I remember....

Agent White



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
I was overnight pvp farming under the map in WB with [redacted] one time, when a GM of some kind apparently seemed to have us figured out. A couple times in a row, I would come to the computer in the morning to find all our toons were in the hospital. Assuming someone found our super secret spot and killed us all, I shook it off and waited a few days before starting up again. As it turns out, that was halfway true. It would appear that some GM has a weird sense of humor. This mysterious character seems to have found us, but instead of punishing us with bans or whatnot, they simply brought us up to the surface of the map. And with a twist of mischief, separated all the toons out so none of them would die; essentially halting the farm for the rest of the night and confusing the hell out of us.
Sure you weren't being tp'ed or wormholed? Used to do that for farmers on occasion.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Sure you weren't being tp'ed or wormholed? Used to do that for farmers on occasion.
It is completely possible that someone in the know was able to get under the map and tp us out. It likely wasn't wormhole, as the fire controller still had hotfeet on (unless the stun just didn't hit?). I thought it to be rather unlikely to be a player as the spot's secret was very well kept, the rarity of teleport foe being taken, and the fact that we weren't just outright killed when we were found.

Or else the server did a /stuck on us for some reason, that's also possible I suppose.

I also remember actually being online while pvp farming once, on top of a tall building in WB. Some stalker was running around, gloating in broadcast that he was killing all the 'noob pvp farmers.' When he eventually got to us, he got up really close to us (not even hiding) and seemed to be looking for who was doing the damage or something. He was extremely surprised to quickly become knocked the **** out by the not-so-afk blaster in the group. He did not return till hours later.

Dusty Trophies



Other possibility is that someone was targeting you through friends list. TP foe can have a decent range if you slot it up.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Other possibility is that someone was targeting you through friends list. TP foe can have a decent range if you slot it up.
Also possible; I don't recall if this was before or after they fixed that. And it would have taken no range at all; we weren't that far under the map. We had to take care that the damage numbers above our heads weren't floating up through the ground above us.

Dusty Trophies



"Luckily" my badger was able to get everything actually available in-game, but he had quite the adventures doing so. Numerous mostly-PuG Master of attempts that steam rolled through everything but just some random bit of missteps right near the end ruined quite a few runs. The very first LRSF master run attempt, my Scrapper bit it pretty hard where the one-shot code didn't do jack ****. After that though, he never died again. And I made sure to remind PennyPA of that every single time.

Another memorable Master badge was for Keyes Island and the No Green stuff. Several attempts and the groups I were with just couldn't do it for whatever reason (mostly the inability to watch their surroundings, watch a freaking timer, and otherwise not paying attention; this hasn't really gotten any better either). The only time I've been on a team that has gotten it was due to a fantastic bug where someone DC'd/lagged up/other wise was inaccessible to the game yet was on the map with us. The green beams AFAIK never fired off and/or when they did, had zero effect for anyone. I'm positive someone was standing in a patch but didn't do the floaty "look at me. I don't know how to watch my surroundings" animation.

The other memorable attempt at No Green stuff involved careful planning, seeing how many Icand TPs were available, steam rolling through everything, and making sure TP prompt was off. And on the first green patch landing, everyone scattered their own way and were promptly TP'd..........into the patch. Great stuff.

Something else that I felt was interesting, forum-wise, is that off and on over the years, I would get 1 to several PMs from random people saying Happy Birthday when it rolls around and I guess showed up somewhere in the forum? I always told them thank you. But not once did anyone who actually knew the real date ever did. Those are the kind of things I kind of chuckle at in every day life and remember. You might have seen that I claim to have a horrible memory, and I do in a way (numbers/dates specifically), but I actually have a literal photographic memory and all that crap is stored in the back of my mind as a visual representation. I bring this up because I will probably remember names/forum avatars and associate that with the memories/theories I might have of the various players/posters. Very odd stuff to accumulate over 8.5 years.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
I bring this up because I will probably remember names/forum avatars and associate that with the memories/theories I might have of the various players/posters. Very odd stuff to accumulate over 8.5 years.
I never did get a good avatar

Dusty Trophies



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
Also possible; I don't recall if this was before or after they fixed that. And it would have taken no range at all; we weren't that far under the map. We had to take care that the damage numbers above our heads weren't floating up through the ground above us.
By the time we were pvp io farming they had already fixed the issue of targeting people off global or server friends lists.

