Too many tankers!




Seems every team I get into at leve 1 - 15 is full of tankers. This causes me to worry that I wont find teams to group with at higher levels due to all the tankers. Having come from WoW, I don't want to go 50 levels just to be told that I can't get into a team because there are already too many tankers.

I know that sounds petty on my part, but it just makes me worry a bit that I wont find any teams later.



You're fine. One big thing about CoH is team-makeup is largely irrelevant. If teams are telling you they don't want you because you're a tank, you don't want to be on that team anyway.

If you're having fun, play it! You'll get teams regardless. Tanks can be particularly useful in the higher levels to take on Archvillains and whatnot.



It's really not an issue.

I've already forgotten about most of you



Unless you're a stalker...

Currently listening to Pat Travers Band's Crash and Burn

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
Unless you're a hamster...



As others have said, I would not worry about this at all.

As you learn the game, you'll soon discover that there is no "magical combo" for good teams as is necessary in other games. We've completed task forces made up of nothing but blasters in the past.

Teams you'll learn to avoid:

--"We can't start without a tanker."
--"We can't start without a healer."

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Thanks for the encouragement.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
A full team of Hamsters is very viable.

Also, the next picture in my account:

Currently listening to Oingo Boingo's Nothing to Fear

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



This always happens when they introduce new powers. Everyone is rolling tanks because they got claws and electric.



Originally Posted by londerwost View Post
This always happens when they introduce new powers. Everyone is rolling tanks because they got claws and electric.
Tankers just got electric melee / armor. Brutes got the claws.

I've already forgotten about most of you



The nice thing that you should remember about CoX is that even if you are all one archetype on a team, the variety of powers means that you can still have quite a range of abilities and therefore take different approaches to combat. A stone/stone tanker will fight differently than one with super strength, etc, etc.

For example, some people used to say there was no point in being a tanker if you didn't use Taunt. I don't use Taunt; and my tanker is still very cool to play.

Above all, the game is about YOU enjoying playing the character you do. People who try to tell you how to play, or that you're doing it wrong, can easily be avoided



Originally Posted by Volken View Post
Seems every team I get into at leve 1 - 15 is full of tankers....
.... I don't want to go 50 levels just to be told that I can't get into a team because there are already too many tankers...

...I know that sounds petty on my part, but it just makes me worry a bit that I wont find any teams later.
Well, I have to assume that you are playing a Tank.
If you are playing a Tank and there are nothing but Tankers, aren't you part of the problem for being unwilling to play another AT?

I'll say this.
Honestly, if I'm running a team and I have my choice about which AT's to pick to fill a team, I don't pick any Tankers or Scrappers and, if possible, I won't pick any Warshades or Peacebringers either (because they have Dwarf forms).

If you invite a character that thinks that they can get away with charging ahead and taking the agro, the player thinks that they are running the team and it is the rest of the teams duty to keep up with them.
This is not the case, this is not the only way that a team can be successful.

Would you like to chase around another character all the time?
I don't.

I play Tanks, and I don't treat the other players like that.

I've been playing a long time. I just dinged a empathy/electric defender to level 50 recently.

