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  1. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    You should realize that Voodoo is a liar.
    I don't see how that changes your feelings for me.
  2. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    If it's any consolation, Shamster is talking about you right now in VF.
    I knew he missed me.
  3. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Shrug. It's just quieter than I remember is all, it's not a condemnation.

    VF hasn't been incredibly active of a chat channel the times I've been on, but I have seen plenty of folks in there.
  4. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Some days way more than others. But it feels to me it's more fragmentation rather than emptiness. People are using more specific channels to team / chat rather than the 2 "big" channels we have.

    The new LFG channel has constant game chatter and is server-specific though.

    I was more talking about the actual server. Other than Atlas, the zones just seem completely empty.
  5. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    For the most part the global channels as always Virtue gives the best opportunity for teamage.
    Yeah, in my (albeit limited) playtime so far, Victory seems like a ghost town.
  6. SuckerPunch

    Hey gang

    Originally Posted by Thessalia View Post
    Hey Thess! Also, everyone else

    How's it going? I see Iso's is still a thing ... That is amazing to me, what an accomplishment. Anything else interesting going on on Victory? The board seems kinda dead
  7. Voodoo changed his avatar? What's next, Hamster stops griefing his teams?
  8. SuckerPunch

    Best of 2010

    Favorite Comic:

    Chew. Hands down. What a weird premise but such great execution. The writing and art is just so phenomenal every issue.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChainedBulldog View Post
    Sorry, I'm an extreme Mac noob. No idea what you're talking about.
    If you hit Command + Space, that should pop up Spotlight. Type in "Activity Monitor", and run the application that appears.

    In the list of processes there, if you still see City of Heroes, even after "closing" it, select it from the list, and then click the "Quit Process" button in the top left. That will forcefully stop the process.
  10. Pencil me in as a maybe. Probably bring a Sonic/Sonic Defender or a my Brute.
  11. Good luck, Castle! I hope you find as much and more success in the future than you did here. Your presence and work was certainly appreciated.
  12. The most confusing thing is that Voodoo changed his avatar!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    The whole mind wipe thing was ill contrived and poorly planned and the rules of how it works aren't clearly defined. Strange, Stark and Richards erased all records both public and private, yes. They also wiped the world's memory of the unmasking, but I don't recall either them or Mephisto stating that it was setup where no one could guess his ID.

    The thing that keeps people from guessing his ID is the same comic book absurdity that keeps most people from figuring out that Clark Kent is Superman, or Bruce Wayne is Batman, or Hal is GL, etc.
    I'm not arguing that it's not dumb (because it is), but I'm pretty sure that part of what all they did went beyond just removing it from the public knowledge and went so far as if people started to try to guess who Spidey was they'd always come to the wrong conclusion, unless he specifically told them. I need to find the source...

    Edit - Yeah, the "Psychic Blindspot".
  14. My (very skimpy) haul:

    Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
    dc comics
    green lantern #60 (brightest day) $2.99
    green lantern emerald warriors #5 (brightest day) $3.99

    marvel comics

    amazing spider-man #650 big $3.99
    avengers academy #7 $2.99

    atomic robo deadly art of science #2 (of 5) $3.50

    Spider-man is continuing on fairly strong. I really like his ability to create new stuff and showcase his scientific mind. However, I don't like one of the throw-away lines voicing his concern his new boss is piecing together his identity as Spider-Man. I thought with the whole stuff Doc Strange, Tony Stark, and Reed Richards did prevents anyone from discovering his identity unless he specifically tells them and/or sees him unmask. It's a non-concern and makes me worried that Dan Slott doesn't really know what he's doing. I know that's dumb but still...
  15. Dark horse comics

    conan the road of kings #1 (of 6) doug wheatley cover $3.50
    doctor solar man of atom #4 $3.50
    mighty samson #1 raymond swanland cvr $3.50
    motel art improvement service hc $19.99
    occultist #1 steve morris cover $3.50
    star wars legacy war #1 (of 6) $3.50

    dc comics

    batgirl the greatest stories ever told tp $19.99
    batman #705 $2.99
    batman and robin #18 $2.99
    batman orphans #2 (of 2) $3.99
    birds of prey #7 $2.99
    brightest day #16 $2.99
    dc comics presents batman #3 $7.99
    gen 13 #39 $2.99
    green lantern #60 (brightest day) $2.99
    green lantern emerald warriors #5 (brightest day) $3.99
    green lantern plastic man weapon mass deception #1 $4.99
    heavenly sword nariko af pi
    ides of blood #5 (of 6) $3.99
    mighty crusaders #6 (of 6) $3.99
    rebels tp vol 03 the son and the stars $17.99
    showcase presents our army at war tp vol 01 $19.99
    spirit #9 $3.99
    supergirl #59 $2.99
    superman #706 $2.99
    superman secret origin deluxe hc (res) $29.99
    tales of the green lantern corps tp vol 03 $19.99
    time masters vanishing point #5 (of 6) $3.99
    titans #30 $2.99
    twisted metal sweet tooth af pi
    victorian undead ii holmes vs dracula #2 (of 5) $3.99

    idw publishing

    angel #40 $3.99
    classics mutilated presents dread island sgn hc $24.99
    doc macabre #1 (of 3) $3.99
    dungeons and dragons #2 $3.99
    gi joe cobra ii #11 $3.99
    gi joe tp vol 04 $19.99
    iron siege #1 (of 3) $3.99
    john byrne next men #1 $3.99
    mystery society tp vol 01 $19.99
    sherlock holmes hc vol 03 $16.99
    the suicide forest #1 (of 4) $3.99
    wynonna earp yeti wars tp $17.99