It was a gm, at least twice it was zwillinger, you can go back and look at your combat logs if it was a player you will see the to hit roll on wormhole but as far as we got spread it was a gm for sure.

It never really phased me though since I kept a tper logged off to move us back.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
By the time we were pvp io farming they had already fixed the issue of targeting people off global or server friends lists.

It was a gm, at least twice it was zwillinger, you can go back and look at your combat logs if it was a player you will see the to hit roll on wormhole but as far as we got spread it was a gm for sure.

It never really phased me though since I kept a tper logged off to move us back.
I found my toons moved a few times from that location too but I was never there as often as others..

Horatus - lvl 50 Fire/Elec Blaster



Who was that douchenozzle that used to hang out in RV with a Mind/Ice Dom that used to herd and confuse Longbow on heroes so they'd kill you and give you debt?

I remember consistently beating the **** out of that guy when he'd try to grief me. And I suck at PVP.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Who was that douchenozzle that used to hang out in RV with a Mind/Ice Dom that used to herd and confuse Longbow on heroes so they'd kill you and give you debt?

I remember consistently beating the **** out of that guy when he'd try to grief me. And I suck at PVP.
There's a few times that I would wormhole afk farmers in Warburg into mobs.

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Who was that douchenozzle that used to hang out in RV with a Mind/Ice Dom that used to herd and confuse Longbow on heroes so they'd kill you and give you debt?
Xadin. Very long gone since I got into pvp

Dusty Trophies



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
Xadin. Very long gone since I got into pvp
Incredibly fun to harrass with my kat/regen while working on Isolator badge. Every once in awhile I'd bring in a mind or Ill troller and confuse him from stealth range as well. Then I'd do fly bys. But it was way more fun tossing web nades at him over and over and over.

He wasn't very nice to me though

I've already forgotten about most of you



Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
Incredibly fun to harrass with my kat/regen while working on Isolator badge. Every once in awhile I'd bring in a mind or Ill troller and confuse him from stealth range as well. Then I'd do fly bys. But it was way more fun tossing web nades at him over and over and over.

He wasn't very nice to me though
When I was trying to get pillboxes badges on Ryxx, he would build up dom on npcs, then actually drop enough hold mag to hold me through rooted. Since there was no limit on hold durations, I would just sit there, held, forever. He couldn't do enough damage to actually kill me unless his toxic showed up (if he had grabbed one). So I'd just sit there for a couple minutes before just slow logging out. Occasionally I'd log back in many minutes later, only to find that by the time I completely loaded in, he'd already seen and held me. fml and f that kid

Dusty Trophies



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
Xadin. Very long gone since I got into pvp
Yeah, HIM. Seriously, **** that guy.

Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
When I was trying to get pillboxes badges on Ryxx, he would build up dom on npcs, then actually drop enough hold mag to hold me through rooted. Since there was no limit on hold durations, I would just sit there, held, forever. He couldn't do enough damage to actually kill me unless his toxic showed up (if he had grabbed one). So I'd just sit there for a couple minutes before just slow logging out. Occasionally I'd log back in many minutes later, only to find that by the time I completely loaded in, he'd already seen and held me. fml and f that kid
I did that too, only I'd wait a bit until his Domination had worn off, because he'd start spamming attacks as soon as you tried to disconnect. When he switched from holds to attacks, I'd pop a break free, fly up and Air Superiority his *** back to the ground, then pummel him into a greasy smear.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Grounded stone tank is grounded. And no hurl boulder yet

Dusty Trophies



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Yeah, HIM. Seriously, **** that guy.

I did that too, only I'd wait a bit until his Domination had worn off, because he'd start spamming attacks as soon as you tried to disconnect. When he switched from holds to attacks, I'd pop a break free, fly up and Air Superiority his *** back to the ground, then pummel him into a greasy smear.
Xadin wasn't that bad.... AHAHAHAHAHAH!

I remember using invis other on my heavy and taking it into the train station and setting it on agressive+stay. Then when he followed me in it killed him.

After that we became friends.



This sucks!

Not much else I can say except I'm going to miss you guys.

Take care of yourselves.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I remember marketeering, not the dirty kind, and earning my first Billion, after learning from the forums how to do it and not be a jerk.