Recently, I joined a team as a lower level empathy/psi defender.
One of my team mates sent me a tell that they were really happy that I was on the team because they had only been on all scrapper and tanker teams lately and there just weren't many defenders around.
They proceeded to run through a Safeguard mission where I could barely keep some of them alive because they really didn't have a grip on playing the game. It was all rushing ahead, but I can understand some of that in a safeguard. I was scrambling to keep characters healed and hitting the squishes with clear mind. The mission wasn't set high and the villain was Orange. They went down quick.
Next mission they picked was one of mine, I think I was the highest level character on the team and some of the team was at least 6 levels below me. Before I can finish around of clear mind they are busting ahead. That may be okay sometimes when the team isn't ready, but these were Lost (one of the Midnighter missions), which immediately starting mezing the team. I think a couple characters fell I rezed one. I'm scrambling to keep them healed. It's nearly a full team but it was blasters, scrappers, and tankers. I am pretty sure that I told them not to rush in at that point. The next group is pulled, back, but many of the team insists on running past the pull point so far that they are not only in a middle of a group of enemy that is far enough down the hall from where the pulled enemies are that I can't reach them with my single target heal, but, I'm pretty sure, they managed to agro a second group. I get mez'd by an enemy that is on top of me in the backfield. I pop a break free and fall back and heal who I can that is in range of me while I'm still getting charged by the enemy. If I rush in, I'll fall, so I fall back and heal who I can but they are just staying there and falling and there is no way that I'm going to be able to handle the tide of enemies that are charging me since the rest of the team is falling. There is only so much end and powers only recharge so quickly. I end up heading out the door as the only character standing. While no one else even seemed to make an attempt to fall back.
A player complains that the mission is set way to high (they are 6 levels below me). I say it is set on "don't rush in".
To which one says, "no one rushed in." But that wasn't true, at least half the team had rushed in.
While I'm using Recall Friend to teleport characters back to the mission from across town at the hospital, the leader says "I'm going to find another healer".
I'm pretty miffed at that, but I want to see if anyone comes to my defense. I say "Yeah, obviously the healing is the problem".
No one says anything, even the character that said that they were so glad to finally have a Defender on their team.
Another Defender joins the team. It's a Storm defender.
I laugh to myself about this "other healer" and quit the team. O2 will do them a lot of good for healing.
The fact is, that if they had used tactics instead of rushing in like a bunch of lug nuts I could have easily kept the whole team going.
But they would rather insult the team healer then try to change their tactics.

So if you are going to complain about not having other AT's around because all you can find are Tankers and you aren't willing to play another AT, be courteous to the other ATs because you have no idea what they are going through.

I don't like rushing around chasing Tanker butt to keep them healed all the time. That is not fun. Tankers need to understand that.
Tankers are not the only PC on the team. The other characters are all PC's too.

And before someone says that it's Defenders job to keep the Tanks healed, I'll say this ... It's the Tankers job to be a part of the team as much as any other player on the team. And, Tankers, if you don't have the star, you aren't the leader.

No tanker/No Scrapper teams can be very powerful. Don't doubt for a minute that anyone needs to have a tanker or a scrapper on their team to be successful. Honestly, if you have to have one on the team to be successful, you aren't very masterful about playing this game.

Oh, btw, welcome to the City.

The dynamics are completely different here. Learning how to help other players on your team makes the whole team stronger. It's a matter of understanding the other ATs and not just assuming what they do. The best way to understand them is to play them.

I'm not trying to be harsh about this. If it comes across that way, I'm sorry. But I see it time and time again that many Tankers are about themselves and not about being part of a team.

And, yeah, that empathy/psi defender I was playing was on Victory.



Heh, I love tanks who think they're in charge of the team.
"The team has to follow me, I'm the tank."
"I respectively disagree; the team needs to follow the team leader."
"You can't make me stick with the team. Besides, you can't beat the AV without me."
"Want to bet?"

It's even funnier when you have this conversation 3.5 hours into a 4 hour task force.

Currently listening to Elmore James' the Complete Fire & Enjoy Recordings

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
A full team of Hamsters is very viable.

But look at the pic. You have a 50% survival rate. I got better odds with the H1N1 than in that group



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
wall of ridiculous text
Any poor player playing any AT is going to be bad.

Volken - Play what you like. Most people are not like Alt here and have no problems forming teams with whatever/whoever is available. Tankers are a fine AT, and are very useful throughout the game.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
Any poor player playing any AT is going to be bad.

Volken - Play what you like. Most people are not like Alt here and have no problems forming teams with whatever/whoever is available. Tankers are a fine AT, and are very useful throughout the game.
Volken - all posts are a matter of opinion. SuckerPunch has no numbers to back up his opinion of what "most" is.
And - All ATs are very useful throughout the game.



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
But look at the pic. You have a 50% survival rate. I got better odds with the H1N1 than in that group
It's "Bacon Lung."

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Volken - all posts are a matter of opinion. SuckerPunch has no numbers to back up his opinion of what "most" is.
And - All ATs are very useful throughout the game.
And you have no numbers to back up your "most tankers are about themselves" wall O'text rant. Bad players are bad players, regardless of AT.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
Volken - all posts are a matter of opinion. SuckerPunch has no numbers to back up his opinion of what "most" is.
Of course I can't "prove" that most people aren't like you, just as much as you can't prove "most" people are.

