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  1. My problems with the first one were: How bad Ghost Rider looked and the plot. I actually found Cage to be the most entertaining part of the movie.

    They fixed the Ghost Rider issue so let's hope they did the same with the story and it's a winner to me.
  2. This looks like fun, if I'm around on those days I'd love to give them a shot.

    Thanks for organizing this aanyways, guys!
  3. *looks at Clone Wars episode*

    Sounds like the first episode will be the adult episode and they'll offset it with child-orientated JarJar antics for the second.
  4. Let's go to Earth Nappa.

  5. I have no idea how well i did level wise but I just wanted to say I had a lotta fun teaming with old friends and random puggles all weekend!
  6. Talia_Rayvyn

    Looking for sg

    If you're looking for a large, organized SG you should look into a group like the Tempest Legion, Legends of Justice, the Bots, Cai and his Howling Commandos, etc.

    If you're looking for a smaller SG, well there's tons, so you'd just need to window shop and see which one fits what you're looking for.

    You could also join a public global channel, like Justice For All, as you can get the same kind of social interaction, training and opportunities to team from them.
  7. Talia_Rayvyn

    Bad news

    Awwwww, my condolences LSK
  8. Best news of the week for me!

    Thanks Chrome!
  9. mMMmMmMm Jason Momoa.

    I'm there!

    Also it looks better than Kull the Conqueror so its doing well for itself as a PG-13 action-adventure.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VdONYkKFmQ

    Years after the Titanomachy, the Titan Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) declares war on humanity. He searches for the Epirus Bow, a legendary weapon created by the war god Ares, which will allow him to free the rest of the Titans from Tartarus and take revenge on the Olympians who brought about their downfall. In accordance with ancient laws, the gods are unable to take a side in the war between Hyperion and humanity. It is left to a peasant named Theseus (Henry Cavill), chosen by Zeus (Luke Evans) and accompanied by the priestess Phaedra (Freida Pinto) and a slave (Stephen Dorff), to protect his homeland and save the gods.

    When I heard Theseus was in it the first thing that sprang to mind for me was:

    The second thing that sprang to mind was "I don't recall Theseus or Hyperion doing any of the stuff they are showing in that movie." The third thing that spang to mind was the the Nostalgia Critic's 'Frying the Coke' segment since Mickey Rourke is in it.
  11. Exciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiited!

    I'm one of the rare people that likes this series. 1 was fantastic, 2 wasn't AS good as 1 to me cause of all the language but was still entertaining so I can't wait for 3.

    I'm only disappointed they replaced Megan Fox with another mannequin actress. They should have brought her back, kept Sam single or replaced her with someone who has a purpose other than to be pretty.
  12. Ok that trailer was much better than the international one they put up last week.

    The trailers to the movie have convinced me to go watch it but I still refuse to get my hopes high for it.

    Also why wasn't it called X-Men Origins: X-Men?
  13. Talia_Rayvyn


    Uhhhh you know that is the Ultimates Spider-Man (Earth 1610) that 'died' not the Mainstream Spider-Man (Earth 616), right?

    Also it's still not clear if Spider-Man is actually dead as you can see below from the most recent comic.

    "Peter got a phone call from Mary Jane and she told him that Norman had escaped prison and will most likely come after Peters' family. A bystander pointed up to where Norman fled the scene to and Peter went to investigate the apartment above. Finding nothing there he once again headed out in search of Norman and the rest of his team of fugitives, when he spotted Captain America standing over a beaten Nick Fury and decided to intervene. Peter spotted the Punisher aiming his sniper rifle at Captain America. Not willing to see Cap die, Peter charged in to push Cap away, but got shot in the process; Peter suffered a exit wound through his left flank kidney. "

  14. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a fantastic one.

  15. Interesting, so is that implying that will be the major plot point for the Avengers movie?
  16. I <3 the Asylum.
    They are the modern day Ed Wood.
  17. The Empress is not interested in getting re-married at this time!

    I still talk to Jack on a regular basis and he is quite happy doing what he does that he is and was always the best at doing.
  18. Adorable.

    Makes you wonder though, the food dish of the dog says "Loki" and considering the child shot lightning outta the hammer while Loki is known as the trickster shapeshifter....

  19. Welcome back!

    If Lucas or Cai ask you to follow them into a van, don't do it.
  20. The things that came to mind when I watched that earlier today were:

    1: The blue/gold suits still look terrible on Xavier and Magneto but it looks really good on Banshee.

    2: I kinda like how the story was dealing with the Cuba crisis but then they show the scenes of the Hellfire Club and I'm not sure why would you need to put them in story. The US/Russia crisis is enough for an external story while you work on the Xavier/Magneto story as the internal one.

    3: The retro-look of the movie is starting to grow on me but I still don't have high hopes for this movie.

  21. From the Terminator Wiki:
    In Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Cameron told Sarah Connor that Skynet went online April 19th, 2011 and on April 21st, 2011 Judgment Day happened.

    I'll always take any excuse to put up a link of the Terminator theme, so in honor of the occasion:

    Terminator 2 Intro

    Christian Bale looks like he's ready to take up saving humanity.
  22. While I'm excited for any DC Animated Movie that comes out, the plot in Batman Begins is a loose translation of Batman: Year One isn't it? So I'd have liked to see Batgirl: Year One or maybe the Killing Joke instead.

    After looking up the JLA: Tower of Babel story arc 1: I am excited, 2: I hope either bring back the JLU or the Crisis on Two Worlds voice actors for that one.
  23. Oh! Totally missed this thread.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes, eggs, riots, boat-cakes & bacon cake!

    It was a good birthday that was followed up by me hitting the seven stages of grief that I'll be 30 next year.


    PS: Kat you need to sit down and Kadmon and discuss why those still are not cakes.