I remember farming purples off the Cimeroran walls, with my Archery blaster, and marketing one purple IO at a time, and finally earning all the IOs to fully purple out Linarra, and then having enough money to feel pretty dang comfortable, and give stuff away.

I remember the astonishment when I switched from playing my sedate, cool, squishy, quiet killing machine Archery Blaster Linarra to my viscerally satisfying Dark/Fire Brute Knitefire (MORE FURY SMASH!), and then another equal shock and feeling of invulnerability when I worked up my Stone Tank.

I remember using Sandolphan’s MM keybinds from the forums to set up a really slick way to control my MM pets, and soloing from (basically) 1-50 with my MM.

[I remember getting really bored with my MM after that and haven’t played her in about 4 years.]

I remember thinking, “Wow, I’ll never be able to run an Ill/Rad like those guys” at many Hami raids (in the old, old Hami days when Pas were used as aggro magnets), then when I rolled one up, realizing they made a lot of the game trivially simple.

I remember the ITF race contests. I think my team may have won one of those, and Masque may have been on the team, or maybe Elegost and/or Ryxx; if I’m misremembering, I know we came close.

I remember a writing contest MP ran for character Bios where I used a really dark story that I had written the skeleton of long before. I think I may have won, but I think I also freaked out some of the judges.

I remember not rolling a scrapper because from all reports, it made the game too easy, and I resisted rolling a tanker because it was too survivable – and I’m glad about both those decisions, because I would have gotten spoiled.

I remember coming up with ‘ouchypants’ and using it on vent all the time.

I remember keeping the language filter ON the entire time I played since day 1, because the bleeped out words are infinitely funnier than the actual words (to me). Don’t believe me? Check this out.


Ok, maybe not exactly the same, but if that didn’t make you cry, I’ll eat my hat.

I remember rolling an Archery blaster as my first character because I liked the Silent Death concept. I am still glad to this day for choosing her as my primary.

I remember back to back speed STF/ITF/LGTF runs.

I remember clearing the rooftops after an ITF. Nearly every time. Because those bastards had our purples!!!!

I remember thinking, “[fwip.] I don’t think a [fwip.] sharpened arrow is the right [fwip.] tool for ‘Arresting’ these guys [fwip.]– they probably won’t be [fwip.]making it to a [fwip.]jail cell, ‘cause I’m pretty good [fwip.]at this… Oh well, [fwip.]omelettes, eggs. [fwip.]”

I remember that MP ran nearly all these speed runs, contests, and events. Thanks again, MP.

I remember yelling at Des (on an alt) for not staying with the plan on a TF, then realizing he was the veteran targeter for the Hami raids I always mooched on, and feeling like a real boob.

I remember learning how to AFK farm, and being glad it had taken me that long to learn it, because again, I would have been spoiled. I think Masque was the one who taught me that to begin, but then a bunch of others brought me along. I still don’t know a lot of the techniques, just some basic ones.

I remember defending the Devs a lot of the time on the forums, but being disappointed with them on a few occasions. But I really felt they did a terrific job, especially now that I’ve seen at least one other MMO, where the devs don’t have the same (apparent) philosophy.

I remember thinking, in my naivete, until 9/2/2012 (I got the news late) that I would grow old, go to a nursing home, and introduce all my old cohabiters, to this awesome way to make the days not seem so long and unending, a great game that had been around for decades... wow.

I remember all the Doomspeak:
ED will kill the game!
Villains will kill the game!
IOs will kill the game!
No more Speed Katies will kill the game!
PvP 13+ will kill the game!
Incarnates will kill the game!
All these raids will kill the game!

In the end, some perverse non-reason apparently killed the game.
Never let it be said that the players killed this game –
we gave this Mother ****** LIFE.
Now I’ m riled.

More later.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



***A quick note: I’m not giving shoutouts to active players because I have been or will be talking to you in-game.***

I remember my first ever pick-up team - we went to the Hollows, I had a blast, and I was sold on COH. Those guys are still on my Emp’s server friend list, and I don’t think I saw any of them again after that day.

I remember “modifying” a player named Red Cobra’s costume for my first scrapper, my MA/Regen namesake. (Thanks for the inspiration!)

I remember the first time I had a mission in Oranbega. It blew my mind - fifteen levels of warehouses, caves, and thugs, and then suddenly crystals, torchlit caverns, underground libraries, portals, mages, ghosts, demons! More like Oran-WHOA.

