't work well. I male pms'ed about it for 2 weeks then got used to the new system.

"Melt 'em like butters!"



I remember the Dark Astoria bug that made it Clear Astoria. It was cool to see, once, small and clear skied.

I remember griping about clicking 6 toggles whenever I was stunned, as well as the extra long and rooting (I think?) of the leadership toggles.
The day they left it so defensive toggles stay toggled I wanted to hug a developer. My monitor received the affection they all deserved.

I remember being afraid to stop in pvp zones, because I'd hear the pre AS noise, and die 2 hits later.

I remembered trying to figure out base building and what I was supposed to do with dozens of base salvage items. And I remember "flooding" half my base when a forums person showed how to make a "water room." It was sooo cool looking. Had waterfalls, floating objects, bridges, etc.

Someone mentioned it, but I was on the first team to successfully take out a beta Rikti invasion drop ship. I was sooooo excited. I felt like we saved real mommas and bebehs. But alas, the starving bebehs in real life continued to starve.

I'll miss you people and the shenanigans you get into.

"Melt 'em like butters!"



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Until I remember I've posted it I imagine.
I remember being online, although not on the team, when that happened. Even secondhand, that's one of the funniest moments I've seen in this whole game.

Dusty Trophies



I remember when the O-zone used to take aggro.

I remember when if you zoned out of RWZ during Lady Grey you were out of the TF (still true to this day?).

I remember fights in Ventrilo.

I remember a LGTF wasn't going so well so a couple of people dropped O-zone portals for the final AVs to take aggro. SpaceTrucker accidently clicked the portal, zoned, and was auto-kicked from TF, "Thanks a lot a$$holes!" for which he was right to be angry, but it still makes me laugh to this day, his delivery of that line was perfect.

Don't mess with Texas!



I think I was on that run. I asked if you were gonna invite the kid back and then you kicked the other guy. I was surprised. I'm not sure why.

I remember teaming with S. Hamster for the 1st time. It was on a Virgil Tarkos TF. He was on.... Dream something or other and she looked like Batgirl I thought.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by TexasLonghorne View Post
I remember when the O-zone used to take aggro.

I remember when if you zoned out of RWZ during Lady Grey you were out of the TF (still true to this day?).

I remember fights in Ventrilo.

I remember a LGTF wasn't going so well so a couple of people dropped O-zone portals for the final AVs to take aggro. SpaceTrucker accidently clicked the portal, zoned, and was auto-kicked from TF, "Thanks a lot a$$holes!" for which he was right to be angry, but it still makes me laugh to this day, his delivery of that line was perfect.
I remember Flux hitting an ozone during the LGTF while we were in the middle of a mob group and being kicked from the TF. It had nothing to do with taking aggro.

Ozone may or may not have been planted purposefully by any particular person.........but man did I laugh. And laugh. and laugh.

I was on that fateful Shard TF and asked him while he took so damn long to kick him.

I started a log of all my characters and how long they took to hit 50 around Issue 2 (I'm going to miss my Excel file ). I've never farmed for any character I have at 50 and throughout my play time, 90% of it was all solo. The Difficulty options were a godsend. With all the various changes to the game, it's kind of interesting to me the tremendous difference in time it took for various characters:

Some examples-

Kat/Regen Scrapper (Pre-Issue 2) = 388

Fire/Ice Blaster (Beta character remade for Live) = 398

Earth/Rad Troller (Issue 2 - Rolled into the First Isolator) = 267 (the majority of that was pre-Iso)

Fire/Rad Troller (Made before the great Pet nerf, hit Imps the day before those changes went in) = 240

Illusion/Empathy Troller (Issue 2 - Solo ) = 310. Pet changes ruined him for me.

Merc/Traps (Made with CoV) = 326. I slogged through that horrible AI and yet MM are still one of my favorite ATs

Energy/Energy Brute = 237 (Energy Aura SUCKED way back when)

Fastforward over the years -

Shield/Kin Brute = 60

Titan/WP Brute = 55

Dark/Dark Troller = 37

Demon/Pain MM = 56 (one of 2 Demons I made because those are damn near perfect)

By no means are those supposed to be impressive times, but being solo/non farming, and with my availability, I always found it intriguing how the times mostly got faster. Playing wasn't just easier or anything, but I also found myself having more fun with the newer sets as well.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I remember:

Coming in during Issue 12.

Running around Atlas park, looking for higher level enemies because I'd outleveled most of them.

The first time I got my *** kicked in The Hollows.

Traversing The Hollows on sprint alone.

Getting pasted on my way to missions in The Hollows (endlessly).

Taking Fly because I didn't want to sprint through The Hollows anymore.

Getting the Oro portal for the first time before I turned 20 (had just finished the Faultline arc), wondering what it was useful for and yanking it out of my tray.

All the STFs with Impyre, Jen and their crew on Protector.

Tanking Lord Recluse in an STF (successfully) when I participated in a tankless one where a Kheld assured us he could tank-and-run LR. Not sure if that says something about my skills as a player or says I'm so hopeless I automatically default to tanking.

All the anniversary events.

Trick or Treating my brains out.

My first fire/rad superteam.

Tanker Tuesdays.

Lag Hill in the ITF.

My first mothership raid.

"Sneaking" into the RWZ on a 20-something bubble defender when the zone was level locked and the mission teleporter was bugged.

My SG founder coming back after a couple months and freaking out because I was "already" 50.

Rikti invasions.

Skiing at the Chalet and teleport chains for stupid-low times.

My first Terra Volta trial.

My first, tentative missions after respec'ing for capped defense. PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!

God. So much stuff I'll remember.

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I'll always remember the very first Halloween event in PI. I was on my fire/fire tank (Catsan) and I ended up teaming with Orphan and Bobby BoMb on the beach. We were surrounded by about 8-10 Eochai and we were unkillable. We constantly tanked the GM's for about 12hrs and we just had a riot.
I also remember doing the samething during the first Winter Lord event as well but had to keep changing zones as AP just got crazily busy.
And suprised no-one has mentioned no aggro cap and non-timed Dreck mish, non-timed Shadowhunter mish and of course dumpster diving.