New Comics Day - Post your Reviews 12-8-2010




Pretty much just Red Robin #18. 'Tis a slow week for me.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Slow week for me too. Red Robin #18, Flash #7 and New Avengers #7. Probably wont be able to get to my LCS before the weekend though.



Wow. I didn't know we did this anymore. We've lost some people who used to buy whole tons of comics each week, and with their loss so went the weekly thread.

I miss the weekly threads telling me what's happening in my favorite comics I cannot afford.



Just Flash for me this week, so I'm waiting until next week to pick up my stack. We need this thread though, thanks!



A few of my comics:

Justice League: Generation Lost #15: Captain Atom returns from a bleak possible future that would result if Max Lord manages to kill Wonder Woman. And this was after Max framed Cap for the murder of Magog and the deaths of nearly a thousand people (all really caused by Max). Cap decides to kill Max dead, but Booster gives him a big lecture to talk him out of it, insisting that Max has to go to prison AFTER Booster beats the "ever-loving @#$% out of him". The interesting part is that no one remembers Wonder Woman, except for Max, Cap, Booster, Fire and Ice. Apparently, when Max wiped out everybody's memory of him except our heroes, he also protected all of them from having their memories changed when Wonder Woman's timeline got changed (see Wonder Woman comics). Nice way to tie in the different comic titles. (Another tie-in occurred in a recent issue of Brightest Day, when we found out that Batman (Bruce) does in fact remember Max, because he was lost in time when Max mindwiped everybody.) Needless to say, Max is very frustrated that he can't find Wonder Woman, because he wants to kill her. Some surprise military guests show up at the end, and something bad happens to one of our heroes.

Flash #7: Captain Boomerang knows that he has to kill Dove (actually the vision only told him to throw the boomerang at her) to fulfill the conditions of his resurrection, but he's having some qualms about that. So he does a dumb thing and frees Reverse Flash, hoping Prof. Zoom will let him know what will happen to him if he doesn't fulfill his duty. Because, you know, Zoom is a fellow resurrectee, and he's from the future and might know about Boomy's fate. A bit of a stilted way for the writer to set Zoom loose, but it's a nice characterization story for Boomy. Say, does anyone remember that the Rogues hate Prof. Zoom? Boomy has some serious explaining to do...

R.E.B.E.L.S. #23: Vril Dox and Adam Strange get together to have everybody settle down and make peace. The Green Lantern Corps wants in on that, led by John Stewart. More to the point, the Corps wants everybody to remember who the SENIOR law enforcement agency is: the Corps, not Dox and company. But wait, some terrorists are going to blow up a sun with a black hole bomb! What coincidental timing! Can the sector's disgraced rookie Green Lanterns stop the bomb in time, or will they have to lose face and call on Dox for help? Could Dox have arranged the whole thing? He wouldn't be so amoral as to do something like that, would he? (It is kind of fun to read a series that features a domineering, amoral jerk.) Don't underestimate those GLs. By the way, Starro is back.



Slow week for me only one book in my comic box at the comic shop, the latest issue of Thor, but I haven't read or picked it up yet.

Confirmed altaholic with 70+ alts in coh and cov...yes i know thats alot! Playing coh since beta test phase.



Reviews for Flash and JL: GL were already posted above, but I will add that the "theme" of the Capt. Boomerang spotlight on his life story seems to be one of karma. In other words, what you do comes back to you. Kinda clever in a way, I thought. Y'know... like a boomerang?


Booster Gold #39 - Booster seems to be having problems with finally letting go of his old pal Ted (Blue Beetle) Kord again after their wacky adventures together in the past during the last few issues. Skeets tries to counsel him, and they run across some dumb kid trying (very poorly) to get in on the whole vigilante hero scene in Ted's old hometown.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



YAY it's back!

The preview stuff for the New Avenger's comic made me lol. I like Bendis because you can clearly see that people like Iron Fist, Luke & Jessica Cage are his favorite characters but he doesn't Mary Sue them like Fraction does with Cyclops.