I remember discovering the Shadow Shard zones and spending entirely too much time out there soloing and exploring on my Kat/SR. There was such a pervasive sense of isolation and awe the first time I made it out to the Storm Palace that I don’t think I’ve felt since.

I remember grinding out the last few levels to 50 by grinding DE GMs with my Emp defender buddy in PI. Dec 2004 was a magical time in CoH for me: lv50, Winter Lord bonanza, frozen lakes, the promise of PvP in the future.

I remember learning about the Fighting pool for Regens from my friend Kariss, who would later quit the game in disgust over the HO nerf. I miss Centriole-slotted Head Splitter and Golden Dragonfly.

I remember being so excited at respec’ing into Tough so I could tank Infernal on my Regen, then getting two-shotted the next time I saw him because I didn’t know the last patch switched his axe’s damage type to fire.

I remember taunting Hamidon on my Regen and healing taunters on my Emp. Justice Avenger and Auger in particular- thank you for leading so many of those raids.

I remember trying out TP Foe in Talos for the first time. I dropped a bunch of Tsoo Sorcerers into an enhancement store, then stood back as a lowbie team walked in to sell and enhance up. Sorry, guys.

I vaguely remember being respectful to the Cryptic developers. Vaguely. I might have dreamed this one up.

I remember my friend quitting the game because Blizzard, the crowning jewel of Ice Blast, was such a disappointment. (He would return, but I don’t think he was wrong.)

I remember skipping classes to get on the Test server the day I4 went up. My roommate and I were on different floors of our townhouse, and we ended up spending much of the day shouting “Are you in yet?” “I can’t get in!” “I’m in!” “I disconnected!” “Screw this regen jerk ,he won’t stop running!”

I remember life before travel suppression, and how utterly soul-crushing that experience was. One of the poorest, most indefensible decisions I’ve seen in this game’s history.

I remember Whirlwind suppressing rooting and five-slotted Hurdle. Those of you who arrived too late to experience this have my condolences. (You can almost replicate this on a Kin with Inertial Reduction, Siphon Speed, and a power that causes redraw, but it’s not the same.)

I remember painfully learning which attacks were non-positional on my SR scrapper in PvP, and enjoying MoG entirely too much when it gave positional and typed defense.

I remember being the only Emp for the Lions Den’s first two Test matches. Tribute waxed us.

I remember rolling through PvP zones with a Penance team, switching sides to keep things relatively even, and the unspoken zone-wide truce that went into effect the moment a Goon set foot in the zone.

I remember the Penance crew: Krole, Demon Sorcerer, Crescent Sun, Loan, YO, Chu, Lab, Shurl, Electric Heroine, Satic, Marbs, and Sorrow (and probably someone I forgot, I’m so sorry). You guys were the reason I logged into the game every day, and I’ll never forget the experiences we had, good and not-so-good. I’ve kept tabs on a couple of you outside of the game, and I’ve seen some of you pop into the game over the last few years, never staying for long. I hope you’re all doing well.

I remember this . Yes, we all disconnected within two minutes of the start of the match, but I'm still not letting you guys forget that one.

I remember camping PvP hospitals, pulling drones to the other side of the map, TPing people out of the hospital, and even exiting a PvP zone with confuse stacked on you to see what mischief you could accomplish. Early zone PvP felt like the Wild West.

I remember the pranks of the Sitting Ducks and Tribute (warning: offensive lyrics). That Kronos stunt still cracks me up. And Satanic Hamster’s attempt to spawn multiple Kronos Titans in Bloody Bay, too. Penance brought at least one Kronos to the eventual showdown in Skyway.

I remember being so gosh darn proud of Rift and Mikey and the Lions Den gang for going out on top. No one handed them anything, and they had to rebuild from scratch after the Penance split. Rift, I loved your tournaments and can-do attitude - more than anyone, you deserve credit for giving life to Victory’s PvP community. Mikey, thanks for putting up with me, bud. We had some great Ice/Dev + Ice/Rad duels, and I still smile when I think about your DM/Invuln scrapper.

I remember largely checking out of the game from 2008 to 2010 due to my entire friends list disappearing as a result of life in general and the I13 PvP changes. I never dropped my sub and I still logged in regularly, but I rarely teamed and didn’t participate in global channels. Truth be told, I wanted the old days back, but I knew that even if the players I missed returned, I wouldn’t have time for the game.