    image comics

    light tp vol 01 $16.99
    proof endangered #1 $3.99
    proof tp vol 05 blue fairies $16.99
    velocity #3 (of 4) $3.99
    witchblade annual 2010 #1 tom feister cvr $4.99
    witchblade annual 2010 #1 tony shasteen cvr $4.99

    marvel comics

    amazing spider-man #650 big $3.99
    avengers academy #7 $2.99
    avengers vs pet avengers #3 (of 4) $2.99
    black panther man without fear #513 $2.99
    captain america man out of time #2 (of 5) $3.99
    chaos war #4 (of 5) $3.99
    chaos war thor #2 (of 2) $3.99
    exiles ultimate collection tp book 06 $34.99
    generation x classic tp vol 01 $24.99
    iron man legacy #9 $2.99
    iron man magazine #5 $6.99
    loki #2 (of 4) $3.99
    new mutants forever #5 (of 5) $3.99
    off handbook marvel universe a to z update #5 $3.99
    rawhide kid tp sensational seven $19.99
    strange tales 2 #3 (of 3) $4.99
    thor first thunder #4 (of 5) $3.99
    thunderbolts #151 $2.99
    tron original movie adaptation #2 (of 2) $3.99
    uncanny x-force #3 $3.99
    uncanny x-men tp birth of generation hope $16.99
    what if spider-man $3.99
    wolverine #4 $3.99
    x-campus tp $19.99
    x-factor #212 $2.99
    x-necrosha tp comics

    2000 ad pack nov 2010 $20.00
    arata the legend tp vol 04 $9.99
    atomic robo deadly art of science #2 (of 5) $3.50
    avalon warlock diaries omnibus tp $11.99
    bamboo blade tp vol 07 $11.99
    betty & veronica #251 $2.99
    black terror #12 $3.99
    charmed #4 a cvr seidman $3.50
    charmed #4 b cvr rio $3.50
    darkstalkers tp vol 02 night warriors $12.99
    darkwing duck #7 $3.99
    disease of language gn $18.99
    disneys hero squad sc vol 03 ultraheroes the ultimate $9.99
    do androids dream of electric sheep #18 (of 24) $3.99
    donald duck and friends #361 $2.99
    farscape ongoing #14 $3.99
    ga geijutsuka art design class gn vol 03 $10.99
    gft inferno #5 (of 5) $2.99
    gft presents neverland #6 (of 7) a cvr chen (res) $2.99
    gft presents neverland #6 (of 7) b cvr deshong (res) $2.99
    green hornet #11 $3.99
    grimm fairy tales #53 a cvr cummings $2.99
    grimm fairy tales #53 b cvr cacau $2.99
    grimm fairy tales box set new ed $89.99
    higurashi when they cry gn vol 10 beyond midnight arc pt 2 $11.99
    inu yasha tp vol 55 $9.99
    itsuwaribito gn vol 01 $9.99
    jack frost tp vol 04 $10.99
    judge dredd comp case files tp (s&s ed) vol 02 $19.99
    jugheads double digest #166 $3.99
    kerry and scary things hc golden sgn ed $39.99
    magus #1 (of 5) $3.99
    marion peck animal summer love hc $29.95
    mouse guard black axe #1 (of 6) $3.50
    northern guard #1 $3.99
    not love but delicious foods gn vol 01 $10.99
    olive peril gn $14.95
    ouran high school host club tp vol 15 $9.99
    patricia briggs mercy thompson moon called #3 $3.99
    simpsons comics #173 $2.99
    stan lee soldier zero #3 $3.99
    steve ditko archives hc vol 02 unexplored worlds $39.99
    street fighter legends ibuki tp vol 03 $14.99
    swans in space gn vol 03 (of 3) $8.99
    tena on s string gn vol 05 $10.99
    tick new series #7 $4.95
    yotsuba & ! Gn vol 09
  16. SuckerPunch

    Hero Builder App

    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Hmm, probably would want to make sure it mentioned "Unoffical" somewhere in the title or right at the start of the description. Only thing that might cause issues that I could see.

    The Titan Network doesn't really mention "unofficial" anywhere but they do note that it's a fansite so I guess that's the same effect.
  17. SuckerPunch

    Hero Builder App

    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    In the mean-time, your only option for mobile devices it to use a web-based planner like SuckerPunch's Online Planner. (Unfortunately, I don't believe SuckerPunch's planner is very up to date.)

    I'm working on this
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Indeed, it's a good read.
    It's a bit of a departure in tone from American Gods though (which may be a good thing given how bleak American Gods seemed to me).
    Yeah, I was expecting a similar tone to American Gods considering the shared character(s?), but so far it's been a lot more fun. Poor Fat Charlie though (thus far).
  19. I'm currently about 1/2 way through Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. I'm thoroughly enjoying it, there's a lot of good humor in this.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Comicvine has a list of all comics, i think, that question though... are comics on a 4 week or 5 week cycle? I thought it was 4, but I've heard 5...
    It really depends on the creative team doing it. There's no one answer.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
    I'm actually going to do this as a weekly thing in addition to the first look thread - I will also start posting the Soliscitations again as as welll - part of my early start of on proactive geektasticness.

    I'd really enjoy this
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
    @Kobolt: too much? Lol. Umm, 6-8 inches last night, 4 or so has fallen since 10, and we're expecting more overnight and into tomorrow. Those snow bands are picking up some lake effect as they come over.

    Aka: it sucks.
    Sounds wonderful!
  23. Nah, no one plays anymore.