
Ms. Paragon Universe 2011
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MazzacreJr View Post

    #3. His toon "Electric Aimz" is not a squishy it's a 3k hp having tank
    it's a tank?! The way he dies on it I thought it was a controller.
  2. I never cared enough to keep notes on people or rank via stars, although I often wondered if it would have helped with targeting people in arena matches.

    However, in lieu of another list of player notes I present you with the:

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Funny since about half of that 8 man team drafted him (PK) last league.

    Not really sure what your point was. Of everyone that was on any of the teams that were screen shotted only two players were on the team that drafted PK that isn't really "half".

    However, that is really besides the point. I think the whole reason PK got the tea bag treatment was due to his trolling broadcasts in RV, and as always no matter how big of a troll you are there will always be a bigger troll out there, and in this case this it looks like Beezy was the bigger troll.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    im not mentioned as a badger? for shame! (jk)
    Sorry Necro, Chad makes the list for having as many if not one more than beefcake. r0x makes the list for keeping his account active and only coming back for badges even though he hasn't actually played the game in years. Sadys makes the list for being neck and neck with r0x for most badges on a villain badger.

    There are a lot of great badgers on Victory- youself included but those three I think are obessive about it.
  5. This is why Victory is great
    We weren’t the “community server” but we had one of the best communities in the game period.
    We weren’t as large as Freedom but we still run ever trial/event/raid that came out.
    We weren’t the “PvP server” but some of the best PvP groups and players in the game came from our sever.
    We weren’t the “Hami Raid server” but we ran an 8 man raid.
    We weren't the "City of Villains server" but we had one of the most active villain coalitions in the game.
    We weren’t Virtue.
    We didn’t have Beefcake but we had r0x, Sadys, and Chad.
    We didn’t have Uniquedragon but we had Tiny C.
    We didn’t have Arcana but we had Sarrate.
    We weren’t known for trolling but we had DocBoy.
    We didn’t have the crazy 88’s but between 3 sgs on Victory we burnt over 400 billion influence.
    We had Satanic Hamster's random pictures.
    We had Voodoo's scorn.
    We had DC's knowlege.
    We had MP's leadership.
    Victory- We came, we saw, we kicked this game’s ***.
  6. pwnt

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Yeah, HIM. Seriously, **** that guy.

    I did that too, only I'd wait a bit until his Domination had worn off, because he'd start spamming attacks as soon as you tried to disconnect. When he switched from holds to attacks, I'd pop a break free, fly up and Air Superiority his *** back to the ground, then pummel him into a greasy smear.
    Xadin wasn't that bad.... AHAHAHAHAHAH!

    I remember using invis other on my heavy and taking it into the train station and setting it on agressive+stay. Then when he followed me in it killed him.

    After that we became friends.
  7. Unless they fixed it, you got badge credit for starting the cop trial not per sg member, but what this means is you just have to start it and not actually run the trial, and I think it was 100 times.

    I think Tife, SacBros and maybe a few other dirty cheaters got the badge this way.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
    Log my 3 for me if I can't be there?

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Any time after 9PM EST is good, but I would schedule it closer to the end date.

    As for where should we have it, I'm a fan of the traditional gather in front of Atlas in Atlas Park pose.

    The issue with AP is that those players who's main character is a villian would not be able to get into this photo.

    So really that leaves us with:

    Pocket D- Kind of crappy lighting
    Cim- Have to have access
    RV<---- My vote
    (any other PvP zone)
    Midnighters Club- too small

    So my suggestion would be RV (because it would be fun) but since no one will agree to that due to greifing reasons, I would suggest RWZ somewhere.
  9. Deez Nuts?

    Have you ever tried to write with an epi pen?
  10. No, but sometimes I get two bags of chips.

    Have you ever accidently burnt off your eyebrows?
  11. Some of these posts are really old, what the most active and popluated Super Groups on Victory?

    And, are any willing to take on a player new to the game?
  12. Have you ever kicked the switch to your surge protector at the worst possible time?
  13. "This was caused by an uninitialized variable, in this case specifically it was a structure declared locally when awarding a drop table.

    About four function calls deeper, something was using a member of that structure to determine if you were fighting something grey (no drop). Uninitialized variables can be anything, but often have tendency to be zero, which would not cause a problem (actually any positive value would not matter).

    This bug as been in since Issue 9 and was not caused by specifically by anything related to I16 (Whenever code is changed the tendencies of uninitialized variables can change). I suspect the changes made with I16 caused drop rates to be closely scrutinized. "

  14. So, the grey boxes? I've been trying to figure out why they are grey and what that means. I think that if someone tries to give you rep + (maybe -, im not sure) but they have a lower rep count then you it shows up as grey.

    Can anyone else confirm this? Or am I like way late and we already have a post about grey boxes?
  15. Thanks for the comments, I was just wondering if in the end game sonic was not as good. Seems like everyone is making fire blasters.

    I'm really enjoying this game I have not tried City of Villains yet, but I might this weekend.
  16. Hi, I also am new to the game. From the descriptions of charcters I picked a sonic/fire blaster for my 1st character, it seems fun, however I do not see many sonic blasters on the game. Am I missing something, is this a poor power choice?