I remember coming back in 2010 after seeing a sweet BS/Shield costume in the forums and thinking “Man, that looks cool.” Sometimes, that’s all it takes.

I remember thinking as recently as last week how amazing it was that I had become reinvested in the game over the previous two years, learning names and making new friends. Some of the players I remembered as immature had grown up, and I was surprised with how much I enjoyed just logging in and chatting every now and then. The community on Victory is something special.


I don’t know what’s going to happen to CoH in the coming months - maybe it will get shut down as planned, maybe the end will be delayed, and maybe it will resurface at some point in the future. To all the players on Victory, and even those from other servers that I butted heads with on Test, thank you for making my time with CoH so special. I’m not planning on moving to another game (I’m not an MMO player), so if you would like to keep in touch with me, leave me a message on my global @Patient V. or shoot me a PM on the forums.

Take care of yourselves.




Originally Posted by Patient_V View Post
I remember discovering the Shadow Shard zones and spending entirely too much time out there soloing and exploring on my Kat/SR. There was such a pervasive sense of isolation and awe the first time I made it out to the Storm Palace that I don’t think I’ve felt since.
Then why do you always refuse to do Shard TF's!

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
I remember getting banned for 3 days for pulling giant monsters onto lowbies (and getting them killed) for begging for PLs in Portal Court. Good times.

And Mental/Voo's secret bromance has always made me smile on the forums and in game. Truly a romantic tale of the ages.
I remember watching this and laughing myself silly. Good on ya, sir.

Leader Rank in NightShift SG and Shifted Night VG

"I'm too scatterbrained to come up with a snappy catchphrase."



Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
((As I write this, only Careless Whisper plays in my mind))

We eventually hooked up and coalition'd with another group of great people, the Intrepid Warriors, who also had their own vent and global channel. I remember both MPs, Flux, Escher, DC, Vanum, Chumly, Enigma Black, Vhassen - Valdy (as Elegost dubbed him), Horatus, Fista, and many other fantastic people that I met there.

We ended up getting some really good run times during a period when most teams had trouble completing the TF at all. and started rolling toons specifically for the purpose of speed runs (mostly /ice defenders). I remember this time fondly; it was somewhere around i11-13. No incarnate abilities to complicate character choices, just a few IOs, team building, tactics, and as Coz would say, playing 'balls out.'

Man, is that second STF shot the one where my compy crapped out as we were blowing through it?? >.<

Leader Rank in NightShift SG and Shifted Night VG

"I'm too scatterbrained to come up with a snappy catchphrase."



Originally Posted by Patient_V View Post
I remember the first time I had a mission in Oranbega. It blew my mind - fifteen levels of warehouses, caves, and thugs, and then suddenly crystals, torchlit caverns, underground libraries, portals, mages, ghosts, demons! More like Oran-WHOA.
The first time I entered an Oranbega mission, I took about a dozen screen shots! I had to stop and tab out (I played only in full screen back then), find out how to take screenshots, and then tab back in and take a bunch. I need to get those shots off my old comp...

Not related to Oranbega, but, I remember loving my BS/SR scrapper from maybe 1-20. Then hating it from 20-39 because it was so much weaker than regen (and because I didn't have the mez protection click power - I didn't realize it could easily be made perma - yeah, yeah, I got *all* the mez badges before hitting 50). I remember loving it again from 39-50 - thank you perma-elude! I got Challenge so I could taunt AV's that the tanks with their silly typed defenses and resistances couldn't handle. Then I remember hating and mothballing the guy when they took perma-elude away (i5?). Then I remember having lots of fun with him again thanks to the fairer MP making me a cheap soft capped defense build which incidentally also gave him basically unlimited endurance and made his attacks recharge crazy fast - had a blast on ITF's with him. I don't play him that often now because I like playing force multiplier AT's like defenders and corrs, but it was a good ride.



Originally Posted by Valdy View Post
Man, is that second STF shot the one where my compy crapped out as we were blowing through it?? >.<
Yup, that was the one

Dusty Trophies



I remember my 1st Frost Fire. Just amazed by the ice slides. It was just a really fun series of missions.

I remember going to Portal Corp for the 1st time and finding out you couldn't fly through the moving logo in the court yard. Seconds later I was blown away by an actual portal room. I think it was the very 1st large thing I'd seen in game.

Something witty and profound