In my nearly 5 years of play I've yet to be told, or been on any team that was party to, AT snobbery*. That's anecdotal evidence to be sure, but it's a whole lot of it. If that's how you run your teams, that's fine it's your $15. But to make it seem like Volken is "part of the problem" and should cater to your specific preference (which is what that wall of text indicates), that's not fair to Volken or anyone else who wants to play an AT you disapprove of, and to make it sound like there's a ton of people playing who are picky making it difficult for any AT to find a team is disingenuous.

* Edit: Except for the idiots that do the opposite of what you say, such as "OMG we NEED a healer! / ZOMG we HAVE TO HAVE a tank". But those are weirdos of a different breed.

And - All ATs are very useful throughout the game.
This, I think, is the only pertinent thing to tell anyone asking what Volken did in his OP.



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
It's "Bacon Lung."

Currently listening to Elmore James' [i]the Complete Fire and Enjoy Recordings[/i[

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Defenestrator View Post
And you have no numbers to back up your "most tankers are about themselves" wall O'text rant. Bad players are bad players, regardless of AT.
Did I say I did?
Or did I say that every post was an opinion.

In my calculations, the percentage of "tanks are about themselves" is about 90%. And that's including the amount of time that I play my tanks.

My experiences may differ from others.

But in my opinion 90% of tankers ::
  1. think that they know how to play the game better than the other players on the team.
  2. Think they are leader regardless if they have the star or not.
  3. Won't listen to advice from another player
  4. Run blindly into combat and expect the team to follow
  5. Don't have Taunt
  6. Rush into the next group before they group the started fighting is down because it is the job of the rest of the players on the team to fight the ones that get behind the tank as they rush forward
  7. Don't try to help other characters
  8. Get upset with the "healer" if they fall in combat

and 25% of tankers :
  1. can't quit yelling "sb meh!" or "heal meh!"
  2. laugh when their teammates fall in combat
But like I said, your numbers may vary and all posts are the opinion of the poster.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
In my nearly 5 years of play I've yet to be told, or been on any team that was party to, AT snobbery*.
I can see your posts are valid because you have to insult mine in order to make your point.

I have been on teams other than the ones that I've run that are no tanker/no scrapper teams for one reason or another.

And, yeah, I've been playing 6 years.

that's not fair to Volken or anyone else who wants to play an AT you disapprove of, and to make it sound like there's a ton of people playing who are picky making it difficult for any AT to find a team is disingenuous.
I'm sorry.
Where I come from it is "fair" to be honest with someone.
Honestly, that's my opinion.

Take time to read my original post instead of glossing over it.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
Of course I can't "prove" that most people aren't like you, just as much as you can't prove "most" people are.

In my nearly 5 years of play I've yet to be told, or been on any team that was party to, AT snobbery*. That's anecdotal evidence to be sure, but it's a whole lot of it. If that's how you run your teams, that's fine it's your $15. But to make it seem like Volken is "part of the problem" and should cater to your specific preference (which is what that wall of text indicates), that's not fair to Volken or anyone else who wants to play an AT you disapprove of, and to make it sound like there's a ton of people playing who are picky making it difficult for any AT to find a team is disingenuous.

* Edit: Except for the idiots that do the opposite of what you say, such as "OMG we NEED a healer! / ZOMG we HAVE TO HAVE a tank". But those are weirdos of a different breed.

This, I think, is the only pertinent thing to tell anyone asking what Volken did in his OP.
Well said... /e clap



Welcome to Victory forums, where everyone wants their opinions to be heard at the expense of the thread.



Originally Posted by londerwost View Post
Welcome to Victory forums, where everyone wants their opinions to be heard at the expense of the thread.
Sarcastic point taken.

Why bother?

The point of the thread was about Tankers. Too many Tankers. So many tankers that the OP thought that they might not be able to find a team. My OP was about that.
I shouldn't have debated my opinion of tanks, what appears to be their behavior, and how that would effect a players ability to find a team as a tanker at any level.

My fault.
I won't discuss it or defend my points here further.
It should be perfectly clear that it is related to the OP initial post

Obviously, there are a few players that don't appreciate my posting here - regardless if I play on Victory or not and regardless if I had run into a situation that was directly related to the OP's post.

Be joyful!
You can now post the final word on this without my further interference.