Also looking at the Black Panther: The Man Without Fear. So if he's taking over doing the street-level stuff in Hell's Kitchen, is he still with Storm? I know they are still married but do they have plans on using her within the comic? Cause most of the rogues gallery that DareDevil went up against wouldn't really stand a chance against someone who can just summon up a hurricane I'd think.



I don't know all the stuff that is coming out... so i can't comment. But if Superboy and Red Robin are coming out...that's at least something even though I won't be reading Superboy for a while... hopefully the other 10 titles don't all come out the same week >.>



No one got Fables #100?

For shame.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
No one got Fables #100?

For shame.
I really need to shift away from supers for a little while. Marvel seems pretty devoid of quality these days, leaving DC to pick up all the slack. Fables has always been one of those things that I want to start at the beginning on, which is why I never start it at all.



Originally Posted by LunarKnight View Post
I really need to shift away from supers for a little while. Marvel seems pretty devoid of quality these days, leaving DC to pick up all the slack. Fables has always been one of those things that I want to start at the beginning on, which is why I never start it at all.
You have to start at the beginning. Just don't be put off by the very mediocre first volume. It gets ridiculously good after that.



I'm actually going to do this as a weekly thing in addition to the first look thread - I will also start posting the Soliscitations again as as welll - part of my early start of on proactive geektasticness.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I didn't care for that, so dropped it.
March of the Wooden Soldiers and Homelands are particularly awesome.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



I don't even remember most of my books this week, but I can say:

New Avengers: Bendis you magnificent *******. Squirrel Girl is the Cage family nanny.

and Generation Lost's Maxwell Lord does not appreciate irony

are my two 'At least comic books are still funny on occasion' picks of the week.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
I don't even remember most of my books this week, but I can say:

New Avengers: Bendis you magnificent *******. Squirrel Girl is the Cage family nanny.

and Generation Lost's Maxwell Lord does not appreciate irony

are my two 'At least comic books are still funny on occasion' picks of the week.
Yeah, I really laughed at NA #7. I still love the book, I gave up on the main Avengers title. It was just... too bad- but New and Secret Avengers still are good enough. I also enjoyed the little awkwardness between Wolverine and Squirrel.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
I'm actually going to do this as a weekly thing in addition to the first look thread - I will also start posting the Soliscitations again as as welll - part of my early start of on proactive geektasticness.

I'd really enjoy this



Comicvine has a list of all comics, i think, that released on a particular day... the preview that is linked does not list any where near a complete list...

question though... are comics on a 4 week or 5 week cycle? I thought it was 4, but I've heard 5...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Comicvine has a list of all comics, i think, that question though... are comics on a 4 week or 5 week cycle? I thought it was 4, but I've heard 5...
It really depends on the creative team doing it. There's no one answer.



Originally Posted by SuckerPunch View Post
No one got Fables #100?
I did. Good fight issue.

I picked up Fables in mid-stream about two years ago, and it's an okay comic, but isn't exactly to my tastes. I keep reading it because it really is beautiful, but I haven't gotten attached to any of the characters.

In other news, Marvel's _Chaos War_ continues, with the God Squad facing off against the incarnation of chaos, Mikaboshi. The Chaos King assimilates anything he conquers, and he's already taken over all the underworlds -- Pluto, Hel, Hell, Nightmare, etc. That means he's reanimating dead characters and sending them against our heroes.

However, some force (as yet unexplained) is also ressurrecting dead heros and sending them in as backup. So far we have seen the ressurrection of most of Alpha Flight, a few X-Men (Banshee and Thunderbird), and a whole lot of dead Avengers (Yellowjacket, Vision, and Captain Marvel, among others). Whether these reanimated heroes will continue to live once the Chaos War is over, nobody yet knows.
Also, Thor died in the comic and then was reborn. He'll probably stick around.

A lot of Marvel's godlike background characters have died, including Nightmare, Satan, most of Zenn-La, and the Impossible Man.

This event is Marvel's version of _Blackest Night_, and it's going to re-configure the cosmic landscape of the Marvel universe. Assuming they don't reset everything to the way it was beforehand, which would be an incredible cop-out. No sign that's going to happen, though -- I think they want to use this event to retcon the universe.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.